Example #1
    def getNextDeparturesForStop(args):
        ''' Returns Lines (code, destination) to departureTimes (in seconds) '''
        json = None
        if args.lines:
            json = Communicator.Instance().sendRequest_getJSON("GetNextDepartures", stopCode=args.stop.code, linesCode=",".join([l.code for l in args.lines]))
            json = Communicator.Instance().sendRequest_getJSON("GetNextDepartures", stopCode=args.stop.code)

        stop = Stop.fromJson(json["stop"])

        departures = [Departure.fromJson(dep) for dep in json["departures"]]
        departuresFiltered = [dep for dep in departures if dep]
        return stop, departuresFiltered
Example #2
    def getLineColors():
        ''' Returns a dictionary of {line: colour} '''
        json = Communicator.Instance().sendRequest_getJSON("GetLinesColors")

        linesToColors = dict()
        for color in json["colors"]:
            linesToColors[color["lineCode"]] = {
                "background": color["background"],
                "foreground": color["text"]
        return linesToColors
Example #3
    def getTodaysStopsAndLines():
        todaysStops = "todaysStops"
        todaysLines = "todaysLines"

        if Tpg.cache.has(todaysLines):
            return Tpg.cache.read(todaysStops), Tpg.cache.read(todaysLines)

        json = Communicator.Instance().sendRequest_getJSON("GetStops")
        stops = [Stop(s["stopCode"],s["stopName"]) for s in json["stops"]]

        lines = []
        for stop in json["stops"]:
            for connection in stop["connections"]:
                line = Line(connection["lineCode"], connection["destinationName"])
                if line not in lines:
        Tpg.cache.write(todaysStops, stops, delay=Tpg.cacheTime)  # cache for an hour
        Tpg.cache.write(todaysLines, lines, delay=Tpg.cacheTime)

        return stops,lines
Example #4
import os
import logging
from flask import Flask, request, redirect

from config import Config
from tpgnow.server import Server
from tpgnow.communicator import Communicator


app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = True

# setup Communicator
Communicator.Instance().apiKey = os.getenv("API_KEY", Config.apiKey)

server = Server()

def _get_agent_and_baseurl(request):
    agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent')
    baseurl = request.headers.get('Host')
    url = request.url
    return {"agent" : agent, "baseurl": baseurl, "url": url}

def help():
    requestArgs = _get_agent_and_baseurl(request)
    response = server.getHelp(**requestArgs)
    return server.reply(response, **requestArgs)