Example #1
def image_demo():
    """Detect image."""

    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+', \
        'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDetPlus_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDetPlus(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)

            for f in glob.iglob(FLAGS.input_path):
                im = cv2.imread(f)
                im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS

                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [input_image]})

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                                  if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                # Draw boxes
                    im, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                        for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

                file_name = os.path.split(f)[1]
                out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_' + file_name)
                cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, im)
                    'Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))
Example #2
def image_demo():
    """Detect image."""

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
        mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
        # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
        mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
        model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)

            for f in glob.iglob(FLAGS.input_path):
                im = cv2.imread(f)
                im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS

                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [input_image]})

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                                  if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
                cls2clr = {
                    'car': (255, 191, 0),
                    'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
                    'pedestrian': (255, 0, 191)

                # Draw boxes
                    im, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                        for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

                file_name = os.path.split(f)[1]
                out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_' + file_name)
                cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, im)
                    'Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))
Example #3
def image_demo():
    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+',\
    'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        #Load model
        if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
            m = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
            m.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            m.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDet(m, FLAGS.gpu)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+':
            m = kitti_squeezeDetPlus_config()
            m.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            m.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)
        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)
            for f in glob.iglob(FLAGS.input_path):
                print f
                im = cv2.imread(f)
                im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                im = cv2.resize(im, (m.IMAGE_WIDTH, m.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                input_image = im - m.BGR_MEANS
                time_start = time.time()
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [input_image]})
                print 'time run {} s'.format(time.time() - time_start)
                print 'boxes shape', det_boxes.shape, 'probs shape', det_probs.shape, 'class shape', det_class.shape
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])
                keep_idx = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                        if final_probs[idx] > m.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for indx in keep_idx]
                print final_probs
                print final_class

                cls2clr = {
                    'car': (255, 191, 0),
                    'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
                    'pedestrain': (255, 0, 191)
                        [m.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (% 2f)'% prob \
                                for idx, prob in zip(final_class,final_probs)],
                        cdict = cls2clr,
                file_name = os.path.split(f)[1]
                out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_' + file_name)
                cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, im)
Example #4
def classify(im_path, conf, prob_thresh):

    (sess, mc, model) = conf
    im = cv2.imread(im_path)
    im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
    im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
    input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS

    # Detect
    det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
        [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
        feed_dict={model.image_input: [input_image]})

    # Filter
    final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
        det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

    #keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
    #                   if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]

    keep_idx = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                if final_probs[idx] > prob_thresh]

    final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
    final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
    final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

    # Extract labels + confidence values
    res = []
    for label, confidence, box in zip(final_class, final_probs, final_boxes):
        res.append((label, confidence, box))

    cls2clr = {
        'car': (255, 191, 0),
        'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
        'pedestrian': (255, 0, 191)
    # Draw boxes
        im, final_boxes,
        [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
            for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

    # out_file_name = os.path.join('./', 'out.png')
    # cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, im)
    # print ('Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))

    return res
Example #5
def write_output(index, im, det_boxes, det_probs, det_class):
    # Filter
    final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = MODEL.filter_prediction(
        det_boxes, det_probs, det_class)

    keep_idx = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                      if final_probs[idx] > MODEL_CONFIG.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
    final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
    final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
    final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

    # Draw boxes
        im, final_boxes,
        [MODEL_CONFIG.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
            for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],
    cv2.imwrite('output_%d.png' % index, im)
Example #6
  def make_detection_video(self, bag_file, demo_net):
    cls2clr = {
        'car': (255, 191, 0),
        'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
        'pedestrian':(255, 0, 191)

    video_maker = video.VideoMaker(FLAGS.out_dir)
    generator = generate_detections(bag_file, demo_net = demo_net, skip_null = True)

    for im, boxes, probs, classes, lidar in generator:
          im, boxes,
          [self.mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
              for idx, prob in zip(classes, probs)],

    video_filename = get_filename(bag_file) + '.mp4'
Example #7
def video_demo():
    """Detect videos."""

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(FLAGS.input_path)
    fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
    width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)  # float
    height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)  # float

    out_name = FLAGS.input_path.split('/')[-1:][0]
    out_name = out_name.split('.')[0]
    #out_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'det_'+out_name+'.avi')
    out_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'det_' + out_name + '.x264')
    #fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
    fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'X264')
    video = cv2.VideoWriter(out_name, fourcc, fps, (int(width), int(height)),
    #cap = skvideo.io.VideoCapture(FLAGS.input_path)

    # Define the codec and create VideoWriter object
    # fourcc = cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC(*'XVID')
    # fourcc = cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC(*'MJPG')
    # in_file_name = os.path.split(FLAGS.input_path)[1]
    # out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_'+in_file_name)
    # out = cv2.VideoWriter(out_file_name, fourcc, 30.0, (375,1242), True)
    # out = VideoWriter(out_file_name, frameSize=(1242, 375))
    # out.open()

    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'tinyYolo' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'tinyYolo', \
        'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            mc.IS_TRAINING = False
            # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            #model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
            model = SqueezeDet(mc, gpu_id=1)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDetPlus_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            mc.IS_TRAINING = False
            model = SqueezeDetPlus(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'tinyYolo':
            mc = kitti_tinyYolo_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            mc.IS_TRAINING = False
            model = TinyYolov3(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)

            # ==============================================================================
            # Store Graph
            # ==============================================================================
            # ==============================================================================
            print("Graph store is done")
            times = {}
            count = 0
            det_last = [0, 0, 0]
            top_last = [0, 0, 0]
            while cap.isOpened():
                t_start = time.time()
                count += 1
                # Load images from video and crop
                ret, frame = cap.read()
                if ret:
                    frame = frame[:, :, ::-1]  # <--- convert to BGR
                    orig_h, orig_w, _ = [float(v) for v in frame.shape]
                    #print(orig_h, orig_w)
                    y_start = int(orig_h / 2 - mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT * 2 / 2)
                    x_start = int(orig_w - mc.IMAGE_WIDTH * 2)
                    im = frame[y_start:y_start + mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT * 2,
                               x_start:x_start + mc.IMAGE_WIDTH * 2]
                    #im = im.astype(np.float32)
                    #im = frame.astype(np.float32)
                    #im = im[y_start:y_start+mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT, x_start:x_start+mc.IMAGE_WIDTH]
                    im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                    im_input = im.astype(
                    ) - mc.BGR_MEANS  # <---------------------------------------------------------------------!!!!!!

