Example #1
class Thing(object):

    # static name, for type indexing
    NAME = 'thing'

    def __init__(self, trans=[0] * 6, vel=[0] * 6, radius=0.25):
        # cosmetic name, specific to this instance
        self.name = ''
        # set spatial member vars
        self.position = Transform(is_velocity=False,
        self.velocity = Transform(is_velocity=True, pos=vel[:3], rot=vel[3:])
        self.radius = 0.25
        # set simulation parameters
        self.vote_exit = False
        self.force_exit = False
        # metrics; add to this for output
        self.metrics = dict()

    # update myself in the world. all other things are passed, for convenience
    # this should be extended!
    def update(self, delta, others):
        self.metrics['position'] = self.position.get_pos().tolist()

    # test for collision
    def is_colliding(self, other):
        return norm(self.position.get_pos() -
                    other.position.get_pos()) < self.radius + other.radius

    # return an instance of myself from a dictionary
    # subclass for more specific behavior
    def from_dict(properties):
        if properties is None:
            return Thing()
        trans = properties['trans'] if 'trans' in properties else [0] * 6
        vel = properties['vel'] if 'vel' in properties else [0] * 6
        rad = properties['rad'] if 'rad' in properties else 0.25
        return Thing(trans, vel, rad)