Example #1
class MyApp(Application):

    name = Unicode(u'myapp')
    running = Bool(False, help="Is the app running?").tag(config=True)
    classes = List([Bar, Foo])
    config_file = Unicode(u'', help="Load this config file").tag(config=True)

    warn_tpyo = Unicode(u"yes the name is wrong on purpose", config=True,
            help="Should print a warning if `MyApp.warn-typo=...` command is passed")

    aliases = Dict({
                    'i' : 'Foo.i',
                    'j' : 'Foo.j',
                    'name' : 'Foo.name',
                    'enabled' : 'Bar.enabled',
                    'log-level' : 'Application.log_level',
    flags = Dict(dict(enable=({'Bar': {'enabled' : True}}, "Set Bar.enabled to True"),
                  disable=({'Bar': {'enabled' : False}}, "Set Bar.enabled to False"),
                  crit=({'Application' : {'log_level' : logging.CRITICAL}},
                        "set level=CRITICAL"),
    def init_foo(self):
        self.foo = Foo(parent=self)

    def init_bar(self):
        self.bar = Bar(parent=self)
Example #2
class MyApp(Application):

    name = Unicode(u'myapp')
    running = Bool(False, config=True,
                   help="Is the app running?")
    classes = List([Bar, Foo])
    config_file = Unicode(u'', config=True,
                   help="Load this config file")

    aliases = Dict({
                    'i' : 'Foo.i',
                    'j' : 'Foo.j',
                    'name' : 'Foo.name',
                    'enabled' : 'Bar.enabled',
                    'log-level' : 'Application.log_level',
    flags = Dict(dict(enable=({'Bar': {'enabled' : True}}, "Set Bar.enabled to True"),
                  disable=({'Bar': {'enabled' : False}}, "Set Bar.enabled to False"),
                  crit=({'Application' : {'log_level' : logging.CRITICAL}},
                        "set level=CRITICAL"),
    def init_foo(self):
        self.foo = Foo(parent=self)

    def init_bar(self):
        self.bar = Bar(parent=self)
Example #3
class Foo(Configurable):

    i = Integer(0, help="The integer i.").tag(config=True)
    j = Integer(1, help="The integer j.").tag(config=True)
    name = Unicode(u'Brian', help="First name.").tag(config=True)
    la = List([]).tag(config=True)
    fdict = Dict().tag(config=True, multiplicity='+')
Example #4
class InnerTabContainer(ConfigurableQTabWidget):
    factories = List([FigureDispatcher], config=True)
    handler_registry = Dict(DottedObjectName(), config=True)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.run_router = QRunRouter(
            [factory(self.addTab) for factory in self.factories],
class Containers(Configurable):
    lis = List().tag(config=True)
    def _lis_default(self):
        return [-1]

    s = Set().tag(config=True)
    def _s_default(self):
        return {'a'}

    d = Dict().tag(config=True)
    def _d_default(self):
        return {'a' : 'b'}
Example #6
class FigureManager(Configurable):
    For a given Viewer, encasulate the matplotlib Figures and associated tabs.
    factories = List([
    enabled = Bool(True, config=True)
    exclude_streams = Set([], config=True)

    def __init__(self, add_tab):
        self.add_tab = add_tab
        self._figures = {}

    def get_figure(self, key, label, *args, **kwargs):
            return self._figures[key]
        except KeyError:
            return self._add_figure(key, label, *args, **kwargs)

    def _add_figure(self, key, label, *args, **kwargs):
        tab = QWidget()
        fig, _ = plt.subplots(*args, **kwargs)
        canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
        toolbar = NavigationToolbar(canvas, tab)
        tab_label = QLabel(label)

        layout = QVBoxLayout()
        self.add_tab(tab, label)
        self._figures[key] = fig
        return fig

    def __call__(self, name, start_doc):
        if not self.enabled:
            return [], []
        dimensions = start_doc.get('hints', {}).get('dimensions', guess_dimensions(start_doc))
        rr = RunRouter(
            [factory(self, dimensions) for factory in self.factories])
        rr('start', start_doc)
        return [rr], []
class AgentGroup(HasTraits):
    """Group of agents

        >>> group = AgentGroup(
        >>>             size=10,
        >>>             agent_type=Circular,
        >>>             attributes=...,
        >>>         )

    agent_type = Type(AgentType,
                      help='AgentType for generating agent from attributes.')
    size = Int(
        help='Size of the agent group. Optional is attributes are instance of '
    attributes = Union(
        (Instance(Collection), Instance(Generator), Instance(Callable)),
        help='Attributes of the chosen agent type.')
    members = List(Instance(AgentType), help='')

    @observe('size', 'agent_type', 'attributes')
    def _observe_members(self, change):
        if self.size > 0 and self.attributes is not None and self.agent_type is not None:
            if isinstance(self.attributes, Collection):
                self.members = [self.agent_type(**a) for a in self.attributes]
            elif isinstance(self.attributes, Generator):
                self.members = [
                    for _ in range(self.size)
            elif isinstance(self.attributes, Callable):
                self.members = [
                    for _ in range(self.size)
                raise TraitError
Example #8
class RunViewer(ConfigurableQTabWidget):
    Contains tabs showing various view on the data from one Run.
    factories = List([HeaderTreeFactory, BaselineFactory, FigureManager],
    handler_registry = Dict(DottedObjectName(), config=True)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._entries = []
        self._uids = []
        self._active_loaders = set()

        def filler_factory(name, doc):
            filler = Filler(parse_handler_registry(self.handler_registry),
            filler('start', doc)
            return [filler], []

        self.run_router = RunRouter(
            [filler_factory] +
            [factory(self.addTab) for factory in self.factories])

    def entries(self):
        return self._entries

    def uids(self):
        return self._uids

    def load_entry(self, entry):
        "Load all documents from databroker and push them through the RunRouter."
        entry_loader = EntryLoader(entry, self._active_loaders)
Example #9
class Viewer(ConfigurableQObject):
    name_doc = Signal(str, dict)
    factories = List([FigureDispatcher], config=True)
    handler_registry = Dict(DottedObjectName(), config=True)

    def __init__(self, inner_tab_container, set_label, *args, **kwargs):
        self._inner_tab_container = inner_tab_container
        self._set_label = set_label
        self._run_start_uids = []
        factories = [
            for factory in self.factories
        self.run_router = QRunRouter(factories,
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def rename(self, label):

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<{type(self).__name__}>"

    def add_run(self, run, fill='delayed'):
        for name, doc in run.canonical(fill=fill):
            self.name_doc.emit(name, doc)

    def __call__(self, name, doc):
        self.name_doc.emit(name, doc)

    def _register_run(self, name, doc):
        "Capture the uid of every Run added to this Viewer."
        assert name == 'start'
        return [], []
Example #10
class Foo(Configurable):
    a = Integer(0, help="The integer a.").tag(config=True)
    b = Unicode('nope').tag(config=True)
    flist = List([]).tag(config=True)
    fdict = Dict().tag(config=True)
Example #11
class LazyConfigValue(HasTraits):
    """Proxy object for exposing methods on configurable containers


    - append, extend, insert on lists
    - update on dicts
    - update, add on sets

    _value = None

    # list methods
    _extend = List()
    _prepend = List()

    def append(self, obj):

    def extend(self, other):

    def prepend(self, other):
        """like list.extend, but for the front"""
        self._prepend[:0] = other

    _inserts = List()
    def insert(self, index, other):
        if not isinstance(index, int):
            raise TypeError("An integer is required")
        self._inserts.append((index, other))

    # dict methods
    # update is used for both dict and set
    _update = Any()
    def update(self, other):
        if self._update is None:
            if isinstance(other, dict):
                self._update = {}
                self._update = set()

    # set methods
    def add(self, obj):

    def get_value(self, initial):
        """construct the value from the initial one

        after applying any insert / extend / update changes
        if self._value is not None:
            return self._value
        value = copy.deepcopy(initial)
        if isinstance(value, list):
            for idx, obj in self._inserts:
                value.insert(idx, obj)
            value[:0] = self._prepend

        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            if self._update:
        elif isinstance(value, set):
            if self._update:
        self._value = value
        return value

    def to_dict(self):
        """return JSONable dict form of my data

        Currently update as dict or set, extend, prepend as lists, and inserts as list of tuples.
        d = {}
        if self._update:
            d['update'] = self._update
        if self._extend:
            d['extend'] = self._extend
        if self._prepend:
            d['prepend'] = self._prepend
        elif self._inserts:
            d['inserts'] = self._inserts
        return d

    def __repr__(self):
        if self._value is not None:
            return "<%s value=%r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._value)
            return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.to_dict())
Example #12
class Application(SingletonConfigurable):
    """A singleton application with full configuration support."""

    # The name of the application, will usually match the name of the command
    # line application
    name = Unicode('application')

    # The description of the application that is printed at the beginning
    # of the help.
    description = Unicode('This is an application.')
    # default section descriptions
    option_description = Unicode(option_description)
    keyvalue_description = Unicode(keyvalue_description)
    subcommand_description = Unicode(subcommand_description)

    python_config_loader_class = PyFileConfigLoader
    json_config_loader_class = JSONFileConfigLoader

    # The usage and example string that goes at the end of the help string.
    examples = Unicode()

    # A sequence of Configurable subclasses whose config=True attributes will
    # be exposed at the command line.
    classes = []

    def _classes_inc_parents(self, classes=None):
        """Iterate through configurable classes, including configurable parents

        :param classes:
            The list of classes to iterate; if not set, uses :attr:`classes`.

        Children should always be after parents, and each class should only be
        yielded once.
        if classes is None:
            classes = self.classes

        seen = set()
        for c in classes:
            # We want to sort parents before children, so we reverse the MRO
            for parent in reversed(c.mro()):
                if issubclass(parent, Configurable) and (parent not in seen):
                    yield parent

    # The version string of this application.
    version = Unicode('0.0')

    # the argv used to initialize the application
    argv = List()

    # Whether failing to load config files should prevent startup
    raise_config_file_errors = Bool(

    # The log level for the application
    log_level = Enum(
        (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'),
        help="Set the log level by value or name.").tag(config=True)

    def _log_level_changed(self, change):
        """Adjust the log level when log_level is set."""
        new = change.new
        if isinstance(new, str):
            new = getattr(logging, new)
            self.log_level = new

    _log_formatter_cls = LevelFormatter

    log_datefmt = Unicode(
        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
        help="The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s").tag(

    log_format = Unicode(
        "[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s",
        help="The Logging format template",

    @observe('log_datefmt', 'log_format')
    def _log_format_changed(self, change):
        """Change the log formatter when log_format is set."""
        _log_handler = self._get_log_handler()
        if not _log_handler:
                "No Handler found on {self.log}, setting log_format will have no effect",
        _log_formatter = self._log_formatter_cls(fmt=self.log_format,

    def _log_default(self):
        """Start logging for this application.

        The default is to log to stderr using a StreamHandler, if no default
        handler already exists.  The log level starts at logging.WARN, but this
        can be adjusted by setting the ``log_level`` attribute.
        log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        log.propagate = False
        _log = log  # copied from Logger.hasHandlers() (new in Python 3.2)
        while _log:
            if _log.handlers:
                return log
            if not _log.propagate:
                _log = _log.parent
        if sys.executable and sys.executable.endswith('pythonw.exe'):
            # this should really go to a file, but file-logging is only
            # hooked up in parallel applications
            _log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(open(os.devnull, 'w'))
            _log_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
        _log_formatter = self._log_formatter_cls(fmt=self.log_format,
        return log

    #: the alias map for configurables
    #: Keys might strings or tuples for additional options; single-letter alias accessed like `-v`.
    #: Values might be like "Class.trait" strings of two-tuples: (Class.trait, help-text).
    aliases = {'log-level': 'Application.log_level'}

    # flags for loading Configurables or store_const style flags
    # flags are loaded from this dict by '--key' flags
    # this must be a dict of two-tuples, the first element being the Config/dict
    # and the second being the help string for the flag
    flags = {
        'debug': ({
            'Application': {
                'log_level': logging.DEBUG,
        }, "Set log-level to debug, for the most verbose logging."),
        'show-config': ({
            'Application': {
                'show_config': True,
        }, "Show the application's configuration (human-readable format)"),
        'show-config-json': ({
            'Application': {
                'show_config_json': True,
        }, "Show the application's configuration (json format)"),

    # subcommands for launching other applications
    # if this is not empty, this will be a parent Application
    # this must be a dict of two-tuples,
    # the first element being the application class/import string
    # and the second being the help string for the subcommand
    subcommands = Dict()
    # parse_command_line will initialize a subapp, if requested
    subapp = Instance('traitlets.config.application.Application',

    # extra command-line arguments that don't set config values
    extra_args = List(Unicode())

    cli_config = Instance(
        Config, (), {},
        help="""The subset of our configuration that came from the command-line

        We re-load this configuration after loading config files,
        to ensure that it maintains highest priority.