        #im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH*1, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT*1))
        #im_gray = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # gray color instead of RGB
        #im_input = im_gray - np.array([[[128]]])
        #im_input = im_gray
        #im_input = im_input.reshape((mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT, mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, 1))

                t_reshape = time.time()
                times['reshape'] = t_reshape - t_start

                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [im_input]})

                t_detect = time.time()
                times['detect'] = t_detect - t_reshape

                # Extract class only - mine :)
        top_idx = det_probs[0].argsort()[:-2:-1]  # top probability only
        #print("top_idx=", top_idx)
        top_prob = det_probs[0][top_idx]
        #print("top_prob=", top_prob)
        top_class = det_class[0][top_idx]
        #print('top class=', top_class)
        if (top_prob > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH):
            new_top_last = [top_last[1], top_last[2], 1]
            new_top_last = [top_last[1], top_last[2], 0]
            # End of mine

            # Filter
            final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

            keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                              if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]

        frame = frame[:, :, ::-1]
        #im_show_i = im[:,:,::-1] # convert back to RGB
        #im_show   = im_show_i.astype(np.uint8).copy() # to solve known bug of cv2
        im_show = frame[y_start:y_start + mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT * 2,
                        x_start:x_start + mc.IMAGE_WIDTH * 2]
        if (len(keep_idx) != 0):
            final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
            final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
            final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
            t_filter = time.time()
            times['filter'] = t_filter - t_detect
            # Draw boxes
            # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
            cls2clr = {
                'car': (255, 191, 0),
                'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
                'pedestrian': (255, 0, 191)

            if (sum(det_last) != 0):  # filter
                #if(True): # filter
                    im_show, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                    for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)], scale=2

            #t_draw = time.time()
            #times['draw']= t_draw - t_filter
            #im_show_exp = cv2.resize(im_show, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH*2, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT*2))
        im_show_exp = im_show
        frame[y_start:y_start + mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT * 2,
              x_start:x_start + mc.IMAGE_WIDTH * 2] = im_show_exp
            frame, (x_start, y_start),
            (x_start + mc.IMAGE_WIDTH * 2, y_start + mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT * 2),
            (255, 0, 255), 4)

        if (top_prob > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH and sum(top_last) != 0):
            font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
            print('top_class=', top_class[0])
            label = mc.CLASS_NAMES[top_class[0]]  #+': (%.2f)'% top_prob[0]
            label = label[-2:]
            cv2.putText(frame, label, (x_start, y_start), font, 1.5,
                        (0, 255, 0), 2)

            #cv2.imshow('video', im_show) # <--- RGB input
            cv2.imshow('video', frame)  # <--- RGB input
        if (len(keep_idx) != 0 and sum(det_last) != 0):
            #if(len(keep_idx) !=0):
            for x in range(10):  # slow down in demo video
                #cv2.imwrite(out_im_name, im_show) # <--- BGR input

                #times['total']= time.time() - t_start

                # time_str = ''
                # for t in times:
                #   time_str += '{} time: {:.4f} '.format(t[0], t[1])
                # time_str += '\n'
                #time_str = 'Total time: {:.4f}, detection time: {:.4f}, filter time: '\
                #           '{:.4f}'. \
                #    format(times['total'], times['detect'], times['filter'])

                #print (time_str)
                #if((len(keep_idx) != 0 and det_last != 0) or True):
                #    cv2.waitKey()
                if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
        new_det_last = [det_last[1], det_last[2], len(keep_idx)]
        det_last = new_det_last
        top_last = new_top_last
    # Release everything if job is finished
    # out.release()
Example #8
def image_demo():
    """Detect image."""

    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'tinyYolo', \
        'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            mc.IS_TRAINING = False
            #model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
            model = SqueezeDet(mc, gpu_id=0)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'tinyYolo':
            mc = kitti_tinyYolo_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            mc.IS_TRAINING = False
            #model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
            model = TinyYolov3(mc, gpu_id=0)
        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)

            if True:
                # ==============================================================================
                # Store Graph
                # ==============================================================================
                # ==============================================================================
                print('graph was written in pbtxt udner logs/tensorflow')
            for f in glob.iglob(FLAGS.input_path):
                print('file name:' + f)
                im = cv2.imread(f)  # <---------------------------- BGR format
                im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)

                #im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
                orig_h, orig_w, _ = [float(v) for v in im.shape]
                org_im = im.copy()
                im -= mc.BGR_MEANS  # <---------------------------------------------------------------------!!!!!!
                im /= 128.0

                np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf)  #'nan')

                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class, conv12 = sess.run(
                        model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class,
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [im]})
                conv12 = np.reshape(conv12, (1, 42, 14, 14))
                #print('shape of conv12={}'.format(conv12.shape))

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                                  if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]


                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
        cls2clr = {
            'car': (255, 191, 0),
            'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
            'pedestrian':(255, 0, 191)

                # Draw boxes
                #print('# of final boxes=', len(keep_idx),final_boxes)
                _draw_box(#im_gray, final_boxes,
                    org_im, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                        for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)] #,

                file_name = os.path.split(f)[1]
                out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_' + file_name)

                cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, org_im)  # <----- BGR format
                #cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, im_gray) # <----- BGR format
                    'Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))
Example #9
def video_demo():
    """Detect videos."""

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(FLAGS.input_path)

    # Define the codec and create VideoWriter object
    # fourcc = cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC(*'XVID')
    # fourcc = cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC(*'MJPG')
    # in_file_name = os.path.split(FLAGS.input_path)[1]
    # out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_'+in_file_name)
    # out = cv2.VideoWriter(out_file_name, fourcc, 30.0, (375,1242), True)
    # out = VideoWriter(out_file_name, frameSize=(1242, 375))
    # out.open()

    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+', \
        'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDetPlus_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDetPlus(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)

            times = {}
            count = 0
            while cap.isOpened():
                t_start = time.time()
                count += 1
                out_im_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir,
                                           str(count).zfill(6) + '.jpg')

                # Load images from video and crop
                ret, frame = cap.read()
                if ret == True:
                    # crop frames
                    frame = frame[500:-205, 239:-439, :]
                    im_input = frame.astype(np.float32) - mc.BGR_MEANS

                t_reshape = time.time()
                times['reshape'] = t_reshape - t_start

                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [im_input]})

                t_detect = time.time()
                times['detect'] = t_detect - t_reshape

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                                  if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                t_filter = time.time()
                times['filter'] = t_filter - t_detect

                # Draw boxes

                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
                cls2clr = {
                    'car': (255, 191, 0),
                    'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
                    'pedestrian': (255, 0, 191)
                    frame, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                        for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

                t_draw = time.time()
                times['draw'] = t_draw - t_filter

                cv2.imwrite(out_im_name, frame)
                # out.write(frame)

                times['total'] = time.time() - t_start

                # time_str = ''
                # for t in times:
                #   time_str += '{} time: {:.4f} '.format(t[0], t[1])
                # time_str += '\n'
                time_str = 'Total time: {:.4f}, detection time: {:.4f}, filter time: '\
                           '{:.4f}'. \
                    format(times['total'], times['detect'], times['filter'])


                if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
    # Release everything if job is finished
    # out.release()
Example #10
def cam_demo():
    """Detect image."""

