Example #1
# author: Daniel Kloeser

import time, os
import numpy as np
from acados_settings import *
from plotFcn import *
from tracks.readDataFcn import getTrack
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Example of the frc_racecars in simulation without obstacle avoidance:
This example is for the optimal racing of the frc race cars. The model is a simple bycicle model and the lateral acceleration is constraint in order to validate the model assumptions.
The simulation starts at s=-2m until one round is completed(s=8.71m). The beginning is cut in the final plots to simulate a 'warm start'. 

track = "LMS_Track.txt"
[Sref, _, _, _, _] = getTrack(track)

Tf = 1.0  # prediction horizon
N = 50  # number of discretization steps
T = 10.00  # maximum simulation time[s]
sref_N = 3  # reference for final reference progress

# load model
constraint, model, acados_solver = acados_settings(Tf, N, track)

# dimensions
nx = model.x.size()[0]
nu = model.u.size()[0]
ny = nx + nu
Nsim = int(T * N / Tf)
Example #2
def bycicle_model(track="LMS_Track.txt"):
    # define structs
    constraint = types.SimpleNamespace()
    model = types.SimpleNamespace()

    model_name = "Spatialbycicle_model"

    # load track parameters
    [s0, _, _, _, kapparef] = getTrack(track)
    length = len(s0)
    pathlength = s0[-1]
    # copy loop to beginning and end
    s0 = np.append(s0, [s0[length - 1] + s0[1:length]])
    kapparef = np.append(kapparef, kapparef[1:length])
    s0 = np.append([-s0[length - 2] + s0[length - 81:length - 2]], s0)
    kapparef = np.append(kapparef[length - 80:length - 1], kapparef)

    # compute spline interpolations
    kapparef_s = interpolant("kapparef_s", "bspline", [s0], kapparef)

    ## Race car parameters
    m = 0.043
    C1 = 0.5
    C2 = 15.5
    Cm1 = 0.28
    Cm2 = 0.05
    Cr0 = 0.011
    Cr2 = 0.006

    ## CasADi Model
    # set up states & controls
    s = MX.sym("s")
    n = MX.sym("n")
    alpha = MX.sym("alpha")
    v = MX.sym("v")
    D = MX.sym("D")
    delta = MX.sym("delta")
    x = vertcat(s, n, alpha, v, D, delta)

    # controls
    derD = MX.sym("derD")
    derDelta = MX.sym("derDelta")
    u = vertcat(derD, derDelta)

    # xdot
    sdot = MX.sym("sdot")
    ndot = MX.sym("ndot")
    alphadot = MX.sym("alphadot")
    vdot = MX.sym("vdot")
    Ddot = MX.sym("Ddot")
    deltadot = MX.sym("deltadot")
    xdot = vertcat(sdot, ndot, alphadot, vdot, Ddot, deltadot)

    # algebraic variables
    z = vertcat([])

    # parameters
    p = vertcat([])

    # dynamics
    Fxd = (Cm1 - Cm2 * v) * D - Cr2 * v * v - Cr0 * tanh(5 * v)
    sdota = (v * np.cos(alpha + C1 * delta)) / (1 - kapparef_s(s) * n)
    f_expl = vertcat(
        v * sin(alpha + C1 * delta),
        v * C2 * delta - kapparef_s(s) * sdota,
        Fxd / m * cos(C1 * delta),

    # constraint on forces
    a_lat = C2 * v * v * delta + Fxd * sin(C1 * delta) / m
    a_long = Fxd / m

    # Model bounds
    model.n_min = -0.12  # width of the track [m]
    model.n_max = 0.12  # width of the track [m]

    # state bounds
    model.throttle_min = -1.0
    model.throttle_max = 1.0

    model.delta_min = -0.40  # minimum steering angle [rad]
    model.delta_max = 0.40  # maximum steering angle [rad]

    # input bounds
    model.ddelta_min = -2.0  # minimum change rate of stering angle [rad/s]
    model.ddelta_max = 2.0  # maximum change rate of steering angle [rad/s]
    model.dthrottle_min = -10  # -10.0  # minimum throttle change rate
    model.dthrottle_max = 10  # 10.0  # maximum throttle change rate

    # nonlinear constraint
    constraint.alat_min = -4  # maximum lateral force [m/s^2]
    constraint.alat_max = 4  # maximum lateral force [m/s^1]

    constraint.along_min = -4  # maximum lateral force [m/s^2]
    constraint.along_max = 4  # maximum lateral force [m/s^2]

    # Define initial conditions
    model.x0 = np.array([-2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    # define constraints struct
    constraint.alat = Function("a_lat", [x, u], [a_lat])
    constraint.pathlength = pathlength
    constraint.expr = vertcat(a_long, a_lat, n, D, delta)

    # Define model struct
    params = types.SimpleNamespace()
    params.C1 = C1
    params.C2 = C2
    params.Cm1 = Cm1
    params.Cm2 = Cm2
    params.Cr0 = Cr0
    params.Cr2 = Cr2
    model.f_impl_expr = xdot - f_expl
    model.f_expl_expr = f_expl
    model.x = x
    model.xdot = xdot
    model.u = u
    model.z = z
    model.p = p
    model.name = model_name
    model.params = params
    return model, constraint
def plotTrackProj(simX, filename='LMS_Track.txt', T_opt=None):
    # load track
    s = simX[:, 0]
    n = simX[:, 1]
    alpha = simX[:, 2]
    v = simX[:, 3]
    distance = 0.12
    # transform data
    [x, y, _, _] = transformProj2Orig(s, n, alpha, v, filename)
    # plot racetrack map

    #Setup plot
    plt.ylim(bottom=-1.75, top=0.35)
    plt.xlim(left=-1.1, right=1.6)

    # Plot center line
    [Sref, Xref, Yref, Psiref, _] = getTrack(filename)
    plt.plot(Xref, Yref, '--', color='k')

    # Draw Trackboundaries
    Xboundleft = Xref - distance * np.sin(Psiref)
    Yboundleft = Yref + distance * np.cos(Psiref)
    Xboundright = Xref + distance * np.sin(Psiref)
    Yboundright = Yref - distance * np.cos(Psiref)
    plt.plot(Xboundleft, Yboundleft, color='k', linewidth=1)
    plt.plot(Xboundright, Yboundright, color='k', linewidth=1)
    plt.plot(x, y, '-b')

    # Draw driven trajectory
    heatmap = plt.scatter(x,
    cbar = plt.colorbar(heatmap, fraction=0.035)
    cbar.set_label("velocity in [m/s]")
    ax = plt.gca()
    ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')

    # Put markers for s values
    xi = np.zeros(9)
    yi = np.zeros(9)
    xi1 = np.zeros(9)
    yi1 = np.zeros(9)
    xi2 = np.zeros(9)
    yi2 = np.zeros(9)
    for i in range(int(Sref[-1]) + 1):
            k = list(Sref).index(i + min(abs(Sref - i)))
            k = list(Sref).index(i - min(abs(Sref - i)))
        [_, nrefi, _, _] = transformOrig2Proj(Xref[k], Yref[k], Psiref[k], 0)
        [xi[i], yi[i], _, _] = transformProj2Orig(Sref[k], nrefi + 0.24, 0, 0)
        # plt.text(xi[i], yi[i], f'{i}m', fontsize=12,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center')
        [xi1[i], yi1[i], _, _] = transformProj2Orig(Sref[k], nrefi + 0.12, 0,
        [xi2[i], yi2[i], _, _] = transformProj2Orig(Sref[k], nrefi + 0.15, 0,
        plt.plot([xi1[i], xi2[i]], [yi1[i], yi2[i]], color='black')