    _loaded_config_files = List()

    show_config = Bool(
        help="Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout"

    show_config_json = Bool(
        "Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON)"

    def _show_config_json_changed(self, change):
        self.show_config = change.new

    def _show_config_changed(self, change):
        if change.new:
            self._save_start = self.start
            self.start = self.start_show_config

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        SingletonConfigurable.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        # Ensure my class is in self.classes, so my attributes appear in command line
        # options and config files.
        cls = self.__class__
        if cls not in self.classes:
            if self.classes is cls.classes:
                # class attr, assign instead of insert
                self.classes = [cls] + self.classes
                self.classes.insert(0, self.__class__)

    def _config_changed(self, change):
        super(Application, self)._config_changed(change)
        self.log.debug('Config changed: %r', change.new)

    def initialize(self, argv=None):
        """Do the basic steps to configure me.

        Override in subclasses.

    def start(self):
        """Start the app mainloop.

        Override in subclasses.
        if self.subapp is not None:
            return self.subapp.start()

    def start_show_config(self):
        """start function used when show_config is True"""
        config = self.config.copy()
        # exclude show_config flags from displayed config
        for cls in self.__class__.mro():
            if cls.__name__ in config:
                cls_config = config[cls.__name__]
                cls_config.pop('show_config', None)
                cls_config.pop('show_config_json', None)

        if self.show_config_json:
            # add trailing newline

        if self._loaded_config_files:
            print("Loaded config files:")
            for f in self._loaded_config_files:
                print('  ' + f)

        for classname in sorted(config):
            class_config = config[classname]
            if not class_config:
            pformat_kwargs = dict(indent=4, compact=True)

            for traitname in sorted(class_config):
                value = class_config[traitname]
                print('  .{} = {}'.format(
                    pprint.pformat(value, **pformat_kwargs),

    def print_alias_help(self):
        """Print the alias parts of the help."""

    def emit_alias_help(self):
        """Yield the lines for alias part of the help."""
        if not self.aliases:

        classdict = {}
        for cls in self.classes:
            # include all parents (up to, but excluding Configurable) in available names
            for c in cls.mro()[:-3]:
                classdict[c.__name__] = c

        for alias, longname in self.aliases.items():
                if isinstance(longname, tuple):
                    longname, fhelp = longname
                    fhelp = None
                classname, traitname = longname.split('.', 1)
                cls = classdict[classname]

                trait = cls.class_traits(config=True)[traitname]
                fhelp = cls.class_get_trait_help(trait,

                if not isinstance(alias, tuple):
                    alias = (alias, )
                alias = sorted(alias, key=len)
                alias = ', '.join(
                    ('--%s' if len(m) > 1 else '-%s') % m for m in alias)

                # reformat first line
                fhelp[0] = fhelp[0].replace('--' + longname, alias)
                for l in fhelp:
                    yield l
                yield indent("Equivalent to: [--%s]" % longname)
            except Exception as ex:
                    'Failed collecting help-message for alias %r, due to: %s',
                    alias, ex)

    def print_flag_help(self):
        """Print the flag part of the help."""

    def emit_flag_help(self):
        """Yield the lines for the flag part of the help."""
        if not self.flags:

        for flags, (cfg, fhelp) in self.flags.items():
                if not isinstance(flags, tuple):
                    flags = (flags, )
                flags = sorted(flags, key=len)
                flags = ', '.join(
                    ('--%s' if len(m) > 1 else '-%s') % m for m in flags)
                yield flags
                yield indent(dedent(fhelp.strip()))
                cfg_list = ' '.join('--%s.%s=%s' % (clname, prop, val)
                                    for clname, props_dict in cfg.items()
                                    for prop, val in props_dict.items())
                cfg_txt = "Equivalent to: [%s]" % cfg_list
                yield indent(dedent(cfg_txt))
            except Exception as ex:
                    'Failed collecting help-message for flag %r, due to: %s',
                    flags, ex)

    def print_options(self):
        """Print the options part of the help."""

    def emit_options_help(self):
        """Yield the lines for the options part of the help."""
        if not self.flags and not self.aliases:
        header = 'Options'
        yield header
        yield '=' * len(header)
        for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.option_description):
            yield p
            yield ''

        for l in self.emit_flag_help():
            yield l
        for l in self.emit_alias_help():
            yield l
        yield ''

    def print_subcommands(self):
        """Print the subcommand part of the help."""

    def emit_subcommands_help(self):
        """Yield the lines for the subcommand part of the help."""
        if not self.subcommands:

        header = "Subcommands"
        yield header
        yield '=' * len(header)
        for p in wrap_paragraphs(
            yield p
            yield ''
        for subc, (cls, help) in self.subcommands.items():
            yield subc
            if help:
                yield indent(dedent(help.strip()))
        yield ''

    def emit_help_epilogue(self, classes):
        """Yield the very bottom lines of the help message.

        If classes=False (the default), print `--help-all` msg.
        if not classes:
            yield "To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`."
            yield ''

    def print_help(self, classes=False):
        """Print the help for each Configurable class in self.classes.

        If classes=False (the default), only flags and aliases are printed.

    def emit_help(self, classes=False):
        """Yield the help-lines for each Configurable class in self.classes.

        If classes=False (the default), only flags and aliases are printed.
        for l in self.emit_description():
            yield l
        for l in self.emit_subcommands_help():
            yield l
        for l in self.emit_options_help():
            yield l

        if classes:
            help_classes = self._classes_with_config_traits()
            if help_classes:
                yield "Class options"
                yield "============="
                for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.keyvalue_description):
                    yield p
                    yield ''

            for cls in help_classes:
                yield cls.class_get_help()
                yield ''
        for l in self.emit_examples():
            yield l

        for l in self.emit_help_epilogue(classes):
            yield l

    def document_config_options(self):
        """Generate rST format documentation for the config options this application

        Returns a multiline string.
        return '\n'.join(c.class_config_rst_doc()
                         for c in self._classes_inc_parents())

    def print_description(self):
        """Print the application description."""

    def emit_description(self):
        """Yield lines with the application description."""
        for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.description or self.__doc__):
            yield p
            yield ''

    def print_examples(self):
        """Print usage and examples (see `emit_examples()`). """

    def emit_examples(self):
        """Yield lines with the usage and examples.

        This usage string goes at the end of the command line help string
        and should contain examples of the application's usage.
        if self.examples:
            yield "Examples"
            yield "--------"
            yield ''
            yield indent(dedent(self.examples.strip()))
            yield ''

    def print_version(self):
        """Print the version string."""

    def initialize_subcommand(self, subc, argv=None):
        """Initialize a subcommand with argv."""
        subapp, _ = self.subcommands.get(subc)

        if isinstance(subapp, str):
            subapp = import_item(subapp)

        ## Cannot issubclass() on a non-type (SOhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/8692430)
        if isinstance(subapp, type) and issubclass(subapp, Application):
            # Clear existing instances before...
            # instantiating subapp...
            self.subapp = subapp.instance(parent=self)
        elif callable(subapp):
            # or ask factory to create it...
            self.subapp = subapp(self)
            raise AssertionError("Invalid mappings for subcommand '%s'!" %

        # ... and finally initialize subapp.

    def flatten_flags(self):
        """Flatten flags and aliases for loaders, so cl-args override as expected.

        This prevents issues such as an alias pointing to InteractiveShell,
        but a config file setting the same trait in TerminalInteraciveShell
        getting inappropriate priority over the command-line arg.
        Also, loaders expect ``(key: longname)`` and not ````key: (longname, help)`` items.

        Only aliases with exactly one descendent in the class list
        will be promoted.

        # build a tree of classes in our list that inherit from a particular
        # it will be a dict by parent classname of classes in our list
        # that are descendents
        mro_tree = defaultdict(list)
        for cls in self.classes:
            clsname = cls.__name__
            for parent in cls.mro()[1:-3]:
                # exclude cls itself and Configurable,HasTraits,object
        # flatten aliases, which have the form:
        # { 'alias' : 'Class.trait' }
        aliases = {}
        for alias, longname in self.aliases.items():
            if isinstance(longname, tuple):
                longname, _ = longname
            cls, trait = longname.split('.', 1)
            children = mro_tree[cls]
            if len(children) == 1:
                # exactly one descendent, promote alias
                cls = children[0]
            if not isinstance(aliases, tuple):
                alias = (alias, )
            for al in alias:
                aliases[al] = '.'.join([cls, trait])

        # flatten flags, which are of the form:
        # { 'key' : ({'Cls' : {'trait' : value}}, 'help')}
        flags = {}
        for key, (flagdict, help) in self.flags.items():
            newflag = {}
            for cls, subdict in flagdict.items():
                children = mro_tree[cls]
                # exactly one descendent, promote flag section
                if len(children) == 1:
                    cls = children[0]

                if cls in newflag:
                    newflag[cls] = subdict

            if not isinstance(key, tuple):
                key = (key, )
            for k in key:
                flags[k] = (newflag, help)
        return flags, aliases

    def _create_loader(self, argv, aliases, flags, classes):
        return KVArgParseConfigLoader(argv,

    def parse_command_line(self, argv=None):
        """Parse the command line arguments."""
        assert not isinstance(argv, str)
        argv = sys.argv[1:] if argv is None else argv
        self.argv = [cast_unicode(arg) for arg in argv]

        if argv and argv[0] == 'help':
            # turn `ipython help notebook` into `ipython notebook -h`
            argv = argv[1:] + ['-h']

        if self.subcommands and len(argv) > 0:
            # we have subcommands, and one may have been specified
            subc, subargv = argv[0], argv[1:]
            if re.match(r'^\w(\-?\w)*$', subc) and subc in self.subcommands:
                # it's a subcommand, and *not* a flag or class parameter
                return self.initialize_subcommand(subc, subargv)

        # Arguments after a '--' argument are for the script IPython may be
        # about to run, not IPython iteslf. For arguments parsed here (help and
        # version), we want to only search the arguments up to the first
        # occurrence of '--', which we're calling interpreted_argv.
            interpreted_argv = argv[:argv.index('--')]
        except ValueError:
            interpreted_argv = argv

        if any(x in interpreted_argv for x in ('-h', '--help-all', '--help')):
            self.print_help('--help-all' in interpreted_argv)

        if '--version' in interpreted_argv or '-V' in interpreted_argv:

        # flatten flags&aliases, so cl-args get appropriate priority:
        flags, aliases = self.flatten_flags()
        classes = tuple(self._classes_with_config_traits())
        loader = self._create_loader(argv, aliases, flags, classes=classes)
            self.cli_config = deepcopy(loader.load_config())
        except SystemExit:
            # traitlets 5: no longer print help output on error
            # help output is huge, and comes after the error
        # store unparsed args in extra_args
        self.extra_args = loader.extra_args

    def _load_config_files(cls,
        """Load config files (py,json) by filename and path.

        yield each config object in turn.

        if not isinstance(path, list):
            path = [path]
        for path in path[::-1]:
            # path list is in descending priority order, so load files backwards:
            pyloader = cls.python_config_loader_class(basefilename + '.py',
            if log:
                log.debug("Looking for %s in %s", basefilename, path
                          or os.getcwd())
            jsonloader = cls.json_config_loader_class(basefilename + '.json',
            loaded = []
            filenames = []
            for loader in [pyloader, jsonloader]:
                config = None
                    config = loader.load_config()
                except ConfigFileNotFound:
                except Exception:
                    # try to get the full filename, but it will be empty in the
                    # unlikely event that the error raised before filefind finished
                    filename = loader.full_filename or basefilename
                    # problem while running the file
                    if raise_config_file_errors:
                    if log:
                        log.error("Exception while loading config file %s",
                    if log:
                        log.debug("Loaded config file: %s",
                if config:
                    for filename, earlier_config in zip(filenames, loaded):
                        collisions = earlier_config.collisions(config)
                        if collisions and log:
                                "Collisions detected in {0} and {1} config files."
                                " {1} has higher priority: {2}".format(
                                    json.dumps(collisions, indent=2),
                    yield (config, loader.full_filename)

    def loaded_config_files(self):
        """Currently loaded configuration files"""
        return self._loaded_config_files[:]

    def load_config_file(self, filename, path=None):
        """Load config files by filename and path."""
        filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        new_config = Config()
        for (config, filename) in self._load_config_files(
            if filename not in self._loaded_config_files:  # only add to list of loaded files if not previously loaded
        # add self.cli_config to preserve CLI config priority

    def _classes_with_config_traits(self, classes=None):
        Yields only classes with configurable traits, and their subclasses.

