Example #1
class Resource(models.Resource):
    cli_help = 'Manage groups belonging to an inventory.'
    endpoint = '/groups/'

    name = models.Field(unique=True)
    description = models.Field(required=False, display=False)
    inventory = models.Field(type=types.Related('inventory'))
    variables = models.Field(type=types.File('r'), required=False,

    @resources.command(ignore_defaults=True, no_args_is_help=False)
    @click.option('--root', is_flag=True, default=False,
                  help='Show only root groups (groups with no parent groups) '
                       'within the given inventory.')
    def list(self, root=False, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of groups."""

        # Sanity check: If we got `--root` and no inventory, that's an
        # error.
        if root and not kwargs.get('inventory', None):
            raise exc.UsageError('The --root option requires specifying an '
                                 'inventory also.')

        # If we are tasked with getting root groups, do that.
        if root:
            inventory_id = kwargs['inventory']
            r = client.get('/inventories/%d/root_groups/' % inventory_id)
            return r.json()

        # Return the superclass implementation.
        return super(Resource, self).list(**kwargs)
Example #2
class Resource(models.Resource):
    cli_help = 'Manage hosts belonging to a group within an inventory.'
    endpoint = '/hosts/'
    identity = ('inventory', 'name')

    name = models.Field(unique=True)
    description = models.Field(required=False, display=False)
    inventory = models.Field(type=types.Related('inventory'))
    enabled = models.Field(type=bool, required=False)
    variables = models.Field(type=types.File('r'),

    @click.option('--host', type=types.Related('host'))
    @click.option('--group', type=types.Related('group'))
    def associate(self, host, group):
        """Associate a group with this host."""
        return self._assoc('groups', host, group)

    @click.option('--host', type=types.Related('host'))
    @click.option('--group', type=types.Related('group'))
    def disassociate(self, host, group):
        """Disassociate a group from this host."""
        return self._disassoc('groups', host, group)
Example #3
 def test_convert_file_object(self):
     """Establish that if we receive a file-like object to the convert
     method, that it is passed through without action.
     sio = StringIO('The cat is trying to eat my goldfish crackers.')
     f = types.File('r')
     self.assertEqual(sio, f.convert(sio, 'myfile', None))
Example #4
class Resource(models.Resource):
    cli_help = 'Manage hosts belonging to a group within an inventory.'
    endpoint = '/hosts/'
    identity = ('inventory', 'name')

    name = models.Field(unique=True)
    description = models.Field(required=False, display=False)
    inventory = models.Field(type=types.Related('inventory'))
    enabled = models.Field(type=bool, required=False)
    variables = models.Field(type=types.File('r'), required=False,

    @click.option('--host', type=types.Related('host'))
    @click.option('--group', type=types.Related('group'))
    def associate(self, host, group):
        """Associate a group with this host."""
        return self._assoc('groups', host, group)

    @click.option('--host', type=types.Related('host'))
    @click.option('--group', type=types.Related('group'))
    def disassociate(self, host, group):
        """Disassociate a group from this host."""
        return self._disassoc('groups', host, group)

    @resources.command(ignore_defaults=True, no_args_is_help=False)
    @click.option('--group', type=types.Related('group'),
                  help='List hosts that are children of this group.')
    def list(self, group=None, **kwargs):
        if group:
            kwargs['query'] = (kwargs.get('query', ()) +
                               (('groups__in', group),))
        return super(Resource, self).list(**kwargs)
Example #5
 def test_convert_expanduser(self):
     """Establish that if a filename is specified with a user home directory
     shortcut, that it is expanded appropriately.
     f = types.File('f')
     with mock.patch.object(click.File, 'convert') as convert:
         f.convert('~/my_file.txt', 'myfile', None)
                                    'myfile', None)
Example #6
class Resource(models.Resource):
    cli_help = 'Manage groups belonging to an inventory.'
    endpoint = '/groups/'
    identity = ('inventory', 'name')

    name = models.Field(unique=True)
    description = models.Field(required=False, display=False)
    inventory = models.Field(type=types.Related('inventory'))
    variables = models.Field(type=types.File('r'),

                  help='The cloud credential to use.')
                  help='The source to use for this group.')
    def create(self, credential=None, source=None, **kwargs):
        """Create a group and, if necessary, modify the inventory source within
        the group.
        # First, create the group.
        answer = super(Resource, self).create(**kwargs)

