def test_pck_transformer_parse_negative_values(self):
        """If any values in the survey are negative, they should be replaced with an all 9's string that is 11 characters long
        survey = {'survey_id': '019'}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '000'},
                    'data': {'681': '-100', '703': '-1234', '704': '-12345', '707': '-123456', '708': '-0', '709': '1234', '710': '-123word'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
        self.assertEqual(, {
            '681': '-100',
            '703': '-1234',
            '704': '-12345',
            '707': '-123456',
            '708': '-0',
            '709': '1234',
            '710': '-123word'})

        self.assertEqual(, {
            '681': '99999999999',
            '703': '99999999999',
            '704': '99999999999',
            '707': '99999999999',
            '708': '99999999999',
            '709': '1234',
            '710': '-123word'})
    def test_pck_transformer_total_playback_qss_missing_data_from_mapping(self):
        For QSS (Stocks), downstream needs to calculate the start and end of period totals.
        It does this with a mapping in the pck_transformer.  If a new formtype is added but it's not
        added to the mapping or a 'start' or 'end' key isn't present then a KeyError exception is thrown.

        scenarios = ["9999", "0033"]
        for form_type in scenarios:
            survey = {'survey_id': "017"}
            response = {
                "collection": {
                    "instrument_id": form_type
                "data": {
                    "15": "Yes",
                    "139": "7300",
                    "140": "7680",
                    "144": "2000",
                    "145": "2205",
                    "146": "A lot of changes.",
                    "149": "1800",
                    "150": "12205",

            pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
            pck_transformer.qss_questions = {
                "0033": {
                    "end": ['140', '145', '150']
            with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
    def test_pck_transformer_parse_negative_values(self):
        """If any values in the survey are negative, they should be replaced with an all 9's string that is 11 characters long
        survey = {'survey_id': '019'}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '000'},
                    'data': {'681': '-100', '703': '-1234', '704': '-12345', '707': '-123456', '708': '-0', '709': '1234', '710': '-123word'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
        self.assertEqual(, {
            '681': '-100',
            '703': '-1234',
            '704': '-12345',
            '707': '-123456',
            '708': '-0',
            '709': '1234',
            '710': '-123word'})

        self.assertEqual(, {
            '681': '99999999999',
            '703': '99999999999',
            '704': '99999999999',
            '707': '99999999999',
            '708': '99999999999',
            '709': '1234',
            '710': '-123word'})
    def test_pck_transformer_round_numeric_values_qpses():
        For QPSES, a number of values require rounding before being sent downstream.  These should round up on a .5 answer.
        scenarios = ["160", "165", "169"]
        for survey_id in scenarios:
            survey = {'survey_id': survey_id}
            response = {
                "collection": {
                    "instrument_id": "0020"
                "data": {
                    "60": 50.5,
                    "561": 50.3,
                    "562": 74.49,
                    "661": 80.1,
                    "662": 34.8,
                    "146": "A lot of changes.",

            pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)

            assert == {
                '60': '51',
                '146': 'A lot of changes.',
                '561': '50',
                '562': '74',
                '661': '80',
                '662': '35'
    def test_pck_transformer_round_numeric_values_qpses():
        For QPSES, a number of values require rounding before being sent downstream.  These should round up on a .5 answer.
        scenarios = ["160", "165", "169"]
        for survey_id in scenarios:
            survey = {'survey_id': survey_id}
            response = {
                "collection": {
                    "instrument_id": "0020"
                "data": {
                    "60": 50.5,
                    "561": 50.3,
                    "562": 74.49,
                    "661": 80.1,
                    "662": 34.8,
                    "146": "A lot of changes.",

            pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)

            assert['60'] == '51'
            assert['561'] == '50'
            assert['562'] == '74'
            assert['661'] == '80'
            assert['662'] == '35'
    def test_get_cs_form_id_invalid_survey(self):
        survey = {'survey_id': 23}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '0102'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)

        with self.assertLogs(level='ERROR') as cm:
            form_id = pck_transformer.get_cs_form_id()
            self.assertEqual(form_id, None)
            self.assertIn('Invalid survey id', cm.output[0])
    def test_pck_transformer_cannot_change_the_data_it_is_passed(self):
        """Tests that pck does not modify the data it is passed.
        Without the deep copy pck integer rounding will apply to the passed in data
        and hence get displayed in images"""

