Example #1
 def test_can_run_round_robin_double_tourney_of_any_size(self):
     for d in range(5):
         if d == 0:
             decks = 8
         elif d == 1:
             decks = random.randint(9,16)
         elif d == 2:
             decks = random.randint(17,32)
         elif d == 3:
             decks = random.randint(33,64)
         elif d == 4:
             decks = random.randint(65,128)
         print('Testing can run round robin-double tourney of size '+str(decks))    
         t = _create_tourney(decks,4,'MODERN','CONSTRUCTED','ROUND_ROBIN','DOUBLE')
         self.client.get(reverse('tourney:tourney', args=(t.slug,)))
         num_rounds = count_rounds(t)
         num_loser_rounds = count_loser_rounds(t)
         for r in range(num_rounds):
             round_number = r+1
             for m in Match.objects.filter(tourney=t, round=round_number, is_loser=False, is_complete=False):
                 if m.first_deck and m.second_deck:
                     Client().post('/tourney/'+t.slug+'/submit/', {'first_deck_wins': 2, 'second_deck_wins': 0, 'match_id': m.id})
         for r in range(num_loser_rounds):
             round_number = r+1
             for m in Match.objects.filter(tourney=t, round=round_number, is_loser=True, is_complete=False):
                 if m.first_deck and m.second_deck:
                     Client().post('/tourney/'+t.slug+'/submit/', {'first_deck_wins': 2, 'second_deck_wins': 0, 'match_id': m.id})  
Example #2
 def test_can_run_5_deck_rr_single_tourney(self):
         decks = 5
         print('Testing can run round robin-single tourney of size 5')    
         t = _create_tourney(decks,4,'MODERN','CONSTRUCTED','ROUND_ROBIN','SINGLE')
         self.client.get(reverse('tourney:tourney', args=(t.slug,)))
         num_rounds = count_rounds(t)
         for r in range(num_rounds):
             round_number = r+1
             for m in Match.objects.filter(tourney=t, round=round_number, is_loser=False, is_complete=False):
                 if m.first_deck and m.second_deck:
                     Client().post('/tourney/'+t.slug+'/submit/', {'first_deck_wins': 2, 'second_deck_wins': 0, 'match_id': m.id})  
Example #3
 def test_can_run_round_robin_double_tourney_with_different_groups(self):
     for d in range(7):
         if d == 0:
             decks = 8
             group_size = 8
             num_to_advance = 1
         elif d == 1:
             decks = random.randint(5,8)
             group_size = random.randint(3,8)
             num_to_advance = random.randint(1,2)
         elif d == 2:
             decks = random.randint(9,16)
             group_size = random.randint(3,8)
             num_to_advance = random.randint(1,2)
         elif d == 3:
             decks = random.randint(17,32)
             group_size = random.randint(4,8)
             num_to_advance = random.randint(1,3)
         elif d == 4:
             decks = random.randint(33,64)
             group_size = random.randint(5,8)
             num_to_advance = random.randint(1,4)
         elif d == 5:
             decks = random.randint(65,128)
             group_size = random.randint(6,8)
             num_to_advance = random.randint(1,5)
         elif d == 6:
             decks = 128
             group_size = 8
             num_to_advance = 7
         print('Testing can run round robin-double tourney of size '+str(decks))
         print('Testing Group Size '+str(group_size)+' with number of advancers '+str(num_to_advance))   
         t = _create_tourney(decks,4,'MODERN','CONSTRUCTED','ROUND_ROBIN','DOUBLE',group_size,4,num_to_advance,2)
         response = self.client.get(reverse('tourney:tourney', args=(t.slug,)))
         if response.context['tourney_status'] == 'Error: too few decks to make bracket after round robin play':
             print('Expected failure: too few decks to make bracket after round robin play')
             self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
         elif response.context['tourney_status'] == 'Error: too many decks to make bracket after round robin play':
             print('Expected failure: too many decks to make bracket after round robin play')
             self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
         elif response.context['tourney_status'] == 'Error: require at least 8 decks for a Round Robin-Double Tournament':