        # If the group already exists and we aren't supposed to make changes,
        # then we're done.
        if not kwargs.pop('force_on_exists', False) and not answer['changed']:
            return answer

        # Sanity check: A group was created, but do we need to do anything
        # with the inventory source at all? If no credential or source
        # was specified, then we'd just be updating the inventory source
        # with an effective no-op.
        if not credential and source in ('manual', None):
            return answer

        # Get the inventory source ID ("isid").
        # Inventory sources are not created directly; rather, one was created
        # automatically when the group was created.
        isid = self._get_inventory_source_id(answer)

        # We now have our inventory source ID; modify it according to the
        # provided parameters.
        isrc = get_resource('inventory_source')
        return isrc.modify(isid,

                  help='The source to use for this group.')
    def modify(self, pk=None, credential=None, source=None, **kwargs):
        """Modify a group and, if necessary, the inventory source within
        the group.
        # First, modify the group.
        answer = super(Resource, self).modify(pk=pk, **kwargs)

        # If the group already exists and we aren't supposed to make changes,
        # then we're done.
        if not kwargs.pop('force_on_exists', True) and not answer['changed']:
            return answer

        # Get the inventory source ID ("isid").
        # Inventory sources are not created directly; rather, one was created
        # automatically when the group was created.
        isid = self._get_inventory_source_id(answer)

        # We now have our inventory source ID; modify it according to the
        # provided parameters.
        # Note: Any fields that were part of the group modification need
        # to be expunged from kwargs before making this call.
        isrc = get_resource('inventory_source')
        for field in self.fields:
            kwargs.pop(field.name, None)
        return isrc.modify(isid,

    @resources.command(ignore_defaults=True, no_args_is_help=False)
                  help='Show only root groups (groups with no parent groups) '
                  'within the given inventory.')
    def list(self, root=False, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of groups."""

        # Sanity check: If we got `--root` and no inventory, that's an
        # error.
        if root and not kwargs.get('inventory', None):
            raise exc.UsageError('The --root option requires specifying an '
                                 'inventory also.')

        # If we are tasked with getting root groups, do that.
        if root:
            inventory_id = kwargs['inventory']
            r = client.get('/inventories/%d/root_groups/' % inventory_id)
            return r.json()

        # Return the superclass implementation.
        return super(Resource, self).list(**kwargs)

    @click.argument('group', type=types.Related('group'))
                  help='If sent, immediately calls `monitor` on the newly '
                  'launched job rather than exiting with a success.')
                  help='If provided with --monitor, this command (not the job)'
                  ' will time out after the given number of seconds. '
                  'Does nothing if --monitor is not sent.')
    @resources.command(use_fields_as_options=False, no_args_is_help=True)
    def sync(self, group, monitor=False, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        """Update the given group's inventory source."""

        isrc = get_resource('inventory_source')
        isid = self._get_inventory_source_id(group)
        return isrc.update(isid, monitor=monitor, timeout=timeout, **kwargs)

    def _get_inventory_source_id(self, group):
        """Return the inventory source ID given a group dictionary returned
        from the Tower API.
        # If we got a group ID rather than a group, get the group.
        if isinstance(group, int):
            group = self.get(group)

        # Return the inventory soruce ID.
        return int(group['related']['inventory_source'].split('/')[-2])
Example #7
class Resource(models.Resource):
    cli_help = 'Manage groups belonging to an inventory.'
    endpoint = '/groups/'
    identity = ('inventory', 'name')

    name = models.Field(unique=True)
    description = models.Field(required=False, display=False)
    inventory = models.Field(type=types.Related('inventory'))
    variables = models.Field(type=types.File('r'),