        survey = {'survey_id': '023'}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '000'}, 'data': {'item1': 'value1'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)['item1'] = 'new value'
        assert response['data']['item1'] == 'value1'
    def test_pck_transformer_cannot_change_the_data_it_is_passed(self):
        """Tests that pck does not modify the data it is passed.
        Without the deep copy pck integer rounding will apply to the passed in data
        and hence get displayed in images"""

        survey = {'survey_id': '023'}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '000'}, 'data': {'item1': 'value1'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)['item1'] = 'new value'
        assert response['data']['item1'] == 'value1'
    def test_get_cs_form_id_invalid_survey(self):
        survey = {'survey_id': 23}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '0102'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)

        with self.assertLogs(level='ERROR') as cm:
            form_id = pck_transformer.get_cs_form_id()
            self.assertEqual(form_id, None)

            msg = "ERROR:transform.transformers.common_software.pck_transformer:survey_id=23 event='Invalid survey id'"
            self.assertEqual(msg, cm.output[0])
    def test_pck_transformer_discards_qcas_confirmation_question(self):
        For QCAS, the questions 'd681' and 'd12' does not need to be transformed,
        hence can be deleted.
        survey = {'survey_id': '019'}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '000'}, 'data': {'681': '100', 'd681': 'Yes', 'd12': 'Yes'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)

        assert == {'681': '100', 'd681': 'Yes', 'd12': 'Yes'}


        assert == {'681': '100'}
    def test_pck_transformer_preprocess_comments(self):
        """Tests 2 things.  First, if every comment question (147 and all 146x) is present and 146 IS NOT in the data, then 146 is added.
        Second, all of the comment questions are removed from the submission as they're not put into the pck file.
        survey = {'survey_id': '019'}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '000'},
                    'data': {
                        "11": "03/07/2018",
                        "12": "01/10/2018",
                        "681": "123456.78",
                        "146a": "Yes",
                        "146b": "Start or end of a long term project",
                        "146c": "Site changes, for example, openings, closures, refurbishments or upgrades",
                        "146d": "End of accounting period or financial year",
                        "146e": "Normal movement for time of year",
                        "146f": "Change of business structure, merger, or takeover",
                        "146g": "One off or unusual investment",
                        "146h": "Introduction / removal of new legislation / incentive",
                        "146i": "Availability of credit",
                        "146j": "Overspend during the previous quarter",
                        "146k": "Other",
                        '147': "Yes",
                        'd12': 'Yes'}}

        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
        self.assertEqual(, {
            "11": "03/07/2018",
            "12": "01/10/2018",
            "681": "123456.78",
            "146a": "Yes",
            "146b": "Start or end of a long term project",
            "146c": "Site changes, for example, openings, closures, refurbishments or upgrades",
            "146d": "End of accounting period or financial year",
            "146e": "Normal movement for time of year",
            "146f": "Change of business structure, merger, or takeover",
            "146g": "One off or unusual investment",
            "146h": "Introduction / removal of new legislation / incentive",
            "146i": "Availability of credit",
            "146j": "Overspend during the previous quarter",
            "146k": "Other",
            '147': "Yes",
            'd12': 'Yes'})

        self.assertEqual(, {
            "11": "03/07/2018",
            "12": "01/10/2018",
            "146": 1,
            "681": "123456.78",
            'd12': 'Yes'})
    def test_pck_transformer_preprocess_comments(self):
        """Tests 2 things.  First, if every comment question (147 and all 146x) is present and 146 IS NOT in the data, then 146 is added.
        Second, all of the comment questions are removed from the submission as they're not put into the pck file.
        survey = {'survey_id': '019'}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '000'},
                    'data': {
                        "11": "03/07/2018",
                        "12": "01/10/2018",
                        "681": "123456.78",
                        "146a": "Yes",
                        "146b": "Start or end of a long term project",
                        "146c": "Site changes, for example, openings, closures, refurbishments or upgrades",
                        "146d": "End of accounting period or financial year",
                        "146e": "Normal movement for time of year",
                        "146f": "Change of business structure, merger, or takeover",
                        "146g": "One off or unusual investment",
                        "146h": "Introduction / removal of new legislation / incentive",
                        "146i": "Availability of credit",
                        "146j": "Overspend during the previous quarter",
                        "146k": "Other",
                        '147': "Yes",
                        'd12': 'Yes'}}

