async def handle_settings(e, edit=False, msg="", submenu=None, session_id=None): # this function creates the menu # and now submenus too await handle_time_cmd() if session_id is None: session_id = time.time() db = tordb db.set_variable("SETTING_AUTH_CODE", str(session_id)) SessionVars.update_var("SETTING_AUTH_CODE", str(session_id)) menu = [ #[KeyboardButtonCallback(yes+" Allow TG Files Leech123456789-","settings data".encode("UTF-8"))], # for ref ] if submenu is None: await get_bool_variable("LOCKED_USERS", "Lock the Group", menu, "usrlock", session_id) await get_bool_variable("FORCE_DOCUMENTS", "FORCE_DOCUMENTS", menu, "fdocs", session_id) await get_bool_variable( "METAINFO_BOT", "[MetainfoRoBot]Get metadata of files in this group.", menu, "metainfo", session_id) await get_string_variable("COMPLETED_STR", menu, "compstr", session_id) await get_string_variable("REMAINING_STR", menu, "remstr", session_id) await get_int_variable("TG_UP_LIMIT", menu, "tguplimit", session_id) await get_int_variable("MAX_TORRENT_SIZE", menu, "maxtorsize", session_id) await get_int_variable("MAX_YTPLAYLIST_SIZE", menu, "maxytplsize", session_id) await get_int_variable("EDIT_SLEEP_SECS", menu, "editsleepsec", session_id) #await get_string_variable("RCLONE_CONFIG",menu,"rcloneconfig",session_id) await get_sub_menu("☁️ Open Rclone Menu ☁️", "rclonemenu", session_id, menu) await get_sub_menu("🕹️ Control Actions 🕹️", "ctrlacts", session_id, menu) menu.append([ KeyboardButtonCallback( "Close Menu", f"settings selfdest {session_id}".encode("UTF-8")) ]) if edit: rmess = await e.edit( header + "\nIts recommended to lock the group before setting vars.\n" + msg, parse_mode="html", buttons=menu, link_preview=False) else: rmess = await e.reply( header + "\nIts recommended to lock the group before setting vars.\n", parse_mode="html", buttons=menu, link_preview=False) elif submenu == "rclonemenu": rcval = await get_string_variable("RCLONE_CONFIG", menu, "rcloneconfig", session_id) if rcval != "None": # create a all drives menu if rcval == "Custom file is loaded.": db = tordb _, fdata = db.get_variable("RCLONE_CONFIG") path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "rclone.conf") # find alternative to this with open(path, "wb") as fi: fi.write(fdata) conf = configparser.ConfigParser() #menu.append([KeyboardButton("Choose a default drive from below")]) def_drive = get_val("DEF_RCLONE_DRIVE") for j in conf.sections(): prev = "" if j == def_drive: prev = yes if "team_drive" in list(conf[j]): menu.append([ KeyboardButtonCallback( f"{prev}{j} - TD", f"settings change_drive {j} {session_id}") ]) else: menu.append([ KeyboardButtonCallback( f"{prev}{j} - ND", f"settings change_drive {j} {session_id}") ]) await get_sub_menu("Go Back ⬅️", "mainmenu", session_id, menu) menu.append([ KeyboardButtonCallback( "Close Menu", f"settings selfdest {session_id}".encode("UTF-8")) ]) if edit: rmess = await e.edit( header + "\nIts recommended to lock the group before setting vars.\n" + msg, parse_mode="html", buttons=menu, link_preview=False) elif submenu == "ctrlacts": await get_bool_variable("RCLONE_ENABLED", "Enable Rclone.", menu, "rcloneenable", session_id) await get_bool_variable("LEECH_ENABLED", "Enable Leech.", menu, "leechenable", session_id) await get_bool_variable("FAST_UPLOAD", "Enable Fast Upload.(Turn off if errored)", menu, "fastupload", session_id) await get_bool_variable( "FORCE_DOCS_USER", "Not Implemented.User will choose force docs.", menu, "forcedocsuser", session_id) await get_sub_menu("Go Back ⬅️", "mainmenu", session_id, menu) menu.append([ KeyboardButtonCallback( "Close Menu", f"settings selfdest {session_id}".encode("UTF-8")) ]) if edit: rmess = await e.edit( header + "\nIts recommended to lock the group before setting vars.\n" + msg, parse_mode="html", buttons=menu, link_preview=False)