        :param classes:
            The list of classes to iterate; if not set, uses :attr:`classes`.

        Thus, produced sample config-file will contain all classes
        on which a trait-value may be overridden:

        - either on the class owning the trait,
        - or on its subclasses, even if those subclasses do not define
          any traits themselves.
        if classes is None:
            classes = self.classes

        cls_to_config = OrderedDict(
            (cls, bool(cls.class_own_traits(config=True)))
            for cls in self._classes_inc_parents(classes))

        def is_any_parent_included(cls):
            return any(b in cls_to_config and cls_to_config[b]
                       for b in cls.__bases__)

        ## Mark "empty" classes for inclusion if their parents own-traits,
        #  and loop until no more classes gets marked.
        while True:
            to_incl_orig = cls_to_config.copy()
            cls_to_config = OrderedDict(
                (cls, inc_yes or is_any_parent_included(cls))
                for cls, inc_yes in cls_to_config.items())
            if cls_to_config == to_incl_orig:
        for cl, inc_yes in cls_to_config.items():
            if inc_yes:
                yield cl

    def generate_config_file(self, classes=None):
        """generate default config file from Configurables"""
        lines = ["# Configuration file for %s." % self.name]
        classes = self.classes if classes is None else classes
        config_classes = list(self._classes_with_config_traits(classes))
        for cls in config_classes:
        return '\n'.join(lines)

    def exit(self, exit_status=0):
        self.log.debug("Exiting application: %s" % self.name)

    def launch_instance(cls, argv=None, **kwargs):
        """Launch a global instance of this Application

        If a global instance already exists, this reinitializes and starts it
        app = cls.instance(**kwargs)
Example #13
class Application(SingletonConfigurable):
    """A singleton application with full configuration support."""

    # The name of the application, will usually match the name of the command
    # line application
    name = Unicode(u'application')

    # The description of the application that is printed at the beginning
    # of the help.
    description = Unicode(u'This is an application.')
    # default section descriptions
    option_description = Unicode(option_description)
    keyvalue_description = Unicode(keyvalue_description)
    subcommand_description = Unicode(subcommand_description)
    python_config_loader_class = PyFileConfigLoader
    json_config_loader_class = JSONFileConfigLoader

    # The usage and example string that goes at the end of the help string.
    examples = Unicode()

    # A sequence of Configurable subclasses whose config=True attributes will
    # be exposed at the command line.
    classes = []
    def _help_classes(self):
        """Define `App.help_classes` if CLI classes should differ from config file classes"""
        return getattr(self, 'help_classes', self.classes)
    def _config_classes(self):
        """Define `App.config_classes` if config file classes should differ from CLI classes."""
        return getattr(self, 'config_classes', self.classes)

    # The version string of this application.
    version = Unicode(u'0.0')
    # the argv used to initialize the application
    argv = List()

    # The log level for the application
    log_level = Enum((0,10,20,30,40,50,'DEBUG','INFO','WARN','ERROR','CRITICAL'),
                    help="Set the log level by value or name.")
    def _log_level_changed(self, name, old, new):
        """Adjust the log level when log_level is set."""
        if isinstance(new, string_types):
            new = getattr(logging, new)
            self.log_level = new
    _log_formatter_cls = LevelFormatter
    log_datefmt = Unicode("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", config=True,
        help="The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s"
    def _log_datefmt_changed(self, name, old, new):
        self._log_format_changed('log_format', self.log_format, self.log_format)
    log_format = Unicode("[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s", config=True,
        help="The Logging format template",
    def _log_format_changed(self, name, old, new):
        """Change the log formatter when log_format is set."""
        _log_handler = self.log.handlers[0]
        _log_formatter = self._log_formatter_cls(fmt=new, datefmt=self.log_datefmt)

    log = Instance(logging.Logger)
    def _log_default(self):
        """Start logging for this application.

        The default is to log to stderr using a StreamHandler, if no default
        handler already exists.  The log level starts at logging.WARN, but this
        can be adjusted by setting the ``log_level`` attribute.
        log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        log.propagate = False
        _log = log # copied from Logger.hasHandlers() (new in Python 3.2)
        while _log:
            if _log.handlers:
                return log
            if not _log.propagate:
                _log = _log.parent
        if sys.executable.endswith('pythonw.exe'):
            # this should really go to a file, but file-logging is only
            # hooked up in parallel applications
            _log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(open(os.devnull, 'w'))
            _log_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
        _log_formatter = self._log_formatter_cls(fmt=self.log_format, datefmt=self.log_datefmt)
        return log

    # the alias map for configurables
    aliases = Dict({'log-level' : 'Application.log_level'})

    # flags for loading Configurables or store_const style flags
    # flags are loaded from this dict by '--key' flags
    # this must be a dict of two-tuples, the first element being the Config/dict
    # and the second being the help string for the flag
    flags = Dict()
    def _flags_changed(self, name, old, new):
        """ensure flags dict is valid"""
        for key,value in iteritems(new):
            assert len(value) == 2, "Bad flag: %r:%s"%(key,value)
            assert isinstance(value[0], (dict, Config)), "Bad flag: %r:%s"%(key,value)
            assert isinstance(value[1], string_types), "Bad flag: %r:%s"%(key,value)

    # subcommands for launching other applications
    # if this is not empty, this will be a parent Application
    # this must be a dict of two-tuples,
    # the first element being the application class/import string
    # and the second being the help string for the subcommand
    subcommands = Dict()
    # parse_command_line will initialize a subapp, if requested
    subapp = Instance('traitlets.config.application.Application', allow_none=True)

    # extra command-line arguments that don't set config values
    extra_args = List(Unicode)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        SingletonConfigurable.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        # Ensure my class is in self.classes, so my attributes appear in command line
        # options and config files.
        if self.__class__ not in self.classes:
            self.classes.insert(0, self.__class__)

    def _config_changed(self, name, old, new):
        SingletonConfigurable._config_changed(self, name, old, new)
        self.log.debug('Config changed:')

    def initialize(self, argv=None):
        """Do the basic steps to configure me.

        Override in subclasses.

    def start(self):
        """Start the app mainloop.

        Override in subclasses.
        if self.subapp is not None:
            return self.subapp.start()

    def print_alias_help(self):
        """Print the alias part of the help."""
        if not self.aliases:

        lines = []
        classdict = {}
        for cls in self._help_classes:
            # include all parents (up to, but excluding Configurable) in available names
            for c in cls.mro()[:-3]:
                classdict[c.__name__] = c

        for alias, longname in iteritems(self.aliases):
            classname, traitname = longname.split('.',1)
            cls = classdict[classname]

            trait = cls.class_traits(config=True)[traitname]
            help = cls.class_get_trait_help(trait).splitlines()
            # reformat first line
            help[0] = help[0].replace(longname, alias) + ' (%s)'%longname
            if len(alias) == 1:
                help[0] = help[0].replace('--%s='%alias, '-%s '%alias)
        # lines.append('')

    def print_flag_help(self):
        """Print the flag part of the help."""
        if not self.flags:

        lines = []
        for m, (cfg,help) in iteritems(self.flags):
            prefix = '--' if len(m) > 1 else '-'
        # lines.append('')

    def print_options(self):
        if not self.flags and not self.aliases:
        lines = ['Options']
        for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.option_description):

    def print_subcommands(self):
        """Print the subcommand part of the help."""
        if not self.subcommands:

        lines = ["Subcommands"]
        for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.subcommand_description.format(
        for subc, (cls, help) in iteritems(self.subcommands):
            if help:

    def print_help(self, classes=False):
        """Print the help for each Configurable class in self.classes.

        If classes=False (the default), only flags and aliases are printed.

        if classes:
            help_classes = self._help_classes
            if help_classes:
                print("Class parameters")
                for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.keyvalue_description):

            for cls in help_classes:
            print("To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`")


    def print_description(self):
        """Print the application description."""
        for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.description):

    def print_examples(self):
        """Print usage and examples.

        This usage string goes at the end of the command line help string
        and should contain examples of the application's usage.
        if self.examples:

    def print_version(self):
        """Print the version string."""

    def update_config(self, config):
        """Fire the traits events when the config is updated."""
        # Save a copy of the current config.
        newconfig = deepcopy(self.config)
        # Merge the new config into the current one.
        # Save the combined config as self.config, which triggers the traits
        # events.
        self.config = newconfig

    def initialize_subcommand(self, subc, argv=None):
        """Initialize a subcommand with argv."""
        subapp,help = self.subcommands.get(subc)

        if isinstance(subapp, string_types):
            subapp = import_item(subapp)

        # clear existing instances
        # instantiate
        self.subapp = subapp.instance(config=self.config)
        # and initialize subapp
    def flatten_flags(self):
        """flatten flags and aliases, so cl-args override as expected.
        This prevents issues such as an alias pointing to InteractiveShell,
        but a config file setting the same trait in TerminalInteraciveShell
        getting inappropriate priority over the command-line arg.

        Only aliases with exactly one descendent in the class list
        will be promoted.
        # build a tree of classes in our list that inherit from a particular
        # it will be a dict by parent classname of classes in our list
        # that are descendents
        mro_tree = defaultdict(list)
        for cls in self._help_classes:
            clsname = cls.__name__
            for parent in cls.mro()[1:-3]:
                # exclude cls itself and Configurable,HasTraits,object
        # flatten aliases, which have the form:
        # { 'alias' : 'Class.trait' }
        aliases = {}
        for alias, cls_trait in iteritems(self.aliases):
            cls,trait = cls_trait.split('.',1)
            children = mro_tree[cls]
            if len(children) == 1:
                # exactly one descendent, promote alias
                cls = children[0]
            aliases[alias] = '.'.join([cls,trait])
        # flatten flags, which are of the form:
        # { 'key' : ({'Cls' : {'trait' : value}}, 'help')}
        flags = {}
        for key, (flagdict, help) in iteritems(self.flags):
            newflag = {}
            for cls, subdict in iteritems(flagdict):
                children = mro_tree[cls]
                # exactly one descendent, promote flag section
                if len(children) == 1:
                    cls = children[0]
                newflag[cls] = subdict
            flags[key] = (newflag, help)
        return flags, aliases

    def parse_command_line(self, argv=None):
        """Parse the command line arguments."""
        argv = sys.argv[1:] if argv is None else argv
        self.argv = [ py3compat.cast_unicode(arg) for arg in argv ]
        if argv and argv[0] == 'help':
            # turn `ipython help notebook` into `ipython notebook -h`
            argv = argv[1:] + ['-h']

        if self.subcommands and len(argv) > 0:
            # we have subcommands, and one may have been specified
            subc, subargv = argv[0], argv[1:]
            if re.match(r'^\w(\-?\w)*$', subc) and subc in self.subcommands:
                # it's a subcommand, and *not* a flag or class parameter
                return self.initialize_subcommand(subc, subargv)

        # Arguments after a '--' argument are for the script IPython may be
        # about to run, not IPython iteslf. For arguments parsed here (help and
        # version), we want to only search the arguments up to the first
        # occurrence of '--', which we're calling interpreted_argv.
            interpreted_argv = argv[:argv.index('--')]
        except ValueError:
            interpreted_argv = argv

        if any(x in interpreted_argv for x in ('-h', '--help-all', '--help')):
            self.print_help('--help-all' in interpreted_argv)

        if '--version' in interpreted_argv or '-V' in interpreted_argv:
        # flatten flags&aliases, so cl-args get appropriate priority:
        flags,aliases = self.flatten_flags()
        loader = KVArgParseConfigLoader(argv=argv, aliases=aliases,
                                        flags=flags, log=self.log)
        config = loader.load_config()
        # store unparsed args in extra_args
        self.extra_args = loader.extra_args

    def _load_config_files(cls, basefilename, path=None, log=None):
        """Load config files (py,json) by filename and path.

