Example #1
def test_validate_payload_not_valid_schema():
    raw_data = b'{"baz": "bar"}'
    schema = t.Dict({t.Key('foo'): t.Atom('bar')})

    with pytest.raises(JsonValidaitonError) as ctx:
        validate_payload(raw_data, schema)

    error = json.loads(ctx.value.text)
    assert error['error'] == 'Invalid json payload'
Example #2
    def test_raise_error(self):
        other = lambda v: DataError('other error', code='other_error')
        fail_other = t.Atom('a') & other
        res = extract_error(fail_other, 'a')
        assert res == 'other error'

        ttt = t.And(other, t.Any)
        res = extract_error(ttt, 45)
        assert res == 'other error'
Example #3
def test_validate_payload_not_json():
    raw_data = b'foo=bar'
    schema = t.Dict({t.Key('foo'): t.Atom('bar')})

    with pytest.raises(JsonValidaitonError) as ctx:
        validate_payload(raw_data, schema)

    error = json.loads(ctx.value.text)
    assert error['error'] == 'Payload is not json serialisable'
Example #4
def construct(arg):
    Shortcut syntax to define trafarets.

    - int, str, float and bool will return t.Int, t.String, t.Float and t.Bool
    - one element list will return t.List
    - tuple or list with several args will return t.Tuple
    - dict will return t.Dict. If key has '?' at the and it will be optional and '?' will be removed
    - any callable will be t.Call
    - otherwise it will be returned as is

    construct is recursive and will try construct all lists, tuples and dicts args
    if isinstance(arg, t.Trafaret):
        return arg
    elif isinstance(arg, tuple) or (isinstance(arg, list) and len(arg) > 1):
        return t.Tuple(*(construct(a) for a in arg))
    elif isinstance(arg, list):
        # if len(arg) == 1
        return t.List(construct(arg[0]))
    elif isinstance(arg, dict):
        return t.Dict({
            construct_key(key): construct(value)
            for key, value in arg.items()
    elif isinstance(arg, str):
        return t.Atom(arg)
    elif isinstance(arg, type):
        if arg is int:
            return t.Int()
        elif arg is float:
            return t.Float()
        elif arg is str:
            return t.String()
        elif arg is bool:
            return t.Bool()
            return t.Type(arg)
    elif callable(arg):
        return t.Call(arg)
        return arg
Example #5
    def test_atom(self):
        res = t.Atom('atom').check('atom')
        self.assertEqual(res, 'atom')

        err = extract_error(t.Atom('atom'), 'molecule')
        self.assertEqual(err, "value is not exactly 'atom'")
Example #6
 def test_and(self):
     indeed_int = t.Atom('123') & int
     assert indeed_int('123') == 123  # fixed 0.8.0 error
Example #7
    def test_atom(self):
        res = t.Atom('atom').check('atom')
        assert res == 'atom'

        err = extract_error(t.Atom('atom'), 'molecule')
        assert err == "value is not exactly 'atom'"
Example #8
class UnifiClient(AbstractUnifiSession):
        Unifi API client
    def login(self, username=None, password=None):

        # if logging in with same user/passwd, check for login cookie
        if hasattr(self, 'username') and \
           hasattr(self, 'password') and \
           (username is None or self.username == username) and \
           (password is None or self.password == password) and \
            self.debug('logged in -> cookie exists')
            self.debug('------END LOGIN------')
            return True

        # user/passwd from params overwites known user/passwd
        self.username = username or self.username if hasattr(
            self, 'username') else username
        self.password = password or self.password if hasattr(
            self, 'password') else password
        if self.username is None or self.password is None:
            # if instance doesn't have username or password, cannot login
            raise UnifiLoginError('Missing login information')

        # login with clean slate session

        # make login call
        r = self.session.post(self.endpoint('/api/login'),
                              headers={'Referer': self.endpoint('/login')},
                                  'username': self.username,
                                  'password': self.password,

