Example #1
def get_paths_extents(paths, transforms=[]):
    Given a sequence of :class:`Path` objects and optional
    :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` objects, returns the
    bounding box that encapsulates all of them.

    *paths* is a sequence of :class:`Path` instances.

    *transforms* is an optional sequence of
    :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D` instances to apply to
    each path.
    from transforms import Bbox, Affine2D
    if len(paths) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No paths provided")
    return Bbox.from_extents(*_path.get_path_collection_extents(
        Affine2D(), paths, transforms, [], Affine2D()))
Example #2
 def _draw_thin_diamond(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
     gc.set_snap(renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize) >= 3.0)
     offset = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
     transform = Affine2D().translate(-0.5, -0.5) \
         .rotate_deg(45).scale(offset * 0.6, offset)
     rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
     renderer.draw_markers(gc, Path.unit_rectangle(), transform, path,
                           path_trans, rgbFace)
Example #3
 def _draw_star(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
     gc.set_snap(renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize) >= 5.0)
     offset = 0.5 * renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
     transform = Affine2D().scale(offset)
     rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
     _starpath = Path.unit_regular_star(5, innerCircle=0.381966)
     renderer.draw_markers(gc, _starpath, transform, path, path_trans,
Example #4
 def _draw_point(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
     w = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize) * \
         self._point_size_reduction * 0.5
     gc.set_snap(renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize) > 3.0)
     rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
     transform = Affine2D().scale(w)
     renderer.draw_markers(gc, Path.unit_circle(), transform, path,
                           path_trans, rgbFace)
Example #5
    def __init__(
            figsize=None,  # defaults to rc figure.figsize
            dpi=None,  # defaults to rc figure.dpi
            facecolor=None,  # defaults to rc figure.facecolor
            edgecolor=None,  # defaults to rc figure.edgecolor
            linewidth=1.0,  # the default linewidth of the frame
            frameon=True,  # whether or not to draw the figure frame
            subplotpars=None,  # default to rc
        figsize is a w,h tuple in inches
        dpi is dots per inch
        subplotpars is a SubplotParams instance, defaults to rc

        if figsize is None: figsize = rcParams['figure.figsize']
        if dpi is None: dpi = rcParams['figure.dpi']
        if facecolor is None: facecolor = rcParams['figure.facecolor']
        if edgecolor is None: edgecolor = rcParams['figure.edgecolor']

        self._dpi_scale_trans = Affine2D()
        self.dpi = dpi
        self.bbox_inches = Bbox.from_bounds(0, 0, *figsize)
        self.bbox = TransformedBbox(self.bbox_inches, self._dpi_scale_trans)

        self.frameon = frameon

        self.transFigure = BboxTransformTo(self.bbox)

        self.figurePatch = Rectangle(
            xy=(0, 0),

        self._hold = rcParams['axes.hold']
        self.canvas = None

        if subplotpars is None:
            subplotpars = SubplotParams()

        self.subplotpars = subplotpars

        self._axstack = Stack()  # maintain the current axes
        self.axes = []

        self._cachedRenderer = None
        self._autoLayout = rcParams['figure.autolayout']
Example #6
 def _set_pixel(self):
     self._path = Path.unit_rectangle()
     # Ideally, you'd want -0.5, -0.5 here, but then the snapping
     # algorithm in the Agg backend will round this to a 2x2
     # rectangle from (-1, -1) to (1, 1).  By offsetting it
     # slightly, we can force it to be (0, 0) to (1, 1), which both
     # makes it only be a single pixel and places it correctly
     # aligned to 1-width stroking (i.e. the ticks).  This hack is
     # the best of a number of bad alternatives, mainly because the
     # backends are not aware of what marker is actually being used
     # beyond just its path data.
     self._transform = Affine2D().translate(-0.49999, -0.49999)
     self._snap_threshold = None
Example #7
    def _set_circle(self, reduction=1.0):
        self._transform = Affine2D().scale(0.5 * reduction)
        self._snap_threshold = 6.0
        fs = self.get_fillstyle()
        if not self._half_fill():
            self._path = Path.unit_circle()
            # build a right-half circle
            if fs == 'bottom': rotate = 270.
            elif fs == 'top': rotate = 90.
            elif fs == 'left': rotate = 180.
            else: rotate = 0.

            self._path = self._alt_path = Path.unit_circle_righthalf()
            self._alt_transform = self._transform.frozen().rotate_deg(180.)
Example #8
    def _set_diamond(self):
        self._transform = Affine2D().translate(-0.5, -0.5).rotate_deg(45)
        self._snap_threshold = 5.0
        fs = self.get_fillstyle()
        if fs=='full':
            self._path = Path.unit_rectangle()
            self._path = Path([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0]])
            self._alt_path = Path([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0]])

            if fs=='bottom': rotate = 270.
            elif fs=='top': rotate = 90.
            elif fs=='left': rotate = 180.
            else: rotate = 0.

            self._alt_transform = self._transform
Example #9
    def get_tightbbox(self, renderer):
        Return a (tight) bounding box of the figure in inches.

