Example #1
def _get_article(article_id):
    article = db.select_one('select * from articles where id=?', article_id)
    if article.website_id != ctx.website.id:
        raise APIPermissionError('cannot get article that does not belong to current website.')
    if article.draft and (ctx.user is None or ctx.user.role_id==ROLE_GUESTS):
        raise APIPermissionError('cannot get draft article.')
    return article
Example #2
def extract_session_cookie():
    Decode a secure client session cookie and return user object, or None if invalid cookie.

        user as object, or None if cookie is invalid.
        s = str(ctx.request.cookie(_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, ''))
        logging.debug('read cookie: %s' % s)
        if not s:
            return None
        ss = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(s.replace('_', '=')).split(':')
        if len(ss)!=3:
            raise ValueError('bad cookie: %s' % s)
        uid, exp, md5 = ss
        if float(exp) < time.time():
            raise ValueError('expired cookie: %s' % s)
        user = db.select_one('select * from users where id=?', uid)
        expected_pwd = str(user.passwd)
        expected = ':'.join([uid, exp, expected_pwd, _SESSION_COOKIE_SALT])
        if hashlib.md5(expected).hexdigest()!=md5:
            raise ValueError('bad cookie: unexpected md5.')
        # clear password in memory:
        user.passwd = '******'
        return user
    except BaseException, e:
        logging.debug('something wrong when extract cookie: %s' % e.message)
        return None
Example #3
 def find_first(cls, where, *args):
     Find by where clause and return one result. If multiple results found, 
     only the first one returned. If no result found, return None.
     d = db.select_one('select * from %s %s' % (cls.__table__, where), *args)
     return cls(**d) if d else None
Example #4
def _get_page(page_id):
    page = db.select_one('select * from pages where id=?', page_id)
    if page.website_id != ctx.website.id:
        raise APIPermissionError('cannot get page that does not belong to current website.')
    if page.draft and (ctx.user is None or ctx.user.role_id==ROLE_GUESTS):
        raise APIPermissionError('cannot get draft page.')
    return page
Example #5
def delete_attachment(attr_id):
    att = db.select_one('select * from attachments where id=?', attr_id)
    if att.website_id != ctx.website.id:
        raise APIPermissionError('Cannot delete resource that not belong to current website.')
    # FIXME: check user_id:
    db.update('delete from attachments where id=?', attr_id)
Example #6
def api_create_navigation():
    i = ctx.request.input(name='', url='')
    name = assert_not_empty(i.name, 'name')
    url = assert_not_empty(i.url, 'url')
    max_display = db.select_one('select max(display_order) as max from navigations').max
    nav = Navigations(_id=db.next_id(), name=name, url=url, display_order=max_display+1).insert()
    return nav
Example #7
def _get_resource(rid, url=None):
    logging.info('Get resource: %s, %s' % (rid, url))
    r = db.select_one('select url, mime, size, data from resources where _id=?', rid)
    if url and r.url!=url:
        raise notfound()
    resp = ctx.response
    resp.content_type = r.mime
    resp.content_length = r.size
    return r.data
Example #8
def _get_resource(rid, url=None):
    logging.info('Get resource: %s, %s' % (rid, url))
    r = db.select_one(
        'select url, mime, size, data from resources where _id=?', rid)
    if url and r.url != url:
        raise notfound()
    resp = ctx.response
    resp.content_type = r.mime
    resp.content_length = r.size
    return r.data
Example #9
def _get_wikipage(wp_id, wiki_id=None):
    get a wiki page by id. raise APIPermissionError if wiki is not belong to current website.
    if the wiki_id is not None, it also check if the page belongs to wiki.
    wp = db.select_one("select * from wiki_pages where id=?", wp_id)
    if wp.website_id != ctx.website.id:
        raise APIPermissionError("cannot get wiki page that is not belong to current website.")
    if wiki_id and wp.wiki_id != wiki_id:
        raise APIValueError("wiki_id", "bad wiki id.")
    return wp
Example #10
def api_delete_category():
    i = ctx.request.input(id='')
    if not i.id:
        raise APIValueError('id', 'id cannot be empty')
    cat = _get_category(i.id)
    if cat.locked:
        raise APIError('operation:failed', 'category', 'cannot delete category that is locked.')