    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+', \
        'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDetPlus_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDetPlus(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)
            idx_frame = 1
            #for f in sorted(glob.iglob(FLAGS.input_path)):
            cam = cv2.VideoCapture(
            )  #'/home/siiva/RUDY/SIIVA/GoalCam/annotations/mi5_toysbball/vid5/original_data/vid5.mp4') #'/home/siiva/RUDY/SIIVA/GoalCam/annotations/toys2/original_data/test1.MOV')

            while True:
                ret_val, img1 = cam.read()
                img1 = rotate_bound(img1, 0)
                #img1 = cv2.imread(f)
                im = img1.astype(np.float32, copy=True)

                im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                img = cv2.resize(img1, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS

                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [input_image]})

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                                  if final_probs[idx] >mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH] #mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
                cls2clr = {
                    '01ball': (255, 191, 0),
                    '02basket': (0, 191, 255),
                    '03person': (191, 0, 255),
                    #'pedestrian':(255, 0, 191)

                # Draw boxes
                event = _draw_box(
                    img, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx] + ': (%.2f)' % prob \
                     for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

                # file_name = os.path.split(f)[1]
                # out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_'+file_name)
                # cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, img)
                # print ('Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))
                # if event:
                #      cv2.imwrite('/home/siiva/RUDY/SIIVA/GoalCam/annotations/NBA_CBA_CUBA/190918/001/original_data/out/%06d.jpg' % idx_frame, img)
                # else:
                #     cv2.imwrite('/media/rudy/C0E28D29E28D252E/goalCAM/CODE/out/%06d.jpg' % idx_frame, img)
                # cv2.imwrite(
                #     '/home/siiva/RUDY/SIIVA/GoalCam/annotations/2018-09-02/frames_VID_20180622_153554/%06d.jpg' % idx_frame, img1)
                idx_frame += 1
                cv2.imshow('my webcam', img)
                if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27:
                    break  # esc to quit
Example #11
def image_demo():
    """Detect image."""

    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+', \
        'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDetPlus_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDetPlus(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(
            #saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)

            for f in glob.iglob(FLAGS.input_path):
                im = cv2.imread(f)
                im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS

                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [input_image]})
                print('class name:', det_class[0])
                print('probablility:', det_probs[0])

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                                  if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
                cls2clr = {
                    'boat1': (255, 191, 0),
                    'car6': (0, 191, 255),
                    'person5': (255, 0, 191),
                    'group7': (254, 194, 5),
                    'car2': (0, 190, 250),
                    'group2': (253, 0, 195),
                    'boat4': (252, 192, 0),
                    'car6': (0, 191, 255),
                    'riding10': (251, 0, 193),
                    'boat5': (252, 194, 0),
                    'car23': (0, 198, 255),
                    'group3': (250, 0, 198),
                    'boat7': (22, 192, 153),

                # Draw boxes
                    im, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                        for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],
                file_name = os.path.split(f)[1]
                out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_' + file_name)
                cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, im)
                    'Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))
Example #12
def video_demo_inference_graph(mask_parameterization_now,
    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet', 'Selected neural net architecture not supported: {}'.format(
    if FLAGS.dataset_inf == 'CITYSCAPE':
        CLASS_NAMES = tuple(
            sorted(('person', 'rider', 'car', 'truck', 'bus', 'motorcycle',
        CLASS_NAMES = tuple(sorted(('car', 'pedestrian', 'cyclist')))

    # Class specific color definitions
    _cdict = {}
    _cdict['person'] = (0, 204, 102)
    _cdict['pedestrian'] = (0, 204, 102)
    _cdict['rider'] = (102, 0, 204)
    _cdict['car'] = (0, 000, 204)
    _cdict['truck'] = (153, 153, 0)
    _cdict['bus'] = (0, 153, 153)
    _cdict['motorcycle'] = (204, 0, 102)
    _cdict['bicycle'] = (255, 128, 0)
    _cdict['cyclist'] = (255, 128, 0)

    detection_graph = tf.Graph()
    if not '.png' in FLAGS.input_path:
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(FLAGS.input_path)
        if (cap.isOpened() == False):
            print("Error opening video stream or file")

    with detection_graph.as_default():
        od_graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
        with tf.gfile.GFile(checkpoint_path, 'rb') as fid:
            serialized_graph = fid.read()
            tf.import_graph_def(od_graph_def, name='')
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            # Get handles to input and output tensors
            ops = tf.get_default_graph().get_operations()
            all_tensor_names = {
                for op in ops for output in op.outputs
            tensor_dict = {}
            for key in ['conv12/bias_add']:
                tensor_name = key + ':0'
                if tensor_name in all_tensor_names:
                    tensor_dict[key] = tf.get_default_graph(
            image_tensor = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            if '.png' in FLAGS.input_path:
                print("Processing image sequences!")
                for image_path in glob.iglob(FLAGS.input_path):
                    start = time.time()
                    read_img = cv2.imread(image_path)
                    frame_read_time = time.time() - start
                    image_np_orig = copy.deepcopy(read_img)
                    # Run inference
                    final_boxes, final_probs, final_class, final_probs, image_np_orig = process_frame(read_img, mask_parameterization_now, \
                                                log_anchors_now, encoding_type_now, checkpoint_path, sess, tensor_dict, image_tensor, \
                    end = time.time()
                    fps = 1 / (end - start)
                    fps_text = "FPS counter: {:0.2f} fps/Per frame read time: {:0.2f} ms".format(
                        round(fps, 2), round(frame_read_time * 1000, 2))
                      image_np_orig, final_boxes,
                      [CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                          for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],
                      (0, 0, 255), draw_masks=(mask_parameterization_now == 8), fill=False, cdict=_cdict, fps_text=fps_text)
                    cv2.imshow('Frame', image_np_orig)
                    if FLAGS.write_to_disk:
                        out_file_name = os.path.join(
                            image_path.split('\\')[-1][:-4] + ".png")
                        cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, image_np_orig)
                    if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
                frame_cnt = 0
                print("Processing video!")
                while (cap.isOpened()):
                    start = time.time()
                    ret, read_img = cap.read()
                    frame_read_time = time.time() - start
                    if ret == True:
                        # Run inference
                        final_boxes, final_probs, final_class, final_probs, image_np_orig = process_frame(read_img, mask_parameterization_now, \
                                                    log_anchors_now, encoding_type_now, checkpoint_path, sess, tensor_dict, image_tensor, \
                        end = time.time()
                        fps = 1 / (end - start)
                        fps_text = "FPS counter: {:0.2f} fps/Per frame read time: {:0.2f} ms".format(
                            round(fps, 2), round(frame_read_time * 1000, 2))
                          image_np_orig, final_boxes,
                          [CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                              for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],
                          (0, 0, 255), draw_masks=(mask_parameterization_now == 8), fill=False, cdict=_cdict, fps_text=fps_text)
                        cv2.imshow('Frame', image_np_orig)
                        frame_cnt += 1
                        if FLAGS.write_to_disk:
                            out_file_name = os.path.join(
                                FLAGS.input_path.split('\\')[-1][:-4] + "_" +
                                str(frame_cnt) + ".png")
                            cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, image_np_orig)
                        if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord(
                                'q') or frame_cnt == 1200:

    if not '.png' in FLAGS.input_path:
Example #13
def TsDet_callback(rgb,pointcloud):
    global count, sess, model, mc
    print ('I here rgb and pointcloud !',count)
    count = count + 1

    bridge = CvBridge()
        cv_image_rgb = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb, desired_encoding="bgr8")
        #cv_image_depth = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth, desired_encoding="16UC1")
    except CvBridgeError as e:


    #cv2.imshow("Image window", cv_image_depth)

    times = {}
    t_start = time.time()

    im = cv_image_rgb
    im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
    im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
    input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS

    t_reshape = time.time()
    times['reshape']= t_reshape - t_start

    # Detect
    det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
        [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],

    t_detect = time.time()
    times['detect']= t_detect - t_reshape

    # Filter
    final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
        det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

    # keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
    #                   if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
    # final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
    # final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
    # final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
    keep_idx = np.squeeze(np.argwhere(np.array(final_probs) > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH))

    final_boxes = np.array(final_boxes)[keep_idx, :]
    final_probs = np.array(final_probs)[keep_idx]
    final_class = np.array(final_class)[keep_idx]
    #print(final_boxes, final_probs, final_class)
    #print("keep", len(keep_idx))
    #keep_idx_ = keep_idx.tolist()
    if keep_idx.shape == ():
        final_boxes = final_boxes[np.newaxis, :]
        final_probs = np.array([final_probs])
        final_class = np.array([final_class])
    #print(final_boxes, final_probs, final_class)
    avgX = 0
    avgY = 0
    avgZ = 0
    robo_position = []
    if len(final_boxes)>0 and (np.any(final_class == 0) or np.any(final_class == 2)) and np.any(final_class) == 1:
        # pointcloud
        #print('find enemy')
        area = [bbox[2] * bbox[3] for bbox in final_boxes]
        max_area_idx = np.argmax(area)
        #print(final_boxes, max_area_idx)
        robo_bbox = final_boxes[max_area_idx, :]
	    # find index of robo (which index != 1)
        robo_idx = np.where(final_class != 1)
        cx = robo_bbox[0]
        cy = robo_bbox[1]
        pointcloud_w = 5
        pointcloud_h = 5
        if pointcloud_w > robo_bbox[2]:
            pointcloud_w = robo_bbox[2]
        if pointcloud_h > robo_bbox[3]:
            pointcloud_h = robo_bbox[3]

        x_ = np.arange(int(cx - pointcloud_w/2), int(cx + pointcloud_w/2), 1)
        y_ = np.arange(int(cy - pointcloud_h/2), int(cy + pointcloud_h/2), 1)
        roi = [[x, y] for x in x_ for y in y_]

        points = list(pc2.read_points(pointcloud, skip_nans=False, field_names = ("x", "y", "z"), uvs=roi))
        # points_old = [[p[0],p[1],p[2]] for p in pc2.read_points(pointcloud, skip_nans=False, field_names=('x', 'y', 'z'))]
        # points_old = np.array(points_old)
        # points_old = np.resize(points_old, (240, 424 , 3))
        robo_pointcloud = np.array(points)
        avgX = 0
        avgY = 0
        avgZ = 0
        idx = 0
        # robo_pointcloud = [if for pointcloud_ in robo_pointcloud]
        positionX = robo_pointcloud[:,0].reshape(-1,25).squeeze()
        positionY = robo_pointcloud[:,1].reshape(-1,25).squeeze()
        positionZ = robo_pointcloud[:,2].reshape(-1,25).squeeze()
        positionX = positionX[np.logical_not(np.isnan(positionX))]
        positionY = positionY[np.logical_not(np.isnan(positionY))]
        positionZ = positionZ[np.logical_not(np.isnan(positionZ))]
        #print(positionX, positionY, positionZ)
        avgX = np.mean(positionX)
        avgY = np.mean(positionY)
        avgZ = np.mean(positionZ)
        robo_position.append([avgX, avgY, avgZ])
        print('position:', avgX, avgY, avgZ)
        br = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster()
        t = TransformStamped()
        t.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        t.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
        t.child_frame_id = 'enemy_0'
        t.transform.translation.x = avgZ
        t.transform.translation.y = -avgX
        t.transform.translation.z = 0
        t.transform.rotation.x = 0 
        t.transform.rotation.y = 0
        t.transform.rotation.z = 0
        t.transform.rotation.w = 1

        # enemy_position = Odometry()
        # enemy_position.pose.pose.position.x = avgZ
        # enemy_position.pose.pose.position.y = -avgX
        # enemy_position.pose.pose.position.z = avgY
        # pub.publish(enemy_position)
        robo_position = np.array(robo_position)
        enemy_position = ObjectList()
        enemy_position.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        enemy_position.header.frame_id = 'enemy'
        enemy_position.num = robo_position.shape[0]
        if robo_position.shape[0] == 1:
            robo_position = np.array(robo_position)

        red_idx = 0
        blue_idx = 0
        for object_idx in range(robo_position.shape[0]):
            enemy = Object()
            enemy.pose.position.x = robo_position[object_idx, 2]
            enemy.pose.position.y = -robo_position[object_idx, 0]
            enemy.pose.position.z = robo_position[object_idx, 1]

            #sending tf information
            t.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            t.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
            print('np.array(robo_idx)', np.array(robo_idx))
            if mc.CLASS_NAMES[final_class[np.array(robo_idx)[0][0]]] == 'red':
                t.child_frame_id = mc.CLASS_NAMES[np.array(robo_idx)[0][0]] + str(red_idx)
                enemy.team.data = mc.CLASS_NAMES[np.array(robo_idx)[0][0]] + str(red_idx)
                red_idx = red_idx + 1
            if mc.CLASS_NAMES[final_class[np.array(robo_idx)[0][0]]] == 'blue':
                t.child_frame_id = mc.CLASS_NAMES[np.array(robo_idx)[0][0]] + str(blue_idx)
                enemy.team.data = mc.CLASS_NAMES[np.array(robo_idx)[0][0]] + str(blue_idx)
                blue_idx = blue_idx + 1
            t.transform.translation.x = robo_position[object_idx, 2]
            t.transform.translation.y = -robo_position[object_idx, 0]
            t.transform.translation.z = robo_position[object_idx, 1]
            t.transform.rotation.x = 0 
            t.transform.rotation.y = 0
            t.transform.rotation.z = 0
            t.transform.rotation.w = 1
        mc.DRAW_BOX = True
        print('No enemy!!!')
        mc.DRAW_BOX = True

    t_filter = time.time()
    times['filter']= t_filter - t_detect
    times['total']= time.time() - t_start
    time_str = 'Total time: {:.4f}, detection time: {:.4f}, filter time: '\
                '{:.4f}'. \
        format(times['total'], times['detect'], times['filter'])
    print (time_str)

    # # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
    cls2clr = {
        'red': (0, 0, 255),
        'wheel': (0, 255, 0),
        'blue':(255, 0, 0)
    if mc.DRAW_Video:
        video = cv2.VideoWriter('/home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/src/robo_perception/scripts/visual/demo.avi',
                            (424, 240))
        im = _draw_box(
                [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                    for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

    # for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs):
    #     print(mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx])
    #     print(idx)
    # Draw boxes
    if mc.DRAW_BOX:
    #if mc.DRAW_BOX and len(final_boxes):
        im = _draw_box(
            [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+':%.2f'% prob for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],
        # cv2.imshow('demo', im)
        # file_name = os.path.split(f)[1]

        position_str = 'x='+str(round(avgX,3)) + ' y='+ str(round(avgY,3)) + ' z=' + str(round(avgZ,3))
        font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
        cv2.putText(im, position_str, (10, 20), font, 0.7, (0,255,255), 2)
        image_count = count
        image_name = image_count % 1000
        file_name = str(image_name) + '.jpg'
        out_file_name = os.path.join('/home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/src/robo_perception/scripts/visual', 'out_'+file_name)
        im = im.astype('uint8')
        cv2.imshow('demo', im)
        cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, im)
        print(im.dtype, im[0,0,0])
        Im_to_ros = Image()
            Im_to_ros = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(im, "bgr8")
        except CvBridgeError as e:
            print (e)
        Im_to_ros.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        Im_to_ros.header.frame_id = 'camera_link'
        print ('Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))
Example #14
def video_demo():
    """Detect videos."""

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(
        r'/home/pi/Downloads/road.mp4')  #r'/home/pi/Downloads/road.mp4')
    fps = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))

    # Define the codec and create VideoWriter object
    # fourcc = cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC(*'XVID')
    # fourcc = cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC(*'MJPG')
    # in_file_name = os.path.split(FLAGS.input_path)[1]
    # out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_'+in_file_name)
    # out = cv2.VideoWriter(out_file_name, fourcc, 30.0, (375,1242), True)
    # out = VideoWriter(out_file_name, frameSize=(1242, 375))
    # out.open()

    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+', \
        'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDetPlus_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDetPlus(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)

            times = {}
            count = 0
            while cap.isOpened():
                t_start = time.time()
                count += 1
                out_im_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir,
                                           str(count).zfill(6) + '.jpg')

                # Load images from video and crop
                ret, frame = cap.read()
                if ret == True:
                    # crop frames
                    #frame = frame[500:-205, 239:-439, :]
                    frame = cv2.resize(frame, (1248, 384))
                    im_input = frame.astype(np.float32) - mc.BGR_MEANS

                t_reshape = time.time()
                times['reshape'] = t_reshape - t_start

                start = time.time()

                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [im_input]})

                t_detect = time.time()
                times['detect'] = t_detect - t_reshape

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                                  if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                end = time.time()

                t_filter = time.time()
                times['filter'] = t_filter - t_detect

                # Draw boxes

                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
                cls2clr = {
                    'car': (255, 191, 0),
                    'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
                    'pedestrian': (255, 0, 191)
                    frame, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                        for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

                for i, b in enumerate(det_boxes[0]):
                    if det_class[0][i] == 0 or det_class[0][
                            i] == 1 or det_class[0][i] == 2:
                        if det_probs[0][i] >= 0.5:
                            mid_x = (det_boxes[0][i][1] +
                                     det_boxes[0][i][3]) / 2
                            mid_y = (det_boxes[0][i][0] +
                                     det_boxes[0][i][2]) / 2
                            apx_distance = round(
                                (1 -
                                 (det_boxes[0][i][3] - det_boxes[0][i][1])), 1)
                            cv2.putText(frame, '{}'.format(apx_distance),
                                        (int(mid_x * 800), int(mid_y * 450)),
                                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7,
                                        (255, 255, 255), 2)

                            if apx_distance <= 200 and apx_distance > 180:
                                #if mid_x > 130 and mid_x < 140:

                                print("object distance:" + str(apx_distance) +
                                      "motor is at 25% Duty Cycle")

                            if apx_distance <= 180 and apx_distance > 160:
                                #if mid_x > 140 and mid_x < 150:
                                print("object distance:" + str(apx_distance) +
                                      "motor is at 50% Duty Cycle")

                            if apx_distance <= 160 and apx_distance > 140:
                                #if mid_x > 176 and mid_x < 184:
                                print("object distance:" + str(apx_distance) +
                                      "motor is at 75% Duty Cycle")

                            if apx_distance <= 140 and apx_distance >= 120:
                                #if mid_x > 168 and mid_x < 176:
                                print("object distance:" + str(apx_distance) +
                                      "motor is at 100% Duty Cycle")
                                cv2.putText(frame, 'WARNING!!!', (50, 50),
                                            cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,
                                            (0, 0, 255), 3)

                total_time_ms = (end - start) * 1000.
                #print ('processing time:%.3fms'%(total_time_ms))

                #frame /= 255.
                cv2.putText(frame, 'fps:%.2f' % (1000 / total_time_ms),
                            (5, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.3, (0, 255, 0),

                t_draw = time.time()
                times['draw'] = t_draw - t_filter

                #cv2.imwrite(out_im_name, frame)
                # out.write(frame)
                cv2.imshow('Video Detection', frame)

                #times['total']= time.time() - t_start

                # time_str = ''
                # for t in times:
                #   time_str += '{} time: {:.4f} '.format(t[0], t[1])
                # time_str += '\n'
                '''time_str = 'Total time: {:.4f}, detection time: {:.4f}, filter time: '\
                   '{:.4f}'. \
            format(times['total'], times['detect'], times['filter'])'''

                if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
    # Release everything if job is finished
    # out.release()
def image_demo():
    """Detect image."""

