class TLD_IVMIT: def __init__(self, frame, window, init_frames_count = 20): self.buffer = [cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)] self.position = Position(self.buffer, *window) self.learning_component = LearningComponent(self.position.calculate_patch()) self.detector = Detector(self.position, self.learning_component) self.tracker = Tracker(self.position) self.is_visible = True self.integrator = Integrator(self.learning_component) self.init_frames_count = init_frames_count self.detected_windows = None self.tracked_window = None def start(self, frame): frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if self.init_frames_count == 0: start = time() self.tracked_window = self.tracker.track(frame, self.position) self.buffer[0] = frame print "Tracking:", time()- start start = time() self.detected_windows = self.detector.detect(self.position, self.tracked_window is not None) print "Detected windows count:", len(self.detected_windows) print "Detection:", time()- start start = time() # filtered_detected_windows = [(window, patch, proba) for window, patch, proba in self.detected_windows if proba > 0.7] single_window, self.is_visible = self.integrator.get_single_window(self.position, self.detected_windows, self.tracked_window) print "Integration:", time()- start if self.is_visible: self.position.update(*single_window) # start = time() # self.learning_component.n_expert() # self.learning_component.p_expert() # print "Update training set:", time()- start else: self.tracked_window = self.tracker.track(frame, self.position) self.buffer[0] = frame if self.tracked_window is not None: i = 0 while i < 5: self.position.update(x=np.random.randint(0,self.buffer[0].shape[1]-self.position.width)) if self.position.is_correct() and windows_intersection(self.position.get_window(), self.tracked_window) == 0: self.learning_component.update_negatives(self.position.calculate_patch()) i += 1 self.position.update(*self.tracked_window) self.learning_component.update_positives(self.position.calculate_patch()) self.init_frames_count -= 1 else: self.init_frames_count = 0 self.is_visible = False return self.position
def create_track_statistics(cur, con, query, params, log=True): tracker = Tracker(con) trackings = [] time_values = [] for i, param_set in enumerate(params): tracker.clear_track() start = time.time() cur.execute(query.format(*param_set)) _ = cur.fetchone() end = time.time() time_values.append((end - start)) trackings.append(tracker.get_tracking()) if log: print(str(round((i * 100) / len(params), 2)) + '%', end='\r') return trackings, time_values
def tracker(self): if not self._tracker:"Tracker: initialization") from tracking import Tracker self._tracker = Tracker() return self._tracker
def __init__(self, host='', port=8000): print("[+] Initializing Communication") self.status = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1] self.rssi = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] = host self.port = port self.server = None self.tracker = Tracker() self.connection_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.connect) self.connection_thread.start() self.to_loop = threading.Thread(target=self.timeout_loop) self.to_loop.start()
def main(): args = parse_args() tracker = Tracker(path=args.path, showResult=True, saveData=args.saveData, border=10) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(args.input) bbox = None objectID = if args.output is not None: fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter(os.path.join(args.output, + '.avi'), fourcc, 30.0, (1280, 720)) while True: ret, frame = if not ret: break frame = cv2.resize(frame, dsize=(1280, 720)) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF tracked_frame, bbox = tracker.update(frame, objectID, bbox) cv2.imshow('image', frame) if args.output is not None: out.write(frame) if key == ord('s'): bbox = cv2.selectROI('image', frame, fromCenter=False) tracker.init(frame, bbox) print('Selected {}'.format(bbox)) continue if key == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() if args.output is not None: out.release()
