def render_POST(self, request): global _Outbox idurl = request.getHeader('idurl') if idurl is None: return '' dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_http.SenderServer.render connection from ' + idurl) if not idurl in _Outbox.keys(): return '' r = '' for filename in _Outbox[idurl]: if not os.path.isfile(filename): continue if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK): continue src = dhnio.ReadBinaryFile(filename) if src == '': continue src64 = base64.b64encode(src) r += src64 + '\n' dhnio.Dprint(12, 'transport_http.SenderServer.render sent %s to %s' % (filename, idurl)) #TODO request.getPeer() transport_control.sendStatusReport( request.getClient(), filename, 'finished', 'http',) _Outbox.pop(idurl, None) return r
def render_POST(self, request): global _Outbox idurl = request.getHeader('idurl') if idurl is None: return '' lg.out(14, 'http_node.SenderServer.render connection from ' + idurl) if not idurl in _Outbox.keys(): return '' r = '' for filename in _Outbox[idurl]: if not os.path.isfile(filename): continue if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK): continue src = dhnio.ReadBinaryFile(filename) if src == '': continue src64 = base64.b64encode(src) r += src64 + '\n' lg.out( 12, 'http_node.SenderServer.render sent %s to %s' % (filename, idurl)) #TODO request.getPeer() transport_control.sendStatusReport( request.getClient(), filename, 'finished', 'http', ) _Outbox.pop(idurl, None) return r
def sendNextPart(self): dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_ssh.MyFileTransferClient.sendNextPart') self.buf = '' try: self.buf = self.fin.flush() except: dhnio.Dprint(1, 'transport_ssh.MyFileTransferClient ERROR reading buffer data from file') self.breakTransfer() self.connectionLost(0) return ## if len(self.buf) == 0: ## self.finishTransfer() ## self.connectionLost(1) ## return ## try: self.transport.write(self.buf) except: dhnio.Dprint(1, 'transport_ssh.MyFileTransferClient.sendNextPart NETERROR writing data to the transport') ## transport_control.connectionStatusCallback('ssh', self.transport.getPeer(), None, 'error writing data to the transport') transport_control.sendStatusReport(self.transport.getPeer(), self.filename, 'failed', 'ssh', None, 'error writing data to the transport' ) self.breakTransfer() self.connectionLost(0) return self.total_sent += len(self.buf) dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_ssh.MyFileTransferClient.sendNextPart total %s bytes sent' % str(self.total_sent))
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): ## dhnio.Dprint(1,'transport_ssh.SendingFactory.clientConnectionFailed NETERROR with %s : %s' % (str(connector.getDestination()) ,str(reason.getErrorMessage()))) direct.SSHClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason) ## transport_control.connectionStatusCallback('ssh', connector.getDestination(), reason, 'connection failed' ) transport_control.sendStatusReport(connector.getDestination(), self.userAuthObject.instance.filename, 'failed', 'ssh', reason, 'connection failed' )
def ok(x): dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_public.ok: sending done') ## if misc.transport_control_using(): transport_control.sendStatusReport(email, filename, 'finished', 'email') # only one outstanding send per host transport_control.log('email', 'message successful sent') poll().send() if reactor_stop: reactor.stop()
def fail(x): dhnio.Dprint(1, ' NETERROR sending email \n' + str(x.getErrorMessage())) ## transport_control.msg('e', 'error sending email: ' + str(x.getErrorMessage())) ## transport_control.connectionStatusCallback('email', smtp_info[0], x, 'error sending email') transport_control.sendStatusReport(email, filename, 'failed', 'email', x, 'error sending email') transport_control.log('email', 'NETERROR sending email') if reactor_stop: reactor.stop()
def send(idurl, filename): dhnio.Dprint(12, 'transport_http.send to %s %s' % (idurl, filename)) global _Outbox if not _Outbox.has_key(idurl): _Outbox[idurl] = [] _Outbox[idurl].append(filename) #we want to keep only 10 last files. if len(_Outbox[idurl]) > 10: lostedfilename = _Outbox[idurl].pop(0) transport_control.sendStatusReport( 'unknown', lostedfilename, 'failed', 'http',)
def send(idurl, filename): lg.out(12, 'http_node.send to %s %s' % (idurl, filename)) global _Outbox if idurl not in _Outbox: _Outbox[idurl] = [] _Outbox[idurl].append(filename) #we want to keep only 10 last files. if len(_Outbox[idurl]) > 10: lostedfilename = _Outbox[idurl].pop(0) transport_control.sendStatusReport( 'unknown', lostedfilename, 'failed', 'http',)
def SendStatusCallbackDefault(host, filename, status, proto='', error=None, message=''): try: from transport_control import sendStatusReport return sendStatusReport(host, filename, status, proto, error, message) except: dhnio.DprintException() return None
def dataReceived(self, data): dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_ssh.MyFileTransferClient.dataReceived: '+str(data)) try: amount = int(data) except: dhnio.Dprint(1, 'transport_ssh.MyFileTransferClient.dataReceived NETERROR bad response from the ssh server') ## transport_control.connectionStatusCallback('ssh', self.transport.getPeer(), None, 'bad response from the ssh server') transport_control.sendStatusReport(self.transport.getPeer(), self.filename, 'failed', 'ssh', None, 'bad response from the ssh server') self.breakTransfer() self.connectionLost(0) return if amount < self.total_size: self.sendNextPart() else: self.finishTransfer() self.connectionLost(1)
def done(x, filename, c): dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_ssh.send.done') ## if misc.transport_control_using(): transport_control.sendStatusReport(host+':'+port, filename, 'finished', 'ssh') c.transport.loseConnection()