        yield each config object in turn.
        if not isinstance(path, list):
            path = [path]
        for path in path[::-1]:
            # path list is in descending priority order, so load files backwards:
            pyloader = cls.python_config_loader_class(basefilename+'.py', path=path, log=log)
            jsonloader = cls.json_config_loader_class(basefilename+'.json', path=path, log=log)
            config = None
            for loader in [pyloader, jsonloader]:
                    config = loader.load_config()
                except ConfigFileNotFound:
                except Exception:
                    # try to get the full filename, but it will be empty in the
                    # unlikely event that the error raised before filefind finished
                    filename = loader.full_filename or basefilename
                    # problem while running the file
                    if log:
                        log.error("Exception while loading config file %s",
                                filename, exc_info=True)
                    if log:
                        log.debug("Loaded config file: %s", loader.full_filename)
                if config:
                     yield config

        raise StopIteration

    def load_config_file(self, filename, path=None):
        """Load config files by filename and path."""
        filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        loaded = []
        for config in self._load_config_files(filename, path=path, log=self.log):
        if len(loaded) > 1:
            collisions = loaded[0].collisions(loaded[1])
            if collisions:
                self.log.warn("Collisions detected in {0}.py and {0}.json config files."
                              " {0}.json has higher priority: {1}".format(
                              filename, json.dumps(collisions, indent=2),

    def generate_config_file(self):
        """generate default config file from Configurables"""
        lines = ["# Configuration file for %s." % self.name]
        for cls in self._config_classes:
        return '\n'.join(lines)

    def exit(self, exit_status=0):
        self.log.debug("Exiting application: %s" % self.name)

    def launch_instance(cls, argv=None, **kwargs):
        """Launch a global instance of this Application
        If a global instance already exists, this reinitializes and starts it
        app = cls.instance(**kwargs)
Example #14
class Application(SingletonConfigurable):
    """A singleton application with full configuration support."""

    # The name of the application, will usually match the name of the command
    # line application
    name = Unicode("application")

    # The description of the application that is printed at the beginning
    # of the help.
    description = Unicode("This is an application.")
    # default section descriptions
    option_description = Unicode(option_description)
    keyvalue_description = Unicode(keyvalue_description)
    subcommand_description = Unicode(subcommand_description)

    python_config_loader_class = PyFileConfigLoader
    json_config_loader_class = JSONFileConfigLoader

    # The usage and example string that goes at the end of the help string.
    examples = Unicode()

    # A sequence of Configurable subclasses whose config=True attributes will
    # be exposed at the command line.
    classes: t.List[t.Type[t.Any]] = []

    def _classes_inc_parents(self, classes=None):
        """Iterate through configurable classes, including configurable parents

        :param classes:
            The list of classes to iterate; if not set, uses :attr:`classes`.

        Children should always be after parents, and each class should only be
        yielded once.
        if classes is None:
            classes = self.classes

        seen = set()
        for c in classes:
            # We want to sort parents before children, so we reverse the MRO
            for parent in reversed(c.mro()):
                if issubclass(parent, Configurable) and (parent not in seen):
                    yield parent

    # The version string of this application.
    version = Unicode("0.0")

    # the argv used to initialize the application
    argv = List()

    # Whether failing to load config files should prevent startup
    raise_config_file_errors = Bool(TRAITLETS_APPLICATION_RAISE_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR)

    # The log level for the application
    log_level = Enum(
        (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"),
        help="Set the log level by value or name.",

    _log_formatter_cls = LevelFormatter

    log_datefmt = Unicode(
        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", help="The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s"

    log_format = Unicode(
        "[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s",
        help="The Logging format template",

    def get_default_logging_config(self):
        """Return the base logging configuration.

        The default is to log to stderr using a StreamHandler, if no default
        handler already exists.

        The log handler level starts at logging.WARN, but this can be adjusted
        by setting the ``log_level`` attribute.

        The ``logging_config`` trait is merged into this allowing for finer
        control of logging.

        config: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {
            "version": 1,
            "handlers": {
                "console": {
                    "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
                    "formatter": "console",
                    "level": logging.getLevelName(self.log_level),
                    "stream": "ext://sys.stderr",
            "formatters": {
                "console": {
                    "class": (
                    "format": self.log_format,
                    "datefmt": self.log_datefmt,
            "loggers": {
                self.__class__.__name__: {
                    "level": "DEBUG",
                    "handlers": ["console"],
            "disable_existing_loggers": False,

        if sys.executable and sys.executable.endswith("pythonw.exe"):
            # disable logging
            # (this should really go to a file, but file-logging is only
            # hooked up in parallel applications)
            del config["handlers"]["loggers"]

        return config

    @observe("log_datefmt", "log_format", "log_level", "logging_config")
    def _observe_logging_change(self, change):
        # convert log level strings to ints
        log_level = self.log_level
        if isinstance(log_level, str):
            self.log_level = getattr(logging, log_level)

    @observe("log", type="default")
    def _observe_logging_default(self, change):

    def _configure_logging(self):
        config = self.get_default_logging_config()
        nested_update(config, self.logging_config or {})
        # make a note that we have configured logging
        self._logging_configured = True

    def _log_default(self):
        """Start logging for this application."""
        log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        log.propagate = False
        _log = log  # copied from Logger.hasHandlers() (new in Python 3.2)
        while _log:
            if _log.handlers:
                return log
            if not _log.propagate:
                _log = _log.parent  # type:ignore[assignment]
        return log

    logging_config = Dict(
            Configure additional log handlers.

            The default stderr logs handler is configured by the
            log_level, log_datefmt and log_format settings.

            This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers
            (e.g. to output the log to a file) or for finer control over the
            default handlers.

            If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for
            more information see:

            This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which
            defines the following:

            * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called
            * A logging handler that writes to stderr called
              ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``.
            * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG``

            This example adds a new handler that writes to a file:

            .. code-block:: python

               c.Application.logging_configuration = {
                   'handlers': {
                       'file': {
                           'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
                           'level': 'DEBUG',
                           'filename': '<path/to/file>',
                   'loggers': {
                       '<application-name>': {
                           'level': 'DEBUG',
                           # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console"
                           # handler here then it will be disabled
                           'handlers': ['console', 'file'],


    #: the alias map for configurables
    #: Keys might strings or tuples for additional options; single-letter alias accessed like `-v`.
    #: Values might be like "Class.trait" strings of two-tuples: (Class.trait, help-text).
    aliases: t.Dict[str, str] = {"log-level": "Application.log_level"}

    # flags for loading Configurables or store_const style flags
    # flags are loaded from this dict by '--key' flags
    # this must be a dict of two-tuples, the first element being the Config/dict
    # and the second being the help string for the flag
    flags: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {
        "debug": (
                "Application": {
                    "log_level": logging.DEBUG,
            "Set log-level to debug, for the most verbose logging.",
        "show-config": (
                "Application": {
                    "show_config": True,
            "Show the application's configuration (human-readable format)",
        "show-config-json": (
                "Application": {
                    "show_config_json": True,
            "Show the application's configuration (json format)",

    # subcommands for launching other applications
    # if this is not empty, this will be a parent Application
    # this must be a dict of two-tuples,
    # the first element being the application class/import string
    # and the second being the help string for the subcommand
    subcommands = Dict()
    # parse_command_line will initialize a subapp, if requested
    subapp = Instance("traitlets.config.application.Application", allow_none=True)

    # extra command-line arguments that don't set config values
    extra_args = List(Unicode())

    cli_config = Instance(
        help="""The subset of our configuration that came from the command-line

        We re-load this configuration after loading config files,
        to ensure that it maintains highest priority.

    _loaded_config_files = List()

    show_config = Bool(
        help="Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout"

    show_config_json = Bool(
        help="Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON)"

    def _show_config_json_changed(self, change):
        self.show_config = change.new

    def _show_config_changed(self, change):
        if change.new:
            self._save_start = self.start
            self.start = self.start_show_config  # type:ignore[assignment]

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        SingletonConfigurable.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        # Ensure my class is in self.classes, so my attributes appear in command line
        # options and config files.
        cls = self.__class__
        if cls not in self.classes:
            if self.classes is cls.classes:
                # class attr, assign instead of insert
                self.classes = [cls] + self.classes
                self.classes.insert(0, self.__class__)

    def _config_changed(self, change):
        self.log.debug("Config changed: %r", change.new)

    def initialize(self, argv=None):
        """Do the basic steps to configure me.

        Override in subclasses.

    def start(self):
        """Start the app mainloop.

        Override in subclasses.
        if self.subapp is not None:
            return self.subapp.start()

    def start_show_config(self):
        """start function used when show_config is True"""
        config = self.config.copy()
        # exclude show_config flags from displayed config
        for cls in self.__class__.mro():
            if cls.__name__ in config:
                cls_config = config[cls.__name__]
                cls_config.pop("show_config", None)
                cls_config.pop("show_config_json", None)

        if self.show_config_json:
            json.dump(config, sys.stdout, indent=1, sort_keys=True, default=repr)
            # add trailing newline

        if self._loaded_config_files:
            print("Loaded config files:")
            for f in self._loaded_config_files:
                print("  " + f)

        for classname in sorted(config):
            class_config = config[classname]
            if not class_config:
            pformat_kwargs: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = dict(indent=4, compact=True)

            for traitname in sorted(class_config):
                value = class_config[traitname]
                    "  .{} = {}".format(
                        pprint.pformat(value, **pformat_kwargs),

    def print_alias_help(self):
        """Print the alias parts of the help."""

    def emit_alias_help(self):
        """Yield the lines for alias part of the help."""
        if not self.aliases:

        classdict = {}
        for cls in self.classes:
            # include all parents (up to, but excluding Configurable) in available names
            for c in cls.mro()[:-3]:
                classdict[c.__name__] = c

        for alias, longname in self.aliases.items():
                if isinstance(longname, tuple):
                    longname, fhelp = longname
                    fhelp = None
                classname, traitname = longname.split(".")[-2:]
                longname = classname + "." + traitname
                cls = classdict[classname]

                trait = cls.class_traits(config=True)[traitname]
                fhelp = cls.class_get_trait_help(trait, helptext=fhelp).splitlines()

                if not isinstance(alias, tuple):
                    alias = (alias,)  # type:ignore[assignment]
                alias = sorted(alias, key=len)  # type:ignore[assignment]
                alias = ", ".join(("--%s" if len(m) > 1 else "-%s") % m for m in alias)

                # reformat first line
                fhelp[0] = fhelp[0].replace("--" + longname, alias)
                yield from fhelp
                yield indent("Equivalent to: [--%s]" % longname)
            except Exception as ex:
                self.log.error("Failed collecting help-message for alias %r, due to: %s", alias, ex)

    def print_flag_help(self):
        """Print the flag part of the help."""

    def emit_flag_help(self):
        """Yield the lines for the flag part of the help."""
        if not self.flags:

        for flags, (cfg, fhelp) in self.flags.items():
                if not isinstance(flags, tuple):
                    flags = (flags,)  # type:ignore[assignment]
                flags = sorted(flags, key=len)  # type:ignore[assignment]
                flags = ", ".join(("--%s" if len(m) > 1 else "-%s") % m for m in flags)
                yield flags
                yield indent(dedent(fhelp.strip()))
                cfg_list = " ".join(
                    for clname, props_dict in cfg.items()
                    for prop, val in props_dict.items()
                cfg_txt = "Equivalent to: [%s]" % cfg_list
                yield indent(dedent(cfg_txt))
            except Exception as ex:
                self.log.error("Failed collecting help-message for flag %r, due to: %s", flags, ex)

    def print_options(self):
        """Print the options part of the help."""

    def emit_options_help(self):
        """Yield the lines for the options part of the help."""
        if not self.flags and not self.aliases:
        header = "Options"
        yield header
        yield "=" * len(header)
        for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.option_description):
            yield p
            yield ""

        yield from self.emit_flag_help()
        yield from self.emit_alias_help()
        yield ""

    def print_subcommands(self):
        """Print the subcommand part of the help."""

    def emit_subcommands_help(self):
        """Yield the lines for the subcommand part of the help."""
        if not self.subcommands:

        header = "Subcommands"
        yield header
        yield "=" * len(header)
        for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.subcommand_description.format(app=self.name)):
            yield p
            yield ""
        for subc, (_, help) in self.subcommands.items():
            yield subc
            if help:
                yield indent(dedent(help.strip()))
        yield ""

    def emit_help_epilogue(self, classes):
        """Yield the very bottom lines of the help message.

