Example #1
def test_geometry() -> None:
    flight: Flight = get_sample(featured, "belevingsvlucht")
    xy_length = flight.project_shape().length / 1852  # in nm
    last_pos = flight.cumulative_distance().at()
    assert last_pos is not None
    cumdist = last_pos.cumdist
    assert abs(xy_length - cumdist) / xy_length < 1e-3

    simplified = flight.simplify(1e3)
    assert len(simplified) < len(flight)
    xy_length_s = simplified.project_shape().length / 1852
    assert xy_length_s < xy_length

    simplified_3d = flight.simplify(1e3, altitude="altitude")
    assert len(simplified) < len(simplified_3d) < len(flight)

    assert flight.intersects(eurofirs["EHAA"])
    assert flight.intersects(eurofirs["EHAA"].flatten())
    assert not flight.intersects(eurofirs["LFBB"])

    assert flight.distance(eurofirs["EHAA"]).data.distance.mean() < 0

    airbus_tree: Flight = get_sample(featured, "airbus_tree")
    clip_dk = airbus_tree.clip(eurofirs["EKDK"])
    assert clip_dk is not None
    assert clip_dk.duration < flight.duration

    clip_gg = airbus_tree.clip(eurofirs["EDGG"])
    assert clip_gg is not None
    assert clip_gg.duration < flight.duration

    clip_mm = airbus_tree.clip(eurofirs["EDMM"])
    assert clip_mm is not None
    assert clip_mm.duration < flight.duration
Example #2
def test_landing_runway() -> None:
    # TODO refactor/rethink the returned type
    flight: Flight = get_sample(featured, "belevingsvlucht")
    assert flight.guess_landing_runway().name == "06"

    airbus_tree: Flight = get_sample(featured, "airbus_tree")
    assert airbus_tree.guess_landing_runway().name == "23"
Example #3
def test_landing_airport() -> None:
    # TODO refactor/rethink the returned type
    flight: Flight = get_sample(featured, "belevingsvlucht")
    assert flight.guess_landing_airport().airport.icao == "EHAM"

    airbus_tree: Flight = get_sample(featured, "airbus_tree")
    assert airbus_tree.guess_landing_airport().airport.icao == "EDHI"
Example #4
def test_decode():

    opensky.cache_dir = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "data" / "opensky_cache"

    # with zipfile.ZipFile(opensky.cache_dir / "opensky_cache.zip") as zfile:
    #     zfile.extractall(path=opensky.cache_dir)

    switzerland: Traffic = get_sample(collections, "switzerland")

    tap_switzerland = (
                    altitude=53, selected_mcp=53, roll=53,

    # BDS 4,0
    for f in tap_switzerland:
        # This is only safe en route. Even if the selected MCP altitude
        # changes, altitude should be between min/max (modulo data errors)
        assert all((f.min("selected_mcp") - 100 <= f.data.altitude)
                   & (f.data.altitude <= f.max("selected_mcp") + 100))

    # BDS 5,0 and BDS 6,0
    for f in tap_switzerland:
        # An aircraft should turn to the side it is rolling
        f = f.assign(diff_heading=lambda df: df.heading.diff() * df.roll)
        assert sum(f.data.diff_heading + 1 < 0) / len(f) < 1e-3
Example #5
def test_cpa() -> None:
    switzerland = cast(Traffic, get_sample(collections, "switzerland"))

    smaller = (
        switzerland.between("2018-08-01 12:00", "2018-08-01 14:00")
    assert smaller is not None

    cpa = smaller.closest_point_of_approach(
        lateral_separation=10 * 1852,

    assert cpa is not None
    separation = dict(lateral_separation=5, vertical_separation=1000)
    res15 = cpa.aggregate(**separation)["0a0075"].query("aggregated < 1.5")

    assert res15 is not None
    res = res15.min("aggregated")

    callsigns = {*res.data.callsign_x, *res.data.callsign_y}
    assert callsigns == {"BAW2591", "BAW605", "DAH2062", "EZY54UC"}
    assert len(res.flight_ids()) == 4
Example #6
def test_bearing() -> None:
    ajaccio: Flight = get_sample(calibration, "ajaccio")

    vor = navaids.extent(ajaccio)["AJO"]
    assert vor is not None
    gen = ajaccio.bearing(vor).query("bearing.diff().abs() < .01").split("1T")
    assert (sum(1 for chunk in gen
                if chunk.duration > pd.Timedelta("5 minutes")) == 7)
Example #7
def test_bearing() -> None:
    ajaccio: Flight = get_sample(calibration, "ajaccio")
    ext_navaids = navaids.extent(ajaccio)
    assert ext_navaids is not None
    vor = ext_navaids["AJO"]
    assert vor is not None
    subset = ajaccio.bearing(vor).query("bearing.diff().abs() < .01")
    assert subset is not None
    assert (sum(1 for chunk in subset.split("1T")
                if chunk.duration > pd.Timedelta("5 minutes")) == 7)
Example #8
def test_chaining() -> None:
    switzerland: Traffic = get_sample(collections, "switzerland")
    sw_filtered = (switzerland.assign_id().filter_if(high_altitude).resample(
    flight_id: str = sw_filtered.flight_ids.pop()
    handle = sw_filtered[flight_id]
    assert handle is not None
    assert handle.callsign == flight_id.split("_")[0]
    assert len(sw_filtered) == 784
    assert sw_filtered.data.shape[0] == 86399
    assert min(len(f) for f in sw_filtered) == 61
    assert sw_filtered.data.altitude.max() == 47000.0
Example #9
def test_properties() -> None:
    flight: Flight = get_sample(featured, "belevingsvlucht")
    assert len(flight) == 16005
    assert flight.min("altitude") == -59  # Welcome to the Netherlands!
    assert flight.max("altitude") == 18025
    assert f"{flight.start}" == "2018-05-30 15:21:38+00:00"
    assert f"{flight.stop}" == "2018-05-30 20:22:56+00:00"
    assert flight.callsign == "TRA051"
    assert flight.title == "TRA051"
    assert flight.icao24 == "484506"
    assert flight.registration == "PH-HZO"
    assert flight.typecode == "B738"
    assert flight.aircraft == "484506 / PH-HZO (B738)"
    assert flight.flight_id is None
Example #10
def test_time_methods() -> None:
    flight: Flight = get_sample(featured, "belevingsvlucht")
    assert f"{flight.first(minutes=10).stop}" == "2018-05-30 15:31:37+00:00"
    assert f"{flight.last(minutes=10).start}" == "2018-05-30 20:12:57+00:00"