        # debug messages
        self.debug('LOGIN REQUEST')
        self.debug('url:', r.request.url)
        self.debug('body:', r.request.body.decode())
        self.debug('headers:', r.request.headers)
        self.debug('LOGIN RESPONSE')
        self.debug('status:', r.status_code)
        self.debug('text:', r.text)
        self.debug('headers:', r.headers)
        self.debug('cookies:', r.cookies)
        self.debug('------END LOGIN------')

        return self.logged_in

    def logout(self):
        if not self.logged_in:
            return False
        return True

    def authorize_guest(self,
            Authorize a client device
            returns True on success
                Name        | required  | description
                client_mac  |   True    | client mac address
                minutes     |   True    | minutes (from now) until authorization expires
                site        |   False   | site name to authorize guest, if not provided, `find_device` will be used (or `default` if ap_mac wasn't provided)
                ap_mac      |   False   | access point the client is connected (faster auth)
                up_speed    |   False   | upload speed limit in kbps
                down_speed  |   False   | download speed limit in kbps
                MB_limit    |   False   | data transfer limit in MB
        data = {
            'cmd': 'authorize-guest',
            'mac': client_mac.lower(),
            'minutes': minutes,
        if up_speed is not None:
            data['up'] = up_speed
        if down_speed is not None:
            data['down'] = down_speed
        if ap_mac is not None:
            site = self.find_device(ap_mac) if site is None else site
            assert site is not None, 'No site provided and AP does not belong to any known site'
            data['ap_mac'] = ap_mac
        if MB_limit is not None:
            data['MB_limit'] = MB_limit
        self.debug('Posting authorize guest: %s' % data)
        r = self.post(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/cmd/stamgr' % site), json=data)
        return self.process_response(r, boolean=True)

    @guard(cmd=t.String, client_mac=models.MacAddress, site=models.SiteName)
    def _guest_cmd(self, cmd, client_mac, site):
            Run most stamgr command
            returns True on success
                Name        | required  | description
                cmd         |   True    | command to run
                client_mac  |   True    | client mac address
                site        |   True    | site name to authorize guest
        data = {
            'cmd': cmd,
            'mac': client_mac,

        r = self.post(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/cmd/stamgr' % site), json=data)
        return self.process_response(r, boolean=True)

    @guard(client_mac=models.MacAddress, site=models.SiteName)
    def unauthorize_guest(self, client_mac, site='default'):
            Unauthorize a client device
            returns True on success
                Name        | required  | description
                client_mac  |   True    | client mac address
                site        |   False   | site name to authorize guest, defaults to `default`
        return self._guest_cmd('unauthorize-guest', client_mac, site)

    @guard(client_mac=models.MacAddress, site=models.SiteName)
    def reconnect_sta(self, client_mac, site='default'):
            Reconnect a client device
            returns True on success
                Name        | required  | description
                client_mac  |   True    | client mac address
                site        |   True    | site name to authorize guest, defaults to `default`
        return self._guest_cmd('kick-sta', client_mac, site)

    @guard(client_mac=models.MacAddress, site=models.SiteName)
    def block_sta(self, client_mac, site='default'):
            Block a client device
            returns True on success
                Name        | required  | description
                client_mac  |   True    | client mac address
                site        |   True    | site name to authorize guest, defaults to `default`
        return self._guest_cmd('block-sta', client_mac, site)

    @guard(client_mac=models.MacAddress, site=models.SiteName)
    def unblock_sta(self, client_mac, site='default'):
            Unblock a client device
            returns True on success
                Name        | required  | description
                client_mac  |   True    | client mac address
                site        |   True    | site name to authorize guest, defaults to `default`
        return self._guest_cmd('unblock-sta', client_mac, site)

    @guard(client_macs=t.List(models.MacAddress), site=models.SiteName)
    def forget_sta(self, client_macs, site='default'):

        data = {
            'cmd': 'forget-sta',
            'mac': client_macs,

        r = self.post(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/cmd/stamgr' % site), json=data)
        return self.process_response(r, boolean=True)

    def list_sites(self):
            List sites managed by controller
            returns an array of site info on success
        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/self/sites'))
        return self.process_response(r)

           device_mac=t.Or(models.MacAddress, t.Atom(None)))
    def list_devices(self, site='default', device_mac=None):
            List devices managed by controller on a given site
            returns an array of devices info on success
                Name        | required  | description
                site        |   True    | site name to authorize guest, defaults to `default`
                device_mac  |   False   | device mac address
        # r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/device/%s' % (site, device_mac.lower().replace(':', '').replace('-', '') or '')))
        r = self.get(
            self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/device/%s' %
                          (site, device_mac or '')))
        return self.process_response(r)

    def find_device(self, device_mac):
            Find site name of device by mac
            returns site name where device is located or None if
            device is not managed by this controller
                Name        | required  | description
                device_mac  |   True   | device mac address

