Example #1
        def test(db, logging=False):
            cursor = db.cursor()
            if logging:
                cursor.log = self.env.log

            cursor.execute('SELECT 1 AS ' + db.quote(name))
            self.assertEqual(name, get_column_names(cursor)[0])
            cursor.execute('SELECT %s AS ' + db.quote(name), (42,))
            self.assertEqual(name, get_column_names(cursor)[0])
            cursor.executemany("UPDATE system SET value=%s WHERE "
                               "1=(SELECT 0 AS " + db.quote(name) + ")",
            cursor.executemany("UPDATE system SET value=%s WHERE "
                               "1=(SELECT 0 AS " + db.quote(name) + ")",
                               [('42',), ('43',)])
Example #2
        def test(logging=False):
            with self.env.db_query as db:
                cursor = db.cursor()
                if logging:
                    cursor.log = self.env.log

                cursor.execute('SELECT 1 AS ' + db.quote(name))
                self.assertEqual(name, get_column_names(cursor)[0])
                cursor.execute('SELECT %s AS ' + db.quote(name), (42, ))
                self.assertEqual(name, get_column_names(cursor)[0])
                stmt = """
                    UPDATE {0} SET value=%s WHERE 1=(SELECT 0 AS {1})
                    """.format(db.quote('system'), db.quote(name))
                cursor.executemany(stmt, [])
                cursor.executemany(stmt, [('42', ), ('43', )])
Example #3
 def test_quote(self):
     with self.env.db_query as db:
         cursor = db.cursor()
         cursor.execute('SELECT 1 AS %s' % \
Example #4
    def copy_table(db, cursor, table):
        src_cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM ' + src_db.quote(table))
        columns = get_column_names(src_cursor)
        n_rows = 100
        if multirows_insert and max_parameters:
            n_rows = min(n_rows, int(max_parameters // len(columns)))
        quoted_table = db.quote(table)
        holders = '(%s)' % ','.join(['%s'] * len(columns))
        count = 0

        cursor.execute('DELETE FROM ' + quoted_table)
        while True:
            rows = src_cursor.fetchmany(n_rows)
            if not rows:
            count += len(rows)
            if progress:
                printfout("%d records\r  %s table... ",
            if replace_cast is not None and table == 'report':
                rows = replace_report_query(rows, columns, replace_cast)
            query = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES ' % \
                    (quoted_table, ','.join(map(db.quote, columns)))
            if multirows_insert:
                cursor.execute(query + ','.join([holders] * len(rows)),
                               sum(rows, ()))
                cursor.executemany(query + holders, rows)

        return count
Example #5
    def _verify_table_status(self, db):
        from trac.db_default import schema
        tables = [t.name for t in schema]
        cursor = db.cursor()
            "SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE name IN (%s)" % ','.join(
                ('%s', ) * len(tables)), tables)
        cols = get_column_names(cursor)
        rows = [dict(zip(cols, row)) for row in cursor]

        engines = [
            row['Name'] for row in rows
            if row['Engine'] in self.UNSUPPORTED_ENGINES
        if engines:
            raise TracError(
                    "All tables must be created as InnoDB or NDB storage engine "
                    "to support transactions. The following tables have been "
                    "created as storage engine which doesn't support "
                    "transactions: %(tables)s",
                    tables=', '.join(engines)))

        non_utf8bin = [
            row['Name'] for row in rows
            if row['Collation'] not in ('utf8_bin', 'utf8mb4_bin', None)
        if non_utf8bin:
            raise TracError(
                    "All tables must be created with utf8_bin or "
                    "utf8mb4_bin as collation. The following tables "
                    "don't have the collations: %(tables)s",
                    tables=', '.join(non_utf8bin)))
Example #6
def _get_pie_graph_stats(env, factor, query=None):
    Return a dict in which the keys are the factors and the values are the
    number of tickets of each factor.