def __init__(self, frame, window, init_frames_count = 20): self.buffer = [cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)] self.position = Position(self.buffer, *window) self.learning_component = LearningComponent(self.position.calculate_patch()) self.detector = Detector(self.position, self.learning_component) self.tracker = Tracker(self.position) self.is_visible = True self.integrator = Integrator(self.learning_component) self.init_frames_count = init_frames_count self.detected_windows = None self.tracked_window = None
def __init__(self, n_features=1000, t=38): self.matcher = BFMatcher() self.extractor = ORB_Extractor(n_features) self.descriptors = [] self.t = t # minimum distance metric for matching self.set_max_features(n_features) self.features = [] # main feature set # Image size and center coordinates self.h = 0 self.w = 0 self.origin_y = 0 self.origin_x = 0 self.profiles = [] self.profile = None = 0 self.features = [] self.color_ranges = [] self.colors = [] self.weights = [] self.orb_detect = True self.lk_track = True self.tracker = Tracker() self.time = 0 self.prev_detection = 0 # time (frame) of previous detection # PARAMETERS self.DETECTION_THRESHOLD = 14 # Confidence threshold for detection self.LOCK_THRESHOLD = 22 # Confidence threshold to activate tracking self.CYCLE_INTERVAL = 10 # Frames without detection before switching profiles self.TRACK_INTERVAL = 10 # Frames to perform tracking of detected points (after hard lock)
trackers = [] trackables = {} #file_name = './video/test3.mp4' output_name = './output/output_test4.mp4' # Load Yolo net = cv2.dnn.readNet("./model/yolov4-tiny.weights", "./cfg/yolov4-tiny.cfg") layer_names = net.getLayerNames() output_layers = [layer_names[i[0] - 1] for i in net.getUnconnectedOutLayers()] net.setPreferableBackend(cv2.dnn.DNN_BACKEND_CUDA) net.setPreferableTarget(cv2.dnn.DNN_TARGET_CUDA) # initialize Tracker tracker = Tracker() # initialize the video writer writer = None writer_frame_count = 0 writer_flag = 0 videonumber = 0 fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v") #gst_out2 = "appsrc ! video/x-raw ! videoconvert ! x264enc tune=zerolatency bitrate=100 speed-preset=superfast ! rtph264pay config-interval=1 ! udpsink host= port=10000 sync=false" #writer2 =cv2.VideoWriter(gst_out2,cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER,0,float(),(640,480),True) def writeFrame(img): # use global variable, writer global writer
else: args.bgTime = viewer.timeStrToFrameIdx(args.bgTime) args.trackFrom = viewer.timeStrToFrameIdx(args.trackFrom) args.trackTo = viewer.timeStrToFrameIdx(args.trackTo) # ROI if and args.radius: roi = Circle(, args.radius) else: roi = None ############################### TRACKING ######################################## tracker = Tracker(srcFilePath=args.videoFile, destFilePath=None, threshold=args.threshold, minArea=args.minArea, maxArea=args.maxArea, teleportationThreshold=args.teleportationThreshold, bgStart=args.bgTime, trackFrom=args.trackFrom, trackTo=args.trackTo, nBackgroundFrames=args.nBackgroundFrames, nSds=args.nSds, clearBorders=args.clearBorders, normalise=False, plot=args.plot, fast=config['tracker']['fast'], extractArena=False) positions = tracker.track(roi=roi) ################################ ANALYSIS ######################################## os.chdir(destFolder) positions = filterPositions(positions, args.oneDKernel) if args.oneDKernel else positions samplingFreq = 1.0/tracker._stream.fps # Track plotTrack(positions, plt.savefig('mousePath'+imgExt) if args.saveGraphs else # Angles
def piStim(): GPIO.output(ttlPin, True) sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(ttlPin, False) def rpiCallBack(): global previousTime if time() > (previousTime + refractoryPeriod): previousTime = time() p = Process(target=piStim) p.daemon = True p.start() tracker = Tracker(destFilePath='/home/pi/testTrack.mpg', threshold=thrsh, teleportationThreshold=1000, plot=True, fast=False, minArea=50, bgStart=5, trackFrom=10, trackTo=10000, callback=rpiCallBack) positions = tracker.track(roi=roi, record=True) GPIO.cleanup(ttlPin)
