Example #1
def pathlength_sets(t: Tree) -> None:
    Replace the value of each node in Tree t by a set containing all
    path lengths from that node to any leaf. A path's length is the
    number of edges it contains.

    >>> t = Tree(5)
    >>> pathlength_sets(t)
    >>> print(t)
    >>> t.children.append(Tree(17))
    >>> t.children.append(Tree(13, [Tree(11)]))
    >>> pathlength_sets(t)
    >>> print(t)
    {1, 2}
    if t.value is None:
    elif t.children == []:
        t.value = {0}
        t.value = set()
        for s in t.children:
            t.value = t.value.union(s.value)
        t.value = set([e + 1 for e in t.value])
Example #2
def test_in_order2():
    tree = Tree()
    s = 100
    elem = list()
    for i in reversed(range(0, s)):
        tree.insert(i, i)
    res = tree.pre_order()
    assert res == elem
Example #3
def test_right_most_child():
    tree = Tree()
    l = [38, 13, 51, 10, 25, 40, 84, 12, 37, 66, 89, 95]
    length = len(l)
    while len(l) > 0:
        key = l.pop(0)
        value = chr(key)
        tree.insert(key, value)
    croot = tree.right_most_child(tree.root.left)
    assert croot.key == 37
Example #4
def test_insert():
    tree = Tree()
    s = 100
    for i in range(0, s):
        tree.insert(i, i)
    k = 0
    curr = tree.root
    while k < s:
        assert curr.key == k
        assert curr.left == None
        curr = curr.right
        k += 1
Example #5
def test_print_paths():
    tree = Tree()
    l = [38, 13, 51, 10, 25, 40, 84, 12, 37, 66, 89, 95]
    length = len(l)
    while len(l) > 0:
        key = l.pop(0)
        value = chr(key)
        tree.insert(key, value)
    l = tree.print_paths()
    assert l[0] == ' 38 13 10 12'
    assert l[1] == ' 38 13 25 37'
    assert l[2] == ' 38 51 40'
    assert l[3] == ' 38 51 84 66'
    assert l[4] == ' 38 51 84 89 95'
Example #6
def descendants_from_list(t: Tree, list_: list, branching: int) -> Tree:
    Populate Tree t's descendants from list_, filling them
    in in level order, with up to arity children per node.
    Then return t.

    This is a helper function for doctests

    >>> descendants_from_list(Tree(0), [1, 2, 3, 4], 2)
    Tree(0, [Tree(1, [Tree(3), Tree(4)]), Tree(2)])
    q = Queue()
    list_ = list_.copy()

    while not q.is_empty():  # unlikely to happen
        new_t = q.remove()
        new_t: Tree
        for _ in range(0, branching):
            if len(list_) == 0:
                return t  # our work here is done
                new_t_child = Tree(list_.pop(0))
    return t
Example #7
def test_find():
    l = list()
    for i in range(97, 107):

    tree = Tree()
    while len(l) > 0:
        key = l.pop()
        value = chr(key)
        tree.insert(key, value)

    for i in range(97, 107):
        key = i
        value = chr(key)
        croot = tree.find(key)
        assert croot.value == value
Example #8
def path_to_tree(path_name: str) -> Tree:
    Return a Tree representing a filesystem starting from pathname.
    return Tree((path_name, [f.name for f in scandir(path_name)]), [
        path_to_tree(path.join(path_name, f.name))
        for f in scandir(path_name) if f.is_dir()
Example #9
def test_height():
    tree = Tree()
    s = 100
    assert tree.height() == -1
    for i in range(0, s):
        tree.insert(i, i)
        tree.height() == i
Example #10
def test_mirror():
    tree = Tree()
    l = [38, 13, 51, 10, 25, 40, 84, 12, 37, 66, 89, 95]
    length = len(l)
    while len(l) > 0:
        key = l.pop(0)
        value = chr(key)
        tree.insert(key, value)
    level_order = tree.level_order()
    assert level_order == [38, 13, 51, 10, 25, 40, 84, 12, 37, 66, 89, 95]
    level_order = tree.level_order()
    pre_order = tree.pre_order()
    assert level_order == [38, 51, 13, 84, 40, 25, 10, 89, 66, 37, 12, 95]
    assert pre_order == [38, 51, 84, 89, 95, 66, 40, 13, 25, 37, 10, 12]
Example #11
def test_remove3():
    tree = Tree()
    s = 100
    for i in range(0, s):
        tree.insert(i, i)

