Example #1
    def _do_users(self, req):
        env = self.env
        perm = PermissionSystem(env)
        acctmgr = self.acctmgr
        acctmod = AccountModule(env)
        guard = self.guard
        listing_enabled = acctmgr.supports('get_users')
        create_enabled = acctmgr.supports('set_password')
        password_change_enabled = acctmgr.supports('set_password')
        password_reset_enabled = acctmod.reset_password_enabled
        delete_enabled = acctmgr.supports('delete_user')
        verify_enabled = acctmgr.verify_email and \

        account = dict(email=req.args.get('email', '').strip(),
                       name=req.args.get('name', '').strip(),
                                    req.args.get('username', '').strip()))
        data = {
            '_dgettext': dgettext,
            'acctmgr': account,
            'email_approved': True,
            'listing_enabled': listing_enabled,
            'create_enabled': create_enabled,
            'delete_enabled': delete_enabled,
            'verify_enabled': verify_enabled,
            'ignore_auth_case': self.config.getbool('trac',
            'password_change_enabled': password_change_enabled,
            'password_reset_enabled': password_reset_enabled
        if req.method == 'GET':
            if 'user' in req.args.iterkeys():
                return self._do_acct_details(req)
            elif req.args.get('max_per_page'):
                return self._do_db_cleanup(req)

        if req.method == 'POST':
            email_approved = req.args.get('email_approved')
            # Preserve selection during a series of requests.
            data['email_approved'] = email_approved

            if req.args.get('add'):
                # Add new user account.
                if create_enabled:
                    # Check request and prime account on success.
                        # Account email approval for authoritative action.
                        if verify_enabled and email_approved and \
                            set_user_attribute(env, account['username'],
                                'email_verification_sent_to', account['email'])
                        # User editor form clean-up.
                        data['acctmgr'] = {}
                    except RegistrationError, e:

                        # Attempt deferred translation.
                        message = gettext(e.message)
                        # Check for (matching number of) message arguments
                        #   before attempting string substitution.
                        if e.msg_args and \
                                len(e.msg_args) == len(re.findall('%s',
                            message = message % e.msg_args
                        data['editor_error'] = Markup(message)
                    data['editor_error'] = _(
                        "The password store does not support creating users.")
            elif req.args.get('reset') and req.args.get('sel'):
                # Password reset for one or more accounts.
                if password_reset_enabled:
                    sel = req.args.get('sel')
                    sel = isinstance(sel, list) and sel or [sel]
                    for username, name, email in env.get_known_users():
                        if username in sel:
                            acctmod._reset_password(username, email)
                    data['deletion_error'] = _(
                        "The password reset procedure is not enabled.")
            elif req.args.get('remove') and req.args.get('sel'):
                # Delete one or more accounts.
                if delete_enabled:
                    sel = req.args.get('sel')
                    sel = isinstance(sel, list) and sel or [sel]
                    for account in sel:
                    data['deletion_error'] = _(
                        "The password store does not support deleting users.")
            elif req.args.get('change'):
                # Change attributes and or password of existing user account.
                attributes = {
                    'email': _("Email Address"),
                    'name': _("Pre-/Surname (Nickname)"),
                    'password': _("Password")
                data['success'] = []
                error = TracError('')
                username = acctmgr.handle_username_casing(
                    if not username:
                        error.account = {'username' : username}
                        error.message = _("Username cannot be empty.")
                        raise error

                    if not acctmgr.has_user(username):
                        error.account = {'username' : username}
                        error.message = _("Unknown user %(user)s.",
                        raise error

