Example #1
def usage_feature(d: int) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, List[float]]]:
    """Computes usage difference between day d and each of the previous 6 days (features 14-19).

    Usage is defined as the ratio between the number of times it appears in every deck and the total of cards
    that appears in every deck.

    Simple stats: only about 1000 different cards are played in tournaments

    card_id_to_usages = defaultdict(list)

    # Gets all cards that have been played for two weeks.
    all_cards = set(
        Tournament.get_played_cards(date.today() - timedelta(days=d),
                                    date.today() - timedelta(days=d + 13)))

    for i in range(7):

        played_cards = Tournament.get_played_cards(
            date.today() - timedelta(days=d + i),
            date.today() - timedelta(days=d + i + 6))
        total = sum(played_cards.values())

        for card_name in all_cards:
            usage = played_cards.get(card_name, 0) / total
            for card in Card.objects.filter(name=card_name):

    for card_id, usages in card_id_to_usages.items():
        if len(usages) > 1:
            yield card_id, [usages[0] - usage for usage in usages[1:]]
            yield card_id, usages
Example #2
def compute_statistics() -> None:
    """Compute all the statistics for every relevant cards.

    This step needs to be done after all steps have finished.

    logger.info('Computing cards statistics')

    class Classifier:
        # TODO: implement me :'(
        def predict(_):
            return 0

    for card in Card.objects.filter(is_relevant=True):

        logger.debug('Predicting price for card {}...'.format(card))
        features = Features.objects.get(card=card, date=date.today())
        predicted_price = Classifier.predict(features.features)

        logger.debug('Computing price ratio for card {}...'.format(card))
        current_prices = Price.objects.filter(card=card, date=date.today())
        price_ratio = predicted_price / current_prices.mean_price

        logger.debug('Computing playing ratio for card {}...'.format(card))
        played_cards = Tournament.get_played_cards(
            date.today() - timedelta(days=Statistics.PLAYING_WINDOW))
        playing_ratio = played_cards[card.name.name] / sum(

        statistics, created = Statistics.objects.get_or_create(
                'predicted_price': predicted_price,
                'price_ratio': price_ratio,
                'playing_ratio': playing_ratio
        if created:
            logger.debug('Created statistics {}'.format(statistics))