    # between is a combination of before and after
    before_after = flight.before("2018-05-30 19:00").after("2018-05-30 18:00")
    between = flight.between("2018-05-30 18:00", "2018-05-30 19:00")

    # flight comparison made by distance computation
    assert before_after.distance(between).lateral.sum() < 1e-6
    assert between.distance(before_after).vertical.sum() < 1e-6

    # test of at() method and equality on the positions
    t = "2018-05-30 18:30"
    assert (between.at(t) == before_after.at(t)).all()  # type: ignore
Example #11
def test_iterators() -> None:
    flight: Flight = get_sample(featured, "belevingsvlucht")
    assert min(flight.timestamp) == flight.start
    assert max(flight.timestamp) == flight.stop
    assert min(flight.coords)[0] == flight.min("longitude")
    assert max(flight.coords)[0] == flight.max("longitude")

    max_time = max(flight.coords4d())
    last_point = flight.at()
    assert last_point is not None
    assert max_time[1] == last_point.longitude
    assert max_time[2] == last_point.latitude
    assert max_time[3] == last_point.altitude

    max_xy_time = list(flight.xy_time)[-1]
    assert max_xy_time[0] == last_point.longitude
    assert max_xy_time[1] == last_point.latitude
    assert max_xy_time[2] == last_point.timestamp.to_pydatetime().timestamp()
Example #12
def test_properties() -> None:
    switzerland: Traffic = get_sample(collections, "switzerland")
    assert len(switzerland) == 1244
    assert f"{switzerland.start_time}" == "2018-08-01 05:00:00+00:00"
    assert f"{switzerland.end_time}" == "2018-08-01 21:59:50+00:00"

    # TODO change @lru_cache on @property, rename Traffic.aircraft
    assert len(switzerland.callsigns) == 1243  # type: ignore
    assert len(switzerland.aircraft) == 842  # type: ignore

    handle = switzerland["DLH02A"]
    assert handle is not None
    assert handle.aircraft == "3c6645 / D-AIRE (A321)"

    handle = switzerland["4baa61"]
    assert handle is not None
    assert handle.callsign == "THY7WR"

    selected = max(switzerland, key=lambda flight: flight.min("altitude"))
    assert selected.flight_id is None
    assert selected.min("altitude") == 47000.0
    assert selected.icao24 == "aab6c0"
Example #13
def test_clustering() -> None:
    switzerland: Traffic = get_sample(collections, "switzerland")

    smaller = cast(
            "2018-08-01 12:00",
            "2018-08-01 14:00").assign_id().eval(max_workers=4),

    t_clustering = smaller.clustering(
        features=["x", "y"],

    v1, v2 = (t_clustering.groupby(["cluster"]).agg({
        "flight_id": "nunique"

    assert abs(v1 - v2) <= 1
Example #14
def test_generation() -> None:
    switzerland = cast(Traffic, get_sample(collections, "switzerland"))

    def compute_timedelta(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
        return (df.timestamp - df.timestamp.min()).dt.total_seconds()

    smaller = (
        switzerland.between("2018-08-01 12:00", "2018-08-01 14:00")

    assert isinstance(smaller, Traffic)

    g = smaller.generation(
        features=["track", "groundspeed", "altitude", "timedelta"],
    t_gen = g.sample(5, coordinates={"latitude": 15, "longitude": 15})

    assert isinstance(t_gen, Traffic)
    assert len(t_gen) == 5
    assert isinstance(t_gen[0], Flight)

    g = smaller.generation(
        features=["x", "y", "altitude", "timedelta"],
    t_gen = g.sample(6, projection=EuroPP())

    assert isinstance(t_gen, Traffic)
    assert len(t_gen) == 6
    assert isinstance(t_gen[0], Flight)
Example #15
def test_decode() -> None:

    switzerland = cast(Traffic, get_sample(collections, "switzerland"))

    tap_switzerland = (
        switzerland.query(  # type: ignore
                    altitude=53, selected_mcp=53, roll=53,

    # BDS 4,0
    for f in tap_switzerland:
        # This is only safe en route. Even if the selected MCP altitude
        # changes, altitude should be between min/max (modulo data errors)
        assert all((f.min("selected_mcp") - 100 <= f.data.altitude)
                   & (f.data.altitude <= f.max("selected_mcp") + 100))

    # BDS 5,0 and BDS 6,0
    for f in tap_switzerland:
        # An aircraft should turn to the side it is rolling
        f = f.assign(diff_heading=lambda df: df.heading.diff() * df.roll)
        assert sum(f.data.diff_heading + 1 < 0) / len(f) < 1e-3
Example #16
def test_get_traffic() -> None:
    traffic: Traffic = get_sample(featured, "traffic")
    assert "belevingsvlucht" in traffic.flight_ids
Example #17
def test_emptydata() -> None:
    airbus_tree: Flight = get_sample(featured, "airbus_tree")
    assert airbus_tree.registration == "F-WWAE"
    assert airbus_tree.typecode == "A388"