        It only accounts axes title, axis labels, and axis
        ticklabels. Needs improvement.

        bb = []
        for ax in self.axes:
            if ax.get_visible():

        _bbox = Bbox.union([b for b in bb if b.width != 0 or b.height != 0])

        bbox_inches = TransformedBbox(_bbox, Affine2D().scale(1. / self.dpi))

        return bbox_inches
Example #10
    def _set_square(self):
        self._transform = Affine2D().translate(-0.5, -0.5)
        self._snap_threshold = 2.0
        fs = self.get_fillstyle()
        if fs=='full':
            self._path = Path.unit_rectangle()
            # build a bottom filled square out of two rectangles, one
            # filled.  Use the rotation to support left, right, bottom
            # or top
            if fs=='bottom': rotate = 0.
            elif fs=='top': rotate = 180.
            elif fs=='left': rotate = 270.
            else: rotate = 90.

            self._path = Path([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.0]])
            self._alt_path = Path([[0.0, 0.5], [1.0, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.5]])
            self._alt_transform = self._transform
Example #11
 def _set_tuple_marker(self):
     marker = self._marker
     if is_numlike(marker[0]):
         if len(marker) == 2:
             numsides, rotation = marker[0], 0.0
         elif len(marker) == 3:
             numsides, rotation = marker[0], marker[2]
         symstyle = marker[1]
         if symstyle == 0:
             self._path = Path.unit_regular_polygon(numsides)
         elif symstyle == 1:
             self._path = Path.unit_regular_star(numsides)
         elif symstyle == 2:
             self._path = Path.unit_regular_asterisk(numsides)
             self._filled = False
         elif symstyle == 3:
             self._path = Path.unit_circle()
         self._transform = Affine2D().scale(0.5).rotate_deg(rotation)
         verts = np.asarray(marker[0])
         path = Path(verts)
Example #12
    def _set_octagon(self):
        self._transform = Affine2D().scale(0.5)
        self._snap_threshold = 5.0

        fs = self.get_fillstyle()
        polypath = Path.unit_regular_polygon(8)

        if fs == 'full':
            self._path = polypath
            x = np.sqrt(2.)/4.
            half = Path([[0, -1], [0, 1], [-x, 1], [-1, x],
                         [-1, -x], [-x, -1], [0, -1]])

            if fs=='bottom': rotate = 90.
            elif fs=='top': rotate = 270.
            elif fs=='right': rotate = 180.
            else: rotate = 0.

            self._path = self._alt_path = half
            self._alt_transform = self._transform.frozen().rotate_deg(180.0)
Example #13
class Line2D(Artist):
    lineStyles = _lineStyles =  { # hidden names deprecated
        '-'          : '_draw_solid',
        '--'         : '_draw_dashed',
        '-.'         : '_draw_dash_dot',
        ':'          : '_draw_dotted',
        'steps'      : '_draw_steps_pre',
        'steps-mid'  : '_draw_steps_mid',
        'steps-pre'  : '_draw_steps_pre',
        'steps-post' : '_draw_steps_post',
        'None'       : '_draw_nothing',
        ' '          : '_draw_nothing',
        ''           : '_draw_nothing',

    markers = _markers =  {  # hidden names deprecated
        '.'  : '_draw_point',
        ','  : '_draw_pixel',
        'o'  : '_draw_circle',
        'v'  : '_draw_triangle_down',
        '^'  : '_draw_triangle_up',
        '<'  : '_draw_triangle_left',
        '>'  : '_draw_triangle_right',
        '1'  : '_draw_tri_down',
        '2'  : '_draw_tri_up',
        '3'  : '_draw_tri_left',
        '4'  : '_draw_tri_right',
        's'  : '_draw_square',
        'p'  : '_draw_pentagon',
        'h'  : '_draw_hexagon1',
        'H'  : '_draw_hexagon2',
        '+'  : '_draw_plus',
        'x'  : '_draw_x',
        'D'  : '_draw_diamond',
        'd'  : '_draw_thin_diamond',
        '|'  : '_draw_vline',
        '_'  : '_draw_hline',
        TICKLEFT    : '_draw_tickleft',
        TICKRIGHT   : '_draw_tickright',
        TICKUP      : '_draw_tickup',
        TICKDOWN    : '_draw_tickdown',
        CARETLEFT   : '_draw_caretleft',
        CARETRIGHT  : '_draw_caretright',
        CARETUP     : '_draw_caretup',
        CARETDOWN   : '_draw_caretdown',
        'None' : '_draw_nothing',
        ' ' : '_draw_nothing',
        '' : '_draw_nothing',

    filled_markers = ('o', '^', 'v', '<', '>', 's', 'd', 'D', 'h', 'H', 'p')

    zorder = 2
    validCap = ('butt', 'round', 'projecting')
    validJoin =   ('miter', 'round', 'bevel')

    def __str__(self):
        if self._label != "":
            return "Line2D(%s)"%(self._label)
        elif hasattr(self, '_x') and len(self._x) > 3:
            return "Line2D((%g,%g),(%g,%g),...,(%g,%g))"\
        elif hasattr(self, '_x'):
            return "Line2D(%s)"\
                %(",".join(["(%g,%g)"%(x,y) for x,y in zip(self._x,self._y)]))
            return "Line2D()"

    def __init__(self, xdata, ydata,
                 linewidth       = None, # all Nones default to rc
                 linestyle       = None,
                 color           = None,
                 marker          = None,
                 markersize      = None,
                 markeredgewidth = None,
                 markeredgecolor = None,
                 markerfacecolor = None,
                 antialiased     = None,
                 dash_capstyle   = None,
                 solid_capstyle  = None,
                 dash_joinstyle  = None,
                 solid_joinstyle = None,
                 pickradius      = 5,
        Create a Line2D instance with x and y data in sequences xdata,

