def __init__(self, parent=None): super(TreeWidget, self).__init__(parent) self._auto_add_sub_items = True self._title_text_index = 0 self._text_edit = True self._edit_state = None self._current_name = None self._old_name = None self._current_item = None self._last_item = None self._drop_indicator_rect = QRect() self.setIndentation(25) self.setExpandsOnDoubleClick(False) if tp.Dcc.get_name() == tp.Dccs.Maya: self.setAlternatingRowColors(tp.Dcc.get_version() < 2016) self.setSortingEnabled(True) self.sortByColumn(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) if not tp.is_maya() and not not tp.is_nuke(): palette = QPalette() palette.setColor(palette.Highlight, Qt.gray) self.setPalette(palette) self.itemCollapsed.connect(self._on_item_collapsed) self.itemActivated.connect(self._on_item_activated) self.itemChanged.connect(self._on_item_changed) self.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self._on_item_selection_changed) self.itemClicked.connect(self._on_item_clicked) self.itemExpanded.connect(self._on_item_expanded)
def thumbnail_capture(self, show=False): """ Captures a playblast and saves it to the temporal thumbnail path :param show: bool """ if not tp.is_maya(): return options = self._options_widget.values() start_frame, end_frame = options.get('frameRange', [None, None]) step = options.get('byFrame', 1) if not qtutils.is_control_modifier(): self.show_by_frame_dialog() if not self._temp_path or not os.path.isdir(self._temp_path): self._temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() self._temp_path = os.path.join(self._temp_path, 'thumbnail.jpg') try: thumbnail.ThumbnailCaptureDialog.thumbnail_capture( path=self._temp_path, show=show, start_frame=start_frame, end_frame=end_frame, step=step, clear_cache=False, captured=self._on_thumbnail_captured) except Exception as e: messagebox.MessageBox.critical(self.library_window(), 'Error while capturing thumbnail', str(e)) tpQtLib.logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
def run(): if tp.is_maya(): win = window.dock_window(project=artellapipe.solstice, window_class=SolsticeAssetsLibraryWidget) return win else: win = SolsticeAssetsLibrary(project=artellapipe.solstice) return win
def set_sub_path_warning(self, flag): """ Updates the style of the sub path QLineEdit depending on the app that uses this widget :param flag: bool """ if flag: if not tp.is_maya(): self.sub_path_filter.setStyleSheet('background-color: rgb(255, 150, 150);') else: self.sub_path_filter.setStyleSheet('background-color: rgb(255, 100, 100);') else: self.sub_path_filter.setStyleSheet('')
def import_builder(self): """ Function that imports in the scene the builder file """ if not tp.is_maya(): tp.logger.warning( 'Import model functionality is only available in Maya') return assert self._asset track = scene.TrackNodes() track.load('transform') self._asset.import_builder_file() mc.refresh() imported_objs = track.get_delta() mc.viewFit(animate=True)
def import_model(self): """ Function that import latest working file of the asset model """ if not tp.is_maya(): tp.logger.warning( 'Import model functionality is only available in Maya') return assert self._asset track = scene.TrackNodes() track.load('transform') self._asset.import_model_file(status='working') mc.refresh() imported_objs = track.get_delta() self._geo['model'] = imported_objs mc.viewFit(animate=True)
def _paint_drop_indicator(self, painter): """ Internal function used to paint the drop indicator manually :param painter: QPainter """ if self.state() == QAbstractItemView.DraggingState: opt = QStyleOption() opt.initFrom(self) opt.rect = self._drop_indicator_rect rect = opt.rect color = if tp.is_maya(): color = Qt.white brush = QBrush(QColor(color)) pen = QPen(brush, 1, Qt.DotLine) painter.setPen(pen) if rect.height() == 0: painter.drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight()) else: painter.drawRect(rect)
import os import tempfile import traceback from Qt.QtCore import * from Qt.QtWidgets import * from Qt.QtGui import * import tpQtLib import tpDccLib as tp from tpQtLib.core import base, qtutils from tpQtLib.widgets import directory, formwidget, messagebox from tpQtLib.widgets.library import widgets if tp.is_maya(): from tpMayaLib.core import thumbnail class SaveWidget(base.BaseWidget, object): def __init__(self, item, settings, temp_path=None, parent=None): self._item = None self._script_job = None self._options_widget = None self._sequence_path = None self._icon_path = '' self._settings = settings self._temp_path = temp_path super(SaveWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent)