    for i in range(0, s):
Example #12
def test_remove4():
    tree = Tree()
    s = 100
    for i in reversed(range(0, s)):
        tree.insert(i, i)

    for i in reversed(range(0, s)):
Example #13
def test_find2():
    tree = Tree()
    l = [38, 13, 51, 10, 25, 40, 84, 12, 37, 66, 89, 95]
    length = len(l)
    while len(l) > 0:
        key = l.pop(0)
        value = chr(key)
        tree.insert(key, value)
    assert tree.find(100).key == 95
    assert tree.find(50).key == 40
    assert tree.find(39).key == 40
    assert tree.find(15).key == 25
Example #14
def test_in_order_pre_order_level_order():
    tree = Tree()
    l = [38, 13, 51, 10, 25, 40, 84, 12, 37, 66, 89, 95]
    length = len(l)
    while len(l) > 0:
        key = l.pop(0)
        value = chr(key)
        tree.insert(key, value)
    in_order = tree.in_order()
    pre_order = tree.pre_order()
    level_order = tree.level_order()
    assert in_order == [10, 12, 13, 25, 37, 38, 40, 51, 66, 84, 89, 95]
    assert pre_order == [38, 13, 10, 12, 25, 37, 51, 40, 84, 66, 89, 95]
    assert level_order == [38, 13, 51, 10, 25, 40, 84, 12, 37, 66, 89, 95]
Example #15
def test_remove5():

    tree = Tree()
    l = list()
    s = 100
    for i in range(0, s):
        tree.insert(i, i)

    for i in range(0, s):

    size = 100
    while len(l) > 1:
        key = l.pop()
        size -= 1
        assert len(tree.in_order()) == size
        croot = tree.find(key)
        assert croot.key != key
Example #16
def string_postorder(t: Tree) -> str:
    Return a string of tree in post order

    >>> t = Tree("a", [Tree("b"), Tree("c", [Tree("d")]), \
Tree("e", [Tree("f")]), Tree("g")])
    >>> string_postorder(t)
    >>> string_postorder(Tree("a"))
    >>> t = Tree("a", [Tree("b", [Tree("c")]), Tree("d")])
    >>> string_postorder(t)
    if t.value is None:
        return ''
        return ''.join([string_postorder(s)
                        for s in t.children]) + str(t.value)
Example #17
def concatenate_at_depth(t: Tree, d: int) -> str:
    """ Return the concatenation of node values at depth d of t.
    Assume that node values are strings and that there are no
    None values in any list of children in t or its descendants.

    >>> t = Tree("a", [Tree("b"), Tree("c", [Tree("d")]), \
Tree("e", [Tree("f")]), Tree("g")])
    >>> concatenate_at_depth(t, 0)
    >>> concatenate_at_depth(t, 1)
    >>> concatenate_at_depth(t, 2)
    >>> concatenate_at_depth(t, 5)
    if t.value is None:
        return ''
    elif d == 0:
        return str(t.value)
        return ''.join([concatenate_at_depth(s, d - 1) for s in t.children])
Example #18
def count_internal(t: Tree) -> int:
    Return number of internal nodes of t.

