Example #1
 def test_setitem_adds_root(self):
     """Does __setitem__ correctly add the tree's root when called on an
     empty tree?"""
     empty_tree = TreeMap()
     test_key = 12
     empty_tree[test_key] = "test value"
     self.assertEqual(test_key, empty_tree.root().key())
Example #2
    def setUp(self):
        self.tree = TreeMap()
        self.val = self.tree._Node("filler value")  # filler value
        # NB these keys must be numbers (or else ._node objects?)

        self.root_key = 44
        self.root_val = self.tree._Node("root value")
        self.root = self.tree._add_root(
            self.tree._Item(self.root_key, self.root_val))

        # First layer: 44 with children 17 and 88
        self.pos17 = self.tree._add_left(  # Todo this shouldn't be necessary
            self.tree.root(), self.tree._Item(
                17, self.val))  # setitem is supposed to know left vs right
        self.pos88 = self.tree._add_right(self.tree.root(),
                                          self.tree._Item(88, self.val))

        # Children of 17: 8 and 32
        self.pos8 = self.tree._add_left(self.pos17,
                                        self.tree._Item(8, self.val))
        self.pos32 = self.tree._add_right(self.pos17,
                                          self.tree._Item(32, self.val))

        # Children of 88: 65 and 97
        self.val_65 = self.tree._Node("value at key 65")
        self.tree[65] = self.val_65
        self.tree[97] = self.tree._Node("value at key 97")
Example #3
 def test_set_and_get(self):
     ht = TreeMap()
     ht.set('I', 1)
     ht.set('V', 5)
     ht.set('X', 10)
     assert ht.get('I') == 1
     assert ht.get('V') == 5
     assert ht.get('X') == 10
     assert ht.size == 3
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
         ht.get('A')  # Key does not exist
Example #4
 def test_contains(self):
     ht = TreeMap()
     ht.set('I', 1)
     ht.set('V', 5)
     ht.set('X', 10)
     assert ht.contains('I') is True
     assert ht.contains('V') is True
     assert ht.contains('X') is True
     assert ht.contains('A') is False
Example #5
 def test_size(self):
     ht = TreeMap()
     assert ht.size == 0
     ht.set('I', 1)
     assert ht.size == 1
     ht.set('V', 5)
     assert ht.size == 2
     ht.set('X', 10)
     assert ht.size == 3
Example #6
 def test_getitem_raises_key_error_for_empty(self):
     """ Does __getitem__ raise KeyError when called on an empty tree?"""
     empty_tree = TreeMap()
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
         item = empty_tree[12]
Example #7
    def test_simple_single_rotation(self):
        tree = TreeMap()
        z = tree._add_root(tree._Item(1, "z"))  # z starts as root
        assert tree.root().key() == 1
        y = tree._add_right(p=z, e=tree._Item(2, "y"))
        # y starts as right child of z

        x = tree._add_right(p=y, e=tree._Item(3, "x"))
        # x starts as right child of y, grandchild of z
        assert len(tree) == 3
        self.assertEqual("y", tree.root().value())  # y should be root
                         tree.left(tree.root()).value())  # z should be left
                         tree.right(tree.root()).value())  # x should be right

        # y should now have no parent

        # z and x should now be leaves with no children

Example #8
 def test_find_ge_empty(self):
     """Does the method return None when called on an empty tree?"""
     empty_tree = TreeMap()
Example #9
class TestSimpleTreeMap(unittest.TestCase):
    """Quick basic-functionality tests using a simple instance of a TreeMap

    # The tree is the one from DSAP 463 figure 11.2(a). With root 44, "first"
    #   (min value leftmost external node) 8, "last" 97.

    def setUp(self):
        self.tree = TreeMap()
        self.val = self.tree._Node("filler value")  # filler value
        # NB these keys must be numbers (or else ._node objects?)

        self.root_key = 44
        self.root_val = self.tree._Node("root value")
        self.root = self.tree._add_root(
            self.tree._Item(self.root_key, self.root_val))

        # First layer: 44 with children 17 and 88
        self.pos17 = self.tree._add_left(  # Todo this shouldn't be necessary
            self.tree.root(), self.tree._Item(
                17, self.val))  # setitem is supposed to know left vs right
        self.pos88 = self.tree._add_right(self.tree.root(),
                                          self.tree._Item(88, self.val))

        # Children of 17: 8 and 32
        self.pos8 = self.tree._add_left(self.pos17,
                                        self.tree._Item(8, self.val))
        self.pos32 = self.tree._add_right(self.pos17,
                                          self.tree._Item(32, self.val))