class PythonHighlighter(QSyntaxHighlighter): """ Syntax highlighter for the Python language. """ # Python keywords keywords = [ 'and', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'exec', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'print', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'yield', 'None', 'True', 'False', 'process', 'show' ] if tp.is_maya(): keywords += ['cmds', 'pm', 'mc', 'pymel'] # Python operators operators = [ '=', # Comparison '==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', # Arithmetic '\+', '-', '\*', '/', '//', '\%', '\*\*', # In-place '\+=', '-=', '\*=', '/=', '\%=', # Bitwise '\^', '\|', '\&', '\~', '>>', '<<', ] # Python braces braces = [ '\{', '\}', '\(', '\)', '\[', '\]', ] def __init__(self, document): super(PythonHighlighter, self).__init__(document) # Multi-line strings (expression, flag, style) # FIXME: The triple-quotes in these two lines will mess up the # syntax highlighting from this point onward self.tri_single = (QRegExp("'''"), 1, syntax_styles('string2')) self.tri_double = (QRegExp('"""'), 2, syntax_styles('string2')) rules = [] # Keyword, operator, and brace rules rules += [(r'\b%s\b' % w, 0, syntax_styles('keyword')) for w in PythonHighlighter.keywords] rules += [(r'%s' % o, 0, syntax_styles('operator')) for o in PythonHighlighter.operators] rules += [(r'%s' % b, 0, syntax_styles('brace')) for b in PythonHighlighter.braces] # All other rules rules += [ # 'self' (r'\bself\b', 0, syntax_styles('self')), # Double-quoted string, possibly containing escape sequences (r'"[^"\\]*(\\.[^"\\]*)*"', 0, syntax_styles('string')), # Single-quoted string, possibly containing escape sequences (r"'[^'\\]*(\\.[^'\\]*)*'", 0, syntax_styles('string')), # 'def' followed by an identifier # (r'\bdef\b\s*(\w+)', 0, syntax_styles('defclass')), # 'class' followed by an identifier # (r'\bclass\b\s*(\w+)', 0, syntax_styles('defclass')), # From '#' until a newline (r'#[^\n]*', 0, syntax_styles('comment')), # ('\\b\.[a-zA-Z_]+\\b(?=\()', 0, syntax_styles('bold')), # Numeric literals (r'\b[+-]?[0-9]+[lL]?\b', 0, syntax_styles('numbers')), (r'\b[+-]?0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+[lL]?\b', 0, syntax_styles('numbers')), (r'\b[+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\b', 0, syntax_styles('numbers')), ] # Build a QRegExp for each pattern self.rules = [(QRegExp(pat), index, fmt) for (pat, index, fmt) in rules] def highlightBlock(self, text): """ Apply syntax highlighting to the given block of text. """ # Do other syntax formatting for expression, nth, format_value in self.rules: index = expression.indexIn(text, 0) while index >= 0: # We actually want the index of the nth match index = expression.pos(nth) length = len(expression.cap(nth)) self.setFormat(index, length, format_value) index = expression.indexIn(text, index + length) self.setCurrentBlockState(0) # Do multi-line strings in_multiline = self.match_multiline(text, *self.tri_single) if not in_multiline: in_multiline = self.match_multiline(text, *self.tri_double) def match_multiline(self, text, delimiter, in_state, style): """ Do highlighting of multi-line strings. ``delimiter`` should be a ``QRegExp`` for triple-single-quotes or triple-double-quotes, and ``in_state`` should be a unique integer to represent the corresponding state changes when inside those strings. Returns True if we're still inside a multi-line string when this function is finished. """ # If inside triple-single quotes, start at 0 if self.previousBlockState() == in_state: start = 0 add = 0 # Otherwise, look for the delimiter on this line else: start = delimiter.indexIn(text) # Move past this match add = delimiter.matchedLength() # As long as there's a delimiter match on this line... while start >= 0: # Look for the ending delimiter end = delimiter.indexIn(text, start + add) # Ending delimiter on this line? if end >= add: length = end - start + add + delimiter.matchedLength() self.setCurrentBlockState(0) # No; multi-line string else: self.setCurrentBlockState(in_state) length = len(text) - start + add # Apply formatting self.setFormat(start, length, style) # Look for the next match start = delimiter.indexIn(text, start + length) # Return True if still inside a multi-line string, False otherwise if self.currentBlockState() == in_state: return True else: return False