async def general_input_manager(e, mmes, var_name, datatype, value, db, sub_menu): if value is not None and not "ignore" in value: await confirm_buttons(mmes, value) conf = await get_confirm(e) if conf is not None: if conf: try: if datatype == "int": value = int(value) if datatype == "str": value = str(value) if datatype == "bool": if value.lower() == "true": value = True elif value.lower() == "false": value = False else: raise ValueError("Invalid value from bool") if var_name == "RCLONE_CONFIG": #adjust the special case try: conf = configparser.ConfigParser() for i in conf.sections(): db.set_variable("DEF_RCLONE_DRIVE", str(i)) SessionVars.update_var("DEF_RCLONE_DRIVE", str(i)) break with open(value, "rb") as fi: data = db.set_variable("RCLONE_CONFIG", 0, True, data) os.remove(value) db.set_variable("LEECH_ENABLED", True) SessionVars.update_var("LEECH_ENABLED", True) except Exception: torlog.error(traceback.format_exc()) await handle_settings( mmes, True, f"<b><u>The conf file is invalid check logs.</b></u>", sub_menu) return else: db.set_variable(var_name, value) SessionVars.update_var(var_name, value) await handle_settings( mmes, True, f"<b><u>Received {var_name} value '{value}' with confirm.</b></u>", sub_menu) except ValueError: await handle_settings( mmes, True, f"<b><u>Value [{value}] not valid try again and enter {datatype}.</b></u>", sub_menu) else: await handle_settings( mmes, True, f"<b><u>Confirm differed by user.</b></u>", sub_menu) else: await handle_settings( mmes, True, f"<b><u>Confirm timed out [waited 60s for input].</b></u>", sub_menu) else: await handle_settings( mmes, True, f"<b><u>Entry Timed out [waited 60s for input]. OR else ignored.</b></u>", sub_menu)
def get_val(variable): return SessionVars.get_var(variable)
async def handle_setting_callback(e): db = tordb session_id, _ = db.get_variable("SETTING_AUTH_CODE") data = cmd = data.split(" ") val = "" if cmd[-1] != session_id: print("Session id", session_id, " - - ", cmd[-1]) await e.answer("This Setting menu is expired.", alert=True) await e.delete() return if cmd[1] == "fdocs": await e.answer("") if cmd[2] == "true": val = True else: val = False db.set_variable("FORCE_DOCUMENTS", val) SessionVars.update_var("FORCE_DOCUMENTS", val) await handle_settings( await e.get_message(), True, f"<b><u>Changed the value to {val} of force documents.</b></u>", session_id=session_id) elif cmd[1] == "compstr": await e.answer( "Type the new value for Complete Progress String. Note that only one character is expected.", alert=True) mmes = await e.get_message() await mmes.edit(f"{mmes.raw_text}\n/ignore to go back", buttons=None) val = await get_value(e) await general_input_manager(e, mmes, "COMPLETED_STR", "str", val[0], db, None) elif cmd[1] == "remstr": # what will a general manager require # anser message, type handler, value await e.answer( "Type the new value for Remaining Progress String. Note that only one character is expected.", alert=True) mmes = await e.get_message() await mmes.edit(f"{mmes.raw_text}\n/ignore to go back", buttons=None) val = await get_value(e) await general_input_manager(e, mmes, "REMAINING_STR", "str", val[0], db, None) elif cmd[1] == "tguplimit": # what will a general manager require # anser message, type handler, value await e.answer( "Type the new value for TELEGRAM UPLOAD LIMIT. Note that integer is expected.", alert=True) mmes = await e.get_message() await mmes.edit(f"{mmes.raw_text}\n/ignore to go back", buttons=None) val = await get_value(e) await general_input_manager(e, mmes, "TG_UP_LIMIT", "int", val, db, None) elif cmd[1] == "maxtorsize": # what will a general manager require # answer message, type handler, value await e.answer( "Type the new value for MAX TORRENT SIZE. Note that integer is expected.", alert=True) mmes = await e.get_message() await mmes.edit(f"{mmes.raw_text}\n/ignore to go back", buttons=None) val = await get_value(e) await general_input_manager(e, mmes, "MAX_TORRENT_SIZE", "int", val, db, None) elif