    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+', \
        'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDetPlus_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDetPlus(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)
            cnt = 0
            FPS = 0
            FPS10 = 0
            for f in glob.iglob(FLAGS.input_path):
                # im = cv2.imread(f)
                # im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                # im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                im = Image.open(f)
                im = im.resize((mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT),

                input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS

                start = time.time()
                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [input_image]})
                cnt = cnt + 1
                end = time.time()
                FPS = (1 / (end - start))
                FPS10 = FPS10 + FPS
                # print ("FPS: " + str(FPS))
                if cnt % 10 == 0:
                    print("FPS(mean), detection: " + str(FPS10 / 10))
                    FPS10 = 0

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                                  if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
                cls2clr = {
                    'car': (255, 191, 0),
                    'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
                    'pedestrian': (255, 0, 191)

                # Draw boxes
                    im, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                        for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

                file_name = os.path.split(f)[1]
                out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_' + file_name)
                # cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, im)
                    'Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))
    def callback(self, data):
        self.cnt = self.cnt + 1
        start_2 = time.time()
        start_3 = time.time()
        # load : 2*0.00136515457666 sec
            input_raw_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8")
        except CvBridgeError as e:

        (rows, cols, channels) = input_raw_image.shape
        # if cols > 60 and rows > 60:
        # 	cv2.circle(cv_image, (50, 50), 10, 255)

        # demo.py
        # im = cv_image
        # print(input_raw_image.shape)
        input_image = input_raw_image[int((rows - mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT) / 2) -
                                      200:-200 +
                                      int((rows - mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT) / 2) +
                                      int((cols - mc.IMAGE_WIDTH) /
                                          2):int((cols - mc.IMAGE_WIDTH) / 2) +
                                      mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, :]
        # print(int((rows-mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT)/2)-200,int((cols-mc.IMAGE_WIDTH)/2))
        end_3 = time.time()
        sec_3 = (end_3 - start_3)
        # print("f:crop image")
        # print(sec_3)
        self.sec_crop = self.sec_crop + sec_3
        # print ("FPS: " + str(FPS))
        if self.cnt % 10 == 0:
            print("sec(crop image): " + str(self.sec_crop / 10))
            self.sec_crop = 0

        # print(type(im))
        # print(type(self.BGR_MEANS))

        # 2*9.16483911381e-04 sec
        # im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
        # print (im.dtype)
        # print(self.BGR_MEANS.dtype)
        # print("-------")

        # end_3 = time.time()
        # sec_3 = (end_3 - start_3)
        # print("g:im.astype")
        # print(sec_3)
        # start_3 = time.time()

        # im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
        # print(mc.BGR_MEANS.dtype)
        # print(mc.BGR_MEANS)

        # input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS
        # input_image = input_image - self.BGR_MEANS
        # input_image = im
        # print(im.shape)
        # print(self.BGR_MEANS.shape)
        # print (input_image.dtype)
        # print(mc.BGR_MEANS.dtype)

        # end_3 = time.time()
        # sec_3 = (end_3 - start_3)
        # print("e:im - mc.BGR_MEANS")
        # print(sec_3)
        # start_3 = time.time()

        start = time.time()
        # Detect
        # det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = self._sess.run(
        # 	[model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
        # 	feed_dict={model.image_input: [input_image]})
        # print(model.det_boxes)
        # print(model.image_input)
        # print(model.ph_image_input)
        # test = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("image_input:0")
        # print(test)  # Tensor("example:0", shape=(2, 2), dtype=float32)
        det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = self._sess.run(
            [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
            feed_dict={model.ph_image_input: [input_image]})
        # print(model.ph_raw_image_input)
        # det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = self._sess.run(
        # 	[model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
        # 	feed_dict={model.ph_ori_image_input: [input_raw_image]})

        end = time.time()
        self.FPS = (1 / (end - start))
        # print("Detect:'")
        # print((end - start))
        # print(self.FPS)
        self.FPS10 = self.FPS10 + self.FPS
        # print ("FPS: " + str(FPS))
        if self.cnt % 10 == 0:
            print("FPS(detection): " + str(self.FPS10 / 10))
            print("sec(detection): " + str(1 / self.FPS10 * 10))
            self.FPS10 = 0

        # Filter
        # 0.208640098572 sec for 512 TOP_N_DETECTION
        # 0.0111668109894 sec for 64 TOP_N_DETECTION
        # 0.005 for 32

        start_3 = time.time()
        # # filter
        final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
            det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])
        end_3 = time.time()
        sec_3 = (end_3 - start_3)
        # print("3:Filter")
        # print(sec_3)
        self.sec_nms = self.sec_nms + sec_3
        # print ("FPS: " + str(FPS))
        if self.cnt % 10 == 0:
            print("sec(filter): " + str(self.sec_nms / 10))
            self.sec_nms = 0

        # 4.50611114502e-05 sec
        """Set plot threshold"""
        start_3 = time.time()

        keep_idx = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
           if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
        final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
        final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
        final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
        end_3 = time.time()
        sec_3 = (end_3 - start_3)
        # print("final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH")
        # print(sec_3)
        start_3 = time.time()
        # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
        cls2clr = {
            'car': (255, 191, 0),
            'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
            'pedestrian': (255, 0, 191)

        # Draw boxes
        # 0.00111293792725 sec
         input_image, final_boxes,
         [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx] + ': (%.2f)' % prob \
          for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],
        end_3 = time.time()
        sec_3 = (end_3 - start_3)
        # print("c:_draw_box")
        # print(sec_3)
        start_3 = time.time()

        # file_name = os.path.split(f)[1]
        file_name = "test.png"
        out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_ros_' + file_name)
        cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, input_image)
        # print('Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))

        # show image
        # cv2.imshow("Image window", im.astype(np.uint8, copy=False))
        # cv2.waitKey(3)

        # 2*5.80072402954e-04 sec
            # self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(im, "16SC3"))
        except CvBridgeError as e:
        self.cnt_2 = self.cnt_2 + 1
        end_2 = time.time()
        self.FPS_2 = (1 / (end_2 - start_2))
        self.sec_2 = self.sec_2 + (end_2 - start_2)
        self.FPS10_2 = self.FPS10_2 + self.FPS_2
        # print("callback")
        # print(self.FPS_2)
        # print("callback")
        if self.cnt_2 % 10 == 0:
            print("-----FPS(callback): " + str(self.FPS10_2 / 10))
            print("-----Sec(callback): " + str(self.sec_2 / 10))
            self.FPS10_2 = 0
            self.sec_2 = 0

        end_3 = time.time()
        sec_3 = (end_3 - start_3)
        # print("b:save and publish")
        # print(sec_3)
Example #17
def webcam():
    Detect in a webcam
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
        mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1 
        mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
        model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)

            times = {}
            count = 0
            cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1)

            while (True):
                t_start = time.time()
                count += 1

                ret, frame = cap.read()

                if ret==True:
                    # crop frames
                    #frame = frame[500:-205, 239:-439, :]
                    # Resize image to 375x1242
                    #dim = (1242, 375)
                    #frame = cv2.resize(frame, dim)
                    im_input = frame.astype(np.float32) - mc.BGR_MEANS

                t_reshape = time.time()
                times['reshape'] = t_reshape - t_start

                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [im_input], model.keep_prob: 1.0})

                t_detect = time.time()
                times['detect'] = t_detect - t_reshape

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                            if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                t_filter = time.time()
                times['filter'] = t_filter - t_detect

                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
                cls2clr = {
                    'car': (255, 191, 0),
                    'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
                    'pedestrian': (255, 0, 191)
                    frame, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx] + ': (%.2f)' % prob \
                     for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

                t_draw = time.time()
                times['draw'] = t_draw - t_filter

                cv2.imshow('Frame', frame)

                times['total'] = time.time() - t_start

                # time_str = ''
                # for t in times:
                #   time_str += '{} time: {:.4f} '.format(t[0], t[1])
                # time_str += '\n'
                time_str = 'Total time: {:.4f}, detection time: {:.4f}, filter time: ' \
                           '{:.4f}'. \
                    format(times['total'], times['detect'], times['filter'])

                if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27:
Example #18
def cam_demo(outDir):
    """Detect image."""