    # Basic options for the source
                  help='The cloud credential to use.')
                  help='The source to use for this group.')
    @click.option('--source-regions', help='Regions for your cloud provider.')
    # Options may not be valid for certain types of cloud servers
                  help='Override variables found on source '
                  'with variables defined in this field.')
                  help='Delete child groups and hosts not found in source.')
                  help='Override vars in child groups and hosts with those '
                  'from the external source.')
                  help='Refresh inventory '
                  'data from its source each time a job is run.')
    def create(self, fail_on_found=False, force_on_exists=False, **kwargs):
        """Create a group and, if necessary, modify the inventory source within
        the group.
        # Break out the options for the group vs its inventory_source
        group_fields = [f.name for f in self.fields]
        is_kwargs = {}
        for field in kwargs.copy():
            if field not in group_fields:
                is_kwargs[field] = kwargs.pop(field)

        # Handle alias for "manual" source
        if is_kwargs.get('source', None) == 'manual':

        # First, create the group.
        answer = super(Resource, self).create(fail_on_found=fail_on_found,

        # If the group already exists and we aren't supposed to make changes,
        # then we're done.
        if not force_on_exists and not answer['changed']:
            return answer

        # Sanity check: A group was created, but do we need to do anything
        # with the inventory source at all? If no credential or source
        # was specified, then we'd just be updating the inventory source
        # with an effective no-op.
        if len(is_kwargs) == 0:
            return answer

        # Get the inventory source ID ("isid").
        # Inventory sources are not created directly; rather, one was created
        # automatically when the group was created.
        isid = self._get_inventory_source_id(answer)

        # We now have our inventory source ID; modify it according to the
        # provided parameters.
        isrc = get_resource('inventory_source')
        is_answer = isrc.write(pk=isid, force_on_exists=True, **is_kwargs)

        # If either the inventory_source or the group objects were modified
        # then refelect this in the output to avoid confusing the user.
        if is_answer['changed']:
            answer['changed'] = True
        return answer

                  help='The source to use for this group.')
    @click.option('--source-regions', help='Regions for your cloud provider.')
    # Options may not be valid for certain types of cloud servers
                  help='Override variables found on source '
                  'with variables defined in this field.')
                  help='Delete child groups and hosts not found in source.')
                  help='Override vars in child groups and hosts with those '
                  'from the external source.')
                  help='Refersh inventory '
                  'data from its source each time a job is run.')
    def modify(self, pk=None, create_on_missing=False, **kwargs):
        """Modify a group and, if necessary, the inventory source within
        the group.
        # Break out the options for the group vs its inventory_source
        group_fields = [f.name for f in self.fields]
        is_kwargs = {}
        for field in kwargs.copy():
            if field not in group_fields:
                is_kwargs[field] = kwargs.pop(field)

        # Handle alias for "manual" source
        if is_kwargs.get('source', None) == 'manual':
            is_kwargs['source'] = ''

        # First, modify the group.
        answer = super(Resource,

        # If the group already exists and we aren't supposed to make changes,
        # then we're done.
        if len(is_kwargs) == 0:
            return answer

        # Get the inventory source ID ("isid").
        # Inventory sources are not created directly; rather, one was created
        # automatically when the group was created.
        isid = self._get_inventory_source_id(answer)

        # We now have our inventory source ID; modify it according to the
        # provided parameters.
        # Note: Any fields that were part of the group modification need
        # to be expunged from kwargs before making this call.
        isrc = get_resource('inventory_source')
        is_answer = isrc.write(pk=isid, force_on_exists=True, **is_kwargs)

        # If either the inventory_source or the group objects were modified
        # then refelect this in the output to avoid confusing the user.
        if is_answer['changed']:
            answer['changed'] = True
        return answer

    @resources.command(ignore_defaults=True, no_args_is_help=False)
                  help='Show only root groups (groups with no parent groups) '
                  'within the given inventory.')
    def list(self, root=False, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of groups."""

        # Sanity check: If we got `--root` and no inventory, that's an
        # error.
        if root and not kwargs.get('inventory', None):
            raise exc.UsageError('The --root option requires specifying an '
                                 'inventory also.')