                    password = req.args.get('password')
                    if password and (password.strip() != ''):
                        if password_change_enabled:
                            if password != req.args.get('password_confirm'):
                                error.message = _("The passwords must match.")
                                raise error
                            acctmgr.set_password(username, password)
                            data['editor_error'] = _(
                                """The password store does not support
                                changing passwords.
                    for attribute in ('name', 'email'):
                        value = req.args.get(attribute, '').strip()
                        if value:
                            set_user_attribute(env, username,
                                               attribute, value)
                            # Account email approval for authoritative action.
                            if attribute == 'email' and verify_enabled and \
                                set_user_attribute(env, username,
                                    'email_verification_sent_to', value)
                    # User editor form clean-up on success.
                    data['acctmgr'] = {}
                except TracError, e:
                    data['editor_error'] = e.message
                    data['acctmgr'] = getattr(e, 'account', '')
Example #2
    def _do_users(self, req):
        env = self.env
        perm = PermissionSystem(env)
        acctmgr = self.acctmgr
        acctmod = AccountModule(env)
        guard = self.guard
        listing_enabled = acctmgr.supports('get_users')
        create_enabled = acctmgr.supports('set_password')
        password_change_enabled = acctmgr.supports('set_password')
        password_reset_enabled = acctmod.reset_password_enabled
        delete_enabled = acctmgr.supports('delete_user')
        verify_enabled = acctmgr.verify_email and \

        account = dict(email=req.args.get('email', '').strip(),
                       name=req.args.get('name', '').strip(),
                           req.args.get('username', '').strip()))
        data = {
            '_dgettext': dgettext,
            'acctmgr': account,
            'email_approved': True,
            'listing_enabled': listing_enabled,
            'create_enabled': create_enabled,
            'delete_enabled': delete_enabled,
            'verify_enabled': verify_enabled,
            'ignore_auth_case': self.config.getbool('trac',
            'password_change_enabled': password_change_enabled,
            'password_reset_enabled': password_reset_enabled
        if req.method == 'GET':
            if 'user' in req.args.iterkeys():
                return self._do_acct_details(req)
            elif req.args.get('max_per_page'):
                return self._do_db_cleanup(req)

        if req.method == 'POST':
            email_approved = req.args.get('email_approved')
            # Preserve selection during a series of requests.
            data['email_approved'] = email_approved

            if req.args.get('add'):
                # Add new user account.
                if create_enabled:
                    # Check request and prime account on success.
                        # Account email approval for authoritative action.
                        if verify_enabled and email_approved and \
                            set_user_attribute(env, account['username'],
                        # User editor form clean-up.
                        data['acctmgr'] = {}
                    except RegistrationError, e:

                        # Attempt deferred translation.
                        message = gettext(e.message)
                        # Check for (matching number of) message arguments
                        #   before attempting string substitution.
                        if e.msg_args and \
                                len(e.msg_args) == len(re.findall('%s',
                            message = message % e.msg_args
                        data['editor_error'] = Markup(message)
                    data['editor_error'] = _(
                        "The password store does not support creating users.")
            elif req.args.get('reset') and req.args.get('sel'):
                # Password reset for one or more accounts.
                if password_reset_enabled:
                    sel = req.args.get('sel')
                    sel = isinstance(sel, list) and sel or [sel]
                    for username, name, email in env.get_known_users():
                        if username in sel:
                            acctmod._reset_password(username, email)
                    data['deletion_error'] = _(
                        "The password reset procedure is not enabled.")
            elif req.args.get('remove') and req.args.get('sel'):
                # Delete one or more accounts.
                if delete_enabled:
                    sel = req.args.get('sel')
                    sel = isinstance(sel, list) and sel or [sel]
                    for account in sel:
                    data['deletion_error'] = _(
                        "The password store does not support deleting users.")
            elif req.args.get('change'):
                # Change attributes and or password of existing user account.
                attributes = {
                    'email': _("Email Address"),
                    'name': _("Pre-/Surname (Nickname)"),
                    'password': _("Password")
                data['success'] = []
                error = TracError('')
                username = acctmgr.handle_username_casing(
                    if not username:
                        error.account = {'username': username}
                        error.message = _("Username cannot be empty.")
                        raise error

                    if not acctmgr.has_user(username):
                        error.account = {'username': username}
                        error.message = _("Unknown user %(user)s.",
                        raise error