        The kwargs are Line2D properties:
          alpha: float
          animated: [True | False]
          antialiased or aa: [True | False]
          clip_box: a matplotlib.transform.Bbox instance
          clip_on: [True | False]
          color or c: any matplotlib color
          dash_capstyle: ['butt' | 'round' | 'projecting']
          dash_joinstyle: ['miter' | 'round' | 'bevel']
          dashes: sequence of on/off ink in points
          data: (np.array xdata, np.array ydata)
          figure: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance
          label: any string
          linestyle or ls: [ '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'steps' | 'steps-pre' | 'steps-mid' | 'steps-post' | 'None' | ' ' | '' ]
          linewidth or lw: float value in points
          lod: [True | False]
          marker: [ '+' | ',' | '.' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4'
          markeredgecolor or mec: any matplotlib color
          markeredgewidth or mew: float value in points (default 5)
          markerfacecolor or mfc: any matplotlib color
          markersize or ms: float
          pickradius: mouse event radius for pick items in points (default 5)
          solid_capstyle: ['butt' | 'round' |  'projecting']
          solid_joinstyle: ['miter' | 'round' | 'bevel']
          transform: a matplotlib.transform transformation instance
          visible: [True | False]
          xdata: np.array
          ydata: np.array
          zorder: any number

        #convert sequences to numpy arrays
        if not iterable(xdata):
            raise RuntimeError('xdata must be a sequence')
        if not iterable(ydata):
            raise RuntimeError('ydata must be a sequence')

        if linewidth is None   : linewidth=rcParams['lines.linewidth']

        if linestyle is None   : linestyle=rcParams['lines.linestyle']
        if marker is None      : marker=rcParams['lines.marker']
        if color is None       : color=rcParams['lines.color']
        if markeredgecolor is None :
        if markerfacecolor is None :
        if markeredgewidth is None :

        if markersize is None  : markersize=rcParams['lines.markersize']
        if antialiased is None : antialiased=rcParams['lines.antialiased']
        if dash_capstyle is None : dash_capstyle=rcParams['lines.dash_capstyle']
        if dash_joinstyle is None : dash_joinstyle=rcParams['lines.dash_joinstyle']
        if solid_capstyle is None : solid_capstyle=rcParams['lines.solid_capstyle']
        if solid_joinstyle is None : solid_joinstyle=rcParams['lines.solid_joinstyle']


        self._dashSeq = None

        self._point_size_reduction = 0.5

        self.verticalOffset = None

        # update kwargs before updating data to give the caller a
        # chance to init axes (and hence unit support)
        self.pickradius = pickradius
        if is_numlike(self._picker):
            self.pickradius = self._picker

        self._xorig = np.asarray([])
        self._yorig = np.asarray([])
        self._invalid = True
        self.set_data(xdata, ydata)

    def contains(self, mouseevent):
        """Test whether the mouse event occurred on the line.  The pick radius determines
        the precision of the location test (usually within five points of the value).  Use
        get/set pickradius() to view or modify it.

        Returns True if any values are within the radius along with {'ind': pointlist},
        np.where pointlist is the set of points within the radius.

        TODO: sort returned indices by distance
        if callable(self._contains): return self._contains(self,mouseevent)

        if not is_numlike(self.pickradius):
            raise ValueError,"pick radius should be a distance"

        # transform in backend
        if len(self._xy)==0: return False,{}

        xyt = self._transformed_path.get_fully_transformed_path().vertices
        xt = xyt[:, 0]
        yt = xyt[:, 1]

        if self.figure == None:
            print str(self),' has no figure set'
            pixels = self.pickradius
            pixels = self.figure.dpi/72. * self.pickradius

        if self._linestyle == 'None':
            # If no line, return the nearby point(s)
            d = np.sqrt((xt-mouseevent.x)**2 + (yt-mouseevent.y)**2)
            ind, = np.nonzero(np.less_equal(d, pixels))
            # If line, return the nearby segment(s)
            ind = segment_hits(mouseevent.x,mouseevent.y,xt,yt,pixels)
        if 0:
            print 'xt', xt, mouseevent.x
            print 'yt', yt, mouseevent.y
            print 'd', (xt-mouseevent.x)**2., (yt-mouseevent.y)**2.
            print d, pixels, ind
        return len(ind)>0,dict(ind=ind)

    def get_pickradius(self):
        'return the pick radius used for containment tests'
        return self.pickradius

    def set_pickradius(self,d):
        """Sets the pick radius used for containment tests

        Accepts: float distance in points.
        self.pickradius = d

    def set_picker(self,p):
        """Sets the event picker details for the line.