            # This is a costly function, use with caution
        for s in self.list_sites():
            if device_mac in [
                    for d in self.list_devices(site=s['name'])
                return models.SiteName(s['name'])

    # skipping user management functions for now

    # Sessions?

    def list_sessions(self,
            Get all login sessions
            returns an array of login sessions for all clients on a site, or a single client
                Name        | required  | description
                client_type |   False   | type of client, can be: ['all', 'guest', 'user']
                client_mac  |   False   | client mac to get sessions, if not provided, all sessions will be returned
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 7d
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site name to get sessions, defaults to `default`
        end = end * 1000 if isinstance(
            end, int) else int(datetime.now().timestamp() *
                               1000) if end is None else int(end.timestamp() *
        start = start * 1000 if isinstance(
            int) else end - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 if start is None else int(
                start.timestamp() * 1000)
        assert 0 < start < end, 'start must be before end (and both positive)'

        data = {
            'type': client_type,
            'start': start,
            'end': end,
        if client_mac is not None:
            data['mac'] = client_mac

        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/session' % site), json=data)
        return self.process_response(r)

    @guard(client_mac=models.MacAddress, limit=t.Int, site=models.SiteName)
    def list_sessions_latest(self, client_mac, limit=5, site='default'):
            Get latest login sessions for a given client
            returns an array of login sessions for a single client on a site
                Name        | required  | description
                client_mac  |   True    | client mac to get sessions
                limit       |   False   | latest `limit` sessions will be returned, defaults to 5
                site        |   False   | site name to get sessions, defaults to `default`
        data = {
            'mac': client_mac,
            '_limit': limit,
            '_sort': '-assoc_time',

        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/session' % site), json=data)
        return self.process_response(r)

    def list_authorizations(self, start=None, end=None, site='default'):
            Get latest authorizations for a given site
            returns an array of login sessions for a single client on a site
                Name        | required  | description
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 7d
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site name to get authorizations, defaults to `default`
        end = end * 1000 if isinstance(
            end, int) else int(datetime.now().timestamp() *
                               1000) if end is None else int(end.timestamp() *
        start = start * 1000 if isinstance(
            int) else end - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 if start is None else int(
                start.timestamp() * 1000)
        assert 0 < start < end, 'start must be before end (and both positive)'

        data = {
            'start': start,
            'end': end,

        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/authorization' % site),
        return self.process_response(r)

    @guard(last_hours=t.Int, site=models.SiteName)
    def list_allusers(self, last_hours=365 * 24, site='default'):
            Get all users ever connected to a given site
            returns an array of client devices
                Name        | required  | description
                last_hours  |   False   | last `last_hours` to get users from, defaults to 1y (365*24 hours)
                site        |   False   | site name to get authorizations, defaults to `default`

            # the stats returned are not affected by `last_hours` parameter since they're all-time stats for the device
        data = {
            'type': 'all',
            'conn': 'all',
            'within': last_hours,

        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/allusers' % site),
        return self.process_response(r)

    @guard(last_hours=t.Int, site=models.SiteName)
    def list_guests(self, last_hours=365 * 24, site='default'):
            Get all guests ever connected to a given site, only valid accesses
            returns an array of guest devices
                Name        | required  | description
                last_hours  |   False   | last `last_hours` to get guests from, defaults to 1y (365*24 hours)
                site        |   False   | site name to get authorizations, defaults to `default`
        data = {
            'within': last_hours,

        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/guest' % site), json=data)
        return self.process_response(r)

    @guard(client_mac=t.Or(models.MacAddress, t.Atom(None)),
    def list_online_clients(self, client_mac=None, site='default'):
            Get online client devices on a given site
            returns an array of guest devices
                Name        | required  | description
                client_mac  |   False   | client mac to search, if not provided all clients will be returned
                site        |   False   | site name to get authorizations, defaults to `default`
        data = {
            'within': last_hours,

        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/sta/%s' %
                                   (site, client_mac or '')),
        return self.process_response(r)

    @guard(client_mac=models.MacAddress, site=models.SiteName)
    def client_info(self, client_mac, site='default'):
            Get client device information
            returns an object with client device information
                Name        | required  | description
                client_mac  |   True    | client mac to search
                site        |   False   | site name to get authorizations, defaults to `default`
        r = self.get(
            self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/user/%s' % (site, client_mac)))
        return self.process_response(r)

