def _ComputeBackToListURL(mr, issue, config, hotlist, services): """Construct a URL to return the user to the place that they came from.""" if hotlist: back_to_list_url = hotlist_helpers.GetURLOfHotlist( mr.cnxn, hotlist, services.user) else: back_to_list_url = tracker_helpers.FormatIssueListURL( mr, config, cursor='%s:%d' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)) return back_to_list_url
def ProcessFormData(self, mr, post_data): """Process the posted issue update form. Args: mr: commonly used info parsed from the request. post_data: HTML form data from the request. Returns: String URL to redirect the user to, or None if response was already sent. """ cmd = post_data.get('cmd', '') send_email = 'send_email' in post_data comment = post_data.get('comment', '') slot_used = int(post_data.get('slot_used', 1)) page_generation_time = int(post_data['pagegen']) with work_env.WorkEnv(mr, as we: issue = we.GetIssueByLocalID( mr.project_id, mr.local_id, use_cache=False) old_owner_id = tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(issue) config = we.GetProjectConfig(mr.project_id) summary, status, owner_id, cc_ids, labels = commands.ParseQuickEditCommand( mr.cnxn, cmd, issue, config, mr.auth.user_id, component_ids = issue.component_ids # TODO(jrobbins): component commands field_values = issue.field_values # TODO(jrobbins): edit custom fields permit_edit = permissions.CanEditIssue( mr.auth.effective_ids, mr.perms, mr.project, issue) if not permit_edit: raise permissions.PermissionException( 'User is not allowed to edit this issue') amendments, comment_pb = mr.cnxn,, mr.auth.user_id, mr.project_id, mr.local_id, summary, status, owner_id, cc_ids, labels, field_values, component_ids, issue.blocked_on_iids, issue.blocking_iids, issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs, issue.dangling_blocking_refs, issue.merged_into, page_gen_ts=page_generation_time, comment=comment) mr.cnxn, mr.project.project_id) if send_email: if amendments or comment.strip(): send_notifications.PrepareAndSendIssueChangeNotification( issue.issue_id,, mr.auth.user_id, send_email=send_email, old_owner_id=old_owner_id, # TODO(jrobbins): allow issue merge via quick-edit. mr.cnxn, mr.auth.user_id, mr.project_id, slot_used, cmd, comment) # TODO(jrobbins): this is very similar to a block of code in issuebulkedit. mr.can = int(post_data['can']) mr.query = post_data.get('q', '') mr.col_spec = post_data.get('colspec', '') mr.sort_spec = post_data.get('sort', '') mr.group_by_spec = post_data.get('groupby', '') mr.start = int(post_data['start']) mr.num = int(post_data['num']) preview_issue_ref_str = '%s:%d' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id) return tracker_helpers.FormatIssueListURL( mr, config, preview=preview_issue_ref_str, updated=mr.local_id, ts=int(time.time()))
def ProcessFormData(self, mr, post_data): """Process the posted issue update form. Args: mr: commonly used info parsed from the request. post_data: HTML form data from the request. Returns: String URL to redirect the user to after processing. """ if not mr.local_id_list:'missing issue local IDs, probably tampered') self.response.status = httplib.BAD_REQUEST return # Check that the user is logged in; anon users cannot update issues. if not mr.auth.user_id:'user was not logged in, cannot update issue') self.response.status = httplib.BAD_REQUEST # xxx should raise except return # Check that the user has permission to add a comment, and to enter # metadata if they are trying to do that. if not self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.ADD_ISSUE_COMMENT):'user has no permission to add issue comment') self.response.status = httplib.BAD_REQUEST return if not self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.EDIT_ISSUE):'user has no permission to edit issue metadata') self.response.status = httplib.BAD_REQUEST return move_to = post_data.get('move_to', '').lower() if move_to and not self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.DELETE_ISSUE):'user has no permission to move issue') self.response.status = httplib.BAD_REQUEST return config =, mr.project_id) parsed = tracker_helpers.ParseIssueRequest(mr.cnxn, post_data,, mr.errors, mr.project_name) bounce_labels = (parsed.labels[:] + ['-%s' % lr for lr in parsed.labels_remove]) bounce_fields = tracker_views.MakeBounceFieldValueViews( parsed.fields.vals, parsed.fields.phase_vals, config) field_helpers.ShiftEnumFieldsIntoLabels(parsed.labels, parsed.labels_remove, parsed.fields.vals, parsed.fields.vals_remove, config) issue_list = mr.cnxn, mr.project_id, mr.local_id_list) issue_phases = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(issue.phases for issue in issue_list)) phase_ids_by_name = collections.defaultdict(set) for phase in issue_phases: phase_ids_by_name[].add(phase.phase_id) # Note: Not all parsed phase field values will be applicable to every issue. # tracker_bizobj.ApplyFieldValueChanges will take care of not adding # phase field values to issues that don't contain the correct phase. field_vals = field_helpers.ParseFieldValues( mr.cnxn,, parsed.fields.vals, parsed.fields.phase_vals, config, phase_ids_by_name=phase_ids_by_name) field_vals_remove = field_helpers.ParseFieldValues( mr.cnxn,, parsed.fields.vals_remove, parsed.fields.phase_vals_remove, config, phase_ids_by_name=phase_ids_by_name) field_helpers.ValidateCustomFields(mr,, field_vals, config, mr.errors) # Treat status '' as no change and explicit 'clear' as clearing the status. status = parsed.status if status == '': status = None if post_data.get('op_statusenter') == 'clear': status = '' reporter_id = mr.auth.user_id'bulk edit request by %s', reporter_id) if parsed.users.owner_id is None: mr.errors.owner = 'Invalid owner username' else: valid, msg = tracker_helpers.IsValidIssueOwner( mr.cnxn, mr.project, parsed.users.owner_id, if not valid: mr.errors.owner = msg if (status in config.statuses_offer_merge and not post_data.get('merge_into')): mr.errors.merge_into_id = 'Please enter a valid issue ID' move_to_project = None if move_to: if mr.project_name == move_to: mr.errors.move_to = 'The issues are already in project ' + move_to else: move_to_project = mr.cnxn, move_to) if not move_to_project: mr.errors.move_to = 'No such project: ' + move_to # Treat owner '' as no change, and explicit 'clear' as NO_USER_SPECIFIED owner_id = parsed.users.owner_id if parsed.users.owner_username == '': owner_id = None if post_data.get('op_ownerenter') == 'clear': owner_id = framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED comp_ids = tracker_helpers.LookupComponentIDs(parsed.components.paths, config, mr.errors) comp_ids_remove = tracker_helpers.LookupComponentIDs( parsed.components.paths_remove, config, mr.errors) if post_data.get('op_componententer') == 'remove': comp_ids, comp_ids_remove = comp_ids_remove, comp_ids cc_ids, cc_ids_remove = parsed.users.cc_ids, parsed.users.cc_ids_remove if post_data.get('op_memberenter') == 'remove': cc_ids, cc_ids_remove = parsed.users.cc_ids_remove, parsed.users.cc_ids issue_list_iids = {issue.issue_id for issue in issue_list} if post_data.get('op_blockedonenter') == 'append': if issue_list_iids.intersection(parsed.blocked_on.iids): mr.errors.blocked_on = 'Cannot block an issue on itself.' blocked_on_add = parsed.blocked_on.iids blocked_on_remove = [] else: blocked_on_add = [] blocked_on_remove = parsed.blocked_on.iids if post_data.get('op_blockingenter') == 'append': if issue_list_iids.intersection(parsed.blocking.iids): mr.errors.blocking = 'Cannot block an issue on itself.' blocking_add = parsed.blocking.iids blocking_remove = [] else: blocking_add = [] blocking_remove = parsed.blocking.iids iids_actually_changed = [] old_owner_ids = [] combined_amendments = [] merge_into_issue = None new_starrers = set() if not mr.errors.AnyErrors(): # Because we will modify issues, load from DB rather than cache. issue_list = mr.cnxn, mr.project_id, mr.local_id_list, use_cache=False) # Skip any individual issues that the user is not allowed to edit. editable_issues = [ issue for issue in issue_list if permissions.CanEditIssue( mr.auth.effective_ids, mr.perms, mr.project, issue) ] # Skip any restrict issues that cannot be moved if move_to: editable_issues = [ issue for issue in editable_issues if not permissions.GetRestrictions(issue) ] # If 'Duplicate' status is specified ensure there are no permission issues # with the issue we want to merge with. if post_data.get('merge_into'): for issue in editable_issues: _, merge_into_issue = tracker_helpers.ParseMergeFields( mr.cnxn,, mr.project_name, post_data, parsed.status, config, issue, mr.errors) if merge_into_issue: merge_allowed = tracker_helpers.IsMergeAllowed( merge_into_issue, mr, if