        # If we are tasked with getting root groups, do that.
        if root:
            inventory_id = kwargs['inventory']
            r = client.get('/inventories/%d/root_groups/' % inventory_id)
            return r.json()

        # Return the superclass implementation.
        return super(Resource, self).list(**kwargs)

    @click.argument('group', type=types.Related('group'))
                  help='If sent, immediately calls `monitor` on the newly '
                  'launched job rather than exiting with a success.')
                  help='If provided with --monitor, this command (not the job)'
                  ' will time out after the given number of seconds. '
                  'Does nothing if --monitor is not sent.')
    @resources.command(use_fields_as_options=False, no_args_is_help=True)
    def sync(self, group, monitor=False, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        """Update the given group's inventory source."""

        isrc = get_resource('inventory_source')
        isid = self._get_inventory_source_id(group)
        return isrc.update(isid, monitor=monitor, timeout=timeout, **kwargs)

    def _get_inventory_source_id(self, group):
        """Return the inventory source ID given a group dictionary returned
        from the Tower API.
        # If we got a group ID rather than a group, get the group.
        if isinstance(group, int):
            group = self.get(group)

        # Return the inventory source ID.
        return int(group['related']['inventory_source'].split('/')[-2])
Example #8
class Resource(models.MonitorableResource):
    """A resource for jobs.

    As a base resource, this resource does *not* have the normal create, list,
    etc. methods.
    cli_help = 'Launch or monitor jobs.'
    endpoint = '/jobs/'

    @click.option('--job-template', type=types.Related('job_template'))
                  help='If sent, immediately calls `job monitor` on the newly '
                  'launched job rather than exiting with a success.')
                  help='If provided with --monitor, this command (not the job)'
                  ' will time out after the given number of seconds. '
                  'Does nothing if --monitor is not sent.')
                  help='Suppress any requests for input.')
    @click.option('--extra-vars', type=types.File('r'), required=False)
    @click.option('--tags', required=False)
    def launch(self,
        """Launch a new job based on a job template.

        Creates a new job in Ansible Tower, immediately stats it, and
        returns back an ID in order for its status to be monitored.
        # Get the job template from Ansible Tower.
        # This is used as the baseline for starting the job.
        jt_resource = get_resource('job_template')
        jt = jt_resource.get(job_template)

        # Update the job data by adding an automatically-generated job name,
        # and removing the ID.
        data = copy(jt)
        data['job_template'] = data.pop('id')
        data['name'] = '%s [invoked via. Tower CLI]' % data['name']
        if tags:
            data['job_tags'] = tags

        # If the job template requires prompting for extra variables,
        # do so (unless --no-input is set).
        if extra_vars:
            if hasattr(extra_vars, 'read'):
                extra_vars = extra_vars.read()
            data['extra_vars'] = extra_vars
        elif data.pop('ask_variables_on_launch', False) and not no_input:
            initial = data['extra_vars']
            initial = '\n'.join((
                '# Specify extra variables (if any) here.',
                '# Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.',
            extra_vars = click.edit(initial) or ''
            extra_vars = '\n'.join(
                [i for i in extra_vars.split('\n') if not i.startswith('#')])
            data['extra_vars'] = extra_vars

        # In Tower 2.1 and later, we create the new job with
        # /job_templates/N/launch/; in Tower 2.0 and before, there is a two
        # step process of posting to /jobs/ and then /jobs/N/start/.
        supports_job_template_launch = False
        if 'launch' in jt['related']:
            supports_job_template_launch = True

        # Create the new job in Ansible Tower.
        start_data = {}
        if supports_job_template_launch:
            endpoint = '/job_templates/%d/launch/' % jt['id']
            if 'extra_vars' in data:
                start_data['extra_vars'] = data['extra_vars']
            if tags:
                start_data['job_tags'] = data['job_tags']
            debug.log('Creating the job.', header='details')
            job = client.post('/jobs/', data=data).json()
            job_id = job['id']
            endpoint = '/jobs/%d/start/' % job_id

        # There's a non-trivial chance that we are going to need some
        # additional information to start the job; in particular, many jobs
        # rely on passwords entered at run-time.
        # If there are any such passwords on this job, ask for them now.

        debug.log('Asking for information necessary to start the job.',
        job_start_info = client.get(endpoint).json()
        for password in job_start_info.get('passwords_needed_to_start', []):
            start_data[password] = getpass('Password for %s: ' % password)

        # Actually start the job.
        debug.log('Launching the job.', header='details')
        result = client.post(endpoint, start_data)