    # Site stats

    def _site_stats(self,
            Get site stats
            returns an array of stats for the given site
                Name        | required  | description
                gran        |   True    | granularity of the stats, only permitted: 5minutes, hourly, daily
                def_range   |   True    | default range for the stats, only used if start wasn't given
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to `end - def_range`
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site name to get stats, defaults to `default`

            # support and restrictions apply from 'site_stat_*' functions
        end = end * 1000 if isinstance(
            end, int) else int(datetime.now().timestamp() *
                               1000) if end is None else int(end.timestamp() *
        start = start * 1000 if isinstance(
            start, int) else end - def_range if start is None else int(
                start.timestamp() * 1000)
        assert 0 < start < end, 'start must be before end (and both positive)'

        data = {
            'attrs': [
                'bytes', 'wan-tx_bytes', 'wan-rx_bytes', 'wlan_bytes',
                'num_sta', 'lan-num_sta', 'wlan-num_sta', 'time'
        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/report/%s.site' %
                                   (site, gran)),
        return self.process_response(r)

    # site stats: 5 min
    def site_stat_5min(self, start=None, end=None, site='default'):
            Get site stats (5 min)
            returns an array of 5 min stats for the given site
                Name        | required  | description
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 12h
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site name to get stats, defaults to `default`

            # supported from versions 5.5.* and later
            # retention policy for 5 minutes stats must be set accordingly
        return self._site_stats('5minutes', 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000, start, end,

    # site stats: hourly
    def site_stat_hourly(self, start=None, end=None, site='default'):
            Get site stats (hourly)
            returns an array of hourly stats for the given site
                Name        | required  | description
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 7d
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site name to get stats, defaults to `default`

            # bytes not supported from versions 4.9.1 and later
        return self._site_stats('hourly', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, start, end,

    # site stats: daily
    def site_stat_daily(self, start=None, end=None, site='default'):
            Get site stats (daily)
            returns an array of daily stats for the given site
                Name        | required  | description
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 30d
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site name to get stats, defaults to `default`

            # bytes not supported from versions 4.9.1 and later
        return self._site_stats('daily', 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, start, end,

    # AP stats

    def _ap_stats(self,
            Get ap stats
            returns an array of stats for the given ap or for all aps on a given site
                Name        | required  | description
                gran        |   True    | granularity of the stats, only permitted: 5minutes, hourly, daily
                def_range   |   True    | default range for the stats, only used if start wasn't given
                ap_mac      |   False   | mac address of the ap
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 12h
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site of the ap, if not provided `find_device` will be used (or `default` if ap_mac wasn't provided)

            # support and restrictions apply from 'ap_stat_*' functions
        end = end * 1000 if isinstance(
            end, int) else int(datetime.now().timestamp() *
                               1000) if end is None else int(end.timestamp() *
        start = start * 1000 if isinstance(
            start, int) else end - def_range if start is None else int(
                start.timestamp() * 1000)
        assert 0 < start < end, 'start must be before end (and both positive)'

        data = {
            'attrs': ['bytes', 'num_sta', 'time'],
            'start': start,
            'end': end,

        if ap_mac is not None:
            site = self.find_device(ap_mac) if site is None else site
            assert site is not None, 'No site provided and AP does not belong to any known site'
            data['mac'] = ap_mac
        elif site is None:
            site = 'default'

        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/report/%s.ap' %
                                   (site, gran)),
        return self.process_response(r)

    # ap stats: 5 min
    def ap_stat_5min(self, ap_mac=None, start=None, end=None, site=None):
            Get ap stats (5 min)
            returns an array of 5 min stats for the given ap or for all aps on a given site
                Name        | required  | description
                ap_mac      |   False   | mac address of the ap
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 12h
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site of the ap, if not provided `find_device` will be used (or `default` if ap_mac wasn't provided)

            # supported from versions 5.5.* and later
            # retention policy for 5 minutes stats must be set accordingly
        return self._ap_stats('5minutes', 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000, ap_mac, start,
                              end, site)