        Accepts: float distance in points or callable pick function fn(artist,event)
        if callable(p):
            self._contains = p
            self.pickradius = p
        self._picker = p

    def get_window_extent(self, renderer):
        bbox = Bbox.unit()
        # correct for marker size, if any
        if self._marker is not None:
            ms = (self._markersize / 72.0 * self.figure.dpi) * 0.5
            bbox = bbox.padded(ms)
        return bbox

    def set_axes(self, ax):
        Artist.set_axes(self, ax)
        if ax.xaxis is not None:
            self._xcid = ax.xaxis.callbacks.connect('units', self.recache)
        if ax.yaxis is not None:
            self._ycid = ax.yaxis.callbacks.connect('units', self.recache)

    def set_data(self, *args):
        Set the x and y data

        ACCEPTS: (np.array xdata, np.array ydata)
        if len(args)==1:
            x, y = args[0]
            x, y = args

        not_masked = 0
        if not ma.isMaskedArray(x):
            x = np.asarray(x)
            not_masked += 1
        if not ma.isMaskedArray(y):
            y = np.asarray(y)
            not_masked += 1

        if (not_masked < 2 or
            (x is not self._xorig and
             (x.shape != self._xorig.shape or np.any(x != self._xorig))) or
            (y is not self._yorig and
              (y.shape != self._yorig.shape or np.any(y != self._yorig)))):
            self._xorig = x
            self._yorig = y
            self._invalid = True

    def recache(self):
        #if self.axes is None: print 'recache no axes'
        #else: print 'recache units', self.axes.xaxis.units, self.axes.yaxis.units
        if ma.isMaskedArray(self._xorig) or ma.isMaskedArray(self._yorig):
            x = ma.asarray(self.convert_xunits(self._xorig), float)
            y = ma.asarray(self.convert_yunits(self._yorig), float)
            x = ma.ravel(x)
            y = ma.ravel(y)
            x = np.asarray(self.convert_xunits(self._xorig), float)
            y = np.asarray(self.convert_yunits(self._yorig), float)
            x = np.ravel(x)
            y = np.ravel(y)

        if len(x)==1 and len(y)>1:
            x = x * np.ones(y.shape, float)
        if len(y)==1 and len(x)>1:
            y = y * np.ones(x.shape, float)

        if len(x) != len(y):
            raise RuntimeError('xdata and ydata must be the same length')

        x = x.reshape((len(x), 1))
        y = y.reshape((len(y), 1))

        if ma.isMaskedArray(x) or ma.isMaskedArray(y):
            self._xy = ma.concatenate((x, y), 1)
            self._xy = np.concatenate((x, y), 1)
        self._x = self._xy[:, 0] # just a view
        self._y = self._xy[:, 1] # just a view

        # Masked arrays are now handled by the Path class itself
        self._path = Path(self._xy)
        self._transformed_path = TransformedPath(self._path, self.get_transform())

        self._invalid = False

    def set_transform(self, t):
        set the Transformation instance used by this artist

        ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Transform instance
        Artist.set_transform(self, t)
        self._invalid = True
        # self._transformed_path = TransformedPath(self._path, self.get_transform())

    def _is_sorted(self, x):
        "return true if x is sorted"
        if len(x)<2: return 1
        return np.alltrue(x[1:]-x[0:-1]>=0)

    def draw(self, renderer):
        if self._invalid:


        if not self._visible: return
        gc = renderer.new_gc()

        if self.is_dashed():
            cap = self._dashcapstyle
            join = self._dashjoinstyle
            cap = self._solidcapstyle
            join = self._solidjoinstyle

        funcname = self._lineStyles.get(self._linestyle, '_draw_nothing')
        if funcname != '_draw_nothing':
            tpath, affine = self._transformed_path.get_transformed_path_and_affine()
            lineFunc = getattr(self, funcname)
            lineFunc(renderer, gc, tpath, affine.frozen())

        if self._marker is not None:
            gc = renderer.new_gc()
            funcname = self._markers.get(self._marker, '_draw_nothing')
            if funcname != '_draw_nothing':
                tpath, affine = self._transformed_path.get_transformed_path_and_affine()
                markerFunc = getattr(self, funcname)
                markerFunc(renderer, gc, tpath, affine.frozen())


    def get_antialiased(self): return self._antialiased
    def get_color(self): return self._color
    def get_linestyle(self): return self._linestyle

    def get_linewidth(self): return self._linewidth
    def get_marker(self): return self._marker

    def get_markeredgecolor(self):
        if (is_string_like(self._markeredgecolor) and
            self._markeredgecolor == 'auto'):
            if self._marker in self.filled_markers:
                return 'k'
                return self._color
            return self._markeredgecolor

        return self._markeredgecolor
    def get_markeredgewidth(self): return self._markeredgewidth

    def get_markerfacecolor(self):
        if (self._markerfacecolor is None or
            (is_string_like(self._markerfacecolor) and
             self._markerfacecolor.lower()=='none') ):
            return self._markerfacecolor
        elif (is_string_like(self._markerfacecolor) and
              self._markerfacecolor.lower() == 'auto'):
            return self._color
            return self._markerfacecolor

    def get_markersize(self): return self._markersize

    def get_data(self, orig=True):
        'return the xdata, ydata; if orig is True, return the original data'
        return self.get_xdata(orig=orig), self.get_ydata(orig=orig)

    def get_xdata(self, orig=True):
        return the xdata; if orig is true return the original data,
        else the processed data
        if orig:
            return self._xorig
        if self._invalid:
        return self._x

    def get_ydata(self, orig=True):
        return the ydata; if orig is true return the original data,
        else the processed data
        if orig:
            return self._yorig
        if self._invalid:
        return self._y

    def get_path(self):
        Return the Path object associated with this line.
        if self._invalid:
        return self._path

    def get_xydata(self):
        if self._invalid:
        return self._xy

    def set_antialiased(self, b):
        True if line should be drawin with antialiased rendering