    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+', \
        'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDetPlus_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDetPlus(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)
            idx_frame = 1
            # for f in sorted(glob.iglob(FLAGS.input_path)):
            cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
            while True:
                ret_val, img1 = cam.read()
                img1 = rotate_bound(img1, 90)
                # img1 = cv2.imread(f)
                im = img1.astype(np.float32, copy=True)

                im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                img = cv2.resize(img1, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS

                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [input_image]})

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                            if final_probs[idx] > 0.75]  # mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
                cls2clr = {
                    '01ball': (255, 191, 0),
                    '02basket': (0, 191, 255),
                    # 'pedestrian':(255, 0, 191)

                # Draw boxes
                    img, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx] + ': (%.2f)' % prob \
                     for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

                if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(outDir, 'original_frames')):
                    os.makedirs(os.path.join(outDir, 'original_frames'))
                if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(outDir, 'result_frames')):
                    os.makedirs(os.path.join(outDir, 'result_frames'))

                    os.path.join(outDir, 'original_frames', '%06d.jpg') %
                    idx_frame, img1)
                    os.path.join(outDir, 'result_frames', '%06d.jpg') %
                    idx_frame, img)

                idx_frame += 1
                cv2.imshow('my webcam', img)
                if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27:
                    break  # esc to quit
Example #19
def lj_caltech_test_demo():
    """Detect image."""

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        mc = caltech_vgg16_config()
        mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1

        mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH = 0.01  ######################################## added by LJ
        mc.NMS_THRESH = 0.4  ######################################## added by LJ
        mc.PROB_THRESH = 0.01  ######################################## added by LJ

        # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
        mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
        model = VGG16ConvDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        caltech_imdb = caltech(image_set='test', mc=mc)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)

            times = {}
            for image_path in caltech_imdb.image_idx:

                t_start = time.time()

                im = cv2.imread(image_path)

                scale_x = im.shape[0] / mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT
                scale_y = im.shape[1] / mc.IMAGE_WIDTH

                im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS

                t_reshape = time.time()
                times['reshape'] = t_reshape - t_start

                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                        model.image_input: [input_image],
                        model.keep_prob: 1.0

                t_detect = time.time()
                times['detect'] = t_detect - t_reshape

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                                  if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                abs_path = '/home/bryant/MATLAB-tools/Matlab evaluation_labeling code3.2.1/data-USA/res/VGG+conv/'
                txt_path = image_path[-21:-11] + '.txt'
                txt_path = txt_path.replace('v', 'V')
                txt_path = abs_path + txt_path
                fram_id = int(image_path[-9:-4])
                with open(txt_path, 'a') as f:
                    for bbox, label in zip(final_boxes, final_probs):
                        bbox = bbox_transform(bbox)
                        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = [b for b in bbox]
                        box_res = '{:d},{:.4f},{:.4f},{:.4f},{:.4f},{:.4f}\n'.format(
                            fram_id, xmin * scale_x, ymin * scale_y,
                            (xmax - xmin + 1) * scale_x,
                            (ymax - ymin + 1) * scale_y, label)

                t_filter = time.time()
                times['nms'] = t_filter - t_detect

                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
                cls2clr = {'pedestrian': (255, 0, 191)}

                # Draw boxes
                    im, final_boxes,
                    ['%.2f'% prob \
                        for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

                t_draw = time.time()
                times['draw'] = t_draw - t_filter

                im = im.astype(np.uint8, copy=False)
                           im)  ############################### added by LJ
                k = cv2.waitKey(1)
                if k == 27:
                    pass  #cv2.destroyWindow('img')

                times['total'] = time.time() - t_start

                # time_str = ''
                # for t in times:
                #   time_str += '{} time: {:.4f} '.format(t[0], t[1])
                # time_str += '\n'
                time_str = 'Total time: {:.4f}, detection time: {:.4f}, filter time: '\
                           '{:.4f}'. \
                    format(times['total'], times['detect'], times['nms'])

Example #20
def image_demo():
  """Detect image."""

  assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+', \
      'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)

  if flag_CSV:
      csv = open("squeeze_th0.1_N512_v2.csv", "w") # squeeze, checkpoint999, random, plot > 0.005
      columnTitleRow = "xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,Frame,Label,Preview URL,confidence,random,y_loc,win_sizeX,win_sizeY\n"

  with tf.Graph().as_default():
    # Load model
    if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
      mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
      mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
      # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
      model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
    elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+':
      mc = kitti_squeezeDetPlus_config()
      mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
      model = SqueezeDetPlus(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

    saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
      saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)
      cnt = 0
      FPS = 0
      FPS10 = 0

      for f in glob.iglob(FLAGS.input_path):
        im = cv2.imread(f)

        if flag_random:
            randomX = random.randint(0, im.shape[1]-mc.IMAGE_WIDTH)
            randomY = 400

            im = im[randomY:randomY + mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT, randomX:randomX + mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, :]
            im = im[400:400 + mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT, 300:300 + mc.IMAGE_WIDTH]

        im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
        # im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
        """crop image"""

        input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS

        start = time.time()
        # Detect
        det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
            [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
        print (mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH)
        cnt = cnt + 1
        end = time.time()
        FPS = (1 / (end - start))
        FPS10 = FPS10 + FPS
        # print ("FPS: " + str(FPS))
        if cnt % 10 == 0:
            print ("FPS(mean), detection: " + str(FPS10/10))
            FPS10 = 0

        # Filter
        final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
            det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

        keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                          if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
        final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
        final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
        final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

        # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
        cls2clr = {
            'car': (255, 191, 0),
            'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
            'pedestrian':(255, 0, 191)

