def checkForButton(): global isOn global currentColor global savedColor lastChange = while True: if (GPIO.input(27)): if savedColor != currentColor: transition(currentColor, savedColor, TRANSITION_DURATION, FPS) currentColor = savedColor print("On! Saved: {} Current: {}".format( savedColor, currentColor)) lastChange = else: if ( - lastChange).seconds < 1: isOn = True else: isOn = False if not currentColor == "#000000": savedColor = currentColor currentColor = "#000000" print("Off! Saved: {} Current: {}".format( savedColor, currentColor)) transition(currentColor, currentColor, TRANSITION_DURATION, FPS) time.sleep(0.05)
def set_color(): global currentColor data = request.get_json() print(data["color"]) color = data["color"] #if isOn else "#000000" # print("Color: {} isOn: {}".format(color, isOn)) transition(currentColor, color, TRANSITION_DURATION, FPS) currentColor = color return jsonify({"success": True})
def simulate_posterior(region, params, dates, initial, N = 1000, weekly = False, parI = (1,1), parR = (1,1),parD = (1,1), random_params = False): """Simulate from the HMM model. Args: region (str): Region for the data. params (list): Optimized parameters. dates (tuple (2)): Date range of the data. initial (dict): Initial values in dict with keys S,E,I,R,D. N (int): Number of samples. weekly (bool, optional): Weekly time step if True, otherwise daily. parI (tuple (2)): Prior parameters for emission model I. By default (1,1). parR (tuple (2)): Prior parameters for emission model R. By default (1,1). parD (tuple (2)): Prior parameters for emission model D. By default (1,1). random_params (bool, optional): Bayesian parameters if True, otherwise single point. """ x = _posterior_data(region, dates, weekly=weekly)\ .reset_index(drop = True) POP = population.get_population(region) # filter param params = params[params.start <= dates[1]] if (params.end > dates[1]).any(): params.loc[params.end > dates[1], 'end'] = dates[1] latent = transition(POP, initial, params, random_params=random_params) xx = x.merge(latent, how='left', on=['date']) Dw = xx.shape[0] D = (dates[1] - dates[0]).days + 1 sim_lat = np.zeros((5,N,Dw)) sim_obs = np.zeros((5,N,Dw)) for i in range(N): if i == 0 or (i+1) % 100 == 0: print('%4d / %d' % (i+1,N)) # transition latent = transition(POP, initial, params, random_params=random_params) latent[latent.I < 0]['I'] = 0 xx = x.merge(latent, how='left', on=['date']) xx.tests = xx['tests'].apply(lambda t: t if t >= 0 else 1) sim_lat[:,i,:] = xx[['S','E','I','R','D']].to_numpy().T # emission try: sim_obs[2,i,:] = emission(np.abs(xx.I.to_numpy()), xx.tests.to_numpy(), *parI) except: print(xx.I) print(xx.tests) raise sim_obs[3,i,:] = emission(xx.R.to_numpy(), xx.cumtests.to_numpy(), *parR) sim_obs[4,i,:] = emission(xx.D.to_numpy(), xx.cumtests.to_numpy(), *parD) # spare last last_values = sim_lat[:,:,-1].mean(axis = 1) # denormalize probability sim_lat[1:3,:,:] = sim_lat[1:3,:,:] * x.tests.to_numpy() sim_lat[3:5,:,:] = sim_lat[3:5,:,:] * x.cumtests.to_numpy() sim_obs[1:3,:,:] = sim_obs[1:3,:,:] * x.tests.to_numpy() sim_obs[3:5,:,:] = sim_obs[3:5,:,:] * x.cumtests.to_numpy() return (sim_lat, sim_obs), last_values
def __init__(self): self.Input_Alpha = Input_Alphabet() self.Stack_Alpha = Stack_Alphabet() self.States = States() self.Final_States = Final_States() self.Transition = transition() self.operating = False #Add Transition_Function here file_path = '' description = '' initial_state = '' start_character = ''