not merge_allowed: mr.errors.merge_into_id = 'Target issue %s cannot be modified' % ( merge_into_issue.local_id) break # Update the new_starrers set. new_starrers.update( tracker_helpers.GetNewIssueStarrers( mr.cnxn,, issue.issue_id, merge_into_issue.issue_id)) # Proceed with amendments only if there are no reported errors. if not mr.errors.AnyErrors(): # Sort the issues: we want them in this order so that the # corresponding old_owner_id are found in the same order. editable_issues.sort( lambda i1, i2: cmp(i1.local_id, i2.local_id)) iids_to_invalidate = set() rules = mr.cnxn, config.project_id) predicate_asts = filterrules_helpers.ParsePredicateASTs( rules, config, []) for issue in editable_issues: old_owner_id = tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(issue) merge_into_iid = (merge_into_issue.issue_id if merge_into_issue else None) delta = tracker_bizobj.MakeIssueDelta( status, owner_id, cc_ids, cc_ids_remove, comp_ids, comp_ids_remove, parsed.labels, parsed.labels_remove, field_vals, field_vals_remove, parsed.fields.fields_clear, blocked_on_add, blocked_on_remove, blocking_add, blocking_remove, merge_into_iid, None) amendments, _ = mr.cnxn,, mr.auth.user_id, mr.project_id, config, issue, delta, comment=parsed.comment, iids_to_invalidate=iids_to_invalidate, rules=rules, predicate_asts=predicate_asts) if amendments or parsed.comment: # Avoid empty comments. iids_actually_changed.append(issue.issue_id) old_owner_ids.append(old_owner_id) combined_amendments.extend(amendments), iids_to_invalidate) mr.cnxn, mr.project.project_id) # Add new_starrers and new CCs to merge_into_issue. if merge_into_issue: merge_into_project = mr.cnxn, merge_into_issue.project_name) tracker_helpers.AddIssueStarrers(mr.cnxn,, mr, merge_into_issue.issue_id, merge_into_project, new_starrers) tracker_helpers.MergeCCsAndAddCommentMultipleIssues(, mr, editable_issues, merge_into_issue) if move_to and editable_issues: tracker_fulltext.UnindexIssues( [issue.issue_id for issue in editable_issues]) for issue in editable_issues: old_text_ref = 'issue %s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id) moved_back_iids = mr.cnxn, move_to_project, [issue], new_text_ref = 'issue %s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id) if issue.issue_id in moved_back_iids: content = 'Moved %s back to %s again.' % ( old_text_ref, new_text_ref) else: content = 'Moved %s to now be %s.' % (old_text_ref, new_text_ref) mr.cnxn, issue, mr.auth.user_id, content, amendments=[ tracker_bizobj.MakeProjectAmendment( move_to_project.project_name) ]) send_email = 'send_email' in post_data users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews( mr.cnxn,, [owner_id], cc_ids, cc_ids_remove, old_owner_ids, tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInAmendments( combined_amendments)) if move_to and editable_issues: iids_actually_changed = [ issue.issue_id for issue in editable_issues ] send_notifications.SendIssueBulkChangeNotification( iids_actually_changed,, old_owner_ids, parsed.comment, reporter_id, combined_amendments, send_email, users_by_id) if mr.errors.AnyErrors(): bounce_cc_parts = ( parsed.users.cc_usernames + ['-%s' % ccur for ccur in parsed.users.cc_usernames_remove]) self.PleaseCorrect( mr, initial_status=parsed.status, initial_owner=parsed.users.owner_username, initial_merge_into=post_data.get('merge_into', 0), initial_cc=', '.join(bounce_cc_parts), initial_comment=parsed.comment, initial_components=parsed.components.entered_str, labels=bounce_labels, fields=bounce_fields) return with mr.profiler.Phase('reindexing issues'):'starting reindexing') start = time.time() # Get the updated issues and index them issue_list = mr.cnxn, mr.project_id, mr.local_id_list) tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(mr.cnxn, issue_list,,,'reindexing %d issues took %s sec', len(issue_list), time.time() - start) # TODO(jrobbins): These could be put into the form action attribute. mr.can = int(post_data['can']) mr.query = post_data['q'] mr.col_spec = post_data['colspec'] mr.sort_spec = post_data['sort'] mr.group_by_spec = post_data['groupby'] mr.start = int(post_data['start']) mr.num = int(post_data['num']) # TODO(jrobbins): implement bulk=N param for a better confirmation alert. return tracker_helpers.FormatIssueListURL(mr, config, saved=len(mr.local_id_list), ts=int(time.time()))