        # Children of 88: 65 and 97
        self.val_65 = self.tree._Node("value at key 65")
        self.tree[65] = self.val_65
        self.tree[97] = self.tree._Node("value at key 97")

    ### TreeMap.__getitem__

    def test_getitem(self):
        """Does TM's __getitem__ method return the value associated with
        a key?"""
        expected = self.root_val
        self.assertEqual(expected, self.tree[self.root_key])

    def test_getitem_for_external_setitem_call(self):
        """Does getitem return the expected value for an item that was added
        through dictionary-style syntax rather than by directly calling
        internal setter methods?"""
        expected = self.val_65
        self.assertEqual(expected, self.tree[65])

    def test_getitem_raises_key_error_for_empty(self):
        """ Does __getitem__ raise KeyError when called on an empty tree?"""
        empty_tree = TreeMap()
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
            item = empty_tree[12]

    def test_getitem_raises_key_error(self):
        """Does __getitem__ raise KeyError when called with a key that isn't
        in the tree?"""
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
            item = self.tree[9001]

    ### TreeMap.__setitem__

    def test_setitem_adds_root(self):
        """Does __setitem__ correctly add the tree's root when called on an
        empty tree?"""
        empty_tree = TreeMap()
        test_key = 12
        empty_tree[test_key] = "test value"
        self.assertEqual(test_key, empty_tree.root().key())

    ### TreeMap._subtree_search

    def test_subtree_search_left_case(self):
        # subtree search for key k=8 on subtree from position with key=17 should
        #   return Position of 8.
        expected = self.pos8
        actual = self.tree._subtree_search(p=self.pos17, k=8)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_subtree_search_right_case(self):
        expected = self.pos32
        actual = self.tree._subtree_search(p=self.pos17, k=32)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_subtree_search_no_match(self):
        """Does the method return the subtree's root position when the searched-
        for key isn't in the subtree?"""
        expected = self.pos32
        actual = self.tree._subtree_search(p=self.pos17, k=9001)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    ### TreeMap._subtree_first_position

    def test_subtree_first_position_full_tree(self):
        """Does it correctly return 8, the minimum value in this test tree?"""
        expected = self.pos8
        actual = self.tree._subtree_first_position(self.tree.root())
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_subtree_first_position_not_tree_min(self):
        # Todo test will break if more layers added to build the full tree
        #   from the diagram.
        """When called on a subtree that isn't root, and whose "last" key
        is greater than the full tree's last, does the method correctly return
        the subtree last?"""
        # Min for subtree at 88 is 65
        expected = 65
        actual = self.tree._subtree_first_position(self.pos88).key()
        # Call key() method to return the actual int rather than a position
        #   object.
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    ### TreeMap._subtree_last_position

    def test_subtree_last_position_full_tree(self):
        """When called on the full tree, does the method return the key with the
        max value in the tree?"""
        # max is 97 right now
        expected = 97
        actual = self.tree._subtree_last_position(self.tree.root()).key()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_subtree_first_position_not_tree_max(self):
        """When called on a subtree whose "last" isn't the same as the full tree's
        last, does the method correctly return the subtree's last?"""
        # max on the 17 subtree is 32
        expected = 32
        actual = self.tree._subtree_last_position(self.pos17).key()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)


    def test_first(self):
        """Does the method return the first position in the tree?"""
        expected = self.pos8
        actual = self.tree.first()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_last(self):
        """Does the method return the last position in the full tree?"""
        expected = 97
        actual = self.tree.last().key()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    ### TreeMap.before

    def test_before_root(self):
        """Does the method correctly return the position just before root
        when called on root?"""
        expected = 32
        actual = self.tree.before(self.tree.root()).key()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_before_first(self):
        """Does the method return None when called with the first position?"""

    ### TreeMap.after

    def test_after_root(self):
        expected = 65
        assert self.tree.root().key() == 44
        actual = self.tree.after(self.tree.root()).key()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_after_last(self):
        """Does the method return None when called with the last position?"""

    def test_find_position_root(self):
        """Does the method return root when called with root's key?"""
        self.assertEqual(self.tree.root(), self.tree.find_position(44))

    def test_find_position_midlevel(self):
        """Does the method return the correct key when called with the key
        of an internal node with two children?"""
        self.assertEqual(self.pos17, self.tree.find_position(17))

    def test_find_position_leaf(self):
        """Does the method return the correct key when called with a leaf?"""
        self.assertEqual(self.pos8, self.tree.find_position(8))

    def test_find_position_empty(self):
        """Does the method return None when called on an empty tree?"""
        empty_tree = TreeMap()

    def test_find_min(self):
        val_8 = self.tree._Node("value at 8")
        self.tree[8] = val_8  # put a distinct value at 8
        expected = (8, val_8)
        self.assertEqual(expected, self.tree.find_min())

    def test_find_min_empty(self):
        """Does the method return None when called on an empty tree?"""
        empty_tree = TreeMap()

