Example #1
def test_client_add_read_file_in_base64():
    with open("tests/fixtures/iso.torrent", "rb") as f:
        content = f.read()
        data = _try_read_torrent(f)

    assert base64.b64encode(content).decode() == data, "should base64 encode torrent file"
Example #2
    def add_torrent(
        torrent: Union[BinaryIO, str, bytes, pathlib.Path],
        timeout: _Timeout = None,
        download_dir: str = None,
        files_unwanted: List[int] = None,
        files_wanted: List[int] = None,
        paused: bool = None,
        peer_limit: int = None,
        priority_high: List[int] = None,
        priority_low: List[int] = None,
        priority_normal: List[int] = None,
        cookies: str = None,
        bandwidthPriority: int = None,
    ) -> Torrent:
        Add torrent to transfers list. ``torrent`` can be:

        - ``http://``, ``https://`` or  ``magnet:`` URL
        - torrent file-like object in binary mode
        - bytes of torrent content
        - ``pathlib.Path`` for local torrent file, will be read and encoded as base64.
        - **deprecated** str of base64 encoded torrent file content
        - **deprecated** ``file://`` URL

        .. NOTE::

            url starts with ``file://`` will be load by this package instead of transmission daemon

        Additional arguments are:

        ===================== ===== =========== =============================================================
        Argument              RPC   Replaced by Description
        ===================== ===== =========== =============================================================
        ``bandwidthPriority`` 8 -               Priority for this transfer.
        ``cookies``           13 -              One or more HTTP cookie(s).
        ``download_dir``      1 -               The directory where the downloaded contents will be saved in.
        ``files_unwanted``    1 -               A list of file id's that shouldn't be downloaded.
        ``files_wanted``      1 -               A list of file id's that should be downloaded.
        ``paused``            1 -               If True, does not start the transfer when added.
        ``peer_limit``        1 -               Maximum number of peers allowed.
        ``priority_high``     1 -               A list of file id's that should have high priority.
        ``priority_low``      1 -               A list of file id's that should have low priority.
        ``priority_normal``   1 -               A list of file id's that should have normal priority.
        ===================== ===== =========== =============================================================

        Returns a Torrent object with the fields.
        if torrent is None:
            raise ValueError("add_torrent requires data or a URI.")

        kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        if download_dir is not None:
            kwargs["download-dir"] = download_dir

        if files_unwanted is not None:
            kwargs["files-unwanted"] = files_unwanted

        if files_wanted is not None:
            kwargs["files-wanted"] = files_wanted

        if paused is not None:
            kwargs["paused"] = paused

        if peer_limit is not None:
            kwargs["peer-limit"] = peer_limit

        if priority_high is not None:
            kwargs["priority-high"] = priority_high

        if priority_low is not None:
            kwargs["priority-low"] = priority_low

        if priority_normal is not None:
            kwargs["priority-normal"] = priority_normal

        if bandwidthPriority is not None:
            kwargs["bandwidthPriority"] = bandwidthPriority

        if cookies is not None:
            kwargs["cookies"] = cookies

        torrent_data = _try_read_torrent(torrent)

        if torrent_data:
            kwargs["metainfo"] = torrent_data
            kwargs["filename"] = torrent

        _rpc_version_check("torrent-add", kwargs, self.rpc_version)

        return list(
            self._request("torrent-add", kwargs, timeout=timeout).values())[0]
Example #3
def test_client_add_torrent_bytes():
    with open("tests/fixtures/iso.torrent", "rb") as f:
        content = f.read()
    data = _try_read_torrent(content)
    assert base64.b64encode(content).decode() == data, "should base64 bytes"
Example #4
def test_client_add_file_protocol():
    with open("tests/fixtures/iso.torrent", "rb") as f:
        b64 = base64.b64encode(f.read()).decode()
    p = pathlib.Path("tests/fixtures/iso.torrent").absolute()
    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
        assert _try_read_torrent(f"file://{p}") == b64, "should skip handle base64 content"
Example #5
def test_client_add_pathlib_path():
    p = pathlib.Path("tests/fixtures/iso.torrent")
    b64 = base64.b64encode(p.read_bytes()).decode()
    assert _try_read_torrent(p) == b64, "should skip handle base64 content"
Example #6
def test_client_add_base64_raw_data():
    with open("tests/fixtures/iso.torrent", "rb") as f:
        b64 = base64.b64encode(f.read()).decode()
    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
        assert _try_read_torrent(b64) == b64, "should skip handle base64 content"
Example #7
def test_client_add_magnet():
    assert _try_read_torrent(magnet_url) is None, "handle magnet URL with daemon"
Example #8
def test_client_add_url():
    assert _try_read_torrent(torrent_url) is None, "handle http URL with daemon"