Example #1
def JSONDecoderTaskTree(dct):
    if dct.has_key("tid"):
        task = EngineDB.Task()
        task.tid = dct.get("tid")
        task.id = dct.get("id")
        task.title = dct.get("title")
        task.service = dct.get("service")
        task.minslots = dct.get("atleast", 1)
        task.maxslots = dct.get("atmost", 1)
        task.serialsubtasks = True if dct.get("serialsubtasks",
                                              False) == 1 else False
        task.ptids = [0]
        if dct.has_key("ants"):
            task.__dict__["instanceTids"] = dct.get("ants")
        task.cids = dct.get("cids", [])
        return task
    elif dct.has_key("data") and dct.has_key("children") \
             and dct["data"] != OUTER_TASK_TREE_SENTINAL:
        # this puts the subtasks as a member of a task object (which is dct["data"])
        dct["data"].children = dct["children"]
        return dct["data"]
    elif dct.has_key("data") and dct["data"] == OUTER_TASK_TREE_SENTINAL:
        # this ensures the top-level JSON wrapper just returns a list of tasks
        return dct["children"]
        raise FileSystemDBError, "invalid task tree"
Example #2
    def sync(self):
        self.log("synchronizing with filesystem")

        def jobDirSort(a, b):
            jidA = a.split("/")[-1]
            dateA = jidA[:8]

            jidB = b.split("/")[-1]
            dateB = jidB[:8]

            if dateA != dateB:
                return -cmp(dateA, dateB)
                jidA = jidA[8:]
                jidA = int(jidA) if jidA.isdigit() else 0
                jidB = jidB[8:]
                jidB = int(jidB) if jidB.isdigit() else 0
                return -cmp(jidA, jidB)

        # establish connection with postgres database
        db = EngineDB.EngineDB(dbhost=self.config.dbHostname(),
        except rpg.sql.SQLError, err:
            raise DBMigrateToolError, str(err)
Example #3
def JSONDecoderJobInfo(dct):
    job = EngineDB.Job()
    job.jid = dct.get("jid", 0)
    job.owner = dct.get("user", "")
    job.spoolhost = dct.get("spoolhost", "")
    job.spoolfile = dct.get("sourcefile", "")
    job.spoolcwd = dct.get("cwd", "")
    job.spooladdr = dct.get("spooladdr", "")
    job.spooltime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(dct.get("spooltime", 0))
    job.title = dct.get("title", "")

    job.priority = dct.get("priority", 0)
    if job.priority < 0:
        job.priority = abs(job.priority)
        # currently the pausetime is not stored, so let's just set it to the spooltime
        job.pausetime = job.spooltime
    job.crews = dct.get("crews", [])
    job.tags = dct.get("tags", [])
    job.service = dct.get("service", "")
    job.envkey = dct.get("envkey", [])
    job.editpolicy = dct.get("editpolicy", "")
    job.minslots = dct.get("atleast", 1)
    job.maxslots = dct.get("atmost", 1)
    job.etalevel = dct.get("etalevel", 1)
    job.afterjids = dct.get("afterJids", [])
    if dct.has_key("afterTime"):
        job.aftertime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(dct.get("afterTime"))