        ACCEPTS: [True | False]
        self._antialiased = b

    def set_color(self, color):
        Set the color of the line

        ACCEPTS: any matplotlib color
        self._color = color

    def set_linewidth(self, w):
        Set the line width in points

        ACCEPTS: float value in points
        self._linewidth = w

    def set_linestyle(self, linestyle):
        Set the linestyle of the line

        'steps' is equivalent to 'steps-pre' and is maintained for

        ACCEPTS: [ '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'steps' | 'steps-pre' | 'steps-mid' | 'steps-post' | 'None' | ' ' | '' ]
        if linestyle not in self._lineStyles:
            if ls_mapper.has_key(linestyle):
                linestyle = ls_mapper[linestyle]
                verbose.report('Unrecognized line style %s, %s' %
                                            (linestyle, type(linestyle)))
        if linestyle in [' ','']:
            linestyle = 'None'
        self._linestyle = linestyle
        self._lineFunc = self._lineStyles[linestyle]

    def set_marker(self, marker):
        Set the line marker

        ACCEPTS: [ '+' | ',' | '.' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4'
                 | '<' | '>' | 'D' | 'H' | '^' | '_' | 'd'
                 | 'h' | 'o' | 'p' | 's' | 'v' | 'x' | '|'
                 | 'None' | ' ' | '' ]

        if marker not in self._markers:
            verbose.report('Unrecognized marker style %s, %s' %
                                            (marker, type(marker)))
        if marker in [' ','']:
            marker = 'None'
        self._marker = marker
        self._markerFunc = self._markers[marker]

    def set_markeredgecolor(self, ec):
        Set the marker edge color

        ACCEPTS: any matplotlib color
        self._markeredgecolor = ec

    def set_markeredgewidth(self, ew):
        Set the marker edge width in points

        ACCEPTS: float value in points
        self._markeredgewidth = ew

    def set_markerfacecolor(self, fc):
        Set the marker face color

        ACCEPTS: any matplotlib color
        self._markerfacecolor = fc

    def set_markersize(self, sz):
        Set the marker size in points

        ACCEPTS: float
        self._markersize = sz

    def set_xdata(self, x):
        Set the data np.array for x

        ACCEPTS: np.array
        x = np.asarray(x)
        self.set_data(x, self._yorig)

    def set_ydata(self, y):
        Set the data np.array for y

        ACCEPTS: np.array
        y = np.asarray(y)
        self.set_data(self._xorig, y)

    def set_dashes(self, seq):
        Set the dash sequence, sequence of dashes with on off ink in
        points.  If seq is empty or if seq = (None, None), the
        linestyle will be set to solid.

        ACCEPTS: sequence of on/off ink in points
        if seq == (None, None) or len(seq)==0:
        self._dashSeq = seq  # TODO: offset ignored for now

    def _draw_nothing(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def _draw_solid(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):
        renderer.draw_path(gc, path, trans)

    def _draw_steps_pre(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):
        vertices = self._xy
        steps = ma.zeros((2*len(vertices)-1, 2), np.float_)

        steps[0::2, 0], steps[1::2, 0] = vertices[:, 0], vertices[:-1, 0]
        steps[0::2, 1], steps[1:-1:2, 1] = vertices[:, 1], vertices[1:, 1]

        path = Path(steps)
        self._draw_solid(renderer, gc, path, trans)

    def _draw_steps_post(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):
        vertices = self._xy
        steps = ma.zeros((2*len(vertices)-1, 2), np.float_)

        steps[::2, 0], steps[1:-1:2, 0] = vertices[:, 0], vertices[1:, 0]
        steps[0::2, 1], steps[1::2, 1] = vertices[:, 1], vertices[:-1, 1]

        path = Path(steps)
        self._draw_solid(renderer, gc, path, trans)

    def _draw_steps_mid(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):
        vertices = self._xy
        steps = ma.zeros((2*len(vertices), 2), np.float_)

        steps[1:-1:2, 0] = 0.5 * (vertices[:-1, 0] + vertices[1:, 0])
        steps[2::2, 0] = 0.5 * (vertices[:-1, 0] + vertices[1:, 0])
        steps[0, 0] = vertices[0, 0]
        steps[-1, 0] = vertices[-1, 0]
        steps[0::2, 1], steps[1::2, 1] = vertices[:, 1], vertices[:, 1]

        path = Path(steps)
        self._draw_solid(renderer, gc, path, trans)

    def _draw_dashed(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):
        if self._dashSeq is not None:
            gc.set_dashes(0, self._dashSeq)

        renderer.draw_path(gc, path, trans)

    def _draw_dash_dot(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):
        renderer.draw_path(gc, path, trans)

    def _draw_dotted(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):
        renderer.draw_path(gc, path, trans)

    def _draw_point(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        w = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize) * \
            self._point_size_reduction * 0.5
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        transform = Affine2D().scale(w)
            gc, Path.unit_circle(), transform, path, path_trans,

    _draw_pixel_transform = Affine2D().translate(-0.5, -0.5)
    def _draw_pixel(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, Path.unit_rectangle(),
                              path, path_trans, rgbFace)

    def _draw_circle(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        w = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize) * 0.5
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        transform = Affine2D().scale(w, w)
            gc, Path.unit_circle(), transform, path, path_trans,