def main(): tool.preprocess('../data/POS/train', '../data/POS/ptrain') tool.preprocess('../data/NPC/train', '../data/NPC/ptrain') e0 = em.emission() t0 = tr.transition() print "without preprocessor" e0.compute('../data/POS/train') t0.compute('../data/POS/train') e0.predict('../data/POS/','../data/POS/dev.p2.out',p=False) print "POS,MLE:", tool.evaluate('../data/POS/dev.p2.out','../data/POS/dev.out') viterbi_best(e0,t0,'../data/POS/','../data/POS/dev.p3.out',p=False) print "POS,DP:", tool.evaluate('../data/POS/dev.p3.out','../data/POS/dev.out')
def processRecurse(self, parent, treeObj, queryObj, category): if type(treeObj) != nltk.tree.Tree: # leaf node transition_obj = transition(parent, treeObj, None, queryObj, category) return treeObj, transition_obj if "." == treeObj.label() or "DT" == treeObj.label( ): # do not handle determiners or punctuation return "", None str_transition = treeObj.label() + " " + "->" current_children = [] for i in range(len(treeObj)): label, transition_obj_inter = self.processRecurse( treeObj.label(), treeObj[i], queryObj, category) if transition_obj_inter is not None: current_children.append(transition_obj_inter) str_transition += " " + label if treeObj.label() != 'ROOT': transition_obj_fin = transition(parent, str_transition, current_children, queryObj, category) else: # Root of the tree is encountered transition_obj_fin = None return treeObj.label(), transition_obj_fin
def transition(self, parname='rho', val=0.014, KN0=33.22430956, KNST=31.45765379, do_print=True, step_size=0.1, tol=1e-5, load=False, maxiter=100): KN_path = transition.transition(self, parname, val, KN0, KNST, do_print, step_size, tol, load, maxiter) return KN_path
def main(): tool.preprocess('../data/POS/train', '../data/POS/ptrain') tool.preprocess('../data/NPC/train', '../data/NPC/ptrain') e0 = em.emission() t0 = tr.transition() print "without preprocessor" e0.compute('../data/POS/train') t0.compute('../data/POS/train') e0.predict('../data/POS/', '../data/POS/dev.p2.out', p=False) print "POS,MLE:", tool.evaluate('../data/POS/dev.p2.out', '../data/POS/dev.out') viterbi_best(e0, t0, '../data/POS/', '../data/POS/dev.p3.out', p=False) print "POS,DP:", tool.evaluate('../data/POS/dev.p3.out', '../data/POS/dev.out')
def posterior_objective(params, region, dates, initial, fixparams = None, weekly=False, attributes = 'IRD', parI = (1,1), parR = (1,1), parD = (1,1)): """Objective function of the HMM model for optimization. Args: params (list): Optimized parameters. region (str): Region for the data. dates (tuple (2)): Date range of the data. initial (dict): Initial values in dict with keys S,E,I,R,D. fixparams (list): Fixed parameters. weekly (bool, optional): Weekly time step if True, otherwise daily. attributes (str, optional): Attributes used for optimization, 'I', 'R' or 'D'. parI (tuple (2)): Prior parameters for emission model I. parR (tuple (2)): Prior parameters for emission model R. parD (tuple (2)): Prior parameters for emission model D. """ x = _posterior_data(region, dates, weekly=weekly) POP = population.get_population(region) # construct params dataframe a,c,b,d = _parse_params(params, fixparams) params = pd.DataFrame({'start': [dates[0]], 'end': [dates[1]], 'a': [a], 'b': [b], 'c': [c], 'd': [d]}) # compute score D = (dates[1] - dates[0]).days + 1 score = 0 latent = transition(POP, initial, params) latent.loc[latent.I < 0,'I'] = 0 x = x.merge(latent, how='left', on=['date']) if 'I' in attributes: score += emission_objective(x.confirmed.to_numpy() / x.tests.to_numpy(), np.abs(x.I.to_numpy()), x.tests.to_numpy(), *parI) if 'D' in attributes: score += emission_objective(x.deaths.cumsum().to_numpy() / x.cumtests.to_numpy(), x.D.to_numpy(), x.cumtests.to_numpy(), *parD) if 'R' in attributes: score += emission_objective(x.recovered.cumsum().to_numpy() / x.cumtests.to_numpy(), x.R.to_numpy(), x.cumtests.to_numpy(), *parR) return score / D