    # ap stats: hourly
    def ap_stat_hourly(self, ap_mac=None, start=None, end=None, site=None):
            Get ap stats (hourly)
            returns an array of hourly stats for the given ap or for all aps on a given site
                Name        | required  | description
                ap_mac      |   False   | mac address of the ap
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 7d
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site of the ap, if not provided `find_device` will be used (or `default` if ap_mac wasn't provided)

            # versions < 4.6.6 keep up to 5 hours of these stats
        return self._ap_stats('hourly', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, ap_mac, start,
                              end, site)

    # ap stats: daily
    def ap_stat_daily(self, ap_mac=None, start=None, end=None, site=None):
            Get ap stats (daily)
            returns an array of daily stats for the given ap or for all aps on a given site
                Name        | required  | description
                ap_mac      |   True    | mac address of the ap
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 7d
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site of the ap, if not provided `find_device` will be used (or `default` if ap_mac wasn't provided)

            # versions < 4.6.6 keep up to 5 hours of these stats
        return self._ap_stats('daily', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, ap_mac, start,
                              end, site)

    def _user_stats(self,
                    attrs=['rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'],
            Get ap stats
            returns an array of stats for the given ap or for all aps on a given site
                Name        | required  | description
                gran        |   True    | granularity of the stats, only permitted: 5minutes, hourly, daily
                def_range   |   True    | default range for the stats, only used if start wasn't given
                user_mac    |   True    | mac address of the user
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 12h
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site?
                attrs       |   False   | list of attributes to be returned, defalts to [rx_bytes, tx_bytes]

            # support and restrictions apply from 'user_stat_*' functions
        end = end * 1000 if isinstance(
            end, int) else int(datetime.now().timestamp() *
                               1000) if end is None else int(end.timestamp() *
        start = start * 1000 if isinstance(
            start, int) else end - def_range if start is None else int(
                start.timestamp() * 1000)
        assert 0 < start < end, 'start must be before end (and both positive)'

        data = {
            'mac': user_mac,
            'attrs': attrs if 'time' in attrs else attrs.append('time'),
            'start': start,
            'end': end,

        # site?

        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/report/%s.user' %
                                   (site, gran)),
        return self.process_response(r)

    def user_stat_5min(self,
                       attrs=['rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'],
            Get user/client stats (5 min)
            returns an array of 5 min stats for the given user/client
                Name        | required  | description
                user_mac    |   True    | mac address of the user
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 12h
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site?
                attrs       |   False   | list of attributes to be returned, defalts to [rx_bytes, tx_bytes]

            # Possible values for attrs:
                - rx_bytes
                - tx_bytes
                - signal
                - rx_rate
                - tx_rate
                - rx_retries
                - tx_retries
                - rx_packets
                - tx_packets

            # supported from versions 5.8.* and later
            # retention policy for 5 minutes stats must be set accordingly
            # "Clients Historical Data" must be enabled (controller settings on Maintenance section)
        return self._user_stats('5minutes', 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000, user_mac,
                                attrs, start, end, site)

    def user_stat_hourly(self,
                         attrs=['rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'],
            Get user/client stats (hourly)
            returns an array of hourly stats for the given user/client
                Name        | required  | description
                user_mac    |   True    | mac address of the user
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 7d
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site?
                attrs       |   False   | list of attributes to be returned, defalts to [rx_bytes, tx_bytes]

            # Possible values for attrs:
                - rx_bytes
                - tx_bytes
                - signal
                - rx_rate
                - tx_rate
                - rx_retries
                - tx_retries
                - rx_packets
                - tx_packets

            # supported from versions 5.8.* and later
            # "Clients Historical Data" must be enabled (controller settings on Maintenance section)
        return self._user_stats('hourly', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, user_mac,
                                attrs, start, end, site)

    def user_stat_daily(self,
                        attrs=['rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'],
            Get user/client stats (daily)
            returns an array of daily stats for the given user/client
                Name        | required  | description
                user_mac    |   True    | mac address of the user
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 7d
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site?
                attrs       |   False   | list of attributes to be returned, defalts to [rx_bytes, tx_bytes]

            # Possible values for attrs:
                - rx_bytes
                - tx_bytes
                - signal
                - rx_rate
                - tx_rate
                - rx_retries
                - tx_retries
                - rx_packets
                - tx_packets

            # supported from versions 5.8.* and later
            # "Clients Historical Data" must be enabled (controller settings on Maintenance section)
        return self._user_stats('daily', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, user_mac,
                                attrs, start, end, site)