def draw(frame: np.ndarray, out: List[np.ndarray]) -> None: for person in out: for point in person: frame =, (int(point[0]), int(point[1])), radius, (0, 0, 255), thickness, cv2.FILLED) for person_id, point in tracked_dict.items(): frame = cv2.putText(frame, f'person_{person_id}', (int(point[0]), int(point[1])), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_4) if __name__ == '__main__': is_use_hashed_data = True video_streams = cv2.VideoCapture('pedastrians.mp4') tracker = Tracker() color = (255, 0, 0) radius = 3 thickness = 2 counter = 0 if is_use_hashed_data: with open('core/skeletons.json', 'r') as file: frame2persons = json.load(file) else: pose_estimator = PoseEstiamtion(prediction_size=(640, 360), init_size=(1280, 720)) while True: _, frame = if frame is None: break
# ROI if and args.radius: roi = Circle(, args.radius) else: roi = None ############################### TRACKING ######################################## tracker = Tracker(srcFilePath=args.videoFile, destFilePath=None, threshold=args.threshold, minArea=args.minArea, maxArea=args.maxArea, teleportationThreshold=args.teleportationThreshold, bgStart=args.bgTime, trackFrom=args.trackFrom, trackTo=args.trackTo, nBackgroundFrames=args.nBackgroundFrames, nSds=args.nSds, clearBorders=args.clearBorders, normalise=False, plot=args.plot, fast=config['tracker']['fast'], extractArena=False) positions = tracker.track(roi=roi) ################################ ANALYSIS ######################################## os.chdir(destFolder) positions = filterPositions( positions, args.oneDKernel) if args.oneDKernel else positions samplingFreq = 1.0 / tracker._stream.fps
class TCPServer(object): def __init__(self, host='', port=8000): print("[+] Initializing Communication") self.status = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1] self.rssi = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] = host self.port = port self.server = None self.tracker = Tracker() self.connection_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.connect) self.connection_thread.start() self.to_loop = threading.Thread(target=self.timeout_loop) self.to_loop.start() # self.connection_thread.join() def connect(self): # print('waiting') # time.sleep(3) # TODO prevents overwriting of flask socket? print("[+] Mesh server listening on port {}".format(self.port)) self.server = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) self.server.bind((, self.port)) self.server.listen(10) while True: client, address = self.server.accept() print("[+] Connection successful from {0}".format(address)) client_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.start, args=(client,)) client_thread.start() def timeout_loop(self): while True: self.tracker.check_timeouts() time.sleep(1) def start(self, client): while True: data = client.recv(4096) if not data: break data_list = data.decode().split(' ') # self.status[int(data_list[0])] = int(data_list[1]) # self.rssi[int(data_list[0])] = int(data_list[2]) node = int(data_list[0]) status = int(data_list[1]) rssi = float(data_list[2]) print(node, status, rssi) alarm = self.tracker.respond_to_pi(node, status, rssi) # Sends an alert randomly for now client.send(str(alarm).encode()) client.close() def close(self): self.server.close()
refractoryPeriod = 1 ttlPin = 5 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(ttlPin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) def piStim(): GPIO.output(ttlPin, True) sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(ttlPin, False) def rpiCallBack(): global previousTime if time() > (previousTime + refractoryPeriod): previousTime = time() p = Process(target=piStim) p.daemon = True p.start() tracker = Tracker(destFilePath='/home/pi/testTrack.mpg', threshold=thrsh, teleportationThreshold=1000, plot=True, fast=False, minArea=50, bgStart=5, trackFrom=10, trackTo=10000, callback=rpiCallBack) positions = tracker.track(roi=roi, record=True) GPIO.cleanup(ttlPin)
