Example #1
def test_game_lookupID():
    # Setup
    log = Log('test.log')
    g = Game()

    # This should raise a format error
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
        needle = '1996-04-13'
        g.lookupID(needle, log)
    assert 'lookupID requires a dictionary' in str(excinfo.value)

    # This should raise a missing-fields error
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
        needle = {
            'MatchTime': '1996-04-13',
            'HTeamID': 11
        g.lookupID(needle, log)
    assert 'Submitted data is missing the following fields' in str(excinfo.value)

    # This should bring back one record
    needle = {
        'MatchTime': (1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
        'HTeamID': 11,
        'ATeamID': 12
    assert len(g.lookupID(needle, log)) >= 1
Example #2
def test_game_lookupDuration():
    g = Game()
    log = Log('test_lookupDuration.log')

    # Standard-duration game is 90 minutes
    needle = 1
    assert g.lookupDuration(needle, log) == 90
Example #3
def test_game_loadByID():
    g = Game()

    # This should raise a format error
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
        needle = 'Foo'
    assert 'loadByID requires an integer' in str(excinfo.value)

    needle = 1
    assert isinstance(g.data, dict)
    assert g.data['HTeamID'] == 1
    assert g.data['ATeamID'] == 2
Example #4
    def importRecord(self, record):
        self.log.message('\nImporting lineup ' + str(record))

        # If the game hasn't been played yet, move to the next
        # Doesn't get recorded as a "skip" to keep reporting clean
        today = datetime.now()
        gamedate = datetime(
        if (gamedate > today):
            self.log.message('Game has not been played yet')
            return True

        # Start working with game record
        g = Game()

        # Lookup this gameID
        needle = {
            'MatchTime': record['Date'],
            'HTeamID': record['homeID'],
            'ATeamID': record['awayID'],
        game = g.lookupID(needle, self.log)

        self.log.message('Found games: ' + str(game))

        if (len(game) != 1):
            self.log.message('Found wrong number of games: ' + str(len(game)))
            self.skipped += 1
            # If we didn't find one gameID, then we abort processing this game
            return False

        # Need to convert gameID from a list of 1 number to an integer
        game = game[0]

        # Lookup game duration
        duration = g.lookupDuration(game, self.log)

        # Parse lineup string
        self.parseLineup(record['Lineup'], game, record['teamID'], duration)

        # At this point we have self.players - but need to store them
        [self.importPlayer(player) for player in self.players]

        return True
Example #5
    def importRecord(self, record):
        self.log.message('Importing game ' + str(record))
        g = Game()

        # Does the record exist?
        found = g.lookupID(record, self.log)
        if (len(found) == 0):
            # Nothing found, so we import
            g.saveDict(record, self.log)
            self.imported += 1
        elif (len(found) == 1):
            record['MatchID'] = found[0]
            g.saveDict(record, self.log)
            self.imported += 1
            # Something(s) found, so we skip
            self.processMissingRecord(found, len(found))

        return True
Example #6
def test_game_saveDict():
    # Setup
    log = Log('test.log')
    g = Game()

    # This should raise an error
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
        testRecord = "fake player record"
        g.saveDict(testRecord, log)
    assert 'saveDict requires a dictionary' in str(excinfo.value)

    # This should work
    sample = {
        'MatchTime': (1980, 1, 1, 19, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0),
        'MatchTypeID': 21,
        'HTeamID': 11,
        'HScore': 0,
        'ATeamID': 12,
        'AScore': 0,
        'VenueID': 1,
    assert g.saveDict(sample, log) is True
    assert g.db.warnings() is None
Example #7
    def correctValues(self):
        # This takes in all rows of the imported spreadsheet, and performs
        # any needed repairs / adjustments

        # We can re-use the same Game object inside the loop
        g = Game()

        self.log.message('Correcting values...')
        for record in self.records:

            # Log the record when we begin
            self.log.message('\nParsing game record:')
            # self.log.message('  ' + str(record) + '\n')

            # NewEvents holds the rebuilt event records - we create it this
            # early because the next step skips this record when no goals
            # are scored - and it still needs to be present.
            record['NewEvents'] = []

            # Games with no goals get skipped
            if (record['Goals'] == ''):

            # 1. TeamID lookup
            teamID = self.lookupTeamID(record['Team'])

            # 2. OpponentID lookup
            opponentID = self.lookupTeamID(record['Opponent'])

            # 3. Home or Away
            if (record['H/A'] == 'H'):
                homeID = teamID
                awayID = opponentID
            elif (record['H/A'] == 'A'):
                homeID = opponentID
                awayID = teamID

            # 4. The game date needs to be converted
            record['Date'] = self.source.recoverDate(record['Date'])

            # Use home/away ID and game date to look up the game ID
            needle = {
                'MatchTime': record['Date'],
                'HTeamID': homeID,
                'ATeamID': awayID,
            self.log.message('  Looking up needle: ' + str(needle))
            game = g.lookupID(needle, self.log)

            self.log.message('  Found games: ' + str(game) + '\n')

            if (len(game) != 1):
                self.log.message('Found wrong number of games: ' +
                self.skipped += 1
                # If we didn't find one gameID, then we abort processing this
                # game
                return False

            # Need to convert gameID from a list of 1 number to an integer
            game = game[0]

            # 5. The goalscorers string needs to be expanded
            record['Events'] = self.splitGoals(record['Goals'])
            # record['Events'] is now a list of strings. We now need to parse
            # each individual string into a dictionary.
            for item in record['Events']:
                item = self.parseOneGoal(item, game, teamID, opponentID)
                for subitem in item:

            # Log the corrected record for later inspection
            self.log.message('  Outcome:\n  ' + str(record))

        return True
Example #8
def test_game_disconnect():
    g = Game()
    assert hasattr(g, 'db')
    assert hasattr(g, 'db') is False