def turing_machine(config, input_): ''' The actual turing machine parser. We create a loop that keeps running until a final state has been reached. using a for/in we find the right transition and let the transition function handle the transition, and print the status everytime we go through a transition. ''' state = config['initial'] tape = list(input_) i = 0 while state not in config['finals']: for item in config['transitions'][state]: if item['read'] == tape[i]: (i, state) = transition(i, tape, item, config['blank']) print_status(tape.copy(), i, state, item) break else: print_status(tape.copy(), i, state, item) raise MachineError( f"No valid transition found for state '{state}' and character '{tape[i]}'" ) print("".join(tape))
def tran(): transition(input_path) # "/Users/sf/Desktop/RU/Capstone/SourceCode/Web/resource/xiaoxingxing.wav" return "transend"
p_u = .25 p_d = .25 p_mn = 0 probabilities = [p_r, p_l, p_u, p_d, p_mn] iterations = 0 memory = {(m, n)} locations = [[-1.5, 0], [-1, -0.5], [-1, 0.5], [-0.5, -1], [-0.5, 0], [-0.5, 1], [0, -1.5], [0, -0.5], [0, 0.5], [0, 1.5], [0.5, -1], [0.5, 0], [0.5, 1], [1, -0.5], [1, 0.5], [1.5, 0]] while iterations < 200000: chemo = [] for i in locations: if (m + i[0], n + i[1]) in memory: conc = 0 else: conc = concentration(m + i[0], n + i[1], source_m, source_n) chemo.append(chemoattractant(conc, tip)) transitions = transition(chemo, k) normal_transitions = normal_transition(transitions) probabilities = probability(normal_transitions, probabilities) m, n = movement(probabilities, memory, workspace, m, n, size, iterations) iterations += 1 plt.imshow(workspace) cm.get_cmap("jet")
def tran(): global i transition(input_file_path + str(i) + '/audio' + str(i) + '.wav', i) i += 1 # "/Users/sf/Desktop/RU/Capstone/SourceCode/Web/resource/xiaoxingxing.wav" return "transend"
parser.add_argument('-p',dest='process',type=bool,default=True,help='whether do process or not') args = parser.parse_args() print args if args.algorithm==0: e = em.emission() e.compute(args.trainfile) e.predict(args.infile,args.outfile,args.process) # print tool.evaluate('../data/POS/dev.out',args.outfile,col=1) elif args.algorithm==1: if != 1: print "Error: best must be 1 with algorithm 1" exit(0) #run original version of viterbi e = em.emission() e.compute(args.trainfile) t = tr.transition() t.compute(args.trainfile) viterbi.viterbi_best(e,t,args.infile,args.outfile,args.process) # print tool.evaluate('../data/POS/dev.out',args.outfile,col=1) elif args.algorithm==2: e = em.emission() e.compute(args.trainfile) t = tr.transition() t.compute(args.trainfile) viterbi.viterbi_Nbest(e,t,args.infile,args.outfile,, args.process) # c = 1 # while c< # print tool.evaluate(args.outfile,'../data/POS/dev.out',col=c) # c = c+1
def __init__(self, grille): self.grille = grille self.playerPos = (grille.size[0] - 1, grille.size[1] - 1) #CREATE THE STATES self.grille = grille for i in range(grille.size[0]): for j in range(grille.size[1]): for sword in range(2): for tresor in range(2): for key in range(2): for health in range(1, 5): if[i][j] != 'M' and[i][ j] != 'P' and[i][j] != 'W': self.listState[((i, j), sword, key, health, tresor, 0)] = st.state( sword, tresor, key, health, (i, j), 0, grille) if[i][j] != 'W': self.listState[((i, j), sword, key, health, tresor, 1)] = st.state( sword, tresor, key, health, (i, j), 1, grille) self.listState[((-1, -1), -1, -1, -1, -1, 