cmd[1] == "maxytplsize": # what will a general manager require # answer message, type handler, value await e.answer( "Type the new value for MAX PLAYLIST SIZE. Note that integer is expected.", alert=True) mmes = await e.get_message() await mmes.edit(f"{mmes.raw_text}\n/ignore to go back", buttons=None) val = await get_value(e) await general_input_manager(e, mmes, "MAX_YTPLAYLIST_SIZE", "int", val, db, None) elif cmd[1] == "rclonemenu": # this is menu mmes = await e.get_message() await handle_settings( mmes, True, "\nWelcome to Rclone Config Menu. TD= Team Drive, ND= Normal Drive", submenu="rclonemenu", session_id=session_id) elif cmd[1] == "mainmenu": # this is menu mmes = await e.get_message() await handle_settings(mmes, True, session_id=session_id) elif cmd[1] == "rcloneconfig": await e.answer("Sned the rclone config file which you have generated.", alert=True) mmes = await e.get_message() await mmes.edit(f"{mmes.raw_text}\n/ignore to go back", buttons=None) val = await get_value(e, True) await general_input_manager(e, mmes, "RCLONE_CONFIG", "str", val, db, "rclonemenu") elif cmd[1] == "change_drive": await e.answer(f"Changed default drive to {cmd[2]}.", alert=True) db.set_variable("DEF_RCLONE_DRIVE", cmd[2]) SessionVars.update_var("DEF_RCLONE_DRIVE", cmd[2]) await handle_settings( await e.get_message(), True, f"<b><u>Changed the default drive to {cmd[2]}</b></u>", "rclonemenu", session_id=session_id) elif cmd[1] == "usrlock": if cmd[2] == "true": val = True try: # JIC is user does manual stuff await e.client.edit_permissions(e.chat_id, send_messages=False) except: await e.answer( "An error occured try again if dosent work report this issue" ) else: try: await e.client.edit_permissions(e.chat_id, send_messages=True) except: await e.answer( "An error occured try again if dosent work report this issue" ) val = False db.set_variable("LOCKED_USERS", val) SessionVars.update_var("LOCKED_USERS", val) await handle_settings( await e.get_message(), True, f"<b><u>Changed the value to {val} of user locked.</b></u>", session_id=session_id) elif cmd[1] == "ctrlacts": # this is menu mmes = await e.get_message() await handle_settings(mmes, True, "\nWelcome to Control Actions.", submenu="ctrlacts", session_id=session_id) elif cmd[1] == "rcloneenable": await e.answer( "Note that this parameter will only work if rclone config is loaded." ) if cmd[2] == "true": val = True else: val = False db.set_variable("RCLONE_ENABLED", val) SessionVars.update_var("RCLONE_ENABLED", val) mmes = await e.get_message() await handle_settings( mmes, True, f"<b><u>Changed the value to {val} of Rclone Enabled.</b></u>", "ctrlacts", session_id=session_id) elif cmd[1] == "leechenable": await e.answer("") if cmd[2] == "true": val = True else: val = False db.set_variable("LEECH_ENABLED", val) SessionVars.update_var("LEECH_ENABLED", val) mmes = await e.get_message() await handle_settings( mmes, True, f"<b><u>Changed the value to {val} of Leech Enabled.</b></u>", "ctrlacts", session_id=session_id) elif cmd[1] == "editsleepsec": await e.answer( "Type the new value for EDIT_SLEEP_SECS. Note that integer is expected.", alert=True) mmes = await e.get_message() await mmes.edit(f"{mmes.raw_text}\n/ignore to go back", buttons=None) val = await get_value(e) await general_input_manager(e, mmes, "EDIT_SLEEP_SECS", "int", val, db, None) elif cmd[1] == "fastupload": await e.answer("") if cmd[2] == "true": val = True else: val = False db.set_variable("FAST_UPLOAD", val) SessionVars.update_var("FAST_UPLOAD", val) mmes = await e.get_message() await handle_settings( mmes, True, f"<b><u>Changed the value to {val} of Fast Upload Enabled.</b></u>", "ctrlacts", session_id=session_id) elif cmd[1] == "metainfo": await e.reply( "Add @metainforobot to your group to get the metadata easily.") elif cmd[1] == "selfdest": await e.answer("Closed") await e.delete()