    >>> t = Tree(0)
    >>> count_internal(t)
    >>> t = descendants_from_list(Tree(0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], 3)
    >>> t
    Tree(0, [Tree(1, [Tree(4), Tree(5), Tree(6)]), Tree(2, [Tree(7), \
Tree(8)]), Tree(3)])
    >>> count_internal(t)
    >>> descendants_from_list(Tree(0), [1, 2, 3, 4], 2)
    Tree(0, [Tree(1, [Tree(3), Tree(4)]), Tree(2)])
    if t.value is None:
        return 0
    elif t.children == []:
        # we're at a leaf -> not internal.
        return 0
        # we're at an internal node
        return 1 + sum(count_internal(subtree) for subtree in t.children)
Example #19
def prune(t: Tree, predicate: Callable[[object], bool]) -> Optional[Tree]:
    """ Return a new tree with the same values as t, except it
    prunes (omits) all paths of t that start with nodes where
    predicate(node.value) == False. If predicate(t.value) == False,
    then prune returns None.
    Assume that all values in t are ints, and that predicate
    always takes an int and returns a bool.

    >>> v: int
    >>> t1 = Tree(6, [Tree(8) , Tree(9)])
    >>> t2 = Tree(4, [Tree(11), Tree(10)])
    >>> t3 = Tree(7, [Tree(3), Tree(12)])
    >>> t = Tree(5, [t1, t2, t3])
    >>> t3_pruned = Tree(7, [Tree(12)])
    >>> def predicate (v) : return v > 4
    >>> prune(t, predicate) == Tree(5, [t1, t3_pruned])
    # version 1
    # if t.value is None:
    #     pass
    # elif not predicate(t.value):
    #     pass
    # else:
    #     new_t = Tree(t.value)
    #     for s in t.children:
    #         subtree = prune(s, predicate)
    #         if subtree is not None:
    #             new_t.children.append(subtree)
    #     return new_t

    # version 2 ** modifies t ***
    # if t.value is None:
    #     pass
    # elif not predicate(t.value):
    #     pass
    # else:
    #     list_ = [prune(subtree, predicate) for subtree in t.children]
    #     t.children = [x for x in list_ if x is not None]
    #     return t

    # Version 3
    # if t.value is None:
    #     pass
    # elif not predicate(t.value):
    #     pass
    # else:
    #     new_t = Tree(t.value)
    #     lst = [prune(s, predicate) for s in t.children]
    #     new_t.children = [s for s in lst if s is not None]
    #     return new_t

    # version 4:
    # if t.value is None:
    #     pass
    # elif not predicate(t.value):
    #     return Tree()
    # else:
    #     new_t = Tree(t.value)
    #     for subtree in t.children:
    #         tree = prune(subtree, predicate)
    #         if tree.value is not None:
    #             new_t.children.append(tree)
    #     return new_t

    if t.value is None:
    elif predicate(t.value) is False:
        new_t = Tree(t.value)
        for s in t.children:
            child = prune(s, predicate)
            if child is not None:
        return new_t
Example #20
def test_remove():
    tree = Tree()
    l = [38, 13, 51, 10, 25, 40, 84, 12, 37, 66, 89, 95]
    length = len(l)
    while len(l) > 0:
        key = l.pop(0)
        value = chr(key)
        tree.insert(key, value)

    assert tree.root.key == 37
    assert tree.find(13).parent.key == 37
    assert tree.find(51).parent.key == 37
    assert tree.find(38).key == 40

    assert tree.find(95).key == 95
    assert tree.find(95).parent.key == 84

    assert tree.find(13).key == 25
    assert tree.find(12).parent.key == 37
    assert tree.find(10).parent.key == 12
    assert tree.find(25).parent.key == 12
Example #21
def test_remove2():
    tree = Tree()
    l = [38, 13, 51, 10, 25, 40, 84, 12, 37, 66, 89, 95]
    length = len(l)
    while len(l) > 0:
        key = l.pop(0)
        value = chr(key)
        tree.insert(key, value)
    assert len(tree.in_order()) == length