while r.next()[0] != 'Total New Zealand':
		pass # skip over regions
	"""# CMBs
	for line in r:
		if line[0] == 'Total Auckland Local Board':
		if line[0][9] != ' ':
			assert False

regions = trademe.get_localities()
trademe_names = set(district['Name'] for region in regions for district in region['Districts'])

mapped_tmnames = set()
mapped_csnames = set()

with open('WhereToLive/censusdata/name-map.txt', 'r') as f:
	for line in f:
		tmname, csname = line.replace('\n','').split(',')
		if tmname not in trademe_names:
			print('not valid: TM'+tmname)
		if csname not in census_names:
			print('not valid: CS'+csname)
Example #2
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
import json
import trademe

locality_data = trademe.get_localities()
all_places = trademe.get_place_list()

with open('WhereToLive/censusdata/summarydata.json', 'r') as f:
	census_summary_data = json.load(f)

def home(request):
	ctx = {}
	ctx['job_categories'] = trademe.get_job_categories()
	return render_to_response('static/index.html', ctx)

def do_search(search_job_category):
	job_count_by_place = {}
	for job in trademe.get_all_jobs():
		if job['Category'][0:len(search_job_category)] == search_job_category:
			place = job['Place']
			if place not in job_count_by_place: job_count_by_place[place] = 0
			job_count_by_place[place] += 1
	return sorted(job_count_by_place.keys(), key=lambda place: -job_count_by_place[place]), job_count_by_place

def ajax_search(request):
	best_places, job_count_by_place = do_search(request.GET["industry"])
	response = {"best_places":[{"name": place, "jobcount": job_count_by_place[place]} for place in best_places[:3]]}
	return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response))