    job.metadata = dct.get("metadata", "")
    job.comment = dct.get("comment", "")
    return job
Example #4
 def execSQLWithResult(self, sql, user=SUPERUSER, dbname=None, *args):
     """Execute the supplied sql statement using the EngineDB's client."""
     dbname = dbname or self.config.dbDatabaseName()
     db = EngineDB.EngineDB(user=user,
         result = db.cursor.fetchall()
     except rpg.sql.SQLError, err:
         raise ExecSQLError(
             "execSQLWithResult(): problem running '%s' as '%s' with args '%s': %s"
             % (sql, user, str(args), err))
Example #5
 def newTask (self, jid, tid, sst):
     task = EngineDB.Task()
     task.jid = jid
     task.tid = tid
     task.state = EngineDB.STATE_BLOCKED
     task.cids = []
     task.serialsubtasks = True if sst else False  # sst may be numeric
     task.statetime = self.spooltime
     setattr(task, "kids", []) # for construction use, not recorded to db
     setattr(task, "idx", 0) # for construction use, not recorded to db
     if tid > 0:
         # tid 0 is special and "reserved" for the job itself
         # commands attached to the job object are placed into
         # the db with their tid=0, but the task itself is not.
         task.idx = len(self.allTasks)
         self.allTasks.append( task )
     return task
Example #6
 def upgradeDB(self, upgrades):
     """This method executes the upgrade actions."""
     self.log("Upgrading database schema.")
     db = EngineDB.EngineDB(user=SUPERUSER,
     i = 0
     for u in upgrades:
         i += 1
         self.log("Applying upgrade %d of %d: %s" %
                  (i, len(upgrades), str(u)))
     db._execute("UPDATE param SET value='%s' WHERE name='schema-version'" %
Example #7
    def addJob (self, dct, spooladdr, task0):
        job = EngineDB.Job()
        job.jid = self.jid
        job.spooladdr = spooladdr
        job.spooltime = self.spooltime
        job.owner = dct.get("owner", "")
        job.spoolhost = dct.get("spoolhost", "")
        job.spoolfile = dct.get("spoolfile", "")
        job.spoolcwd = dct.get("spoolcwd", "")
        job.title = dct.get("title", "")
        job.priority = dct.get("priority", 0)
        if job.priority < 0:
            job.priority = abs(job.priority + 1)  # also acct for T1-style shift
            # currently the pausetime is not stored, so just set it
            # to the spooltime for now
            job.pausetime = job.spooltime
        if 0 != dct.get("paused", 0):
            job.pausetime = job.spooltime
        job.crews = dct.get("crews", [])
        job.maxactive = dct.get("maxactive", 0)
        job.tags = dct.get("tags", "").split()
        job.service = dct.get("service", "")
        job.envkey = dct.get("envkey", [])
        job.serialsubtasks = task0.serialsubtasks
        job.editpolicy = dct.get("editpolicy", "")
        job.projects = dct.get("projects", [])
        job.tier = dct.get("tier", "")
        job.minslots = dct.get("minslots")
        job.maxslots = dct.get("maxslots")
        job.metadata = dct.get("metadata", "")
        job.comment = dct.get("comment", "")
        job.etalevel = dct.get("etalevel", 1)
        job.dirmap = dct.get("dirmaps", [])
        job.afterjids = dct.get("afterjids", [])
        if dct.has_key("aftertime"):
            job.aftertime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(dct.get("aftertime"))
        job.numtasks = len( self.allTasks )
        job.numready = self.nready
        job.numblocked = job.numtasks - job.numready
        job.maxcid = self.lastCID
        job.maxtid = self.lastTID

        return job
Example #8
    def __init__ (self, credentialsChannel, dbgmode=None,
                    spoolTime=None, plpyModule=None):

        self.engineDB = EngineDB.EngineDB()
        self.dbgmode = dbgmode
        self.jobObj = []
        self.allCmds = []
        self.allTasks = []
        self.instanceMap = {}
        self.nready = 0
        self.jid = 0
        self.lastTID = 0
        self.lastCID = 0
        self.tidOffset = 0
        if spoolTime == None:
            spoolTime = time.time()
        self.spooltime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( float(spoolTime) )

        if plpyModule:
            self.dbconn = None
            self.dbcursor = PlpyCursor(plpyModule)
            if credentialsChannel:
                    # open connection to psql
                    import tractor.base.rpg.osutil as osutil
                    if osutil.getlocalos() == "Linux":
                        # preload libpq.so file so that later imports of psycopg2 will get the proper library
                        # since rmanpy as compiled only looks in the install dir's lib/, but libpq is in lib/psql/lib
                        ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(installDir(), "lib", "psql", "lib", "libpq.so.5"))
                        # this doesn't appear to be necessary on OSX since the stock install comes with a valid libpq.so
                    import psycopg2
                    dbConnInfo = credentialsChannel.read()
                    self.dbconn = psycopg2.connect( dbConnInfo )
                    self.dbcursor = self.dbconn.cursor()
                print >>sys.stderr, "note: no database credentials provided."
                self.dbcursor = False
Example #9
def ddl(dbname=DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME):
    import upgrade
    db = EngineDB.EngineDB(db=dbname)
    # the first parts are executed before the database has been switched to "tractor"
    parts = [PREAMBLE, db.getCreate()]
    # create base (non-login) and login roles which inherit permissions from archtype base roles
    for baseRole, loginRoles in ROLES_BY_BASE_ROLE.iteritems():
        parts.append("CREATE ROLE %s;" % baseRole)
        for loginRole in loginRoles:
            parts.append("CREATE ROLE %s WITH LOGIN IN ROLE %s;" % (loginRole, baseRole))
    # grant permissions to base roles
    tableStr = ",".join([table.tablename.lower() for table in db.Tables])
    "GRANT SELECT,DELETE,INSERT,UPDATE ON %s TO writeroles;" % tableStr,
    "GRANT SELECT ON %s TO readroles;" % tableStr
    # grant permission to views
    viewStr = ",".join([view.name for view in db.Views])
    "GRANT SELECT ON %s TO writeroles;" % viewStr,
    "GRANT SELECT ON %s TO readroles;" % viewStr
    # limiting to one boostrap connection prevents multiple engines from running at once
    parts.append("ALTER ROLE bootstrap CONNECTION LIMIT 1;")
    # change the table owner to a role that can create inherited tables
    for table in db.Tables:
        parts.append("ALTER TABLE %s OWNER TO %s;" % (table.tablename.lower(), TABLE_OWNER))
    # start numbering jobs at 1
    "INSERT INTO param VALUES ('jidcounter', 0);",
    # default install limits result set size
    "INSERT INTO param VALUES ('maxrecords', 10000);",
    # default to archiving deleted jobs
    "INSERT INTO param VALUES ('archiving', 1);",
    # default to archiving deleted jobs
    "INSERT INTO param VALUES ('schema-version', '%s');" % upgrade.SCHEMA_VERSION,
    # the high-level plpython functions defined above
    return "\n".join(parts)
Example #10
    def addCmd (self, dct, ptask):
        self.lastCID += 1
        cmd = EngineDB.Command()
        cmd.jid = self.jid
        cmd.tid = ptask.tid
        cmd.cid = self.lastCID
        ptask.cids.append( cmd.cid )
        cmd.argv = dct.get("argv", [])
        cmd.msg = dct.get("msg")
        cmd.service = dct.get("service")
        cmd.tags = dct.get("tags", "").split()
        cmd.id = dct.get("id")
        cmd.refersto = dct.get("refersto")
        cmd.minslots = dct.get("minslots")
        cmd.maxslots = dct.get("maxslots")
        cmd.envkey = dct.get("envkey", [])
        cmd.retryrcodes = dct.get("retryrc", [])
        cmd.resumewhile = dct.get("resumewhile", [])
        cmd.resumepin = dct.get("resumepin", 0)