    # gateway

    def _gateway_stats(self,
                       attrs=['mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'],
            Get gateway stats
            returns an array of stats for the given ap or for all aps on a given site
                Name        | required  | description
                gran        |   True    | granularity of the stats, only permitted: 5minutes, hourly, daily
                def_range   |   True    | default range for the stats, only used if start wasn't given
                attrs       |   False   | list of attributes to be returned, defalts to [mem, cpu, loadavg_5]
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 12h
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site where the USG is located

            # support and restrictions apply from 'gateway_stat_*' functions
        end = end * 1000 if isinstance(
            end, int) else int(datetime.now().timestamp() *
                               1000) if end is None else int(end.timestamp() *
        start = start * 1000 if isinstance(
            start, int) else end - def_range if start is None else int(
                start.timestamp() * 1000)
        assert 0 < start < end, 'start must be before end (and both positive)'

        data = {
            'attrs': attrs if 'time' in attrs else attrs.append('time'),
            'start': start,
            'end': end,

        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/report/%s.gw' %
                                   (site, gran)),
        return self.process_response(r)

    def gateway_stat_5min(self,
                          attrs=['mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'],
            Get gateway stats (5 min)
            returns an array of 5 min stats for the given gateway belonging to the given site
                Name        | required  | description
                attrs       |   False   | list of attributes to be returned, defalts to [mem, cpu, loadavg_5]
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 12h
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site where the USG is located

            # Possible values for attrs:
                - mem
                - cpu
                - loadavg_5
                - lan-rx_errors
                - lan-tx_errors
                - lan-rx_bytes
                - lan-tx_bytes
                - lan-rx_packets
                - lan-tx_packets
                - lan-rx_dropped
                - lan-tx_dropped

            # supported from versions 5.5.* and later
            # retention policy for 5 minutes stats must be set accordingly
            # must have a USG on the site
        return self._gateway_stats('5minutes', 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000, attrs,
                                   start, end, site)

    def gateway_stat_hourly(self,
                            attrs=['mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'],
            Get gateway stats (hourly)
            returns an array of hourly stats for the given gateway belonging to the given site
                Name        | required  | description
                attrs       |   False   | list of attributes to be returned, defalts to [mem, cpu, loadavg_5]
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 7d
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site where the USG is located

            # Possible values for attrs:
                - mem
                - cpu
                - loadavg_5
                - lan-rx_errors
                - lan-tx_errors
                - lan-rx_bytes
                - lan-tx_bytes
                - lan-rx_packets
                - lan-tx_packets
                - lan-rx_dropped
                - lan-tx_dropped

            # must have a USG on the site
        return self._gateway_stats('hourly', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, attrs,
                                   start, end, site)

    def gateway_stat_daily(self,
                           attrs=['mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'],
            Get user/client stats (daily)
            returns an array of daily stats for the given gateway belonging to the given site
                Name        | required  | description
                attrs       |   False   | list of attributes to be returned, defalts to [mem, cpu, loadavg_5]
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 1y
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site where the USG is located

            # Possible values for attrs:
                - mem
                - cpu
                - loadavg_5
                - lan-rx_errors
                - lan-tx_errors
                - lan-rx_bytes
                - lan-tx_bytes
                - lan-rx_packets
                - lan-tx_packets
                - lan-rx_dropped
                - lan-tx_dropped

            # must have a USG on the site
        return self._gateway_stats('daily', 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, attrs,
                                   start, end, site)

    def speedtest_result(self, start=None, end=None, site='default'):
            Get speed test results
            returns an array of speedtest results for the USG on the given site
                Name        | required  | description
                start       |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to end - 1d
                end         |   False   | Unix timestamp in seconds or datetime, defaults to now
                site        |   False   | site where the USG is located

            # must have a USG on the site
        end = end * 1000 if isinstance(
            end, int) else int(datetime.now().timestamp() *
                               1000) if end is None else int(end.timestamp() *
        start = start * 1000 if isinstance(
            int) else end - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 if start is None else int(
                start.timestamp() * 1000)
        assert 0 < start < end, 'start must be before end (and both positive)'

        data = {
            'attrs': ['xput_download', 'xput_upload', 'latency', 'time'],
            'start': start,
            'end': end,
        r = self.get(self.endpoint('/api/s/%s/stat/report/archive.speedtest' %
        return self.process_response(r)
from ..context import Context
from ..exception import InvalidAPIParameters
from ..utils import (
from ..types import SENTINEL

