def register(request, ticket = None, form_class = RegistrationFormUniqueEmail, profile_callback = None, template_name = 'accounts/register/register.html'): """ Allow a new user to register an account By default, 'registration.forms.RegistrationForm' will be used as the registration form; to change this, pass a different form class as the 'form_class' keyword argument. The form class you specify must have a method 'save' which will create and return the new 'User', and that method must accept the keyword argument 'profile_callback' (see below). To enable creation of a site-specific user profile object for the new user, pass a function which will create the profile object as the keyword argument 'profile_callback'. See 'RegistrationManager.create_inactive_user' in the file '' for details on how to write this function. """ # Sleep for a moment if settings.TICKET_CHECK_SLEEP is not None: sleep(settings.TICKET_CHECK_SLEEP) # Check the Registration Ticket if not RegistrationTicket.objects.check_ticket(ticket): return page_forbidden(request, message = gettext('You need a valid Registration Ticket to access the Registration page')) # Check the request if request.method == 'POST': # The user has submitted registration data form = form_class(request.POST) # Check the data validity if form.is_valid(): # Create the user new_user = = profile_callback) # Do not display the form again form = None else: # The data is not valid, new captcha #request.session['captcha'] = captcha.gen_captcha_key() #form.clean_data['captchadigest'] = captcha.captcha_digest(request.session['captcha']) #form.clean_data['captcha'] = '' pass else: # Display the registration form request.session['captcha'] = captcha.gen_captcha_key() form_class.base_fields['captchadigest'].initial = captcha.captcha_digest(request.session['captcha']) form = form_class(ticket = ticket) return render_to_response(template_name, { 'form': form, 'site': Site.objects.get_current(), }, context_instance = RequestContext(request) )
def clean_captcha(self): """ Validate that the captcha digest and the digest of the captcha input match """ if captcha_digest(self.clean_data['captcha']) == self.clean_data['captchadigest']: return self.clean_data['captcha'] raise forms.ValidationError(str(_('You must type the text from the image below.')))