    uncategorized = db.select_one('select id from categories where website_id=? and locked=?', ctx.website.id, True)
    db.update('delete from categories where id=?', i.id)
    db.update('update articles set category_id=?, version=version + 1 where category_id=?', uncategorized.id, i.id)
    return True
Example #11
def api_create_navigation():
    i = ctx.request.input(name='', url='')
    name = assert_not_empty(i.name, 'name')
    url = assert_not_empty(i.url, 'url')
    max_display = db.select_one(
        'select max(display_order) as max from navigations').max
    nav = Navigations(_id=db.next_id(),
                      display_order=max_display + 1).insert()
    return nav
Example #12
def _get_wikipage(wp_id, wiki_id=None):
    get a wiki page by id. raise APIPermissionError if wiki is not belong to current website.
    if the wiki_id is not None, it also check if the page belongs to wiki.
    wp = db.select_one('select * from wiki_pages where id=?', wp_id)
    if wp.website_id != ctx.website.id:
        raise APIPermissionError(
            'cannot get wiki page that is not belong to current website.')
    if wiki_id and wp.wiki_id != wiki_id:
        raise APIValueError('wiki_id', 'bad wiki id.')
    return wp
Example #13
def http_basic_auth(auth):
        s = base64.b64decode(auth)
        u, p = s.split(':', 1)
        user = db.select_one('select * from users where email=?', u)
        if user.passwd==hashlib.md5(p).hexdigest():
            logging.info('Basic auth ok: %s' % u)
            return user
        return None
    except BaseException, e:
        logging.exception('auth failed.')
        return None
Example #14
def update_section():
    i = ctx.request.input(id='', title='', description='')
    if not i.id:
        raise APIError('value', 'id', 'id is empty.')
    title = i.title.strip()
    description = i.description.strip()
    if not title:
        raise APIError('value', 'title', 'title is empty')
    section = db.select_one('select * from sections where id=?', i.id)
    db.update('update sections set title=?, description=?, version=version+1 where id=?', title, description, section.id)
    db.update('update resumes set version=version+1 where id=?', section.resume_id)
    return dict(result=True)
Example #15
def delete_entry():
    i = ctx.request.input(id='')
    if not i.id:
        raise APIError('value', 'id', 'id is empty.')
    entry = db.select_one('select * from entries where id=?', i.id)
    entries = db.select('select * from entries where section_id=? order by display_order', entry.section_id)
    display_ids = [en.id for en in entries if en.id != i.id]
    db.update('delete from entries where id=?', i.id)
    n = 0
    for i in display_ids:
        db.update('update entries set display_order=? where id=?', n, i)
    db.update('update sections set version=version+1 where id=?', entry.section_id)
    return dict(result=True)
Example #16
def api_delete_category():
    i = ctx.request.input(id='')
    if not i.id:
        raise APIValueError('id', 'id cannot be empty')
    cat = _get_category(i.id)
    if cat.locked:
        raise APIError('operation:failed', 'category',
                       'cannot delete category that is locked.')
    uncategorized = db.select_one(
        'select id from categories where website_id=? and locked=?',
        ctx.website.id, True)
    db.update('delete from categories where id=?', i.id)
        'update articles set category_id=?, version=version + 1 where category_id=?',
        uncategorized.id, i.id)
    return True
Example #17
def update_section():
    i = ctx.request.input(id='', title='', description='')
    if not i.id:
        raise APIError('value', 'id', 'id is empty.')
    title = i.title.strip()
    description = i.description.strip()
    if not title:
        raise APIError('value', 'title', 'title is empty')
    section = db.select_one('select * from sections where id=?', i.id)
        'update sections set title=?, description=?, version=version+1 where id=?',
        title, description, section.id)
    db.update('update resumes set version=version+1 where id=?',
    return dict(result=True)
Example #18
def delete_section():
    i = ctx.request.input(id='')
    if not i.id:
        raise APIError('value', 'id', 'id is empty.')