        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
        self.assertEqual(, {
            "11": "03/07/2018",
            "12": "01/10/2018",
            "681": "123456.78",
            "146a": "Yes",
            "146b": "Start or end of a long term project",
            "146c": "Site changes, for example, openings, closures, refurbishments or upgrades",
            "146d": "End of accounting period or financial year",
            "146e": "Normal movement for time of year",
            "146f": "Change of business structure, merger, or takeover",
            "146g": "One off or unusual investment",
            "146h": "Introduction / removal of new legislation / incentive",
            "146i": "Availability of credit",
            "146j": "Overspend during the previous quarter",
            "146k": "Other",
            '147': "Yes",
            'd12': 'Yes'})

        self.assertEqual(, {
            "11": "03/07/2018",
            "12": "01/10/2018",
            "146": 1,
            "681": "123456.78",
            'd12': 'Yes'})
    def test_pck_transformer_discards_qcas_confirmation_question(self):
        For QCAS, the questions 'd681' and 'd12' does not need to be transformed,
        hence can be deleted.
        survey = {'survey_id': '019'}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '000'}, 'data': {'681': '100', 'd681': 'Yes', 'd12': 'Yes'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)

        assert == {'681': '100', 'd681': 'Yes', 'd12': 'Yes'}


        assert == {'681': '100'}
    def test_get_cs_form_id_passes(self):
        scenarios = [
            ('023', '0102', 'RSI5B'),
            ('139', '0001', 'Q01B'),
            ('019', '0018', '0018'),
            ('019', '0019', '0019'),
            ('019', '0020', '0020')
        for survey_id, instrument_id, expected_form_id in scenarios:
            survey = {'survey_id': survey_id}
            response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': instrument_id}}
            pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
            form_id = pck_transformer.get_cs_form_id()

            assert form_id == expected_form_id
    def test_get_cs_form_id_passes(self):
        scenarios = [
            ('023', '0102', 'RSI5B'),
            ('139', '0001', 'Q01B'),
            ('019', '0018', '0018'),
            ('019', '0019', '0019'),
            ('019', '0020', '0020')
        for survey_id, instrument_id, expected_form_id in scenarios:
            survey = {'survey_id': survey_id}
            response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': instrument_id}}
            pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
            form_id = pck_transformer.get_cs_form_id()

            assert form_id == expected_form_id
    def test_pck_transformer_round_numeric_values_qss(self):
        For QSS (Stocks), a number of values require rounding before being sent downstream. These should
        be rounded to the nearest thousand.
        For example:
            - 12100 -> 12000
            - 12500 -> 13000
            - 12501 -> 13000
        scenarios = ["0001", "0002"]
        for form_type in scenarios:
            survey = {'survey_id': "017"}
            response = {
                "collection": {
                    "instrument_id": form_type
                "data": {
                    "15": "Yes",
                    "65": "311500",
                    "66": "313103",
                    "139": "7300",
                    "140": "7680",
                    "144": "2000",
                    "145": "2205",
                    "146": "A lot of changes.",
                    "149": "1800",
                    "150": "12205",

            pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)

            assert == {
                '15': "Yes",
                '65': '312',
                '66': '313',
                '139': '7',
                '140': '8',
                '144': '2',
                '145': '2',
                '146': 'A lot of changes.',
                '149': '2',
                '150': '12'
 def test_round_to_nearest_whole_number():
     """Tests the round_to_nearest_whole_number function in PCKTransformer on a variety of numbers"""
     scenarios = [
         ('200', '200'),
         ('1234.1', '1234'),
         ('1004.5', '1005'),
         ('34955.8', '34956')
     for input_value, output_value in scenarios:
         assert str(PCKTransformer.round_to_nearest_whole_number(input_value)) == output_value
    def test_pck_transformer_calculates_total_playback_qss():
        For QSS (Stocks), downstream needs to calculate the start and end of period totals.
        The fields that are added together are defined in a dictionary in the pck_transformer
        scenarios = ["0001", "0002"]
        for form_type in scenarios:
            survey = {'survey_id': "017"}
            response = {
                "collection": {
                    "instrument_id": form_type
                "data": {
                    "15": "Yes",
                    "139": "7300",
                    "140": "7680",
                    "144": "2000",
                    "145": "2205",
                    "146": "A lot of changes.",
                    "149": "1800",
                    "150": "12205",

            pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)

            assert == {
                '15': "Yes",
                '65': '11100',
                '66': '22090',
                '139': '7300',
                '140': '7680',
                '144': '2000',
                '145': '2205',
                '146': 'A lot of changes.',
                '149': '1800',
                '150': '12205'
    def test_pck_transformer_parse_yes_no_questions():
        For QSS (Stocks), qcode 15 needs to converted from Yes/No to 1/0 for the pck.
        survey = {'survey_id': '017'}

        # qcode 15 = Yes case
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '0001'}, 'data': {'15': 'Yes', '146': 'Comment question', '139': '13900'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
        assert == {'15': 'Yes', '146': 'Comment question', '139': '13900'}
        assert == {'15': '1', '146': 'Comment question', '139': '13900'}

        # qcode 15 = No case
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '0001'}, 'data': {'15': 'No', '146': 'Comment question', '139': '13900'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
        assert == {'15': 'No', '146': 'Comment question', '139': '13900'}
        assert == {'15': '0', '146': 'Comment question', '139': '13900'}
    def test_get_cs_form_id_invalid_instrument(self):
        survey = {'survey_id': '023'}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '000'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)

        with self.assertLogs(level='ERROR') as cm:
            form_id = pck_transformer.get_cs_form_id()
            self.assertEqual(form_id, None)
            self.assertIn('Invalid instrument id', cm.output[0])

        # QCAS
        survey = {'survey_id': '019'}
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '0021'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)

        with self.assertLogs(level='ERROR') as cm:
            form_id = pck_transformer.get_cs_form_id()
            self.assertEqual(form_id, None)
            self.assertIn("Invalid instrument id", cm.output[0])
    def test_pck_transformer_parse_yes_no_construction_questions():
        survey = {'survey_id': '228'}

        # q code 902, 903, 904 yes
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '0001'}, 'data': {'901': 'Yes, I can report for this period',
                                                                      '902': 'Yes, we carried out work on housing',
                                                                      '903': 'Yes, we carried out work on infrastructure',
                                                                      '904': 'Yes, we carried out other construction work'}}

        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
        assert == {'901': 'Yes, I can report for this period',
                                        '902': 'Yes, we carried out work on housing',
                                        '903': 'Yes, we carried out work on infrastructure',
                                        '904': 'Yes, we carried out other construction work'}

        assert == {'901': '1',
                                        '902': '1',
                                        '903': '1',
                                        '904': '1'}

        # q code 902, 903, 904 no
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '0001'}, 'data': {'901': 'Yes, I can report for this period',
                                                                      '902': 'No, we did not carry out work on housing',
                                                                      '903': 'No, we did not carry out work on infrastructure',
                                                                      '904': 'No, we did not carry out other construction work'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
        assert == {'901': 'Yes, I can report for this period',
                                        '902': 'No, we did not carry out work on housing',
                                        '903': 'No, we did not carry out work on infrastructure',
                                        '904': 'No, we did not carry out other construction work'}

        assert == {'901': '1',
                                        '902': '2',
                                        '903': '2',
                                        '904': '2'}
        # q code 902, 903, 904 missing
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '0001'}, 'data': {'901': 'Yes, I can report for this period'}}
        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
        assert == {'901': 'Yes, I can report for this period'}
        assert == {'901': '1',
                                        '902': '2',
                                        '903': '2',
                                        '904': '2'}

        # q code 902, 903 no 904 yes
        response = {'collection': {'instrument_id': '0001'}, 'data': {'901': 'Yes, I can report for this period',
                                                                      '902': 'No, we did not carry out work on housing',
                                                                      '903': 'No, we did not carry out work on infrastructure',
                                                                      '904': 'Yes, we carried out other construction work'}}

