Example #1
    def exif_table(self):
        from trackerutils import div

        ctags = div(klass="ctagzone", contents="".join([tag.tag.clink() for tag in self.tags.all()]))
        photoset = div(klass="photosetzone", contents="".join([tag.tag.photosetlink() for tag in self.tags.all()]))
        cspot = ""
        if self.photospot:
            cspot = self.photospot.clink()
        cspot = div(klass="cspotzone", contents=cspot or " ")
        if self.resolutionx and self.resolutiony:
            size = "%dx%d" % (self.resolutionx, self.resolutiony)
            size = ""
        dat = (
            ("camera", self.camera),
            ("iso", self.iso),
            ("mm", self.mm),
            ("size", size),
            ("filesize", humanize_size(self.filesize)),
            ("tags clink", ctags),
            ("photoset", photoset),
            ("photospot clink", cspot),
        res = mktable(dat, skip_false=True)
        return res
Example #2
 def info_table(self):
     if self.deleted:
         dd = "%sdeleted" % icon(0)
         dd = ""
     if self.day:
         daylink = self.day.vlink()
         kill_daylink = '<div class="btn btn-default kill_day_btn">X</div>'
         daylink += " " + kill_daylink
         daylink = None
     founded = self.founded.exists() and self.founded.get() or False
     fspot = ""
     if founded:
         fspot = founded.clink(text="founded photospot %s" % founded)
     dat = (
         ("deleted", dd),
         ("day", daylink),
         ("incoming", icon(self.incoming)),
         ("setup", icon(self.setup)),
         ("myphoto", icon(self.myphoto)),
         ("thumb ok", icon(self.thumb_ok)),
         ("done", icon(self.tags.filter(tag__name="done").exists())),
         ("crop", (self.xcrop or self.ycrop) and ("x=%d y=%d" % (self.xcrop, self.ycrop)) or ""),
         ("taken", self.taken and self.taken.strftime(DATE_DASH_REV_DAY) or ""),
         ("photo created", self.photo_created.strftime(DATE_DASH_REV_DAY)),
         ("photo modified", self.photo_modified.strftime(DATE_DASH_REV_DAY)),
         ("obj created", self.created.strftime(DATE_DASH_REV)),
         ("obj modified", self.modified.strftime(DATE_DASH_REV)),
         ("fspot", fspot),
     res = mktable(dat, skip_false=True, nb=True)
     return res
Example #3
 def name_table(self, include_image=True, clink=False, vlink=False, ajaxlink=False):
     dat = [
         ("id", self.clink(text=self.id)),
         ("name", self.name),
         ("hash", self.hash),
         ("fn", os.path.split(self.fp)[-1]),
     if include_image:
         dat.insert(2, ("img", self.inhtml(size="thumb", clink=clink, vlink=vlink, ajaxlink=ajaxlink)))
     res = mktable(dat, skip_false=True)
     return res
Example #4
    def links_table(self):
        from trackerutils import div

        # vtags=div(klass='vtagzone',contents=', '.join([tag.tag.vlink() for tag in self.tags.all()]))
        vspot = ""
        if self.photospot:
            vspot = self.photospot.vlink()

        vspot = div(klass="vspotzone", contents=vspot or "&nbsp;")
        data = (("photospot vlink", vspot),)  # ('tags vlink',vtags),
        res = mktable(data, skip_false=False)
        return res
Example #5
    def get_photospothtml(self):
        if self.photospot:
            cl = self.photospot.clink()
            vl = self.photospot.vlink()
            data = [
                ("name", self.photospot.name),
                ("clink", cl),
                ("vlink", vl),
                ("count", self.photospot.photos.count()),
            return mktable(data)

            return ""