class Detector: """Performs feature extraction and matching.""" def __init__(self, n_features=1000, t=38): self.matcher = BFMatcher() self.extractor = ORB_Extractor(n_features) self.descriptors = [] self.t = t # minimum distance metric for matching self.set_max_features(n_features) self.features = [] # main feature set # Image size and center coordinates self.h = 0 self.w = 0 self.origin_y = 0 self.origin_x = 0 self.profiles = [] self.profile = None = 0 self.features = [] self.color_ranges = [] self.colors = [] self.weights = [] self.orb_detect = True self.lk_track = True self.tracker = Tracker() self.time = 0 self.prev_detection = 0 # time (frame) of previous detection # PARAMETERS self.DETECTION_THRESHOLD = 14 # Confidence threshold for detection self.LOCK_THRESHOLD = 22 # Confidence threshold to activate tracking self.CYCLE_INTERVAL = 10 # Frames without detection before switching profiles self.TRACK_INTERVAL = 10 # Frames to perform tracking of detected points (after hard lock) def load_profile(self, profile): """Load object information.""" profile.features = load_features(profile.feature_file, 1) self.profiles.append(profile) self.profile = self.profiles[-1] print('(Detector) Loaded profile: ', self.profile.label) def detect(self, frame, mask=None): """Main function. Performs ORB detection and tracking.""" img = frame.copy() kp_map = np.zeros(frame.shape[:2]) self.time += 1 if self.time_since_detection() > self.CYCLE_INTERVAL: self.cycle_profile() print('Detect mode: ', self.profile.label) # Output confidence = 0 x = 0 y = 0 if self.tracker.tracking > 0: tracking, new_pts = self.tracker.track(frame) if new_pts.shape[0] > 1: # img = draw_points(img, new_pts, (0, 0, 255)) if tracking == 0: """Tracking epoch complete. Get the new point locations and add them to the keypoint map.""" for pt in new_pts: kp_map[int(pt[1]), int(pt[0])] += 2 self.tracker.tracking = 0 self.orb_detect = True else: """Skip ORB detection and continue tracking.""" self.orb_detect = False pt1, pt2 = bound(new_pts) confidence = self.tracker.confidence img, x, y = self.detection_offset(img, [pt1, pt2], confidence) else: """Reset tracking and continue with ORB detection.""" print('Reset tracking') self.tracker.tracking = 0 self.orb_detect = True if self.orb_detect: # Keypoint detection frame_kp, frame_des = self.detect_features(frame, mask) # for k in frame_kp: # Draw all keypoints # px, py = # img[int(py), int(px)] = (0, 255, 0) kp, des = self.match(frame_kp, frame_des) # img = cv2.drawKeypoints(img, kp, img) if len(kp) > 3: pts = cv2.KeyPoint_convert(kp) pts = np.array([(int(pt[0]), int(pt[1])) for pt in pts]).reshape(-1, 2) img = draw_points(img, pts, (255, 0, 0)) for i, pt in enumerate(pts): kp_map[pt[1], pt[0]] = 1 kp_colors = np.array([frame[pt[1], pt[0]] for pt in pts]).reshape(-1, 1, 3) kp_colors = cv2.cvtColor(kp_colors, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) candidate_centers = [] # keypoints within color range for c in range(len(self.profile.colors)): [low_bound, high_bound] = self.profile.color_ranges[c] res = np.array( cv2.inRange(kp_colors, np.array(low_bound), np.array(high_bound))) for i in range(res.size): if res[i] == 255: img =, (pts[i][0], pts[i][1]), 3, self.profile.colors[c], thickness=1) candidate_centers.append(pts[i]) kp_map[pts[i][1], pts[i][0]] = self.profile.weights[c] # Find max window score if len(candidate_centers) > 0: max_score = self.DETECTION_THRESHOLD max_i = -1 win_size = 35 for i, pt in enumerate(candidate_centers): score = region_sum(kp_map, pt, win_size) if score > max_score: max_score = score max_i = i # Draw box around best keypoint window if max_i >= 0: confidence = max_score pt1 = candidate_centers[max_i] pt2 = (pt1[0] + win_size, pt1[1] + win_size) pt1 = (pt1[0] - win_size, pt1[1] - win_size) img, x, y = self.detection_offset(img, [pt1, pt2], confidence=max_score) if self.lk_track and self.tracker.tracking < 1 and max_score > self.LOCK_THRESHOLD: """ Lock achieved: track points in the designated region. """ # Shrink region slightly pt1 = np.add(pt1, 2) pt2 = np.add(pt2, -2) region_pts = inner_points( pt1, pt2, np.array(candidate_centers)) if len(region_pts) > 2: # print('Tracking %d pts' % len(region_pts)) self.tracker.start_track( frame, region_pts, track_len=self.TRACK_INTERVAL, confidence=max_score) if confidence > self.DETECTION_THRESHOLD: self.prev_detection = self.time return img, confidence, x, y def set_max_features(self, n): """Maximum number of features to extract in frame.""" self.extractor.extractor.setMaxFeatures(n) def time_since_detection(self): return self.time - self.prev_detection def cycle_profile(self): += 1 if >= len(self.profiles): = 0 self.profile = self.profiles[] self.prev_detection = self.time def print_info(self): d_size = self.extractor.extractor.descriptorSize() d_type = self.extractor.extractor.descriptorType() d_norm = self.extractor.extractor.defaultNorm() print('Type:', d_type, 'Size', d_size, 'Norm', d_norm) def detect_features(self, img, mask=None): kp, des = self.extractor.extract(img, mask) return kp, des def detect_keypoints(self, img, mask=None): """Return array of keypoint coordinates.""" kp, _ = self.detect_features(img, mask) # kp = sorted(kp, key=lambda x: x.response, reverse=True)[:n] return np.array(cv2.KeyPoint_convert(kp)).reshape(-1, 1, 2) def match(self, kp, des, features=None, mask=None): """Extracts features from input image and matches them to known features.""" matches = self.matcher.match(des, self.profile.features, t=self.t) matched_kp = matching_keypoints(matches, kp) matched_des = [des[m.queryIdx] for m in matches] return matched_kp, matched_des def match_descriptors(self, des1, des2): matches = self.matcher.match(des1, des2, t=self.t) return matches def match_descriptors_radius(self, des1, des2): matches = self.matcher.radiusMatch(des1, des2, maxDistance=self.t) return matches def save_features(self, name='features', path='data/'): """Output feature set to a file using Pickle.""" import pickle import os num_features = len(self.descriptors) name += '_' + str(num_features) ext = '.dat' file_name = path + name + ext if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) with open(file_name, 'wb') as out_file: pickle.dump(self.descriptors, out_file, protocol=2) out_file.close() print('(Detector) Saved %d features to %s' % (len(self.descriptors), file_name)) def load_features(self, file, sample=1): """Load features from Pickled file""" self.descriptors = load_features(file, sample) self.matcher.features = self.descriptors print('(Detector) Loaded %d features from %s' % (len(self.descriptors), file)) def set_features(self, feature_set): self.descriptors = feature_set self.matcher.features = feature_set def detection_offset(self, img, bounding_box, confidence=0, show=True): """Given a bounding box of the target, output the offset from the center and annotate image with detection.""" if self.w == 0: # Calibrate image dimensions self.h, self.w = img.shape[:2] self.origin_x = int(self.w / 2) self.origin_y = int(self.h / 2) if self.w == 0 or self.h == 0: return img, 0, 0 pt1 = bounding_box[0] pt2 = bounding_box[1] center_x, center_y = midpoint(pt1, pt2) # Center of detection region x = int((center_x / self.w) * 100) # Convert coordinates to percentage of view window size y = int((center_y / self.h) * 100) if show: img = cv2.rectangle(img, pt1, pt2, (0, 255, 0), 2) # bounding box img = cv2.rectangle(img, (pt1[0], pt1[1] - 2), (pt1[0] + 39, pt1[1] - 17), (0, 0, 0), -1) # text box text = str(confidence) if self.profile is not None: text = text + ' ' + self.profile.label img = cv2.putText(img, text, (pt1[0], pt1[1] - 3), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.3, (255, 255, 255)) # label cv2.arrowedLine( img, (self.origin_x, self.origin_y), (center_x, center_y), color=(255, 255, 255), # arrow thickness=1) # offset return img, x, y
from tracking import Tracker size = 10**6 tracker = Tracker("Doing something", size) for i in range(size): #DO SOMETHING tracker.increment() #increment after every iteration