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE: Final = 256 * 1024  # 256 KiB

download_token_data_iv = t.Dict({
    t.Key('op'): t.Atom('download'),
    t.Key('volume'): t.String,
    t.Key('vfid'): tx.UUID,
    t.Key('relpath'): t.String,
    t.Key('archive', default=False): t.Bool,
    t.Key('unmanaged_path', default=None): t.Null | t.String,
}).allow_extra('*')  # allow JWT-intrinsic keys

upload_token_data_iv = t.Dict({
    t.Key('op'): t.Atom('upload'),
    t.Key('volume'): t.String,
    t.Key('vfid'): tx.UUID,
    t.Key('relpath'): t.String,
    t.Key('session'): t.String,
    t.Key('size'): t.Int,
}).allow_extra('*')  # allow JWT-intrinsic keys
Example #10
from ai.backend.common.logging import BraceStyleAdapter

from ..abc import AbstractVolume
from ..context import Context
from ..exception import InvalidAPIParameters
from ..types import SENTINEL
from ..utils import CheckParamSource, check_params

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE: Final = 256 * 1024  # 256 KiB

download_token_data_iv = t.Dict(
        t.Key("op"): t.Atom("download"),
        t.Key("volume"): t.String,
        t.Key("vfid"): tx.UUID,
        t.Key("relpath"): t.String,
        t.Key("archive", default=False): t.Bool,
        t.Key("unmanaged_path", default=None): t.Null | t.String,
    }, ).allow_extra("*", )  # allow JWT-intrinsic keys

upload_token_data_iv = t.Dict(
        t.Key("op"): t.Atom("upload"),
        t.Key("volume"): t.String,
        t.Key("vfid"): tx.UUID,
        t.Key("relpath"): t.String,
        t.Key("session"): t.String,
        t.Key("size"): t.Int,
Example #11
class TestScalar(unittest.TestCase):

    TRAFARET = T.Dict({
        T.Key("a_null", optional=True): T.Null,
        T.Key("a_bool", optional=True): T.Bool,
        T.Key("a_float", optional=True): T.Float,
        T.Key("a_int", optional=True): T.Int,
        T.Key("a_atom_str", optional=True): T.Atom("hello"),
        T.Key("a_atom_list", optional=True): T.Atom(["x", "y"]),
        T.Key("a_enum_str", optional=True): T.Enum(["x", "y"]),
        T.Key("a_str", optional=True): T.String(max_length=12),
        T.Key("a_email", optional=True): T.Email,
        T.Key("a_url", optional=True): T.URL,

    def test_null(self):
        self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
            a_null: "hello"
        """), dedent(u"""\
            config.yaml:2: a_null: value should be None
              -> 'hello'

    def test_bool(self):
        self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
            a_bool: "hello"
        """), dedent(u"""\
            config.yaml:2: a_bool: value should be True or False
              -> 'hello'

    def test_float(self):
        self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
            a_float: "hello"
        """), dedent(u"""\
            config.yaml:2: a_float: value can't be converted to float
              -> 'hello'

    def test_int(self):
        self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
            a_int: 2.57
        """), dedent(u"""\
            config.yaml:2: a_int: value is not int
              -> 2.57

    def test_atom_str(self):
        self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
            a_atom_str: "xxx"
        """), dedent(u"""\
            config.yaml:2: a_atom_str: value is not exactly 'hello'
              -> 'xxx'

    def test_atom_list(self):
        self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
            a_atom_list: "xxx"
        """), dedent(u"""\
            config.yaml:2: a_atom_list: value is not exactly '['x', 'y']'
              -> 'xxx'

    def test_enum_str(self):
        self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
            a_enum_str: "hello"
        """), dedent(u"""\
            config.yaml:2: a_enum_str: value doesn't match any variant
              -> 'hello'

    def test_string(self):
        self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
            a_str: 1
        """), dedent(u"""\
            config.yaml:2: a_str: value is not a string
              -> 1

    def test_long_string(self):
        self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
            a_str: "hello my good friends"
        """), dedent(u"""\
            config.yaml:2: a_str: String is longer than 12 characters
              -> 'hello my good friends'

    def test_email(self):
        self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
            a_email: "hello"
        """), dedent(u"""\
            config.yaml:2: a_email: value is not a valid email address
              -> 'hello'

    def test_url(self):
        self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
            a_url: "hello"
        """), dedent(u"""\
            config.yaml:2: a_url: value is not URL
              -> 'hello'
Example #12
def test_validate_payload():
    raw_data = b'{"foo": "bar"}'
    schema = t.Dict({t.Key('foo'): t.Atom('bar')})
    data = validate_payload(raw_data, schema)
    assert data == {'foo': 'bar'}
Example #13
from .decimal import Decimal
from .format import format_trafaret