                    password = req.args.get('password')
                    if password and (password.strip() != ''):
                        if password_change_enabled:
                            if password != req.args.get('password_confirm'):
                                error.message = _("The passwords must match.")
                                raise error
                            acctmgr.set_password(username, password)
                            data['editor_error'] = _(
                                """The password store does not support
                                changing passwords.
                    for attribute in ('name', 'email'):
                        value = req.args.get(attribute, '').strip()
                        if value:
                            set_user_attribute(env, username, attribute, value)
                            # Account email approval for authoritative action.
                            if attribute == 'email' and verify_enabled and \
                                    env, username,
                                    'email_verification_sent_to', value)
                    # User editor form clean-up on success.
                    data['acctmgr'] = {}
                except TracError, e:
                    data['editor_error'] = e.message
                    data['acctmgr'] = getattr(e, 'account', '')
Example #3
def _create_user(req, env, check_permissions=True):
    acctmgr = AccountManager(env)
    username = acctmgr.handle_username_casing(req.args.get('username').strip())
    name = req.args.get('name')
    email = req.args.get('email').strip()
    account = {
        'username': username,
        'name': name,
        'email': email,
    error = TracError('')
    error.account = account

    if not username:
        error.message = _("Username cannot be empty.")
        raise error

    # Prohibit some user names that are important for Trac and therefor
    # reserved, even if they're not in the permission store for some reason.
    if username in ['authenticated', 'anonymous']:
        error.message = _("Username %s is not allowed.") % username
        raise error

    # NOTE: A user may exist in the password store but not in the permission
    #   store. I.e. this happens, when the user (from the password store)
    #   never logged in into Trac. So we have to perform this test here
    #   and cannot just check for the user being in the permission store.
    #   And obfuscate whether an existing user or group name
    #   was responsible for rejection of this user name.
    if acctmgr.has_user(username):
        error.message = _(
            "Another account or group named %s already exists.") % username
        raise error

    # Check whether there is also a user or a group with that name.
    if check_permissions:
        # NOTE: We can't use 'get_user_permissions(username)' here
        #   as this always returns a list - even if the user doesn't exist.
        #   In this case the permissions of "anonymous" are returned.
        #   Also note that we can't simply compare the result of
        #   'get_user_permissions(username)' to some known set of permission,
        #   i.e. "get_user_permissions('authenticated') as this is always
        #   false when 'username' is the name of an existing permission group.
        #   And again obfuscate whether an existing user or group name
        #   was responsible for rejection of this username.
        for (perm_user, perm_action) in \
            if perm_user == username:
                error.message = _(
                    "Another account or group named %s already exists.") \
                    % username
                raise error

    # Always exclude some special characters, i.e.
    #   ':' can't be used in HtPasswdStore
    #   '[' and ']' can't be used in SvnServePasswordStore
    blacklist = acctmgr.username_char_blacklist
    if containsAny(username, blacklist):
        pretty_blacklist = ''
        for c in blacklist:
            if pretty_blacklist == '':
                pretty_blacklist = tag(' \'', tag.b(c), '\'')
                pretty_blacklist = tag(pretty_blacklist, ', \'', tag.b(c),
        error.message = tag(
            _("The username must not contain any of these characters:"),
        raise error

    # Validation of username passed.

    password = req.args.get('password')
    if not password:
        error.message = _("Password cannot be empty.")
        raise error

    if password != req.args.get('password_confirm'):
        error.message = _("The passwords must match.")
        raise error

    # Validation of password passed.

    if if_enabled(EmailVerificationModule) and acctmgr.verify_email:
        if not email:
            error.message = _("You must specify a valid email address.")
            raise error
        elif not re.match('^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[A-Z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}$',
                          email, re.IGNORECASE):
            error.message = _("""The email address specified appears to be
                              invalid. Please specify a valid email address.
            raise error
        elif acctmgr.has_email(email):
            error.message = _("""The email address specified is already in
                              use. Please specify a different one.
            raise error

    # Validation of email address passed.

    acctmgr.set_password(username, password)