def syntax_styles(name): if name == 'keyword': if tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('green', 'bold') if not tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format([0, 150, 150], 'bold') if name == 'operator': if tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('gray') if not tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('darkGray') if name == 'brace': if tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('lightGray') if not tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('darkGray') if name == 'defclass': if tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format(None, 'bold') if not tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format(None, 'bold') if name == 'string': if tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format([230, 230, 0]) if not tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('blue') if name == 'string2': if tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format([230, 230, 0]) if not tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('lightGreen') if name == 'comment': if tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('red') if not tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('red') if name == 'self': if tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format(None, 'italic') if not tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('black', 'italic') if name == 'bold': return get_syntax_format(None, 'bold') if name == 'numbers': if tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('cyan') if not tp.is_maya(): return get_syntax_format('brown')
def _on_generate_shot(self): """ Internal callback function that is called when Generate Shot button is pressed """ if not tp.is_maya(): logger.warning('Shot Generation is only available in Maya!') return all_hierarchy = self._shot_hierarchy.all_hierarchy() if not all_hierarchy: logger.warning('No items added to ShotAssembler list!') return pre_overrides = list() post_overrides = list() for shot_override in self._shot_overrides.get_loaded_overrides(): if shot_override.OVERRIDE_STEP == override.OverrideExecutionStep.POST: post_overrides.append(shot_override) else: pre_overrides.append(pre_overrides) tp.Dcc.new_file() self._progress.set_minimum(0) self._progress.set_maximum( len(all_hierarchy) + len(pre_overrides) + len(post_overrides) + 3) self._progress.set_value(0) self._progress.setVisible(True) self._progress.set_text('Generating Shot ...') self.repaint() self._progress.set_value(self._progress.value() + 1) self._progress.set_text('Applying Pre Load Overrides ...') self.repaint() for pre_override in pre_overrides: self._progress.set_value(self._progress.value() + 1) self._progress.set_text('Applying Pre Load Override: {}'.format( pre_override.OVERRIDE_NAME)) self.repaint() pre_override.apply(all_hierarchy) for i, node_asset in enumerate(all_hierarchy): self._progress.set_value(self._progress.value() + 1) self._progress.set_text('Loading Asset: {}'.format( node_asset.asset_file)) self.repaint() node_asset.load() self._progress.set_value(self._progress.value() + 1) self._progress.set_text('Applying Post Load Overrides ...') self.repaint() for post_override in post_overrides: self._progress.set_value(self._progress.value() + 1) self._progress.set_text('Applying Post Load Override: {}'.format( post_override.OVERRIDE_NAME)) self.repaint() post_override.apply() tp.Dcc.clear_selection() tp.Dcc.fit_view(animation=True) self._progress.set_value(self._progress.value() + 1) self._progress.set_text('Loading Shaders ...') self.repaint() shader.load_all_scene_shaders(project=self._project) self._progress.set_value(0) self._progress.set_text('') self._progress.setVisible(False)
def ui(self): super(AlembicImporter, self).ui() buttons_layout = QGridLayout() self.main_layout.addLayout(buttons_layout) shot_name_lbl = QLabel('Shot Name: ') self._shot_line = QLineEdit() buttons_layout.addWidget(shot_name_lbl, 1, 0, 1, 1, Qt.AlignRight) buttons_layout.addWidget(self._shot_line, 1, 1) shot_name_lbl.setVisible(False) self._shot_line.setVisible(False) folder_icon = resource.ResourceManager().icon('folder') alembic_path_layout = QHBoxLayout() alembic_path_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) alembic_path_layout.setSpacing(2) alembic_path_widget = QWidget() alembic_path_widget.setLayout(alembic_path_layout) alembic_path_lbl = QLabel('Alembic File: ') self._alembic_path_line = QLineEdit() self._alembic_path_line.setReadOnly(True) self._alembic_path_btn = QPushButton() self._alembic_path_btn.setIcon(folder_icon) self._alembic_path_btn.setIconSize(QSize(18, 