        If classes=False (the default), print `--help-all` msg.
        if not classes:
            yield "To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`."
            yield ""

    def print_help(self, classes=False):
        """Print the help for each Configurable class in self.classes.

        If classes=False (the default), only flags and aliases are printed.

    def emit_help(self, classes=False):
        """Yield the help-lines for each Configurable class in self.classes.

        If classes=False (the default), only flags and aliases are printed.
        yield from self.emit_description()
        yield from self.emit_subcommands_help()
        yield from self.emit_options_help()

        if classes:
            help_classes = self._classes_with_config_traits()
            if help_classes:
                yield "Class options"
                yield "============="
                for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.keyvalue_description):
                    yield p
                    yield ""

            for cls in help_classes:
                yield cls.class_get_help()
                yield ""
        yield from self.emit_examples()

        yield from self.emit_help_epilogue(classes)

    def document_config_options(self):
        """Generate rST format documentation for the config options this application

        Returns a multiline string.
        return "\n".join(c.class_config_rst_doc() for c in self._classes_inc_parents())

    def print_description(self):
        """Print the application description."""

    def emit_description(self):
        """Yield lines with the application description."""
        for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.description or self.__doc__ or ""):
            yield p
            yield ""

    def print_examples(self):
        """Print usage and examples (see `emit_examples()`)."""

    def emit_examples(self):
        """Yield lines with the usage and examples.

        This usage string goes at the end of the command line help string
        and should contain examples of the application's usage.
        if self.examples:
            yield "Examples"
            yield "--------"
            yield ""
            yield indent(dedent(self.examples.strip()))
            yield ""

    def print_version(self):
        """Print the version string."""

    def initialize_subcommand(self, subc, argv=None):
        """Initialize a subcommand with argv."""
        subapp, _ = self.subcommands.get(subc)

        if isinstance(subapp, str):
            subapp = import_item(subapp)

        # Cannot issubclass() on a non-type (SOhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/8692430)
        if isinstance(subapp, type) and issubclass(subapp, Application):
            # Clear existing instances before...
            # instantiating subapp...
            self.subapp = subapp.instance(parent=self)
        elif callable(subapp):
            # or ask factory to create it...
            self.subapp = subapp(self)  # type:ignore[call-arg]
            raise AssertionError("Invalid mappings for subcommand '%s'!" % subc)

        # ... and finally initialize subapp.

    def flatten_flags(self):
        """Flatten flags and aliases for loaders, so cl-args override as expected.

        This prevents issues such as an alias pointing to InteractiveShell,
        but a config file setting the same trait in TerminalInteraciveShell
        getting inappropriate priority over the command-line arg.
        Also, loaders expect ``(key: longname)`` and not ````key: (longname, help)`` items.

        Only aliases with exactly one descendent in the class list
        will be promoted.

        # build a tree of classes in our list that inherit from a particular
        # it will be a dict by parent classname of classes in our list
        # that are descendents
        mro_tree = defaultdict(list)
        for cls in self.classes:
            clsname = cls.__name__
            for parent in cls.mro()[1:-3]:
                # exclude cls itself and Configurable,HasTraits,object
        # flatten aliases, which have the form:
        # { 'alias' : 'Class.trait' }
        aliases: t.Dict[str, str] = {}
        for alias, longname in self.aliases.items():
            if isinstance(longname, tuple):
                longname, _ = longname
            cls, trait = longname.split(".", 1)  # type:ignore[assignment]
            children = mro_tree[cls]  # type:ignore[index]
            if len(children) == 1:
                # exactly one descendent, promote alias
                cls = children[0]  # type:ignore[assignment]
            if not isinstance(aliases, tuple):
                alias = (alias,)  # type:ignore[assignment]
            for al in alias:
                aliases[al] = ".".join([cls, trait])  # type:ignore[list-item]

        # flatten flags, which are of the form:
        # { 'key' : ({'Cls' : {'trait' : value}}, 'help')}
        flags = {}
        for key, (flagdict, help) in self.flags.items():
            newflag: t.Dict[t.Any, t.Any] = {}
            for cls, subdict in flagdict.items():
                children = mro_tree[cls]  # type:ignore[index]
                # exactly one descendent, promote flag section
                if len(children) == 1:
                    cls = children[0]  # type:ignore[assignment]

                if cls in newflag:
                    newflag[cls] = subdict

            if not isinstance(key, tuple):
                key = (key,)  # type:ignore[assignment]
            for k in key:
                flags[k] = (newflag, help)
        return flags, aliases

    def _create_loader(self, argv, aliases, flags, classes):
        return KVArgParseConfigLoader(argv, aliases, flags, classes=classes, log=self.log)

    def parse_command_line(self, argv=None):
        """Parse the command line arguments."""
        assert not isinstance(argv, str)
        argv = sys.argv[1:] if argv is None else argv
        self.argv = [cast_unicode(arg) for arg in argv]

        if argv and argv[0] == "help":
            # turn `ipython help notebook` into `ipython notebook -h`
            argv = argv[1:] + ["-h"]

        if self.subcommands and len(argv) > 0:
            # we have subcommands, and one may have been specified
            subc, subargv = argv[0], argv[1:]
            if re.match(r"^\w(\-?\w)*$", subc) and subc in self.subcommands:
                # it's a subcommand, and *not* a flag or class parameter
                return self.initialize_subcommand(subc, subargv)

        # Arguments after a '--' argument are for the script IPython may be
        # about to run, not IPython iteslf. For arguments parsed here (help and
        # version), we want to only search the arguments up to the first
        # occurrence of '--', which we're calling interpreted_argv.
            interpreted_argv = argv[: argv.index("--")]
        except ValueError:
            interpreted_argv = argv

        if any(x in interpreted_argv for x in ("-h", "--help-all", "--help")):
            self.print_help("--help-all" in interpreted_argv)

        if "--version" in interpreted_argv or "-V" in interpreted_argv:

        # flatten flags&aliases, so cl-args get appropriate priority:
        flags, aliases = self.flatten_flags()
        classes = tuple(self._classes_with_config_traits())
        loader = self._create_loader(argv, aliases, flags, classes=classes)
            self.cli_config = deepcopy(loader.load_config())
        except SystemExit:
            # traitlets 5: no longer print help output on error
            # help output is huge, and comes after the error
        # store unparsed args in extra_args
        self.extra_args = loader.extra_args

    def _load_config_files(cls, basefilename, path=None, log=None, raise_config_file_errors=False):
        """Load config files (py,json) by filename and path.

        yield each config object in turn.

        if not isinstance(path, list):
            path = [path]
        for path in path[::-1]:
            # path list is in descending priority order, so load files backwards:
            pyloader = cls.python_config_loader_class(basefilename + ".py", path=path, log=log)
            if log:
                log.debug("Looking for %s in %s", basefilename, path or os.getcwd())
            jsonloader = cls.json_config_loader_class(basefilename + ".json", path=path, log=log)
            loaded: t.List[t.Any] = []
            filenames: t.List[str] = []
            for loader in [pyloader, jsonloader]:
                config = None
                    config = loader.load_config()
                except ConfigFileNotFound:
                except Exception:
                    # try to get the full filename, but it will be empty in the
                    # unlikely event that the error raised before filefind finished
                    filename = loader.full_filename or basefilename
                    # problem while running the file
                    if raise_config_file_errors:
                    if log:
                        log.error("Exception while loading config file %s", filename, exc_info=True)
                    if log:
                        log.debug("Loaded config file: %s", loader.full_filename)
                if config:
                    for filename, earlier_config in zip(filenames, loaded):
                        collisions = earlier_config.collisions(config)
                        if collisions and log:
                                "Collisions detected in {0} and {1} config files."
                                " {1} has higher priority: {2}".format(
                                    json.dumps(collisions, indent=2),
                    yield (config, loader.full_filename)

    def loaded_config_files(self):
        """Currently loaded configuration files"""
        return self._loaded_config_files[:]

    def load_config_file(self, filename, path=None):
        """Load config files by filename and path."""
        filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        new_config = Config()
        for (config, filename) in self._load_config_files(
            if (
                filename not in self._loaded_config_files
            ):  # only add to list of loaded files if not previously loaded
        # add self.cli_config to preserve CLI config priority

    def _classes_with_config_traits(self, classes=None):
        Yields only classes with configurable traits, and their subclasses.

        :param classes:
            The list of classes to iterate; if not set, uses :attr:`classes`.

        Thus, produced sample config-file will contain all classes
        on which a trait-value may be overridden:

        - either on the class owning the trait,
        - or on its subclasses, even if those subclasses do not define
          any traits themselves.
        if classes is None:
            classes = self.classes

        cls_to_config = OrderedDict(
            (cls, bool(cls.class_own_traits(config=True)))
            for cls in self._classes_inc_parents(classes)

        def is_any_parent_included(cls):
            return any(b in cls_to_config and cls_to_config[b] for b in cls.__bases__)

        # Mark "empty" classes for inclusion if their parents own-traits,
        #  and loop until no more classes gets marked.
        while True:
            to_incl_orig = cls_to_config.copy()
            cls_to_config = OrderedDict(
                (cls, inc_yes or is_any_parent_included(cls))
                for cls, inc_yes in cls_to_config.items()
            if cls_to_config == to_incl_orig:
        for cl, inc_yes in cls_to_config.items():
            if inc_yes:
                yield cl

    def generate_config_file(self, classes=None):
        """generate default config file from Configurables"""
        lines = ["# Configuration file for %s." % self.name]
        classes = self.classes if classes is None else classes
        config_classes = list(self._classes_with_config_traits(classes))
        for cls in config_classes:
        return "\n".join(lines)

    def close_handlers(self):
        if getattr(self, "_logging_configured", False):
            # don't attempt to close handlers unless they have been opened
            # (note accessing self.log.handlers will create handlers if they
            # have not yet been initialised)
            for handler in self.log.handlers:
                with suppress(Exception):
            self._logging_configured = False

    def exit(self, exit_status=0):
        self.log.debug("Exiting application: %s" % self.name)

    def __del__(self):

    def launch_instance(cls, argv=None, **kwargs):
        """Launch a global instance of this Application

        If a global instance already exists, this reinitializes and starts it
        app = cls.instance(**kwargs)
Example #15
class MixedContentsManager(ContentsManager):

    filesystem_scheme = List([{
    }, {
    List of virtual mount point name and corresponding contents manager

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        super(MixedContentsManager, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.managers = {}