    >>> _get_pie_graph_stats(env, 'milestone')
    {'milestone1' : 20,
     'milestone2' : 12,
    sql, args = _get_query_sql(env, query, required_columns=[
    db = env.get_db_cnx()
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute(sql, args)

    query_columns = get_column_names(cursor)
    factor_index = query_columns.index(factor)

    ticket_stats = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
    for row in cursor:
        factor_value = row[factor_index]
        ticket_stats[factor_value] += 1

    return ticket_stats
Example #7
def _get_stacked_bar_chart_stats(env, key, x_axis, query):
    required_columns = [x_axis]
    if key is not None:
    sql, args = _get_query_sql(env, query, required_columns)
    db = env.get_db_cnx()
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute(sql, args)

    query_columns = get_column_names(cursor)

    # Returning all the keys is kind of an optimization (so that we won't look
    # for all keys later on)
    keys = []
    x_axis_field_index = query_columns.index(x_axis)
    # Handle cases in which key is missing. In such cases, we'll form bar charts.
    if key:
        key_field_index = query_columns.index(key)

    # Stacked bar charts are represented by a dict of dicts:
    # {'x_axis_value' : {'key_value' : number_of_tickets}}
    # Regular bar charts will be here the same, but 'key_value' will be
    # replaced with None.
    ticket_stats = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0), {})

    for row in cursor:
        if key:
            key_field_value = row[key_field_index]
            key_field_value = None
        x_axis_field_value = row[x_axis_field_index]
        ticket_stats[x_axis_field_value][key_field_value] += 1

    return ticket_stats, _unique_list(keys)
Example #8
 def _show_index(self, table):
     with self.env.db_query as db:
         cursor = db.cursor()
         cursor.execute("SHOW INDEX FROM " + db.quote(table))
         columns = get_column_names(cursor)
         rows = [dict(zip(columns, row)) for row in cursor]
         results = {}
         for index, group in itertools.groupby(rows, lambda v: v['Key_name']):
             group = list(group)
             results[index] = {
                 'unique': not group[0]['Non_unique'],
                 'columns': [row['Column_name'] for row in group],
         return results
Example #9
 def copy(db):
     cursor = db.cursor()
     printout('  %s table... ' % table, newline=False)
     src_cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM ' + src_db.quote(table))
     columns = get_column_names(src_cursor)
     query = 'INSERT INTO ' + db.quote(table) + \
             ' (' + ','.join(db.quote(c) for c in columns) + ')' + \
             ' VALUES (' + ','.join(['%s'] * len(columns)) + ')'
     cursor.execute('DELETE FROM ' + db.quote(table))
     count = 0
     while True:
         rows = src_cursor.fetchmany(100)
         if not rows:
         cursor.executemany(query, rows)
         count += len(rows)
     printout('%d records.' % count)
Example #10
 def _verify_curr_schema(self):
     cursor = self.db.cursor()
     cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM votes')
     cols = get_column_names(cursor)
     self.assertTrue('resource' not in cols)
         'realm', 'resource_id', 'version', 'username', 'vote', 'time',
     ], cols)
         SELECT value
           FROM system
          WHERE name='vote_version'
     schema_ver = int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
     self.assertEquals(self.votes.schema_version, schema_ver)
Example #11
 def drop_column(self, table, column):
     cursor = pymysql.cursors.Cursor(self.cnx)
     if column in self.get_column_names(table):
         quoted_table = self.quote(table)
         cursor.execute("SHOW INDEX FROM %s" % quoted_table)
         columns = get_column_names(cursor)
         keys = {}
         for row in cursor.fetchall():
             row = dict(zip(columns, row))
             keys.setdefault(row['Key_name'], []).append(row['Column_name'])
         # drop all composite indices which in the given column is involved
         for key, columns in keys.iteritems():
             if len(columns) > 1 and column in columns:
                 if key == 'PRIMARY':
                     cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE %s DROP PRIMARY KEY" %
                     cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE %s DROP KEY %s" %
                                    (quoted_table, self.quote(key)))
         cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s " %
                        (quoted_table, self.quote(column)))
Example #12
    def _get_all_records(self, env):
        def primary(row, columns):
            if len(columns) == 1:
                return row[columns[0]]
                return tuple(row[col] for col in columns)

        records = {}
        with env.db_query as db:
            cursor = db.cursor()
            for table in db_default.schema:
                primary_cols = ','.join(db.quote(col) for col in table.key)
                query = "SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY %s" \
                        % (db.quote(table.name), primary_cols)
                columns = get_column_names(cursor)
                rows = {}
                for row in cursor:
                    row = dict(zip(columns, row))
                    rows[primary(row, table.key)] = row
                records[table.name] = rows
        return records
Example #13
    def execute_paginated_report(self, req, id, sql, args, limit=0, offset=0):
        :param req: `Request` object.
        :param id: Integer id of the report.
        :param sql: SQL query that generates the report.
        :param args: SQL query arguments.
        :param limit: Maximum number of results to return (optional).
        :param offset: Offset to start of results (optional).
        sql, args, missing_args = self.sql_sub_vars(sql, args)
        if not sql:
            raise TracError(_("Report {%(num)s} has no SQL query.", num=id))
        self.log.debug('Report {%d} with SQL "%s"', id, sql)
        self.log.debug('Request args: %r', req.args)