18)) self._alembic_path_btn.setStyleSheet( "background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); border: 0px solid rgba(255,255,255,0);" ) alembic_path_layout.addWidget(self._alembic_path_line) alembic_path_layout.addWidget(self._alembic_path_btn) buttons_layout.addWidget(alembic_path_lbl, 2, 0, 1, 1, Qt.AlignRight) buttons_layout.addWidget(alembic_path_widget, 2, 1) import_mode_layout = QHBoxLayout() import_mode_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) import_mode_layout.setSpacing(2) import_mode_widget = QWidget() import_mode_widget.setLayout(import_mode_layout) import_mode_lbl = QLabel('Import mode: ') self._create_radio = QRadioButton('Create') self._add_radio = QRadioButton('Add') self._merge_radio = QRadioButton('Merge') self._create_radio.setChecked(True) import_mode_layout.addWidget(self._create_radio) import_mode_layout.addWidget(self._add_radio) import_mode_layout.addWidget(self._merge_radio) buttons_layout.addWidget(import_mode_lbl, 3, 0, 1, 1, Qt.AlignRight) buttons_layout.addWidget(import_mode_widget, 3, 1) import_mode_lbl.setVisible(False) import_mode_widget.setVisible(False) self._auto_display_lbl = QLabel('Auto Display Smooth?: ') self._auto_smooth_display = QCheckBox() self._auto_smooth_display.setChecked(True) buttons_layout.addWidget(self._auto_display_lbl, 4, 0, 1, 1, Qt.AlignRight) buttons_layout.addWidget(self._auto_smooth_display, 4, 1) if tp.is_maya(): maya_gpu_cache_lbl = QLabel('Import Alembic as GPU Cache?') self._maya_gpu_cache_cbx = QCheckBox() self._maya_gpu_cache_cbx.setChecked(True) buttons_layout.addWidget(maya_gpu_cache_lbl, 5, 0, 1, 1, Qt.AlignRight) buttons_layout.addWidget(self._maya_gpu_cache_cbx, 5, 1) elif tp.is_houdini(): hou_archive_abc_node_lbl = QLabel('Import Alembic as Archive?') self._hou_archive_abc_node_cbx = QCheckBox() buttons_layout.addWidget(hou_archive_abc_node_lbl, 5, 0, 1, 1, Qt.AlignRight) buttons_layout.addWidget(self._hou_archive_abc_node_cbx, 5, 1) self.main_layout.addLayout(splitters.SplitterLayout()) buttons_layout = QHBoxLayout() buttons_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) buttons_layout.setSpacing(2) self.main_layout.addLayout(buttons_layout) self._import_btn = QPushButton('Import') self._import_btn.setIcon(resource.ResourceManager().icon('import')) self._import_btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self._reference_btn = QPushButton('Reference') self._reference_btn.setIcon( resource.ResourceManager().icon('reference')) self._reference_btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) buttons_layout.addWidget(self._import_btn) buttons_layout.addWidget(self._reference_btn) if tp.is_houdini(): self._reference_btn.setEnabled(False)
def reference_alembic(project, alembic_path, namespace=None, fix_path=False): """ References alembic file in current DCC scene :param project: ArtellaProject :param alembic_path: str :param namespace: str :param fix_path: bool """ if not alembic_path or not os.path.isfile(alembic_path): LOGGER.warning( 'Alembic file {} does not exits!'.format(alembic_path)) return None abc_name = os.path.basename(alembic_path).split('.')[0] tag_json_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(alembic_path), os.path.basename(alembic_path).replace('.abc', '')) if not os.path.isfile(tag_json_file): LOGGER.warning('No Alembic Info file found!') return with open(tag_json_file, 'r') as f: tag_info = json.loads( if not tag_info: LOGGER.warning('No Alembic Info loaded!') return root = tp.Dcc.create_empty_group(name=abc_name) AlembicImporter._add_tag_info_data(project, tag_info, root) sel = [root] sel = sel or None if not namespace: namespace = abc_name new_nodes = alembic.reference_alembic(project=project, alembic_file=alembic_path, namespace=namespace, fix_path=fix_path) if not new_nodes: LOGGER.warning( 'Error while reference Alembic file: {}'.format(alembic_path)) return for obj in new_nodes: if not tp.Dcc.object_exists(obj): continue if not tp.Dcc.node_type(obj) == 'transform': continue obj_parent = tp.Dcc.node_parent(obj) if obj_parent: continue tp.Dcc.set_parent(obj, sel[0]) tp.Dcc.select_object(sel[0]) new_nodes.insert(0, sel[0]) # After parenting referenced nodes, full path changes, here we update node paths if tp.is_maya(): new_paths = list() for n in new_nodes: if tp.Dcc.object_exists(n): new_paths.append(n) else: if n.startswith('|'): new_paths.append('{}{}'.format(sel[0], n)) else: new_paths.append('{}|{}'.format(sel[0], n)) return new_paths return new_nodes