    _triangle_path = Path([[0.0, 1.0], [-1.0, -1.0], [1.0, -1.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
    def _draw_triangle_up(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset, offset)
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._triangle_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans, rgbFace)

    def _draw_triangle_down(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset, -offset)
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._triangle_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans, rgbFace)

    def _draw_triangle_left(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset, offset).rotate_deg(90)
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._triangle_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans, rgbFace)

    def _draw_triangle_right(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset, offset).rotate_deg(-90)
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._triangle_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans, rgbFace)

    def _draw_square(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        side = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().translate(-0.5, -0.5).scale(side)
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, Path.unit_rectangle(), transform,
                              path, path_trans, rgbFace)

    def _draw_diamond(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        side = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().translate(-0.5, -0.5).rotate_deg(45).scale(side)
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, Path.unit_rectangle(), transform,
                              path, path_trans, rgbFace)

    def _draw_thin_diamond(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().translate(-0.5, -0.5) \
            .rotate_deg(45).scale(offset * 0.6, offset)
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, Path.unit_rectangle(), transform,
                              path, path_trans, rgbFace)

    def _draw_pentagon(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5 * renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset)
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, Path.unit_regular_polygon(5), transform,
                              path, path_trans, rgbFace)

    def _draw_hexagon1(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5 * renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset)
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, Path.unit_regular_polygon(6), transform,
                              path, path_trans, rgbFace)

    def _draw_hexagon2(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5 * renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset).rotate_deg(30)
        rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, Path.unit_regular_polygon(6), transform,
                              path, path_trans, rgbFace)

    _line_marker_path = Path([[0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
    def _draw_vline(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._line_marker_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    def _draw_hline(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset).rotate_deg(90)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._line_marker_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    _tickhoriz_path = Path([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
    def _draw_tickleft(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        marker_transform = Affine2D().scale(-offset, 1.0)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._tickhoriz_path, marker_transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    def _draw_tickright(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        marker_transform = Affine2D().scale(offset, 1.0)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._tickhoriz_path, marker_transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    _tickvert_path = Path([[-0.0, 0.0], [-0.0, 1.0]])
    def _draw_tickup(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        marker_transform = Affine2D().scale(1.0, offset)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._tickvert_path, marker_transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    def _draw_tickdown(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        marker_transform = Affine2D().scale(1.0, -offset)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._tickvert_path, marker_transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    _plus_path = Path([[-1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0],
                       [0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 1.0]],
                      [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO,
                       Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO])
    def _draw_plus(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._plus_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    _tri_path = Path([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0],
                      [0.0, 0.0], [0.8, 0.5],
                      [0.0, 0.0], [-0.8, 0.5]],
                     [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO,
                      Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO,
                      Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO])
    def _draw_tri_down(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._tri_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    def _draw_tri_up(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset).rotate_deg(180)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._tri_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    def _draw_tri_left(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset).rotate_deg(90)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._tri_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    def _draw_tri_right(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset).rotate_deg(270)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._tri_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    _caret_path = Path([[-1.0, 1.5], [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.5]])
    def _draw_caretdown(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._caret_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    def _draw_caretup(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset).rotate_deg(180)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._caret_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    def _draw_caretleft(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset).rotate_deg(270)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._caret_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    def _draw_caretright(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset).rotate_deg(90)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._caret_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    _x_path = Path([[-1.0, -1.0], [1.0, 1.0],
                    [-1.0, 1.0], [1.0, -1.0]],
                   [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO,
                    Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO])
    def _draw_x(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
        offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
        transform = Affine2D().scale(offset)
        renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._x_path, transform,
                              path, path_trans)

    def update_from(self, other):
        'copy properties from other to self'
        Artist.update_from(self, other)
        self._linestyle = other._linestyle
        self._linewidth = other._linewidth
        self._color = other._color
        self._markersize = other._markersize
        self._markerfacecolor = other._markerfacecolor
        self._markeredgecolor = other._markeredgecolor
        self._markeredgewidth = other._markeredgewidth
        self._dashSeq = other._dashSeq
        self._dashcapstyle = other._dashcapstyle
        self._dashjoinstyle = other._dashjoinstyle
        self._solidcapstyle = other._solidcapstyle
        self._solidjoinstyle = other._solidjoinstyle

        self._linestyle = other._linestyle
        self._marker = other._marker

    def _get_rgb_face(self):
        facecolor = self.get_markerfacecolor()
        if is_string_like(facecolor) and facecolor.lower()=='none':
            rgbFace = None
            rgbFace = colorConverter.to_rgb(facecolor)
        return rgbFace

    # some aliases....
    def set_aa(self, val):
        'alias for set_antialiased'

    def set_c(self, val):
        'alias for set_color'

    def set_ls(self, val):
        'alias for set_linestyle'

    def set_lw(self, val):
        'alias for set_linewidth'

    def set_mec(self, val):
        'alias for set_markeredgecolor'

    def set_mew(self, val):
        'alias for set_markeredgewidth'

    def set_mfc(self, val):
        'alias for set_markerfacecolor'

    def set_ms(self, val):
        'alias for set_markersize'

    def get_aa(self):
        'alias for get_antialiased'
        return self.get_antialiased()

    def get_c(self):
        'alias for get_color'
        return self.get_color()

    def get_ls(self):
        'alias for get_linestyle'
        return self.get_linestyle()

    def get_lw(self):
        'alias for get_linewidth'
        return self.get_linewidth()

    def get_mec(self):
        'alias for get_markeredgecolor'
        return self.get_markeredgecolor()

    def get_mew(self):
        'alias for get_markeredgewidth'
        return self.get_markeredgewidth()

    def get_mfc(self):
        'alias for get_markerfacecolor'
        return self.get_markerfacecolor()

