def main(): route = train.route.RailRoute('data/sample_A.route') drive_unit = # There is the simulation core result = print ('Travel time is {:g} minute.'.format(result[-1].time/60)) # We will make some visualization (gnuplot is needed) # --- results/sample_A.profile --- try: with open('results/sample_A.profile', 'w') as fh: x = 0.0 while (route.getSpeedLimit(x) > 0.0): fh.write('{:e}\t{:e}\t{:e}\n'.format(x, route.getSpeedLimit(x), route.getSlope(x) )) x += 1.0 fh.write('{:e}\t{:e}\t{:e}\n'.format(x, route.getSpeedLimit(x), route.getSlope(x) )) except EnvironmentError as err: print (err) # --- results/ --- try: with open('results/', 'w') as fh: for d in result: fh.write("{:e}\t{:e}\t{:e}\n".format(d.time, d.distance, d.speed)) except EnvironmentError as err: print (err) # --- results/gnuplot.dat --- try: with open('results/gnuplot.dat', 'w') as fh: fh.write('reset\n') fh.write('set terminal "png"\n') fh.write('set output "results/sample_A.png"\n') fh.write('set title "driving profile"\n') fh.write('set xlabel "distance [m]"\n') fh.write('set yrange [0:160]\n') fh.write('set ylabel "velocity [km/h]"\n') fh.write('set y2range [-20:140]\n') fh.write('set y2tics 0,10,20\n') fh.write('set y2label "slope [ppt]"\n') fh.write('plot "results/sample_A.profile" u 1:2 w l title "speedlimit", "results/" u 2:3 w l title "actual speed", "results/sample_A.profile" u 1:3 w l axis x1y2 title "slope"\n') fh.write('reset\n') except EnvironmentError as err: print (err) # !!! PLEASE, comment out this line if you do not gnuplot os.system('gnuplot results/gnuplot.dat')
def slopeDragForce(self, route, position): """ Drag force arising from the uphill / downhill IN: route, position [m] OUT: slope drag force [N] route ... description of the rail route """ # ToDo: implement resistive forces caused by cornering or a tunnel return self.weight * 9.81 * route.getSlope(position)