        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)
        assert == {'901': 'Yes, I can report for this period',
                                        '902': 'No, we did not carry out work on housing',
                                        '903': 'No, we did not carry out work on infrastructure',
                                        '904': 'Yes, we carried out other construction work'}

        assert == {'901': '1',
                                        '902': '2',
                                        '903': '2',
                                        '904': '1'}
    def test_pck_transformer_calculates_total_playback_qcas(self):
        For QCAS, downstream needs the calculated values for both acquisitions
        and proceeds from disposals to be sent in the PCK.
        survey = {'survey_id': '019'}
        response = {
            "collection": {
                "instrument_id": "0020"
            "data": {
                "11": "03/07/2018",
                "12": "01/10/2018",
                "146": "A lot of changes.",

                # Disposals
                "689": "499",
                "696": "500",
                "704": "12345.67",
                "708": "12345500",
                "710": "-499",
                "712": "-12345.67",

                # Construction
                "681": "1000",

                # Acquisitions
                "688": "1500",
                "695": "1500",
                "703": "1500",
                "707": "1500",
                "709": "1500",
                "711": "1500",

                # Mineral
                "697": "-1500",

                "146a": "Yes",
                "146b": "Start or end of a long term project",
                "146c": "Site changes, for example, openings, closures, refurbishments or upgrades",
                "146d": "End of accounting period or financial year",
                "146e": "Normal movement for time of year",
                "146f": "Change of business structure, merger, or takeover",
                "146g": "One off or unusual investment",
                "146h": "Introduction / removal of new legislation / incentive",
                "146i": "Availability of credit",
                "146j": "Overspend during the previous quarter",
                "146k": "Other",
                "d12": "Yes",
                "d681": "Yes"

        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)


        assert['689'] == '0'
        assert['696'] == '1'
        assert['704'] == '12'
        assert['708'] == '12346'
        assert['710'] == '-0'
        assert['712'] == '-12'


        # Total value of acquisitions questions for only machinery and equipments section
        assert['714'] == '12'

        # Total value of disposals questions for only machinery and equipments section
        assert['715'] == '12347'

        # Total value of all acquisitions questions
        assert['692'] == '11'

        # Total value of all disposals questions (same as '715' since constructions section and minerals sections does not have disposals question)
        assert['693'] == '12347'
    def test_pck_transformer_calculates_total_playback_qcas(self):
        For QCAS, downstream needs the calculated values for both acquisitions
        and proceeds from disposals to be sent in the PCK.
        survey = {'survey_id': '019'}
        response = {
            "collection": {
                "instrument_id": "0020"
            "data": {
                "11": "03/07/2018",
                "12": "01/10/2018",
                "146": "A lot of changes.",

                # Disposals
                "689": "499",
                "696": "500",
                "704": "12345.67",
                "708": "12345500",
                "710": "-499",
                "712": "-12345.67",

                # Construction
                "681": "1000",

                # Acquisitions
                "688": "1500",
                "695": "1500",
                "703": "1500",
                "707": "1500",
                "709": "1500",
                "711": "1500",

                # Mineral
                "697": "-1500",

                "146a": "Yes",
                "146b": "Start or end of a long term project",
                "146c": "Site changes, for example, openings, closures, refurbishments or upgrades",
                "146d": "End of accounting period or financial year",
                "146e": "Normal movement for time of year",
                "146f": "Change of business structure, merger, or takeover",
                "146g": "One off or unusual investment",
                "146h": "Introduction / removal of new legislation / incentive",
                "146i": "Availability of credit",
                "146j": "Overspend during the previous quarter",
                "146k": "Other",
                "d12": "Yes",
                "d681": "Yes"

        pck_transformer = PCKTransformer(survey, response)


        assert['689'] == '0'
        assert['696'] == '1'
        assert['704'] == '12'
        assert['708'] == '12346'
        assert['710'] == '-0'
        assert['712'] == '-12'


        # Total value of acquisitions questions for only machinery and equipments section
        assert['714'] == '12'

        # Total value of disposals questions for only machinery and equipments section
        assert['715'] == '12347'

        # Total value of all acquisitions questions
        assert['692'] == '11'

        # Total value of all disposals questions (same as '715' since constructions section and minerals sections does not have disposals question)
        assert['693'] == '12347'