        # Draw boxes
            im, final_boxes,
            [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],
        # print (final_boxes)
        print (final_probs)
        # print (final_class)
        # print (mc.CLASS_NAMES)
        # im2 = cv2.imread(f)
        photo_name = f.split('/')[-1]
        if flag_CSV:

            for bbox_idx in range(len(final_boxes)):
                bbox = bbox_transform(final_boxes[bbox_idx])

                xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = [int(b) for b in bbox]
                "file name"
                "random selected window, x:"
                "random selected window, Y:"
                "random selected window, sizeX, X:"
                "random selected window, sizeY, Y:"
                # debug: offset random window size
                # cv2.rectangle(im2, (xmin + randomX, ymin + randomY), (xmax + randomX, ymax + randomY), (0, 255, 0), 1)
            if len(final_boxes) == 0:
                print ("No detection: " + photo_name)
                "file name"
                "random selected window, x:"
                "random selected window, Y:"
                "random selected window, sizeX, X:"
                "random selected window, sizeY, Y:"
            # for bbox, label in zip(final_boxes, label_list):
            #     xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = [int(b) for b in bbox]
            #     l = label.split(':')[0]  # text before "CLASS: (PROB)"
            #     if cdict and l in cdict:
            #         c = cdict[l]
            #     else:
            #         c = color
            #     # draw box
            #     cv2.rectangle(im, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), c, 1)

        file_name = os.path.split(f)[1]
        out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_'+file_name)
        if cnt < 20:
            cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, im)
            print('Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))
            print('(Skip)Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))
Example #21
def video_demo():
    """Detect videos."""

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(FLAGS.input_path)
    # cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    print("FLAGS.input_path:", FLAGS.input_path)
    if False == cap.isOpened():
        print('open video failed')
        print('open video succeeded')

    # Define the codec and create VideoWriter object
    # fourcc = cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC(*'XVID')
    fourcc = cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC('X', 'V', 'I', 'D')
    # fourcc = cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC(*'MJPG')
    # in_file_name = os.path.split(FLAGS.input_path)[1]
    # out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_'+in_file_name)
    out = cv2.VideoWriter("res.avi", fourcc, 30.0, (1242, 375), True)
    #  out = VideoWriter(out_file_name, frameSize=(1242, 375))
    numFrames = cap.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
        mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
        # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
        mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
        model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)
        cnt = 0
        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)

            times = {}
            count = 0
            while cap.isOpened():
                #print ("open success!")

                t_start = time.time()
                count += 1
                out_im_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir,
                                           str(count).zfill(6) + '.jpg')

                # Load images from video and crop
                ret, frame = cap.read()
                #  print ("np.shape(frame):",np.shape(frame))
                if ret == True:
                    # crop frames
                    #frame = frame[500:-205, 239:-439, :]
                    frame, ret = preprocess_frame(mc, frame)
                    if ret < 0:
                        print("preprocess_frame error")

                    im_input = frame.astype(np.float32) - mc.BGR_MEANS

                t_reshape = time.time()
                times['reshape'] = t_reshape - t_start

                # Detect
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class = sess.run(
                    [model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class],
                        model.image_input: [im_input],
                        model.keep_prob: 1.0

                t_detect = time.time()
                times['detect'] = t_detect - t_reshape

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_probs, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_probs[0], det_class[0])

                keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                                  if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                t_filter = time.time()
                times['filter'] = t_filter - t_detect

                # Draw boxes

                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
                cls2clr = {
                    'car': (255, 191, 0),
                    'cyclist': (0, 191, 255),
                    'pedestrian': (255, 0, 191)
                    frame, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx]+': (%.2f)'% prob \
                        for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)],

                t_draw = time.time()
                times['draw'] = t_draw - t_filter

                cv2.imwrite(out_im_name, frame)
                cv2.imshow("show", frame)

                times['total'] = time.time() - t_start

                # time_str = ''
                # for t in times:
                #   time_str += '{} time: {:.4f} '.format(t[0], t[1])
                # time_str += '\n'
                time_str = 'Total time: {:.4f}, detection time: {:.4f}, filter time: '\
                           '{:.4f}'. \
                    format(times['total'], times['detect'], times['filter'])

                #print (time_str)

                if (cnt % 100 == 0):
                    print("cnt:", cnt, " allframes:", numFrames)

                cnt = cnt + 1
                if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
    # Release everything if job is finished
Example #22
def image_demo():
    """Detect image."""

    assert FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet' or FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+', \
        'Selected nueral net architecture not supported: {}'.format(FLAGS.demo_net)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Load model
        if FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDet_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            # model parameters will be restored from checkpoint
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDet(mc, FLAGS.gpu)
        elif FLAGS.demo_net == 'squeezeDet+':
            mc = kitti_squeezeDetPlus_config()
            mc.BATCH_SIZE = 1
            mc.LOAD_PRETRAINED_MODEL = False
            model = SqueezeDetPlus(mc, FLAGS.gpu)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(model.model_params)

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)

            fimgs = glob.glob(os.path.join(FLAGS.input_path, '*.jpg'))
            for f in fimgs:  #glob.iglob(FLAGS.input_path):
                im = cv2.imread(f)
                im = im.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                im = cv2.resize(im, (mc.IMAGE_WIDTH, mc.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
                input_image = im - mc.BGR_MEANS

                # Detect
                ss = time.time()
                det_boxes, det_probs, det_class, det_pose, det_landmarks = sess.run(
                        model.det_boxes, model.det_probs, model.det_class,
                        model.det_pose, model.det_landmarks
                    feed_dict={model.image_input: [input_image]})

                # Filter
                final_boxes, final_landmarks, final_probs, final_pose, final_class = model.filter_prediction(
                    det_boxes[0], det_landmarks[0], det_probs[0], det_pose[0],

                keep_idx    = [idx for idx in range(len(final_probs)) \
                                  if final_probs[idx] > mc.PLOT_PROB_THRESH]
                final_boxes = [final_boxes[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_probs = [final_probs[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_landmarks = [final_landmarks[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_pose = [final_pose[idx] for idx in keep_idx]
                final_class = [final_class[idx] for idx in keep_idx]

                # TODO(bichen): move this color dict to configuration file
                cls2clr = {
                    '01cry': (255, 191, 0),
                    '02cute': (0, 191, 255),
                    '03normal': (255, 0, 191),
                    '04sleep': (191, 0, 255),
                    '05wakeup': (191, 255, 0)
                pose2clr = {
                    '01frontal': (255, 191, 0),
                    '02nonfrontal': (0, 191, 255)
                ee = time.time() - ss
                print('elapsed time: ', ee)
                # Draw boxes
                    im, final_boxes,
                    [mc.CLASS_NAMES[idx] + ': (%.2f)' % prob \
                     for idx, prob in zip(final_class, final_probs)], [mc.POSE_NAMES[idx] for idx in final_pose],

                _draw_point(im, final_landmarks, (0, 0, 255))

                file_name = os.path.split(f)[1]
                out_file_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.out_dir, 'out_' + file_name)
                cv2.imwrite(out_file_name, im)
                    'Image detection output saved to {}'.format(out_file_name))