def connection_fail(x, filename, c): dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_ssh.send.connection_fail ') ## if misc.transport_control_using(): transport_control.sendStatusReport(host+':'+port, filename, 'failed', 'ssh', x, 'connection failed') # not so good
def sent_status_func(toUser, filename, status, reason): transport_control.sendStatusReport(toUser, filename, status, 'q2q', reason)
def send(filename, email, subject = 'datahaven_transport', reactor_stop=False, use_smtplib=False): transport_control.log('email', 'start sending to ' + email) smtp_info = [ settings.getEmailAddress(), #0 settings.getSMTPHost(), #1 settings.getSMTPPort(), #2 settings.getSMTPUser(), #3 settings.getSMTPPass(), #4 settings.getSMTPSSL(), #5 settings.getSMTPNeedLogin()] #6 if smtp_info[0].strip() == '' or smtp_info[1].strip() == '': dhnio.Dprint(1, 'transport_email.send empty mailbox info. check your email options') ## transport_control.msg('e', 'empty mailbox info. check your email options') ## transport_control.connectionStatusCallback('email', email, None, 'empty mailbox info. check your email options') transport_control.sendStatusReport(email, filename, 'failed', 'email', None, 'empty mailbox info. check your email options') return ## print smtp_info ## smtp_info = smtp3_info if not os.path.isfile(filename): dhnio.Dprint(1, 'transport_email.send wrong file name: %s' % filename) ## transport_control.msg('e', 'wrong file name %s' % filename) return from_address = smtp_info[0] dhnio.Dprint(8, 'transport_email.send from:%s to:%s' % (from_address, email)) if use_smtplib: #send via smtplib try: send_smtplib( smtp_info[1], smtp_info[3], smtp_info[4], smtp_info[5], from_address, email, subject, filename) except: dhnio.Dprint(1, 'transport_email.send NETERROR sending email ' + dhnio.formatExceptionInfo()) ## transport_control.msg('e', 'Error sending email') transport_control.log('email', 'error sending email') ## transport_control.connectionStatusCallback('email', email, None, 'error sending email') transport_control.sendStatusReport(email, filename, 'failed', 'email', None, 'error sending email') return ## if misc.transport_control_using(): transport_control.sendStatusReport(email, filename, 'finished', 'email') # only one outstanding send per host transport_control.log('email', 'done') poll().send() else: #Send via Twisted def ok(x): dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send.ok: sending done') ## if misc.transport_control_using(): # only one outstanding send per host transport_control.sendStatusReport(email, filename, 'finished', 'email') transport_control.log('email', 'message successful sent') poll().send() if reactor_stop: reactor.stop() def fail(x): ## if misc.transport_control_using(): dhnio.Dprint(1, ' NETERROR sending email \n' + str(x.getErrorMessage())) ## transport_control.msg('e', 'error sending email: ' + str(x.getErrorMessage()) ) ## transport_control.connectionStatusCallback('email', smtp_info[0], x, 'error sending email') transport_control.sendStatusReport(email, filename, 'failed', 'email', x, 'error sending email') transport_control.log('email', 'error sending email' + str(x.getErrorMessage())) if reactor_stop: reactor.stop() if smtp_info[6]: #1th method res = sendTwistedMailAuth( smtp_info[1], smtp_info[2], smtp_info[3], smtp_info[4], smtp_info[5], smtp_info[6], from_address, email, subject, filename) else: #2th method: res = sendTwistedMail( smtp_info[1], smtp_info[0], email, subject, filename, smtp_info[2]) res.addCallback(ok) res.addErrback(fail) return res
def send_smtplib(host, login, password, ssl_flag, addr, to, subject, filename): dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_smtplib to: ' + str(to)) fin = file(filename, 'rb') bin_data = fin.close() msg = email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart() msg["Subject"] = subject msg["From"] = addr msg["To"] = to part = email.MIMEBase.MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") part.set_payload( bin_data+'end' ) email.Encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(filename)) msg.attach(part) try: server = smtplib.SMTP(host) except: ## transport_control.msg('e', 'could not conect to smtp server') ## transport_control.connectionStatusCallback('email', to, None, 'could not conect to smtp server') transport_control.sendStatusReport(to, filename, 'failed', 'email', None, 'could not conect to smtp server') return if dhnio.DebugLevel > 14: server.set_debuglevel(1) dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_smtplib: SSL FLAG:'+str(ssl)) if ssl_flag: try: dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_smtplib ehlo') server.ehlo() dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_smtplib starttls') server.starttls() dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_smtplib ehlo') server.ehlo() except: dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_smtplib: No support ssl') ## transport_control.connectionStatusCallback('email', to, None, 'server did not support ssl' ) transport_control.sendStatusReport(to, filename, 'failed', 'email', None, 'server did not support ssl') ## transport_control.msg('e', 'server did not support ssl') try: dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_smtplib login') server.login(login, password) except: dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_smtplib: Not need to login') try: dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_smtplib: sendmail') server.sendmail(addr, [to], msg.as_string()) dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_smtplib: close') server.close() dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_email.send_smtplib: done') except: ## transport_control.connectionStatusCallback('email', to, None, 'unknown error during sending message') transport_control.sendStatusReport(to, filename, 'failed', 'email', None, 'unknown error during sending message')