        ## check consistency of scheme.
        if not len(set(map(lambda x: x['root'],
                           self.filesystem_scheme))) == len(
            raise ValueError(
                'Scheme should not mount two contents manager on the same mountpoint'

        kwargs.update({'parent': self})
        for scheme in self.filesystem_scheme:
            manager_class = import_item(scheme['contents'])
            self.managers[scheme['root']] = manager_class(**kwargs)

    def path_dispatch1(method):
        def _wrapper_method(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
            sentinel, _path, path = _split_path(path)
            man = self.managers.get(sentinel, None)
            if man is not None:
                meth = getattr(man, method.__name__)
                sub = meth('/'.join(_path), *args, **kwargs)
                return sub
                return method(self, path, *args, **kwargs)

        return _wrapper_method

    def path_dispatch2(method):
        def _wrapper_method(self, other, path, *args, **kwargs):
            sentinel, _path, path = _split_path(path)
            man = self.managers.get(sentinel, None)
            if man is not None:
                meth = getattr(man, method.__name__)
                sub = meth(other, '/'.join(_path), *args, **kwargs)
                return sub
                return method(self, other, path, *args, **kwargs)

        return _wrapper_method

    def path_dispatch_kwarg(method):
        def _wrapper_method(self, path=''):
            sentinel, _path, path = _split_path(path)
            man = self.managers.get(sentinel, None)
            if man is not None:
                meth = getattr(man, method.__name__)
                sub = meth(path='/'.join(_path))
                return sub
                return method(self, path=path)

        return _wrapper_method

    # ContentsManager API part 1: methods that must be
    # implemented in subclasses.

    def dir_exists(self, path):
        ## root exists
        if len(path) == 0:
            return True
        if path in self.managers.keys():
            return True
        return False

    def is_hidden(self, path):
        if (len(path) == 0) or path in self.managers.keys():
            return False
        raise NotImplementedError('....' + path)

    def file_exists(self, path=''):
        if len(path) == 0:
            return False
        raise NotImplementedError('NotImplementedError')

    def exists(self, path):
        if len(path) == 0:
            return True
        raise NotImplementedError('NotImplementedError')

    def get(self, path, **kwargs):
        if len(path) == 0:
            return [{'type': 'directory'}]
        raise NotImplementedError('NotImplementedError')

    def save(self, model, path):
        raise NotImplementedError('NotImplementedError')

    def update(self, model, path):
        sentinel, listpath, path = _split_path(path)
        m_sentinel, m_listpath, orig_path = _split_path(model['path'])
        if sentinel != m_sentinel:
            raise ValueError(
                'Does not know how to move model across mountpoints')

        model['path'] = '/'.join(m_listpath)

        man = self.managers.get(sentinel, None)
        if man is not None:
            meth = getattr(man, 'update')
            sub = meth(model, '/'.join(listpath))
            return sub
            return self.method(model, path)

    def delete(self, path):
        raise NotImplementedError('NotImplementedError')

    def create_checkpoint(self, path):
        raise NotImplementedError('NotImplementedError')

    def list_checkpoints(self, path):
        raise NotImplementedError('NotImplementedError')

    def restore_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_id, path):
        raise NotImplementedError('NotImplementedError')

    def delete_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_id, path):
        raise NotImplementedError('NotImplementedError')

    # ContentsManager API part 2: methods that have useable default
    # implementations, but can be overridden in subclasses.

    # TODO (route optional methods too)

    ## Path dispatch on args 2 and 3 for rename.

    def path_dispatch_rename(rename_like_method):
        decorator for rename-like function, that need dispatch on 2 arguments
        def _wrapper_method(self, old_path, new_path):
            old_path, _old_path, old_sentinel = _split_path(old_path)
            new_path, _new_path, new_sentinel = _split_path(new_path)

            if old_sentinel != new_sentinel:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Does not know how to move things across contents manager mountpoints'
                sentinel = new_sentinel

            man = self.managers.get(sentinel, None)
            if man is not None:
                rename_meth = getattr(man, rename_like_method.__name__)
                sub = rename_meth('/'.join(_old_path), '/'.join(_new_path))
                return sub
                return rename_meth(self, old_path, new_path)

        return _wrapper_method

    def rename_file(self, old_path, new_path):
        """Rename a file."""
        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented in a subclass')

    def rename(self, old_path, new_path):
        """Rename a file."""
        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented in a subclass')
class MixedContentsManager(LargeFileManager):
    mixed_path = Unicode(
        help="path were the mixed content managers will reside",
    filesystem_scheme = List(
                "root": "space1",
                "class": "onedatafs_jupyter.OnedataFSContentsManager",
                "config": {
                    "space": u"/space1"
                "root": "space2",
                "class": "onedatafs_jupyter.OnedataFSContentsManager",
                "config": {
                    "space": u"/space2"
        """List of virtual mount point name and corresponding contents manager""",
    files_handler_class = MixedFileHandler

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(MixedContentsManager, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.managers = {}

        ## check consistency of scheme.
        if not len(set(map(lambda x: x["root"],
                           self.filesystem_scheme))) == len(
            raise ValueError(
                "Scheme should not mount two contents manager on the same mountpoint"

        kwargs.update({"parent": self})
        for scheme in self.filesystem_scheme:
            manager_class = import_item(scheme["class"])
            self.managers[scheme["root"]] = manager_class(**kwargs)
            if scheme["config"]:
                for k, v in scheme["config"].items():
                    setattr(self.managers[scheme["root"]], k, v)
        self.log.debug("MANAGERS: %s", self.managers)

    def _fix_paths(self, sub, base_path):
        self.log.debug("RETURNING: %s %s", sub, base_path)
        if type(sub) != dict:
            return sub
        if "path" in sub:
            sub["path"] = os.path.join(base_path, sub["path"])
        if sub.get("type") == "directory" and sub.get("content"):
            for e in sub.get("content"):
                if "path" in e:
                    e["path"] = os.path.join(base_path, e["path"].lstrip("/"))
        return sub

    def _get_cm(self, sentinel, listpath):
        self.log.debug("Finding cm for %s and %s", sentinel, listpath)
        if sentinel != self.mixed_path or not len(listpath):
            self.log.debug("Not found!")
            return None
        self.log.debug("FIND %s!", listpath[0])
        return self.managers.get(listpath[0], None)

    def path_dispatch1(method):
        def _wrapper_method(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
            sentinel, _path, path = _split_path(path)
                "M: %s, S: %s, M: %s P: %s",
            man = self._get_cm(sentinel, _path)
            if man is not None:
                base_path = os.path.join(sentinel, _path[0])
                meth = getattr(man, method.__name__)
                sub = meth("/".join(_path[1:]), *args, **kwargs)
                return self._fix_paths(sub, base_path)
                return method(self, path, *args, **kwargs)

        return _wrapper_method

    def path_dispatch2(method):
        def _wrapper_method(self, other, path, *args, **kwargs):
            sentinel, _path, path = _split_path(path)
                "M: %s, S: %s, M: %s P: %s",
            man = self._get_cm(sentinel, _path)
            if man is not None:
                base_path = os.path.join(sentinel, _path[0])
                meth = getattr(man, method.__name__)
                sub = meth(other, "/".join(_path[1:]), *args, **kwargs)
                return self._fix_paths(sub, base_path)
                return method(self, other, path, *args, **kwargs)

        return _wrapper_method

    def path_dispatch_kwarg(method):
        def _wrapper_method(self, path=""):
            sentinel, _path, path = _split_path(path)
                "M: %s, S: %s, M: %s P: %s",
            man = self._get_cm(sentinel, _path)
            if man is not None:
                base_path = os.path.join(sentinel, _path[0])
                meth = getattr(man, method.__name__)
                sub = meth(path="/".join(_path[1:]))
                return self._fix_paths(sub, base_path)
                return method(self, path=path)

        return _wrapper_method

    # ContentsManager API part 1: methods that must be
    # implemented in subclasses.

    def dir_exists(self, path):
        ## root exists
        if (len(path) == 0) or path == self.mixed_path:
            return True
        return super(MixedContentsManager,
                     self).dir_exists(os.path.join("/", path))

    def is_hidden(self, path):
        if (len(path) == 0) or path == self.mixed_path:
            return False
        return super(MixedContentsManager,
                     self).is_hidden(os.path.join("/", path))

    def file_exists(self, path=""):
        if (len(path) == 0) or path == self.mixed_path:
            return False
        return super(MixedContentsManager,
                     self).file_exists(os.path.join("/", path))

    def exists(self, path):
        if (len(path) == 0) or path == self.mixed_path:
            return True
        return super(MixedContentsManager,
                     self).exists(os.path.join("/", path))

    def get(self, path, **kwargs):
        if len(path) == 0:
            root = super(MixedContentsManager, self).get("/", **kwargs)
                "type": "directory",
                "name": self.mixed_path,
                "path": self.mixed_path
            return root
        if path == self.mixed_path:
            root = {
                "type": "directory",
                "name": self.mixed_path,
                "path": self.mixed_path,
                "content": [],
                "last_modified": None,
                "created": None,
                "format": "json",
                "mimetype": None,
                "size": None,
                "writable": False,
                "type": "directory",
            lm = []
            for subpath, manager in self.managers.items():
                    d = manager.get("/", **kwargs)
                    d["content"] = None
                    d["name"] = subpath
                    d["path"] = os.path.join(self.mixed_path, subpath)
                # TODO: have a better exception here
            root["last_modified"] = max(lm)
            root["created"] = min(lm)
            return root
        return super(MixedContentsManager, self).get(os.path.join("/", path),

    def save(self, model, path):
        return super(MixedContentsManager, self).save(model, path)

    def update(self, model, path):
        sentinel, listpath, _path = _split_path(path)
        m_sentinel, m_listpath, orig_path = _split_path(model["path"])
        self.log.debug("s %s, l %s, p %s", sentinel, listpath, path)
        self.log.debug("s %s, l %s, p %s", m_sentinel, m_listpath, orig_path)
        man = self._get_cm(sentinel, listpath)
        m_man = self._get_cm(m_sentinel, m_listpath)
        if man != m_man:
            raise ValueError(
                "Does not know how to move model across mountpoints")
        if man is not None:
            base_path = os.path.join(sentinel, listpath[0])
            model["path"] = "/".join(m_listpath[1:])
            meth = getattr(man, "update")
            sub = meth(model, "/".join(listpath[1:]))
            return self._fix_paths(sub, base_path)
            return super(MixedContentsManager, self).update(model, path)

    def delete(self, path):
        return super(MixedContentsManager, self).delete(path)

    def create_checkpoint(self, path):
        return super(MixedContentsManager, self).create_checkpoint(path)

    def list_checkpoints(self, path):
        return super(MixedContentsManager, self).list_checkpoints(path)

    def restore_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_id, path):
        return super(MixedContentsManager, self).restore_checkpoints(path)

    def delete_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_id, path):
        return super(MixedContentsManager, self).delete_checkpoints(path)

    # ContentsManager API part 2: methods that have useable default
    # implementations, but can be overridden in subclasses.

    # TODO (route optional methods too)

    # FIXME(enolfc) This is not yet reviewed
    ## Path dispatch on args 2 and 3 for rename.
    def path_dispatch_rename(rename_like_method):
        decorator for rename-like function, that need dispatch on 2 arguments
        def _wrapper_method(self, old_path, new_path):
            old_sentinel, old_listpath, old_path = _split_path(old_path)
            new_sentinel, new_listpath, new_path = _split_path(new_path)

            cm = self._get_cm(old_sentinel, old_path)
            new_cm = self._get_cm(new_sentinel, new_path)

            if cm != new_cm:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Does not know how to move things across contents manager mountpoints"

            if not cm:
                if old_sentinel == self.mixed_path or new_sentinel == self.mixed_path:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Does not know how to move things across contents manager mountpoints"
                return rename_like_method(self, old_path, new_path)
                base_path = os.path.join(sentinel, old_listpath[0])
                rename_meth = getattr(cm, rename_like_method.__name__)
                sub = rename_meth("/".join(old_listpath[1:]),
                return self.fix_path(sub)

        return _wrapper_method

    def rename_file(self, old_path, new_path):
        return super(MixedContentsManager,
                     self).rename_file(old_path, new_path)

    def rename(self, old_path, new_path):
        """Rename a file."""
        return super(MixedContentsManager, self).rename(old_path, new_path)
Example #17
        class VoilaKernelManager(base_class):
            """This class adds pooling heated kernels and pre-rendered notebook
            feature to a normal kernel manager. The 'pooling heated kernels'
            part is heavily inspired from `hotpot_km`(https://github.com/voila-dashboards/hotpot_km) library.

            kernel_pools_config = Dict(
                help='''Mapping from notebook name to the kernel configuration
                like: number of started kernels to keep on standby, environment
                variables used to start kernel''',

            preheat_blacklist = List([],
                                     help='List of notebooks which do not use pre-heated kernel.')

            fill_delay = Float(
                help='Wait time before re-filling the pool after a kernel is used',

            def _kernel_pools_config(self):
                return {'default': {'pool_size': max(default_pool_size, 0), 'kernel_env_variables': {}}}

            def __init__(self, **kwargs):

                self._wait_at_startup = True
                self.notebook_data: TypeDict = {}
                self._pools: TypeDict[str, List[TypeDict]] = {}
                self.root_dir = self.parent.root_dir
                if self.parent.notebook_path is not None:
                    self.notebook_path = os.path.relpath(
                        self.parent.notebook_path, self.root_dir
                    self.fill_if_needed(delay=0, notebook_name=self.notebook_path)
                    self.notebook_path = None
                    all_notebooks = [
                        for x in list(Path(self.root_dir).rglob('*.ipynb'))
                        if self._notebook_filter(x)
                    for nb in all_notebooks:
                        self.fill_if_needed(delay=0, notebook_name=str(nb))

            async def get_rendered_notebook(
                self, notebook_name: str, **kwargs
            ) -> Tuple[asyncio.Task, TypeList[str]]:
                """ Get the notebook rendering task and the rendered cell.
                By setting the `stop_generator` to True, the running task
                `render_task` used for rendering notebook will be stopped
                after finishing the running cell. The results of this task
                will contain the rendered cells and a generator for continuing
                render the remaining cells. We need to return also
                `renderer.rendered_cache` since it contains the rendered cells
                before the moment we set `stop_generator` to `True`, so that
                we can flush data immediately without waiting for running cell
                to be finished.

                    notebook_name (str): Path to notebook

                    NameError: Raised if no notebook is provided.
                    Exception: Raised if the kernel pool is empty.