    section = db.select_one('select * from sections where id=?', i.id)
    cv = get_default_cv(ctx.user.id)
    sections = db.select('select * from sections where resume_id=? order by display_order', cv.id)
    display_ids = [s.id for s in sections if s.id != i.id]
    db.update('delete from entries where section_id=?', i.id)
    db.update('delete from sections where id=?', i.id)
    n = 0
    for i in display_ids:
        db.update('update sections set display_order=? where id=?', n, i)
    db.update('update resumes set version=version+1 where id=?', cv.id)
    return dict(result=True)
Example #19
def delete_entry():
    i = ctx.request.input(id='')
    if not i.id:
        raise APIError('value', 'id', 'id is empty.')
    entry = db.select_one('select * from entries where id=?', i.id)
    entries = db.select(
        'select * from entries where section_id=? order by display_order',
    display_ids = [en.id for en in entries if en.id != i.id]
    db.update('delete from entries where id=?', i.id)
    n = 0
    for i in display_ids:
        db.update('update entries set display_order=? where id=?', n, i)
    db.update('update sections set version=version+1 where id=?',
    return dict(result=True)
Example #20
def delete_section():
    i = ctx.request.input(id='')
    if not i.id:
        raise APIError('value', 'id', 'id is empty.')
    section = db.select_one('select * from sections where id=?', i.id)
    cv = get_default_cv(ctx.user.id)
    sections = db.select(
        'select * from sections where resume_id=? order by display_order',
    display_ids = [s.id for s in sections if s.id != i.id]
    db.update('delete from entries where section_id=?', i.id)
    db.update('delete from sections where id=?', i.id)
    n = 0
    for i in display_ids:
        db.update('update sections set display_order=? where id=?', n, i)
    db.update('update resumes set version=version+1 where id=?', cv.id)
    return dict(result=True)
Example #21
def _get_wiki(wid):
    " get wiki by id. raise APIPermissionError if wiki is not belong to current website. "
    wiki = db.select_one("select * from wikis where id=?", wid)
    if wiki.website_id != ctx.website.id:
        raise APIPermissionError("cannot get wiki that does not belong to current website.")
    return wiki
Example #22
def _get_category(category_id):
    cat = db.select_one('select * from categories where id=?', category_id)
    if cat.website_id != ctx.website.id:
        raise APIPermissionError('cannot get category that does not belong to current website.')
    return cat
Example #23
def cv_by_user(uid):
    target_user = db.select_one('select * from users where id=?', uid)
    cv = get_default_cv(uid)
    return dict(cv=cv, user=ctx.user, target=target_user, editable=ctx.user and ctx.user.id==uid)
Example #24
 def _get_passwd_by_uid(provider, userid):
     if provider==const.LOCAL_SIGNIN_PROVIDER:
         return db.select_one('select passwd from users where id=?', userid).passwd
     return db.select_one('select auth_token from auth_users where user_id=? and provider=?', userid, provider).auth_token
Example #25
 def find_first(cls,where,*args):
     d=db.select_one('select * from %s %'%(cls.__table__,where),*args)
     return cls(**d) if d else None
Example #26
def get_poet(poet_id):
    return db.select_one('select * from poet where id=?', poet_id)
Example #27
def _get_category(category_id):
    cat = db.select_one('select * from categories where id=?', category_id)
    if cat.website_id != ctx.website.id:
        raise APIPermissionError(
            'cannot get category that does not belong to current website.')
    return cat
Example #28
 def get(cls, pk):
     获得数据通过主键 get by primary key
     d = db.select_one('select * from %s where %s=?' % (cls.__table__, cls.__primary_key__.name), pk)
     return cls(**d) if d else None
Example #29
 def find_first(cls, where, *args):
     d = db.select_one('select * from %s %s' % (cls.__table__, where), *args)
     return cls(**d) if d else None
Example #30
def shortcut(path):
    s = db.select_one('select * from shortcuts where path=?', path)
    return cv_by_user(s.user_id)
Example #31
def get_poem(poem_id):
    return db.select_one('select * from poem where id=?', poem_id)
Example #32
def shortcut(path):
    s = db.select_one('select * from shortcuts where path=?', path)
    return cv_by_user(s.user_id)