    def get_ms(self):
        'alias for get_markersize'
        return self.get_markersize()

    def set_dash_joinstyle(self, s):
        Set the join style for dashed linestyles
        ACCEPTS: ['miter' | 'round' | 'bevel']
        s = s.lower()
        if s not in self.validJoin:
            raise ValueError('set_dash_joinstyle passed "%s";\n' % (s,)
                  + 'valid joinstyles are %s' % (self.validJoin,))
        self._dashjoinstyle = s

    def set_solid_joinstyle(self, s):
        Set the join style for solid linestyles
        ACCEPTS: ['miter' | 'round' | 'bevel']
        s = s.lower()
        if s not in self.validJoin:
            raise ValueError('set_solid_joinstyle passed "%s";\n' % (s,)
                  + 'valid joinstyles are %s' % (self.validJoin,))
        self._solidjoinstyle = s

    def get_dash_joinstyle(self):
        Get the join style for dashed linestyles
        return self._dashjoinstyle

    def get_solid_joinstyle(self):
        Get the join style for solid linestyles
        return self._solidjoinstyle

    def set_dash_capstyle(self, s):
        Set the cap style for dashed linestyles
        ACCEPTS: ['butt' | 'round' | 'projecting']
        s = s.lower()
        if s not in self.validCap:
            raise ValueError('set_dash_capstyle passed "%s";\n' % (s,)
                  + 'valid capstyles are %s' % (self.validCap,))

        self._dashcapstyle = s

    def set_solid_capstyle(self, s):
        Set the cap style for solid linestyles
        ACCEPTS: ['butt' | 'round' |  'projecting']
        s = s.lower()
        if s not in self.validCap:
            raise ValueError('set_solid_capstyle passed "%s";\n' % (s,)
                  + 'valid capstyles are %s' % (self.validCap,))

        self._solidcapstyle = s

    def get_dash_capstyle(self):
        Get the cap style for dashed linestyles
        return self._dashcapstyle

    def get_solid_capstyle(self):
        Get the cap style for solid linestyles
        return self._solidcapstyle

    def is_dashed(self):
        'return True if line is dashstyle'
        return self._linestyle in ('--', '-.', ':')
Example #14
 def _set_x(self):
     self._transform = Affine2D().scale(0.5)
     self._snap_threshold = 3.0
     self._filled = False
     self._path = self._x_path
Example #15
 def _set_caretright(self):
     self._transform = Affine2D().scale(0.5).rotate_deg(90)
     self._snap_threshold = 3.0
     self._filled = False
     self._path = self._caret_path
     self._joinstyle = 'miter'
Example #16
 def _set_caretdown(self):
     self._transform = Affine2D().scale(0.5)
     self._snap_threshold = 3.0
     self._filled = False
     self._path = self._caret_path
     self._joinstyle = 'miter'
Example #17
 def _draw_x(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
     offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
     transform = Affine2D().scale(offset)
     renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._x_path, transform,
                           path, path_trans)
Example #18
 def _draw_tickdown(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
     offset = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
     marker_transform = Affine2D().scale(1.0, -offset)
     renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._tickvert_path, marker_transform,
                           path, path_trans)
Example #19
 def _draw_hexagon2(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
     offset = 0.5 * renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
     transform = Affine2D().scale(offset).rotate_deg(30)
     rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
     renderer.draw_markers(gc, Path.unit_regular_polygon(6), transform,
                           path, path_trans, rgbFace)
Example #20
 def _draw_triangle_right(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
     offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
     transform = Affine2D().scale(offset, offset).rotate_deg(-90)
     rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
     renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._triangle_path, transform,
                           path, path_trans, rgbFace)
Example #21
 def _draw_diamond(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
     side = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
     transform = Affine2D().translate(-0.5, -0.5).rotate_deg(45).scale(side)
     rgbFace = self._get_rgb_face()
     renderer.draw_markers(gc, Path.unit_rectangle(), transform,
                           path, path_trans, rgbFace)
Example #22
 def _set_hline(self):
     self._transform = Affine2D().scale(0.5).rotate_deg(90)
     self._snap_threshold = 1.0
     self._filled = False
     self._path = self._line_marker_path
Example #23
 def _draw_tickright(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
     offset = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
     marker_transform = Affine2D().scale(offset, 1.0)
     renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._tickhoriz_path, marker_transform,
                           path, path_trans)
Example #24
 def _set_tickright(self):
     self._transform = Affine2D().scale(1.0, 1.0)
     self._snap_threshold = 1.0
     self._filled = False
     self._path = self._tickhoriz_path
Example #25
 def _draw_caretright(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
     offset = 0.5*renderer.points_to_pixels(self._markersize)
     transform = Affine2D().scale(offset).rotate_deg(90)
     renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._caret_path, transform,
                           path, path_trans)
Example #26
 def _set_tickdown(self):
     self._transform = Affine2D().scale(1.0, -1.0)
     self._snap_threshold = 1.0
     self._filled = False
     self._path = self._tickvert_path
Example #27
    def __init__(self, parent, handles, labels,
                 loc = None,
                 numpoints = None,     # the number of points in the legend line
                 prop = None,
                 pad = None,           # the fractional whitespace inside the legend border
                 markerscale = None,   # the relative size of legend markers vs. original
                 # the following dimensions are in axes coords
                 labelsep = None,      # the vertical space between the legend entries
                 handlelen = None,     # the length of the legend lines
                 handletextsep = None, # the space between the legend line and legend text
                 axespad = None,       # the border between the axes and legend edge

                 shadow = None
  parent                # the artist that contains the legend
  handles               # a list of artists (lines, patches) to add to the legend
  labels                # a list of strings to label the legend
  loc                   # a location code
  numpoints = 4         # the number of points in the legend line
  prop = FontProperties(size='smaller')  # the font property
  pad = 0.2             # the fractional whitespace inside the legend border
  markerscale = 0.6     # the relative size of legend markers vs. original
  shadow                # if True, draw a shadow behind legend