             print('Expected failure: require at least 8 decks for a Round Robin-Double Tournament')
             self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
             num_rounds = count_rounds(t)
             for r in range(num_rounds):
                 round_number = r+1
                 for m in Match.objects.filter(tourney=t, round=round_number, is_loser=False, is_complete=False):
                     if m.first_deck and m.second_deck:
                         Client().post('/tourney/'+t.slug+'/submit/', {'first_deck_wins': 2, 'second_deck_wins': 0, 'match_id': m.id})   
Example #4
def start(tourney):
    print('*****STARTING: '+tourney.name+'*****')
    deck_count = len(tourney.decks.all())
    print('Number of decks in tourney: '+str(deck_count))
    if deck_count < 4:
        tourney_status = 'Error: too few decks'
        return tourney_status
    elif deck_count > 128:
        tourney_status = 'Error: too many decks'
        return tourney_status
    elif tourney.qr_bracket == "SINGLE" and tourney.bracket == "DOUBLE" and not deck_count >= 8:
        tourney_status = 'Error: require at least 8 decks for a Single-Double Tournament'
        return tourney_status
    elif tourney.qr_bracket == "ROUND_ROBIN" and tourney.bracket == "DOUBLE" and not deck_count >= 8:
        tourney_status = 'Error: require at least 8 decks for a Round Robin-Double Tournament'
        return tourney_status
    elif tourney.qr_bracket == "ROUND_ROBIN" and tourney.bracket == "ROUND_ROBIN" and deck_count < 6:
        tourney_status = 'Error: require at least 6 decks for a Round Robin-Round Robin Tournament'
        return tourney_status
    if tourney.qr_bracket == "SINGLE" or tourney.qr_bracket == "DOUBLE":
        if deck_count == 4:
            qr_matches = 2
            qr_loser_matches = 1
            deck_count_after_qr = 2
        elif 8 >= deck_count > 4:
            qr_matches = 4
            qr_loser_matches = 2
            deck_count_after_qr = 4
        elif 16 >= deck_count > 8:
            qr_matches = 8
            qr_loser_matches = 4
            deck_count_after_qr = 8
        elif 32 >= deck_count > 16:
            qr_matches = 16
            qr_loser_matches = 8
            deck_count_after_qr = 16
        elif 64 >= deck_count > 32:
            qr_matches = 32
            qr_loser_matches = 16
            deck_count_after_qr = 32
        elif 128 >= deck_count > 64:
            qr_matches = 64
            qr_loser_matches = 32
            deck_count_after_qr = 64
    if tourney.qr_bracket == "ROUND_ROBIN":
        qr_groups = int(ceil(float(deck_count) / tourney.qr_rr_group_size))   
        qr_matches_per_group = (tourney.qr_rr_group_size * (tourney.qr_rr_group_size-1)) / 2
        deck_count_after_qr = qr_groups*tourney.qr_rr_num_advance
        if tourney.bracket == "SINGLE" and deck_count_after_qr < 2:
            tourney_status = 'Error: too few decks to make bracket after round robin play'
            return tourney_status
        if tourney.bracket == "DOUBLE" and deck_count_after_qr < 4:
            tourney_status = 'Error: too few decks to make bracket after round robin play'
            return tourney_status
    if tourney.bracket == "SINGLE" or tourney.bracket == "DOUBLE":
        rounds = count_rounds(tourney)
        if deck_count_after_qr == 2:
            matches = 1
        elif 4 >= deck_count_after_qr > 2:
            matches = 3
        elif 8 >= deck_count_after_qr > 4:
            matches = 7
        elif 16 >= deck_count_after_qr > 8:
            matches = 15
        elif 32 >= deck_count_after_qr > 16:
            matches = 31
        elif 64 >= deck_count_after_qr > 16:
            matches = 63
        elif 128 >= deck_count_after_qr > 64:
            matches = 127
    if tourney.bracket == "ROUND_ROBIN":
        groups = int(ceil(float(deck_count_after_qr) / tourney.rr_group_size))   
        matches_per_group = (tourney.rr_group_size * (tourney.rr_group_size-1)) / 2
        deck_count_after_rr = groups*tourney.rr_num_advance
        if deck_count_after_rr < 2:
            tourney_status = 'Error: too few decks to make bracket after round robin play'
            return tourney_status
        rounds = count_rounds(tourney)
        if deck_count_after_rr == 2:
            matches = 1
        elif 4 >= deck_count_after_rr > 2:
            matches = 3
        elif 8 >= deck_count_after_rr > 4:
            matches = 7
        elif 16 >= deck_count_after_rr > 8:
            matches = 15
        elif 32 >= deck_count_after_rr > 16:
            matches = 31
        elif 64 >= deck_count_after_rr > 16:
            matches = 63
        elif 128 >= deck_count_after_rr > 64:
            matches = 127
    ######## QR BRACKET ########
    if tourney.qr_bracket == "SINGLE" or tourney.qr_bracket == "DOUBLE":
        #Create QR Match Slots
        for m in range(qr_matches):
            match = Match(tourney = tourney,
                          round = 1,
                          position = m+1,
                          elimination = tourney.qr_elimination,
                          is_qualifier = True,
                          is_active = True
    if tourney.qr_bracket == "ROUND_ROBIN":
        #Create QR Match Slots
        for g in range(qr_groups):
            g = Group(tourney = tourney,
                      round = 1,
                      size = tourney.qr_rr_group_size,
                      is_active = True
            for m in range(int(qr_matches_per_group)):
                match = Match(tourney = tourney,
                              round = 1,
                              position = m+1,
                              group = g,
                              elimination = tourney.qr_elimination,
                              is_qualifier = True,
                              is_active = True
    #Populate QR Match Slots
    print('Populating QR Match Slots')
    deck_list = tourney.decks.all()
    user_list = []
    for d in deck_list:
    counted_user_list = Counter(user_list)
    # The old way of organizing the user list, in case the new one breaks.  Can delete in a few versions
    # organized_user_list = sorted(counted_user_list, key=lambda u: (-counted_user_list[u], u))
    organized_user_list = sorted(counted_user_list, key=lambda u: -counted_user_list[1])
    for u in organized_user_list:
        user_deck_list = tourney.decks.filter(user=u)
        if tourney.qr_bracket == "ROUND_ROBIN":
            for d in user_deck_list:
                #hopefully pick a group where you don't already have a deck
                filtered_groups = Group.objects.filter(tourney=tourney)
                for g in filtered_groups:
                    if g.size == len(g.decks.all()):
                        filtered_groups = filtered_groups.exclude(id=g.id)
                        for group_deck in g.decks.all():
                            if d.user == group_deck.user:
                                filtered_groups = filtered_groups.exclude(id=g.id)
                if not filtered_groups:
                    #if every group has at least one of his deck, there is nothing more we can do.
                    filtered_groups = Group.objects.filter(tourney=tourney)
                #now we know what groups would be good for this deck, so go ahead and place him in one            
                placed = False
                while placed == False:        
                    possible_group = filtered_groups.order_by('?')[:1].get()
                    if possible_group.size > len(possible_group.decks.all()):
                        gs = GroupStats(deck=d, 
                                        points = 0,
                                        margin = 0)
                        placed = True
                match_count_for_deck = tourney.qr_rr_group_size-1
                empty_matches_allowed = match_count_for_deck-len(possible_group.decks.all())+1
                for i in range(match_count_for_deck):
            for d in user_deck_list:
    if tourney.qr_bracket == "DOUBLE":
        #Create QR Loser Match Slots
        for m in range(qr_loser_matches):
            match = Match(tourney = tourney,
                      round = 1,
                      position = m+1,
                      elimination = tourney.qr_elimination,
                      is_qualifier = True,
                      is_active = False,
                      is_loser = True
    ############  BRACKET ############
    if tourney.bracket == "SINGLE" or tourney.bracket == "DOUBLE":         
        #Create Remaining Rounds Match Slots
        print("Bracket is " + str(tourney.bracket) + ". Creating Matches...")