                    Tuple[asyncio.Task, List[str]]:

                if notebook_name is None:
                    raise NameError('Notebook name must be provided!')

                if (len(self._pools.get(notebook_name, ())) == 0):
                    raise Exception(f'Kernel pool for {notebook_name} is empty!')

                pool_item = self._pools[notebook_name].pop(0)
                content = await pool_item
                renderer: NotebookRenderer = content['renderer']
                render_task: asyncio.Task = content['task']
                kernel_id: str = content['kernel_id']
                renderer.stop_generator = True
                self.log.info('Using pre-heated kernel: %s for %s', kernel_id, notebook_name)
                self.fill_if_needed(delay=None, notebook_name=notebook_name, **kwargs)

                return render_task, renderer.rendered_cache, kernel_id

            def get_pool_size(self, notebook_name: str) -> int:
                return len(self._pools.get(notebook_name, []))

            def fill_if_needed(
                delay: Union[float, None] = None,
                notebook_name: Union[str, None] = None,
            ) -> None:
                """Start kernels until the pool is full

                    - delay (Union[float, None], optional): Delay time before
                    starting refill kernel. Defaults to None.
                    - notebook_name (Union[str, None], optional): Name of notebook to
                    create kernel pool.
                    Defaults to None.
                delay = delay if delay is not None else self.fill_delay
                    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
                except RuntimeError:
                    loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
                default_config: dict = self.kernel_pools_config.get('default', {})
                notebook_config: dict = self.kernel_pools_config.get(
                    notebook_name, default_config
                kernel_env_variables: dict = notebook_config.get(
                    'kernel_env_variables', default_config.get('kernel_env_variables', {})
                kernel_size: int = notebook_config.get(
                    'pool_size', default_config.get('pool_size', 1)
                pool = self._pools.get(notebook_name, [])
                self._pools[notebook_name] = pool
                if 'path' not in kwargs:
                    kwargs['path'] = (
                        if notebook_name is not None
                        else self.root_dir
                kernel_env = os.environ.copy()
                kernel_env_arg = kwargs.get('env', {})

                for key in kernel_env_variables:
                    if key not in kernel_env:
                        kernel_env[key] = kernel_env_variables[key]
                kernel_env[ENV_VARIABLE.VOILA_BASE_URL] = self.parent.base_url
                kernel_env[ENV_VARIABLE.VOILA_SERVER_URL] = self.parent.server_url
                kernel_env[ENV_VARIABLE.VOILA_PREHEAT] = 'True'
                kwargs['env'] = kernel_env

                heated = len(pool)

                def task_counter(tk):
                    nonlocal heated
                    heated += 1
                    if (heated == kernel_size):
                            'Kernel pool of %s is filled with %s kernel(s)', notebook_name, kernel_size)

                for _ in range(kernel_size - len(pool)):
                    # Start the work on the loop immediately, so it is ready when needed:
                    task = loop.create_task(
                        wait_before(delay, self._initialize(notebook_name, None, **kwargs))

            async def restart_kernel(self, kernel_id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
                await ensure_async(super().restart_kernel(kernel_id, **kwargs))
                notebook_name = self._get_notebook_from_kernel(kernel_id)
                if notebook_name is not None:
                    await self._initialize(notebook_name, kernel_id, **kwargs)

            async def shutdown_kernel(self, kernel_id: str, *args, **kwargs):
                for pool in self._pools.values():
                    for i, f in enumerate(pool):
                        if f.done() and f.result().get('kernel_id') == kernel_id:
                for value in self.notebook_data.values():
                    if kernel_id in value['kernel_ids']:

                return await ensure_async(
                    super().shutdown_kernel(kernel_id, *args, **kwargs)

            async def shutdown_all(self, *args, **kwargs):
                await ensure_async(super().shutdown_all(*args, **kwargs))
                # Parent doesn't correctly add all created kernels until they have completed startup:
                pools = self._pools
                self._pools = {}

                for value in self.notebook_data.values():
                    value['kernel_ids'] = set()

                for pool in pools.values():
                    # The iteration gets confused if we don't copy pool
                    for task in tuple(pool):
                            result = await task
                        except Exception:
                            kid = result['kernel_id']
                            if kid in self:
                                    await ensure_async(
                                        self.shutdown_kernel(kid, *args, **kwargs)
                                except RuntimeError:
                                    pass  # Kernel is not running

            async def _initialize(
                    self, notebook_path: str, kernel_id: str = None, **kwargs) -> str:
                """Run any configured initialization code in the kernel"""

                renderer = self._notebook_renderer_factory(notebook_path)
                await renderer.initialize()
                kernel_name = renderer.notebook.metadata.kernelspec.name

                if kernel_id is None:
                    kernel_id = await super().start_kernel(kernel_name=kernel_name, **kwargs)

                if renderer.notebook_path not in self.notebook_data:
                    self.notebook_data[renderer.notebook_path] = {
                        'notebook': renderer.notebook,
                        'template': renderer.template_name,
                        'theme': renderer.theme,
                        'kernel_name': kernel_name,
                        'kernel_ids': {kernel_id}

                kernel_future = self.get_kernel(kernel_id)
                task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(renderer.generate_content_hybrid(kernel_id, kernel_future))
                return {'task': task, 'renderer': renderer, 'kernel_id': kernel_id}

            async def cull_kernel_if_idle(self, kernel_id: str):
                """Ensure we don't cull pooled kernels:
                (this logic assumes the init time is shorter than the cull time)

                for pool in self._pools.values():
                    for i, f in enumerate(pool):
                            if f.done() and f.result().get('kernel_id') == kernel_id:
                        except Exception:
                return await ensure_async(super().cull_kernel_if_idle(kernel_id))

            def _notebook_renderer_factory(
                self, notebook_path: Union[str, None] = None
            ) -> NotebookRenderer:
                """Helper function to create `NotebookRenderer` instance.

                    - notebook_path (Union[str, None], optional): Path to the
                    notebook. Defaults to None.
                return NotebookRenderer(

            def _notebook_filter(self, nb_path: Path) -> bool:
                """Helper to filter blacklisted notebooks.

                    nb_path (Path): Path to notebook

                    bool: return `False` if notebook is in `ipynb_checkpoints` folder or
                    is blacklisted, `True` otherwise.
                nb_name = str(nb_path)
                if '.ipynb_checkpoints' in nb_name:
                    return False
                for nb_pattern in self.preheat_blacklist:
                    pattern = re.compile(nb_pattern)
                    if (nb_pattern in nb_name) or bool(pattern.match(nb_name)):
                        return False
                return True

            def _get_notebook_from_kernel(self, kernel_id: str) -> Union[None, str]:
                """Helper to get notebook name from heated kernel id.

                    kernel_id (str): Kernel id

                    Union[None, str]: return associated notebook with kernel id.

                for nb_name, data in self.notebook_data.items():
                    if kernel_id in data['kernel_ids']:
                        return nb_name
                return None
Example #18
class KBaseWSManager(KBaseWSManagerMixin, ContentsManager):
    A notebook manager that uses the KBase workspace for storage.

    The Workspace backend simply adds a few metadata fields into the
    notebook object and pushes it into the workspace as the 'data'
    part of a workspace object

    Additional metadata fields
        'id' : User specified title for the narrative alphanumeric + _
        'creator' : {username of the creator of this notebook},
        'description' : 'description of notebook',
        'data_dependencies' : { list of kbase id strings }
        'format' : self.node_format
        'workspace' : the workspace that it was loaded from or saved to

    This handler expects that on every request, the session attribute for an
    instance will be populated by the front end handlers. That's gross, but
    that's what we're running with for now.
    Note: you'll probably see "That's gross, but..." a lot in this rev of the

    Notebooks are identified with workspace identifiers of the format

    Object format:
        'dependencies' : List of workspace refs,
        'notebook' : {
            <mostly, the IPython notebook object>,
            'metadata' :

    kbasews_uri = Unicode(URLS.workspace, config=True, help='Workspace service endpoint URI')

    ipynb_type = Unicode('ipynb')
    allowed_formats = List(['json'])
    node_format = ipynb_type
    ws_type = Unicode('KBaseNarrative.Narrative', config=True, help='Type to store narratives within workspace service')

    # regex for parsing out workspace_id and object_id from
    # a "ws.{workspace}.{object}" string
    # should accept any of the following formats (the numbers are just random):
    # ws.123.obj.456.ver.789
    # ws.123.obj.456
    # ws.123
    # 123
    path_regex = re.compile('^(ws\.)?(?P<wsid>\d+)((\.obj\.(?P<objid>\d+))(\.ver\.(?P<ver>\d+))?)?$')

    # This is a regular expression to make sure that the workspace ID
    # doesn't contain non-legit characters in the object ID field
    # We use it like this to to translate names:
    # wsid_regex.sub('',"Hello! Freaking World! 123".replace(' ','_'))
    # to get an id of 'Hello_Freaking_World_123'
    # We will enforce validation on the narrative naming GUI, but this is
    # a safety net
    wsid_regex = re.compile('[\W]+', re.UNICODE)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Verify that we can connect to the configured WS instance"""
        super(KBaseWSManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if not self.kbasews_uri:
            raise HTTPError(412, "Missing KBase workspace service endpoint URI.")

        # Init the session info we need.
        self.narrative_logger = get_narrative_logger()
        self.user_service = UserService()

    def _checkpoints_class_default(self):
        return KBaseCheckpoints

    def get_userid(self):
        """Return the current user id (if logged in), or None
        return util.kbase_env.user

    def _clean_id(self, id):
        """Clean any whitespace out of the given id"""
        return self.wsid_regex.sub('', id.replace(' ', '_'))