        rows = None
        num_items = 0
        order_by = []
        limit_offset = None
        base_sql = sql.replace(SORT_COLUMN, '1').replace(LIMIT_OFFSET, '')

        with self.env.db_query as db:
            cursor = db.cursor()
            if id == self.REPORT_LIST_ID or limit == 0:
                sql = base_sql
                # The number of tickets is obtained
                count_sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (\n%s\n) AS tab' % base_sql
                self.log.debug("Report {%d} SQL (count): %s", id, count_sql)
                    cursor.execute(count_sql, args)
                except Exception as e:
                    self.log.warning('Exception caught while executing '
                                     'Report {%d}: %r, args %r%s',
                                     id, count_sql, args,
                                     exception_to_unicode(e, traceback=True))
                    return e, count_sql
                num_items = cursor.fetchone()[0]

                # The column names are obtained
                colnames_sql = 'SELECT * FROM (\n%s\n) AS tab LIMIT 1' \
                               % base_sql
                self.log.debug("Report {%d} SQL (col names): %s",
                               id, colnames_sql)
                    cursor.execute(colnames_sql, args)
                except Exception as e:
                    self.log.warning('Exception caught while executing '
                                     'Report {%d}: args %r%s',
                                     id, colnames_sql, args,
                                     exception_to_unicode(e, traceback=True))
                    return e, colnames_sql
                cols = get_column_names(cursor)

                # The ORDER BY columns are inserted
                sort_col = req.args.get('sort', '')
                asc = req.args.getint('asc', 0, min=0, max=1)
                self.log.debug("%r %s (%s)", cols, sort_col,
                               '^' if asc else 'v')
                order_cols = []
                if sort_col and sort_col not in cols:
                    raise TracError(_('Query parameter "sort=%(sort_col)s" '
                                      ' is invalid', sort_col=sort_col))
                skel = None
                if '__group__' in cols:
                if sort_col:
                    sort_col = '%s %s' % (db.quote(sort_col),
                                          'ASC' if asc else 'DESC')

                if SORT_COLUMN in sql:
                    # Method 1: insert sort_col at specified position
                    sql = sql.replace(SORT_COLUMN, sort_col or '1')
                elif sort_col:
                    # Method 2: automagically insert sort_col (and __group__
                    # before it, if __group__ was specified) as first criteria
                    if '__group__' in cols:
                        order_by.append('__group__ ASC')
                    # is there already an ORDER BY in the original sql?
                    skel = sql_skeleton(sql)
                    before, after = split_sql(sql, _order_by_re, skel)
                    if after:  # there were some other criteria, keep them
                    sql = ' '.join([before, 'ORDER BY', ', '.join(order_by)])

                # Add LIMIT/OFFSET if pagination needed
                limit_offset = ''
                if num_items > limit:
                    limit_offset = ' '.join(['LIMIT', str(limit),
                                             'OFFSET', str(offset)])
                if LIMIT_OFFSET in sql:
                    # Method 1: insert LIMIT/OFFSET at specified position
                    sql = sql.replace(LIMIT_OFFSET, limit_offset)
                    # Method 2: limit/offset is added unless already present
                    skel = skel or sql_skeleton(sql)
                    if 'LIMIT' not in skel.upper():
                        sql = ' '.join([sql, limit_offset])
                self.log.debug("Report {%d} SQL (order + limit): %s", id, sql)
                cursor.execute(sql, args)
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.warning('Exception caught while executing Report '
                                 '{%d}: %r, args %r%s', id, sql, args,
                                 exception_to_unicode(e, traceback=True))
                if order_by or limit_offset:
                    add_notice(req, _("Hint: if the report failed due to"
                                      " automatic modification of the ORDER"
                                      " BY clause or the addition of"
                                      " LIMIT/OFFSET, please look up"
                                      " %(sort_column)s and %(limit_offset)s"
                                      " in TracReports to see how to gain"
                                      " complete control over report"
                                      " rewriting.",
                return e, sql
            rows = cursor.fetchall() or []
            cols = get_column_names(cursor)

        return cols, rows, num_items, missing_args, limit_offset