__VERSION__ = (0, 2, 1)

check_number = t.OnError(t.Float() | Decimal(), 'Not a number')

json_schema_type = (
    t.Atom('null') & just(t.Null())
    | t.Atom('boolean') & just(t.Bool())
    | t.Atom('object') & just(t.Type(dict))
    | t.Atom('array') & just(t.Type(list))
    | t.Atom('number') & just(check_number)
    | t.Atom('integer') & just(t.Int())
    | t.Atom('string') & just(t.String())

def multipleOf(multiplier):
    def check(value):
        if value % multiplier != 0:
            return t.DataError('%s is not devisible by %s' % (value, multiplier))
        return value
    return check
Example #14
             t.String),  # check if data is optinal, and possible values
                'rc': t.Enum('ok', 'error'),  # check if other rc's could exist
                t.Key('msg', optional=True): t.String,

_base_time_params = t.Dict({
    t.Or(t.Float, t.Type(datetime), t.Atom(None)),
    t.Or(t.Float, t.Type(datetime), t.Atom(None)),

_base_time_site_params = _base_time_params.merge({'site': SiteName})
_base_time_op_site_params = _base_time_params.merge(
    {'site': t.Or(SiteName, t.Atom(None))})

_inner_stats_extras = t.Dict({
    'gran': t.Enum('5minutes', 'hourly', 'daily'),
    'def_range': t.Int,

# will not check for port in base_url for now
init_params = t.Dict({
Example #15
 def test_and(self):
     indeed_int = t.Atom('123') & int
     self.assertEqual(indeed_int('123'), 123)  # fixed 0.8.0 error
class TestEasyAlternatives(unittest.TestCase):
    maxDiff = 8192

    TRAFARET = T.Dict({
        "connection": T.Or(
                "kind": T.Atom("unix"),
                "path": T.String(),
                "kind": T.Atom("tcp"),
                "host": T.String(),
                "port": T.Int,


        def test_tcp(self):
            self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
                    kind: tcp
                    host: localhost
                    port: http
            """), dedent(u"""\
                config.yaml:2: connection.port: value can't be converted to int (where .kind is 'tcp')

        def test_unix(self):
            self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
                    kind: unix
                    path: /tmp/sock
                    port: http
            """), dedent(u"""\
                config.yaml:2: connection.port: port is not allowed key (where .kind is 'unix')


        def test_tcp(self):
            self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
                    kind: tcp
                    host: localhost
                    port: http
            """), dedent(u"""\
                config.yaml:3: connection[0].host: host is not allowed key
                config.yaml:3: connection[0].kind: value is not exactly 'unix'
                config.yaml:3: connection[0].path: is required
                config.yaml:3: connection[0].port: port is not allowed key
                config.yaml:3: connection[1].port: value can't be converted to int

        def test_unix(self):
            self.assertEqual(get_err(self.TRAFARET, u"""
                    kind: unix
                    path: /tmp/sock
                    port: http
            """), dedent(u"""\
                config.yaml:3: connection[0].port: port is not allowed key
                config.yaml:3: connection[1].host: is required
                config.yaml:3: connection[1].kind: value is not exactly 'tcp'
                config.yaml:3: connection[1].path: path is not allowed key
                config.yaml:3: connection[1].port: value can't be converted to int
Example #17
 def test_raise_error(self):
     other = lambda v: DataError('other error')
     fail_other = t.Atom('a') & other
     res = extract_error(fail_other, 'a')
     self.assertEqual(res, 'other error')
Example #18
    def test_atom(self):
        res = t.Atom('atom').check('atom')
        assert res == 'atom'

        err = extract_error(t.Atom('atom'), 'molecule')
        assert err == "value doesn't match any variant"