1)] = st.state(-1, -1, -1, -1, (-1, -1), 1, grille, param="fail") self.listState[((-2, -2), -2, -2, -2, -2, 1)] = st.state(-2, -2, -2, -2, (-2, -2), 1, grille, param="sucess") self.listState[((-1, -1), -1, -1, -1, -1, 2)] = st.state(type=2, param="fail") self.listState[((-2, -2), -2, -2, -2, -2, 2)] = st.state(type=2, param="sucess") self.listTrans[((-1, -1), -1, -1, -1, -1, 1)] = [ ts.transition(self.grille, self.listState[((-1, -1), -1, -1, -1, -1, 1)], [self.listState[((-1, -1), -1, -1, -1, -1, 2)]], [1], -3000) ] self.listTrans[((-2, -2), -2, -2, -2, -2, 1)] = [ ts.transition(self.grille, self.listState[((-2, -2), -2, -2, -2, -2, 2)], [self.listState[((-2, -2), -2, -2, -2, -2, 2)]], [1], 30000) ] self.listTrans[((-1, -1), -1, -1, -1, -1, 2)] = [] self.listTrans[((-2, -2), -2, -2, -2, -2, 2)] = [] #create the transitions for i in range(grille.size[0]): for j in range(grille.size[1]): for sword in range(2): for tresor in range(2): for key in range(2): for health in range(1, 5): if[i][j] != 'M' and[i][ j] != 'P' and[i][j] != 'W': stateCurrent = self.listState[((i, j), sword, key, health, tresor, 0)] #state where the player cannot move(don't have a choice) or go in self.listTrans[( (i, j), sword, key, health, tresor, 0)] = ts.transitionDecision( stateCurrent, self.listState, grille) if[i][j] != 'W': stateCurrent = self.listState[((i, j), sword, key, health, tresor, 1)] self.listTrans[((i, j), sword, key, health, tresor, 1)] = ts.action( stateCurrent, self.listState, grille) return
def addTransition(self, id, From, To, condition=None, REQUEST=None): """ adds a transition """ t = transition(id, From, To, condition) self._setObject(, t) if REQUEST: REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(REQUEST.HTTP_REFERER)
def __init__(self, all_transitions): self._list = [ transition(line[0], line[2], line[1], line[3], line[4]) for line in all_transitions ]
import emission as em import transition as t e = em.emission() # e.process(train) # e.process_input(infile) # e.tokenize(self.X) # e.tokenizedX = self.tokenize_test(self.testX) # e.get_emission_prob(self.X, self.Y) e.print_out('train', '', 'dev.p2.out') t = t.transition() t.train('train') print(t.get_trans_params(t.Y))
args = parser.parse_args() print args if args.algorithm == 0: e = em.emission() e.compute(args.trainfile) e.predict(args.infile, args.outfile, args.process) # print tool.evaluate('../data/POS/dev.out',args.outfile,col=1) elif args.algorithm == 1: if != 1: print "Error: best must be 1 with algorithm 1" exit(0) #run original version of viterbi e = em.emission() e.compute(args.trainfile) t = tr.transition() t.compute(args.trainfile) viterbi.viterbi_best(e, t, args.infile, args.outfile, args.process) # print tool.evaluate('../data/POS/dev.out',args.outfile,col=1) elif args.algorithm == 2: e = em.emission() e.compute(args.trainfile) t = tr.transition() t.compute(args.trainfile) viterbi.viterbi_Nbest(e, t, args.infile, args.outfile,, args.process) # c = 1 # while c< # print tool.evaluate(args.outfile,'../data/POS/dev.out',col=c) # c = c+1
1-reject(ant.current, x) : at-nest(x, ant.current) reject(ant.current, x) : search(ant.state) accept-loc(ant, x): pass ''' #def arrive(states, parameters, ant): #pass def accept(ant): pass arrive = transition(substate='at-nest') states = { 'exploration': { 'follow': { # arrive (Dependent on leader ant) 'get-lost': transition(substate='search') }, 'search': { 'picked-up': transition(substate='carried'), 'find-0': move(0), 'find-other': move_random }, 'carried': { #'arrive' : arrive (Dependent on number of ants in carrying state) },