        print("matches = " + str(matches))
        for r in range(rounds-1):
            print("r = " + str(r))
            for m in range(int(ceil(matches/(2.0**(r+1))))):
                print("m = " + str(m))
                match = Match(tourney = tourney,
                          round = r+2,
                          position = m+1,
                          elimination = tourney.elimination
                if tourney.bracket == "SINGLE":
                    if match.round == rounds:
                        match.is_final = True
                        match.elimination = tourney.final_elimination
                    if match.round == rounds-1:
                        match.is_semi = True
                        match.elimination = tourney.semi_elimination
                if tourney.bracket == "DOUBLE":
                    if match.round == rounds:
                        match.is_semi = True
                        match.elimination = tourney.semi_elimination
    if tourney.bracket == "ROUND_ROBIN":
        #Create Round Robin Round
        for g in range(groups):
            g = Group(tourney = tourney,
                      round = 2,
                      size = tourney.rr_group_size,
                      is_active = True
            for m in range(int(matches_per_group)):
                match = Match(tourney = tourney,
                              round = 2,
                              position = m+1,
                              group = g,
                              elimination = tourney.elimination,
                              is_active = False
                if match.round == rounds-1:
                    match.is_semi = True
                    match.elimination = tourney.semi_elimination
        #Create Remaining Rounds Match Slots
        for r in range(rounds-2):
            for m in range(int(ceil(matches/(2.0**(r+1))))):
                match = Match(tourney = tourney,
                          round = r+3,
                          position = m+1,
                          elimination = tourney.elimination
                if match.round == rounds:
                    match.is_final = True
                    match.elimination = tourney.final_elimination
                if match.round == rounds-1:
                    match.is_semi = True
                    match.elimination = tourney.semi_elimination
    if tourney.bracket == "DOUBLE":
        #Create Remaining Rounds Loser Match Slots
        loser_rounds = count_loser_rounds(tourney)
        for r in range(loser_rounds):
            this_round = r+2      
            for m in range(loser_matches_in_round(tourney.qr_bracket,
                match = Match(tourney = tourney,
                              round = this_round,
                              position = m+1,
                              elimination = tourney.elimination,
                              is_loser = True
                if match.round == loser_rounds+1:
                    match.is_final = True
                    match.elimination = tourney.final_elimination
                if match.round == loser_rounds:
                    match.is_semi = True
                    match.elimination = tourney.semi_elimination
    ########### UNIVERSAL ############
    #after all user decks are placed, assign byes.
    tourney.has_started = True
    tourney_status = 'active'                 
    return tourney_status
Example #5
def tourney(request,
    tourney = Tourney.objects.get(slug=tourney_slug)
    user = request.user
    logged_in = False
    if User.objects.filter(username=user.username):
        logged_in = True
    if tourney.is_finished:
        tourney_status = 'finished'
    elif tourney.has_started:
        tourney_status = 'active'
    elif tourney.registration_deadline > timezone.now():
        tourney_status = 'registration'
        user_decks_entered = 0
        if user.username:
            choices = []
            user_decks = user.deck_set.filter(is_active=True)
            #filter decks for format
            if tourney.format == 'STANDARD':
                user_decks = user_decks.exclude(format='MODERN')
                user_decks = user_decks.exclude(format='LEGACY')
                user_decks = user_decks.exclude(format='VINTAGE')
            elif tourney.format == 'MODERN':
                user_decks = user_decks.exclude(format='LEGACY')
                user_decks = user_decks.exclude(format='VINTAGE')
            elif tourney.format == 'LEGACY':
                user_decks = user_decks.exclude(format='VINTAGE')
            elif tourney.format == 'BLOCK':
                user_decks = user_decks.filter(format='BLOCK')
            #filter decks for type
            if tourney.type == 'CONSTRUCTED':
                user_decks = user_decks.exclude(type='DRAFT')
                user_decks = user_decks.exclude(type='SEALED')
            elif tourney.type == 'DRAFT':
                user_decks = user_decks.filter(type='DRAFT')
            elif tourney.type == 'SEASON':
                user_decks = user_decks.filter(type='SEASON')
            elif tourney.type == 'SEALED':
                user_decks = user_decks.filter(type='SEALED')
            elif tourney.type == 'COMMANDER':
                user_decks = user_decks.filter(type='COMMANDER')
            #only allow decks that aren't already in this tournament
            if user_decks:
                for d in user_decks:
                    already_registered = False
                    for rd in tourney.decks.all():
                        if rd == d:
                            already_registered = True
                            user_decks_entered += 1
                    if not already_registered:
                choices = {("no_decks","No decks!"),}
            decks_remaining = tourney.max_decks_per_player - user_decks_entered
            if request.method == 'POST':
                if 'unregister' in request.POST:
                    deck = request.POST['deck']
                    d = Deck.objects.get(name=deck)
                    messages.success(request, deck+' successfully unregistered.')
                    #also, return the unbound registration form with correct info
                    decks_remaining += 1
                    form = RegistrationForm(choices=choices)
                    form = RegistrationForm(request.POST, choices=choices)
                    if form.is_valid():
                        deck_is_valid_submission = True
                        #Make sure they haven't submitted too many decks already
                        max_submissions = tourney.max_decks_per_player
                        user_submissions = 0
                        for d in tourney.decks.all():
                            if d.user == user:
                                user_submissions += 1
                        if user_submissions >= max_submissions:
                            messages.error(request, 'Error: You have already registered the maximum number of decks for this tournament.')