    # API part 1: methods that must be implemented in subclasses.
    def dir_exists(self, path):
        """If it's blank, just return True -
           we'll be looking up the list of all Narratives from
           that dir, so it's real."""
        if not path:
            return True
            return False

    def is_hidden(self, path):
        """We can only see what gets returned from Workspace lookup,
           so nothing should be hidden"""
        return False

    def file_exists(self, path):
        """We only support narratives right now, so look up
           a narrative from that path."""
        ref = self._parse_path(path)
        self.log.warn('looking up whether a narrative exists')
            self.log.warn('trying to get narrative {}'.format(ref))
            return self.narrative_exists(ref)
        except WorkspaceError as err:
            self.log.warn("Error while testing narrative existence: {}".format(str(err)))
            if err.http_code == 403:
                raise HTTPError(403, "You do not have permission to view the narrative with id {}".format(path))
                raise HTTPError(err.http_code, "An error occurred while trying to find the Narrative with id {}".format(path))

    def exists(self, path):
        """Looks up whether a directory or file path (i.e. narrative)
        path = path.strip('/')
        if not path: # it's a directory, for all narratives
            return True
        return self.file_exists(path)

    def _wsobj_to_model(self, nar, content=True):
        nar_id = 'ws.{}.obj.{}'.format(nar['wsid'], nar['objid'])
        model = base_model('{} - {} - {}'.format(nar['saved_by'], nar_id, nar['name']), nar_id)
        model['format'] = 'json'
        model['last_modified'] = nar['save_date']
        model['type'] = 'notebook'
        return model

    def _parse_path(self, path):
        From the URL path for a Narrative, returns a NarrativeRef

        if the path isn't parseable, this raises a 404 with the invalid path.
        path = path.strip('/')
        m = self.path_regex.match(path)
        if m is None:
            raise HTTPError(404, "Invalid Narrative path {}".format(path))
            return NarrativeRef(dict(
        except RuntimeError as e:
            raise HTTPError(500, str(e))
        except WorkspaceError as e:
            raise HTTPError(e.http_code, e.message)

    def get(self, path, content=True, type=None, format=None):
        """Get the model of a file or directory with or without content."""
        path = path.strip('/')
        model = base_model(path, path)
            if self.exists(path) and type != 'directory':
            #It's a narrative object, so try to fetch it.
                ref = self._parse_path(path)
                if not ref:
                    raise HTTPError(404, 'Unknown Narrative "{}"'.format(path))
                nar_obj = self.read_narrative(ref, content=content)
                model['type'] = 'notebook'
                user = self.get_userid()
                if content:
                    model['format'] = 'json'
                    nb = nbformat.reads(json.dumps(nar_obj['data']), 4)
                    nb['metadata'].pop('orig_nbformat', None)
                    self.mark_trusted_cells(nb, nar_obj['info'][5], path)
                    model['content'] = nb
                    model['name'] = nar_obj['data']['metadata'].get('name', 'Untitled')
                    util.kbase_env.narrative = 'ws.{}.obj.{}'.format(ref.wsid, ref.objid)
                    util.kbase_env.workspace = model['content'].metadata.ws_name
                    self.narrative_logger.narrative_open('{}/{}'.format(ref.wsid, ref.objid), nar_obj['info'][4])
                if user is not None:
                    model['writable'] = self.narrative_writable(ref, user)
                self.log.info('Got narrative {}'.format(model['name']))
        except WorkspaceError as e:
            raise HTTPError(e.http_code, e.message)

        if not path or type == 'directory':
            #if it's the empty string, look up all narratives, treat them as a dir
            self.log.info('Getting narrative list')
            model['type'] = type
            model['format'] = 'json'
            if content:
                contents = []
                nar_list = self.list_narratives()
                self.log.info('Found {} narratives'.format(len(nar_list)))
                for nar in nar_list:
                    contents.append(self._wsobj_to_model(nar, content=False))
                model['content'] = contents

        return model

    def save(self, model, path):
        """Save the file or directory and return the model with no content.

        Save implementations should call self.run_pre_save_hook(model=model, path=path)
        prior to writing any data.
        path = path.strip('/')

        if 'type' not in model:
            raise HTTPError(400, 'No IPython model type provided')
        if model['type'] != 'notebook':
            raise HTTPError(400, 'We currently only support saving Narratives!')
        if 'content' not in model and model['type'] != 'directory':
            raise HTTPError(400, 'No Narrative content found while trying to save')

        self.log.debug("writing Narrative %s." % path)
        nb = nbformat.from_dict(model['content'])
        self.check_and_sign(nb, path)

            ref = self._parse_path(path)
            result = self.write_narrative(ref, nb, self.get_userid())

            new_id = "ws.%s.obj.%s" % (result[1], result[2])
            util.kbase_env.narrative = new_id

            nb = result[0]
            validation_message = model.get('message', None)

            model = self.get(path, content=False)
            if validation_message:
                model['message'] = validation_message
            self.narrative_logger.narrative_save('{}/{}'.format(result[1], result[2]), result[3])
            return model
        except WorkspaceError as err:
            raise HTTPError(err.http_code, "While saving your Narrative: {}".format(err.message))

    def delete_file(self, path):
        """Delete file or directory by path."""
        raise HTTPError(501, 'Narrative deletion not implemented here. Deletion is handled elsewhere.')

    def rename_file(self, path, new_name):
        """Rename a file from old_path to new_path.
        This gets tricky in KBase since we don't deal with paths, but with
        actual file names. For now, assume that 'old_path' won't actually
        change, but the 'new_path' is actually the new Narrative name."""
            self.rename_narrative(self._parse_path(path), self.get_userid(), new_name)
        except WorkspaceError as err:
            raise HTTPError(err.http_code, err.message)
        except Exception as err:
            raise HTTPError(500, 'An error occurred while renaming your Narrative: {}'.format(err))

    # API part 2: methods that have useable default
    # implementations, but can be overridden in subclasses.
    def delete(self, path):
        """Delete a file/directory and any associated checkpoints."""
        path = path.strip('/')
        if not path:
            raise HTTPError(400, "Can't delete root")

    def rename(self, old_path, new_path):
        """Rename a file and any checkpoints associated with that file."""
        self.rename_file(old_path, new_path)
        self.checkpoints.rename_all_checkpoints(old_path, new_path)

    def update(self, model, path):
        """Update the file's path

        For use in PATCH requests, to enable renaming a file without
        re-uploading its contents. Only used for renaming at the moment.

        path = path.strip('/')
        new_path = model.get('path', path).strip('/')
        if new_path.endswith('.ipynb'):
            new_path = new_path[:-len('.ipynb')]
        self.rename(path, new_path)
        model = self.get(path, content=False)
        return model

    def increment_filename(self, filename, path='', insert=''):
        """Increment a filename until it is unique.

        filename : unicode
            The name of a file, including extension
        path : unicode
            The API path of the target's directory

        name : unicode
            A filename that is unique, based on the input filename.
        path = path.strip('/')
        basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        for i in itertools.count():
            if i:
                insert_i = '{}{}'.format(insert, i)
                insert_i = ''
            name = '{basename}{insert}{ext}'.format(basename=basename,
                insert=insert_i, ext=ext)
            if not self.exists('{}/{}'.format(path, name)):
        return name

    def validate_notebook_model(self, model):
        """Add failed-validation message to model"""
        except ValidationError as e:
            model['message'] = 'Notebook Validation failed: {}:\n{}'.format(
                e.message, json.dumps(e.instance, indent=1, default=lambda obj: '<UNKNOWN>'),
        return model

    def new_untitled(self, path='', type='', ext=''):
        """Create a new untitled file or directory in path

        path must be a directory

        File extension can be specified.

        Use `new` to create files with a fully specified path (including filename).
        path = path.strip('/')
        if not self.dir_exists(path):
            raise HTTPError(404, 'No such directory: %s' % path)

        model = {}
        if type:
            model['type'] = type

        if ext == '.ipynb':
            model.setdefault('type', 'notebook')
            model.setdefault('type', 'file')

        insert = ''
        if model['type'] == 'directory':
            untitled = self.untitled_directory
            insert = ' '
        elif model['type'] == 'notebook':
            untitled = self.untitled_notebook
            ext = '.ipynb'
        elif model['type'] == 'file':
            untitled = self.untitled_file
            raise HTTPError(400, "Unexpected model type: %r" % model['type'])

        name = self.increment_filename(untitled + ext, path, insert=insert)
        path = '{0}/{1}'.format(path, name)
        return self.new(model, path)

    def new(self, model=None, path=''):
        """Create a new file or directory and return its model with no content.

        To create a new untitled entity in a directory, use `new_untitled`.
        # TODO
        path = path.strip('/')
        if model is None:
            model = {}

        if path.endswith('.ipynb'):
            model.setdefault('type', 'notebook')
            model.setdefault('type', 'file')

        # no content, not a directory, so fill out new-file model
        if 'content' not in model and model['type'] != 'directory':
            if model['type'] == 'notebook':
                model['content'] = new_notebook()
                model['format'] = 'json'
                model['content'] = ''
                model['type'] = 'file'
                model['format'] = 'text'

        model = self.save(model, path)
        return model

    def copy(self, from_path, to_path=None):
        """Copy an existing file and return its new model.

        If to_path not specified, it will be the parent directory of from_path.
        If to_path is a directory, filename will increment `from_path-Copy#.ext`.

        from_path must be a full path to a file.
        # TODO
        path = from_path.strip('/')
        if to_path is not None:
            to_path = to_path.strip('/')

        if '/' in path:
            from_dir, from_name = path.rsplit('/', 1)
            from_dir = ''
            from_name = path

        model = self.get(path)
        model.pop('path', None)
        model.pop('name', None)
        if model['type'] == 'directory':
            raise HTTPError(400, "Can't copy directories")

        if to_path is None:
            to_path = from_dir
        if self.dir_exists(to_path):
            name = copy_pat.sub('.', from_name)
            to_name = self.increment_filename(name, to_path, insert='-Copy')
            to_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(to_path, to_name)

        model = self.save(model, to_path)
        return model

    def log_info(self):

    def trust_notebook(self, path):
        """Explicitly trust a notebook

        path : string
            The path of a notebook
        model = self.get(path)
        nb = model['content']
        self.log.warn("Trusting notebook %s", path)
        self.notary.mark_cells(nb, True)
        self.save(model, path)

    def check_and_sign(self, nb, path=''):
        """Check for trusted cells, and sign the notebook.

        Called as a part of saving notebooks.

        nb : dict
            The notebook dict
        path : string
            The notebook's path (for logging)
        if self.notary.check_cells(nb):
            self.log.warn("Saving untrusted notebook %s", path)

    def mark_trusted_cells(self, nb, saved_by, path=''):
        """Mark cells as trusted if the notebook signature matches.

        Called as a part of loading notebooks.

        nb : dict
            The notebook object (in current nbformat)
        path : string
            The notebook's path (for logging)
        if self.user_service.is_trusted_user(saved_by):
            self.notary.mark_cells(nb, True)
            # commenting out, but leaving behind for a while.
            trusted = self.notary.check_signature(nb)
            if not trusted:
                self.log.warn("Notebook %s is not trusted", path)
            self.notary.mark_cells(nb, trusted)
            # self.log.warn("Notebook %s is totally trusted", path)
            # # all notebooks are trustworthy, because KBase is Pollyanna.

    def should_list(self, name):
        """Should this file/directory name be displayed in a listing?"""
        return not any(fnmatch(name, glob) for glob in self.hide_globs)

    def info_string(self):
        return "Workspace Narrative Service with workspace endpoint at %s" % self.kbasews_uri
Example #19
class LazyConfigValue(HasTraits):
    """Proxy object for exposing methods on configurable containers

    These methods allow appending/extending/updating
    to add to non-empty defaults instead of clobbering them.


    - append, extend, insert on lists
    - update on dicts
    - update, add on sets

    _value = None

    # list methods
    _extend = List()
    _prepend = List()
    _inserts = List()

    def append(self, obj):
        """Append an item to a List"""

    def extend(self, other):
        """Extend a list"""

    def prepend(self, other):
        """like list.extend, but for the front"""
        self._prepend[:0] = other

    def merge_into(self, other):
        Merge with another earlier LazyConfigValue or an earlier container.
        This is useful when having global system-wide configuration files.

        Self is expected to have higher precedence.

        other : LazyConfigValue or container

            if ``other`` is also lazy, a reified container otherwise.
        if isinstance(other, LazyConfigValue):
            self._extend = other._extend


            self._inserts = other._inserts

            if self._update:
                self._update = other._update
            return self
            # other is a container, reify now.
            return self.get_value(other)

    def insert(self, index, other):
        if not isinstance(index, int):
            raise TypeError("An integer is required")
        self._inserts.append((index, other))

    # dict methods
    # update is used for both dict and set
    _update = Any()

    def update(self, other):
        """Update either a set or dict"""
        if self._update is None:
            if isinstance(other, dict):
                self._update = {}
                self._update = set()

    # set methods
    def add(self, obj):
        """Add an item to a set"""

    def get_value(self, initial):
        """construct the value from the initial one

        after applying any insert / extend / update changes
        if self._value is not None:
            return self._value
        value = copy.deepcopy(initial)
        if isinstance(value, list):
            for idx, obj in self._inserts:
                value.insert(idx, obj)
            value[:0] = self._prepend

        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            if self._update:
        elif isinstance(value, set):
            if self._update:
        self._value = value
        return value

    def to_dict(self):
        """return JSONable dict form of my data

        Currently update as dict or set, extend, prepend as lists, and inserts as list of tuples.
        d = {}
        if self._update:
            d["update"] = self._update
        if self._extend:
            d["extend"] = self._extend
        if self._prepend:
            d["prepend"] = self._prepend
        elif self._inserts:
            d["inserts"] = self._inserts
        return d

    def __repr__(self):
        if self._value is not None:
            return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} value={self._value!r}>"
            return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.to_dict()!r}>"