        # If this used the /job_template/N/launch/ route, get the job
        # ID from the result.
        if supports_job_template_launch:
            job_id = result.json()['job']

        # If we were told to monitor the job once it started, then call
        # monitor from here.
        if monitor:
            return self.monitor(job_id, timeout=timeout)

        # Return the job ID.
        return {
            'changed': True,
            'id': job_id,

                  help='Print more detail.')
    def status(self, pk, detail=False):
        """Print the current job status."""
        # Get the job from Ansible Tower.
        debug.log('Asking for job status.', header='details')
        job = client.get('/jobs/%d/' % pk).json()

        # In most cases, we probably only want to know the status of the job
        # and the amount of time elapsed. However, if we were asked for
        # verbose information, provide it.
        if detail:
            return job

        # Print just the information we need.
        return adict({
            'elapsed': job['elapsed'],
            'failed': job['failed'],
            'status': job['status'],

                  help='Fail loudly if the job is not currently running.')
    def cancel(self, pk, fail_if_not_running=False):
        """Cancel a currently running job.

        Fails with a non-zero exit status if the job cannot be canceled.
        # Attempt to cancel the job.
            client.post('/jobs/%d/cancel/' % pk)
            changed = True
        except exc.MethodNotAllowed:
            changed = False
            if fail_if_not_running:
                raise exc.TowerCLIError('Job not running.')

        # Return a success.
        return adict({'status': 'canceled', 'changed': changed})
Example #9
class Resource(models.BaseResource):
    """A resource for jobs.

    As a base resource, this resource does *not* have the normal create, list,
    etc. methods.
    cli_help = 'Launch or monitor jobs.'
    endpoint = '/jobs/'

    @click.option('--job-template', type=int)
                  help='If sent, immediately calls `job monitor` on the newly '
                  'launched job rather than exiting with a success.')
                  help='If provided with --monitor, this command (not the job)'
                  ' will time out after the given number of seconds. '
                  'Does nothing if --monitor is not sent.')
                  help='Suppress any requests for input.')
    @click.option('--extra-vars', type=types.File('r'), required=False)
    def launch(self,
        """Launch a new job based on a job template.

        Creates a new job in Ansible Tower, immediately stats it, and
        returns back an ID in order for its status to be monitored.
        # Get the job template from Ansible Tower.
        # This is used as the baseline for starting the job.
        jt_resource = get_resource('job_template')
        jt = jt_resource.get(job_template)

        # Update the job data by adding an automatically-generated job name,
        # and removing the ID.
        data = copy(jt)
        data['name'] = '%s [invoked via. Tower CLI]' % data['name']

        # If the job template requires prompting for extra variables,
        # do so (unless --no-input is set).
        if extra_vars:
            data['extra_vars'] = extra_vars.read()
        elif data.pop('ask_variables_on_launch', False) and not no_input:
            initial = data['extra_vars']
            initial = '\n'.join((
                '# Specify extra variables (if any) here.',
                '# Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.',
            extra_vars = click.edit(initial) or ''
            extra_vars = '\n'.join(
                [i for i in extra_vars.split('\n') if not i.startswith('#')])
            data['extra_vars'] = extra_vars

        # Create the new job in Ansible Tower.
        debug.log('Creating the job.', header='details')
        job = client.post('/jobs/', data=data).json()

        # There's a non-trivial chance that we are going to need some
        # additional information to start the job; in particular, many jobs
        # rely on passwords entered at run-time.
        # If there are any such passwords on this job, ask for them now.
        debug.log('Asking for information necessary to start the job.',
        job_start_info = client.get('/jobs/%d/start/' % job['id']).json()
        start_data = {}
        for password in job_start_info.get('passwords_needed_to_start', []):
            start_data[password] = getpass('Password for %s: ' % password)

        # Actually start the job.
        debug.log('Launching the job.', header='details')
        result = client.post('/jobs/%d/start/' % job['id'], start_data)

        # If we were told to monitor the job once it started, then call
        # monitor from here.
        if monitor:
            return self.monitor(job['id'], timeout=timeout)

        # Return the job ID.
        return {
            'changed': True,
            'id': job['id'],

                  help='The minimum interval to request an update '
                  'from Tower.')
                  help='The maximum interval to request an update '
                  'from Tower.')
                  help='If provided, this command (not the job) will time out '
                  'after the given number of seconds.')
    def monitor(self,
        """Monitor a running job.