    # INSERT new sid, needed as foreign key in some db schemata later on,
    # at least for PostgreSQL.
    db = env.get_db_cnx()
    cursor = db.cursor()
        SELECT  COUNT(*)
        FROM    session
        WHERE   sid=%s
        """, (username, ))
    exists = cursor.fetchone()
    if not exists:
            INSERT INTO session
            VALUES  (%s,0,0)
            """, (username, ))

    for attribute in ('name', 'email'):
        value = req.args.get(attribute)
        if not value:
        set_user_attribute(env, username, attribute, value)
Example #4
def _create_user(req, env, check_permissions=True):
    acctmgr = AccountManager(env)
    username = acctmgr.handle_username_casing(
    name = req.args.get('name')
    email = req.args.get('email').strip()
    account = {'username' : username,
               'name' : name,
               'email' : email,
    error = TracError('')
    error.account = account

    if not username:
        error.message = _("Username cannot be empty.")
        raise error

    # Prohibit some user names that are important for Trac and therefor
    # reserved, even if they're not in the permission store for some reason.
    if username in ['authenticated', 'anonymous']:
        error.message = _("Username %s is not allowed.") % username
        raise error

    # NOTE: A user may exist in the password store but not in the permission
    #   store. I.e. this happens, when the user (from the password store)
    #   never logged in into Trac. So we have to perform this test here
    #   and cannot just check for the user being in the permission store.
    #   And obfuscate whether an existing user or group name
    #   was responsible for rejection of this user name.
    if acctmgr.has_user(username):
        error.message = _(
            "Another account or group named %s already exists.") % username
        raise error

    # Check whether there is also a user or a group with that name.
    if check_permissions:
        # NOTE: We can't use 'get_user_permissions(username)' here
        #   as this always returns a list - even if the user doesn't exist.
        #   In this case the permissions of "anonymous" are returned.
        #   Also note that we can't simply compare the result of
        #   'get_user_permissions(username)' to some known set of permission,
        #   i.e. "get_user_permissions('authenticated') as this is always
        #   false when 'username' is the name of an existing permission group.
        #   And again obfuscate whether an existing user or group name
        #   was responsible for rejection of this username.
        for (perm_user, perm_action) in \
            if perm_user == username:
                error.message = _(
                    "Another account or group named %s already exists.") \
                    % username
                raise error

    # Always exclude some special characters, i.e. 
    #   ':' can't be used in HtPasswdStore
    #   '[' and ']' can't be used in SvnServePasswordStore
    blacklist = acctmgr.username_char_blacklist
    if containsAny(username, blacklist):
        pretty_blacklist = ''
        for c in blacklist:
            if pretty_blacklist == '':
                pretty_blacklist = tag(' \'', tag.b(c), '\'')
                pretty_blacklist = tag(pretty_blacklist,
                                       ', \'', tag.b(c), '\'')
        error.message = tag(_(
            "The username must not contain any of these characters:"),
        raise error

    # Validation of username passed.

    password = req.args.get('password')
    if not password:
        error.message = _("Password cannot be empty.")
        raise error

    if password != req.args.get('password_confirm'):
        error.message = _("The passwords must match.")
        raise error

    # Validation of password passed.

    if if_enabled(EmailVerificationModule) and acctmgr.verify_email:
        if not email:
            error.message = _("You must specify a valid email address.")
            raise error
        elif not re.match('^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[A-Z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}$',
                          email, re.IGNORECASE):
            error.message = _("""The email address specified appears to be
                              invalid. Please specify a valid email address.
            raise error
        elif acctmgr.has_email(email):
            error.message = _("""The email address specified is already in
                              use. Please specify a different one.
            raise error

    # Validation of email address passed.

    acctmgr.set_password(username, password)

    # INSERT new sid, needed as foreign key in some db schemata later on,
    # at least for PostgreSQL.
    db = env.get_db_cnx()
    cursor = db.cursor()
        SELECT  COUNT(*)
        FROM    session
        WHERE   sid=%s
        """, (username,))
    exists = cursor.fetchone()
    if not exists:
            INSERT INTO session
            VALUES  (%s,0,0)
            """, (username,))

    for attribute in ('name', 'email'):
        value = req.args.get(attribute)
        if not value:
        set_user_attribute(env, username, attribute, value)