The following dimensions are in axes coords
  labelsep = 0.005     # the vertical space between the legend entries
  handlelen = 0.05     # the length of the legend lines
  handletextsep = 0.02 # the space between the legend line and legend text
  axespad = 0.02       # the border between the axes and legend edge
        from axes import Axes     # local import only to avoid circularity
        from figure import Figure # local import only to avoid circularity


        proplist=[numpoints, pad, markerscale, labelsep, handlelen, handletextsep, axespad, shadow]
        propnames=['numpoints', 'pad', 'markerscale', 'labelsep', 'handlelen', 'handletextsep', 'axespad', 'shadow']
        for name, value in safezip(propnames,proplist):
            if value is None:
        if self.numpoints <= 0:
            raise ValueError("numpoints must be >= 0; it was %d"% numpoints)
        if prop is None:
        self.fontsize = self.prop.get_size_in_points()

        if isinstance(parent,Axes):
            self.isaxes = True
        elif isinstance(parent,Figure):
            self.isaxes = False
            raise TypeError("Legend needs either Axes or Figure as parent")
        self.parent = parent
        self._offsetTransform = Affine2D()
        self._parentTransform = BboxTransformTo(parent.bbox)
        Artist.set_transform(self, self._offsetTransform + self._parentTransform)

        if loc is None:
            loc = rcParams["legend.loc"]
            if not self.isaxes and loc in [0,'best']:
                loc = 'upper right'
        if is_string_like(loc):
            if not self.codes.has_key(loc):
                if self.isaxes:
                    warnings.warn('Unrecognized location "%s". Falling back on "best"; '
                                  'valid locations are\n\t%s\n'
                                  % (loc, '\n\t'.join(self.codes.keys())))
                    loc = 0
                    warnings.warn('Unrecognized location "%s". Falling back on "upper right"; '
                                  'valid locations are\n\t%s\n'
                                   % (loc, '\n\t'.join(self.codes.keys())))
                    loc = 1
                loc = self.codes[loc]
        if not self.isaxes and loc == 0:
            warnings.warn('Automatic legend placement (loc="best") not implemented for figure legend. '
                          'Falling back on "upper right".')
            loc = 1

        self._loc = loc

        self.legendPatch = Rectangle(
            xy=(0.0, 0.0), width=0.5, height=0.5,
            facecolor='w', edgecolor='k',

        # make a trial box in the middle of the axes.  relocate it
        # based on it's bbox
        left, top = 0.5, 0.5
        textleft = left+ self.handlelen+self.handletextsep
        self.texts = self._get_texts(labels, textleft, top)
        self.legendHandles = self._get_handles(handles, self.texts)

        self._drawFrame = True
Example #28
 def _set_tri_down(self):
     self._transform = Affine2D().scale(0.5)
     self._snap_threshold = 5.0
     self._filled = False
     self._path = self._tri_path
Example #29
    def __init__(
            figsize=None,  # defaults to rc figure.figsize
            dpi=None,  # defaults to rc figure.dpi
            facecolor=None,  # defaults to rc figure.facecolor
            edgecolor=None,  # defaults to rc figure.edgecolor
            linewidth=0.0,  # the default linewidth of the frame
            frameon=True,  # whether or not to draw the figure frame
            subplotpars=None,  # default to rc
            w,h tuple in inches
            dots per inch
            the figure patch facecolor; defaults to rc ``figure.facecolor``
            the figure patch edge color; defaults to rc ``figure.edgecolor``
            the figure patch edge linewidth; the default linewidth of the frame
            if ``False``, suppress drawing the figure frame
            a :class:`SubplotParams` instance, defaults to rc

        self.callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry()

        if figsize is None: figsize = rcParams['figure.figsize']
        if dpi is None: dpi = rcParams['figure.dpi']
        if facecolor is None: facecolor = rcParams['figure.facecolor']
        if edgecolor is None: edgecolor = rcParams['figure.edgecolor']

        self.dpi_scale_trans = Affine2D()
        self.dpi = dpi
        self.bbox_inches = Bbox.from_bounds(0, 0, *figsize)
        self.bbox = TransformedBbox(self.bbox_inches, self.dpi_scale_trans)

        self.frameon = frameon

        self.transFigure = BboxTransformTo(self.bbox)

        # the figurePatch name is deprecated
        self.patch = self.figurePatch = Rectangle(
            xy=(0, 0),

        self._hold = rcParams['axes.hold']
        self.canvas = None

        if subplotpars is None:
            subplotpars = SubplotParams()

        self.subplotpars = subplotpars

        self._axstack = AxesStack()  # track all figure axes and current axes
        self._cachedRenderer = None
Example #30
 def _set_tri_right(self):
     self._transform = Affine2D().scale(0.5).rotate_deg(180)
     self._snap_threshold = 5.0
     self._filled = False
     self._path = self._tri_path