                            deck_is_valid_submission = False
                            return HttpResponseRedirect('/tourney/'+tourney.slug)
                        #Make sure the deck isn't already in this tourney
                        deck = request.POST['deck']
                        if user_decks:
                            for d in user_decks:
                                if deck == d.name:
                                    for t in d.tourney_set.all():
                                        if t == tourney:
                                            messages.error(request, 'Error: '+deck+' is already registered for this tournament.')
                                            deck_is_valid_submission = False
                                            return HttpResponseRedirect('/tourney/'+tourney.slug)
                            messages.error(request, "Error: you don't seem to have any decks.")
                            deck_is_valid_submission = False
                            return HttpResponseRedirect('/tourney/'+tourney.slug)
                        #if deck is a valid submission, register it 
                        if deck_is_valid_submission:
                            messages.success(request, deck+' successfully registered.')
                        return HttpResponseRedirect('/tourney/'+tourney.slug)
                form = RegistrationForm(choices=choices)
    elif tourney.start_date < timezone.now():
        #start the tournament
        tourney_status = start_tourney.start(tourney)
        tourney_status = 'pending'
    if tourney.has_started:
        if tourney.bracket == "SINGLE" or tourney.bracket == "DOUBLE" or tourney.bracket == "ROUND_ROBIN":
            rounds = []
            num_groups = len(Group.objects.filter(tourney=tourney, round=2))
            deck_count = len(tourney.decks.all())
            num_rounds = count_rounds(tourney)
            for round_number in range(num_rounds):
                rn = round_number+1
                if rn <= num_rounds:
                    matches = Match.objects.filter(tourney=tourney,round=rn,is_loser=False)
        if tourney.bracket == "DOUBLE":
            loser_rounds = []
            num_loser_rounds = count_loser_rounds(tourney)
            r1_loser_matches = Match.objects.filter(tourney=tourney,round=1,is_loser=True)
            for round_number in range(num_loser_rounds):
                #lots of offsets because we don't add the qualifying round here
                rn = round_number+2
                if rn <= num_loser_rounds+1:
                    if num_loser_rounds+1 > rn:
                        loser_matches = Match.objects.filter(tourney=tourney,round=rn,is_loser=True)
                    elif num_loser_rounds+1 == rn:
                        finals_match = Match.objects.get(tourney=tourney,round=rn,is_loser=True)
        if tourney.qr_bracket == "ROUND_ROBIN":
            qr_groups = Group.objects.filter(tourney=tourney, round=1)
            num_qr_groups = len(qr_groups.all())
            qr_stats = []
            for g in qr_groups:
                qr_group_decks = g.decks.order_by('-groupstats__points').order_by('-groupstats__margin')
                group_stats = []
                for d in qr_group_decks.all():
                    gs = GroupStats.objects.get(group=g, deck=d)
                    stats = (d, gs.points, gs.margin)
        if tourney.bracket == "ROUND_ROBIN":
            r2_groups = Group.objects.filter(tourney=tourney, round=2)
            r2_stats = []
            for g in r2_groups:
                r2_group_decks = g.decks.order_by('-groupstats__points').order_by('-groupstats__margin')
                group_stats = []
                for d in r2_group_decks.all():
                    gs = GroupStats.objects.get(group=g, deck=d)
                    stats = (d, gs.points, gs.margin)
    print('Tourney status: '+tourney_status)
    if tourney_status == 'Error: too few decks':
        messages.error(request, "Error: Too Few Decks Entered in Tournament")
    elif tourney_status == 'Error: too many decks':
        messages.error(request, "Error: Too Many Decks Entered in Tournament")
    elif tourney_status == 'Error: too few decks to make Double Elimination bracket after Round Robin elimination':
        messages.error(request, tourney_status)
    elif tourney_status == 'Error: require at least 8 decks for a Single-Double Tournament':
        messages.error(request, tourney_status)
    elif tourney_status == 'Error: require at least 8 decks for a Round Robin-Double Tournament':
        messages.error(request, tourney_status)
    elif tourney_status == 'Error: too many decks to make bracket after round robin play':
        messages.error(request, tourney_status)
    elif tourney_status == 'Error: require at least 6 decks for a Round Robin-Round Robin Tournament':
        messages.error(request, tourney_status)
    elif tourney_status == 'Error: too few decks to make bracket after round robin play':
        messages.error(request, tourney_status)

    return render(request,