        Blocks further input until the job completes (whether successfully or
        unsuccessfully) and a final status can be given.
        dots = itertools.cycle([0, 1, 2, 3])
        longest_string = 0
        interval = min_interval
        start = time.time()

        # Poll the Ansible Tower instance for status, and print the status
        # to the outfile (usually standard out).
        # Note that this is one of the few places where we use `click.secho`
        # even though we're in a function that might theoretically be imported
        # and run in Python.  This seems fine; outfile can be set to /dev/null
        # and very much the normal use for this method should be CLI
        # monitoring.
        job = self.status(pk)
        last_poll = time.time()
        timeout_check = 0
        while job['status'] != 'successful':
            # If the job has failed, we want to raise an Exception for that
            # so we get a non-zero response.
            if job['failed']:
                if is_tty(outfile) and not settings.verbose:
                    click.secho('\r' + ' ' * longest_string + '\n',
                raise exc.JobFailure('Job failed.')

            # Sanity check: Have we officially timed out?
            # The timeout check is incremented below, so this is checking
            # to see if we were timed out as of the previous iteration.
            # If we are timed out, abort.
            if timeout and timeout_check - start > timeout:
                raise exc.Timeout('Monitoring aborted due to timeout.')

            # If the outfile is a TTY, print the current status.
            output = '\rCurrent status: %s%s' % (job['status'],
                                                 '.' * next(dots))
            if longest_string > len(output):
                output += ' ' * (longest_string - len(output))
                longest_string = len(output)
            if is_tty(outfile) and not settings.verbose:
                click.secho(output, nl=False, file=outfile)

            # Put the process to sleep briefly.

            # Sanity check: Have we reached our timeout?
            # If we're about to time out, then we need to ensure that we
            # do one last check.
            # Note that the actual timeout will be performed at the start
            # of the **next** iteration, so there's a chance for the job's
            # completion to be noted first.
            timeout_check = time.time()
            if timeout and timeout_check - start > timeout:
                last_poll -= interval

            # If enough time has elapsed, ask the server for a new status.
            # Note that this doesn't actually do a status check every single
            # time; we want the "spinner" to spin even if we're not actively
            # doing a check.
            # So, what happens is that we are "counting down" (actually up)
            # to the next time that we intend to do a check, and once that
            # time hits, we do the status check as part of the normal cycle.
            if time.time() - last_poll > interval:
                job = self.status(pk)
                last_poll = time.time()
                interval = min(interval * 1.5, max_interval)

                # If the outfile is *not* a TTY, print a status update
                # when and only when we make an actual check to job status.
                if not is_tty(outfile) or settings.verbose:
                    click.echo('Current status: %s' % job['status'],

            # Wipe out the previous output
            if is_tty(outfile) and not settings.verbose:
                click.secho('\r' + ' ' * longest_string,
                click.secho('\r', file=outfile, nl=False)

        # Done; return the result
        return job

                  help='Print more detail.')
    def status(self, pk, detail=False):
        """Print the current job status."""
        # Get the job from Ansible Tower.
        debug.log('Asking for job status.', header='details')
        job = client.get('/jobs/%d/' % pk).json()

        # In most cases, we probably only want to know the status of the job
        # and the amount of time elapsed. However, if we were asked for
        # verbose information, provide it.
        if detail:
            return job

        # Print just the information we need.
        return adict({
            'elapsed': job['elapsed'],
            'failed': job['failed'],
            'status': job['status'],

                  help='Fail loudly if the job is not currently running.')
    def cancel(self, pk, fail_if_not_running=False):
        """Cancel a currently running job.

        Fails with a non-zero exit status if the job cannot be canceled.
        # Attempt to cancel the job.
            client.post('/jobs/%d/cancel/' % pk)
            changed = True
        except exc.MethodNotAllowed:
            changed = False
            if fail_if_not_running:
                raise exc.TowerCLIError('Job not running.')

        # Return a success.
        return adict({'status': 'canceled', 'changed': changed})