        t = dct.get("type", "RC")
        n = len(t)
        cmd.local = (n > 0 and t[0] == "L")
        cmd.expand = (n > 2 and t[2] == "X")
        if n > 1:
            if t[1] == "D":
                cmd.runtype = "cleanup"
            elif t[1] == "P":
                if n > 2 and t[2]=="D":
                    cmd.runtype = "post_done"
                elif n > 2 and t[2]=="E":
                    cmd.runtype = "post_error"
                    cmd.runtype = "post_always"

        self.allCmds.append( cmd )
        return cmd
Example #11
def JSONDecoderCmdList(dct):
    if dct.has_key("cid"):
        cmd = EngineDB.Command()
        cmd.cid = dct.get("cid")
        cmd.argv = dct.get("argv", [])
        cmdtype = dct.get("type", "RC")
        if len(cmdtype) < 2:
            cmdtype = "RC"
        cmd.local = True if cmdtype[0] == "L" else False
        cmd.cleanup = True if cmdtype[1] == "D" else False
        cmd.expand = True if len(cmdtype) > 2 and cmdtype[2] == "X" else False
        cmd.msg = dct.get("msg")
        cmd.service = dct.get("service")
        tagstr = dct.get("tags")
        cmd.tags = tagstr.split() if tagstr else []
        cmd.id = dct.get("id")
        cmd.refersto = dct.get("refersto")
        cmd.minslots = dct.get("atleast", 1)
        cmd.maxslots = dct.get("maxThreads", 1)
        cmd.envkey = dct.get("envkey", [])
        cmd.retryrcodes = dct.get("retryrc", [])
        return cmd
        return dct.values()
Example #12
            raise FileSystemDBError(msg)
        # traverse task tree and express tasks as updates
        taskStack = taskTree
        while taskStack:
            task = taskStack.pop()
            task.jid = self.job.jid
            if hasattr(task, "children"):
                # put parent tid in all children
                for child in task.children:
                    child.ptids = [task.tid]

        # create a task with tid 0 for containing job-level commands
        zeroTask = EngineDB.Task()
        zeroTask.jid = self.job.jid
        zeroTask.tid = 0
        zeroTask.title = "LAST"
        # NOTE: we're not yet maintaining the zero task's list of children
        zeroTask.children = []

        # populate task LUT
        for task in self.tasks:
            self.taskByTid[task.tid] = task

        # extend the ptids list for tasks that are referred to by other tasks as instances
        for task in self.tasks:
            for tid in task.__dict__.get("instanceTids", []):
                childTask = self.taskByTid.get(tid)
Example #13
    # start numbering jobs at 1
    "INSERT INTO param VALUES ('jidcounter', 0);",
    # default install limits result set size
    "INSERT INTO param VALUES ('maxrecords', 10000);",
    # default to archiving deleted jobs
    "INSERT INTO param VALUES ('archiving', 1);",
    # default to archiving deleted jobs
    "INSERT INTO param VALUES ('schema-version', '%s');" % upgrade.SCHEMA_VERSION,
    # the high-level plpython functions defined above
    return "\n".join(parts)

if __name__=='__main__':
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="ddl.py")
    parser.add_argument("--functions", action="store_true", help="dump only function definitions")
    parser.add_argument("--views", action="store_true", help="dump only view definitions")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.functions:
        db = EngineDB.EngineDB(db=DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME)
        for f in db.Functions:
            print f.getCreate()
    elif args.views:
        import upgrade
        for view in EngineDB.EngineDB.Views:
            print view.getCreate(), ";"
        print ddl()