    ### TreeMap.find_ge
    def test_find_ge_no_exact_match(self):
        # Least key greater than or equal to 45 should be 65
        expected = (65, self.tree.find_position(65).value())
        self.assertEqual(expected, self.tree.find_ge(45))

    def test_find_ge_first_pos_tried_less_than_k(self):
        # Searching for ge 31 should land on 32, via 32's parent 17
        expected = (32, self.tree.find_position(32).value())
        self.assertEqual(expected, self.tree.find_ge(31))

    def test_find_ge_target_would_become_last(self):
        """Does the method return None when there's no existing key in the
        tree greater than or equal to the search target?"""

    def test_find_ge_empty(self):
        """Does the method return None when called on an empty tree?"""
        empty_tree = TreeMap()

    ### TreeMap.find_range

    def test_find_range_full_tree(self):
        """Does the method iterate over all key-value pairs in the tree when
        both start and stop are None?"""
        count = 0
        for node in self.tree.find_range():
            self.assertIsInstance(node, tuple)
            # Just a rando thing to do to each, point
            # here is to confirm they can all be iterated
            # over, IMU no need to do anything fancy on
            # successfully touching each.
            count += 1
        self.assertEqual(len(self.tree), count)  # Confirm actually touched all

    def test_find_range_root_is_start(self):
        # If iteration starts at root with key=44, then it should iterate over
        #    a total of 4 nodes given the setup of the hardcoded test tree.
        #   That is, keys 44, 65, 88, and 97
        count = 0
        expected_keys = [44, 65, 88, 97]
        actual_keys = []
        for node in self.tree.find_range(start=44):
            count += 1
        self.assertEqual(expected_keys, actual_keys)
        self.assertEqual(4, count)

    def test_find_range_root_is_stop(self):
        # If iteration stops at root of this hardcoded test tree, then it
        #   should iterate over a total of 3 elements. Keys 8, 17 and 32.
        #   It won't reach the "stop" value, same as builtin Python range.
        count = 0
        expected_keys = [8, 17, 32]
        actual_keys = []
        for node in self.tree.find_range(stop=44):
            count += 1
        self.assertEqual(expected_keys, actual_keys)
        self.assertEqual(3, count)

    def test_find_range_start_not_exact_match(self):
        """Does the method behave as intended when the start value isn't equal
        to any actual key in the tree?"""
        # In the hardcoded test tree, start value of 40 should yield same elements
        #   as starting at 44.
        start = 40
        count = 0
        expected_keys = [44, 65, 88, 97]
        actual_keys = []
        for node in self.tree.find_range(start):
            count += 1
        self.assertEqual(expected_keys, actual_keys)
        self.assertEqual(4, count)

    def test_iter(self):
        """Does __iter__ method yield the keys in order?"""
        expected_keys = [8, 17, 32, 44, 65, 88, 97]
        actual_keys = []
        for key in self.tree:
        self.assertEqual(expected_keys, actual_keys)

    def test_delete(self):
        # If 44 is deleted, 32 should become the new root
        del self.tree[44]
        self.assertEqual(32, self.tree.root().key())

    def test_delete_raises_key_error(self):
        """Does delete method raise KeyError when called with a nonexistent
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
            del self.tree[9001]
Example #10
 def test_init(self):
     """Can an instance of a TreeMap object be initialized?"""
     test_tree = TreeMap()
     self.assertIsInstance(test_tree, TreeMap)
Example #11
 def test_init(self):
     ht = TreeMap()
     assert ht.size == 0
Example #12
 def test_set_twice_and_get(self):
     ht = TreeMap()
     ht.set('I', 1)
     ht.set('V', 4)
     ht.set('X', 9)
     assert ht.size == 3
     ht.set('V', 5)  # Update value
     ht.set('X', 10)  # Update value
     assert ht.get('I') == 1
     assert ht.get('V') == 5
     assert ht.get('X') == 10
     assert ht.size == 3  # Check size is not overcounting
Example #13
 def test_items(self):
     ht = TreeMap()
     assert ht.items() == []
     ht.set('I', 1)
     assert ht.items() == [('I', 1)]
     ht.set('V', 5)
     self.assertCountEqual(ht.items(), [('I', 1), ('V', 5)])
     ht.set('X', 10)
     self.assertCountEqual(ht.items(), [('I', 1), ('V', 5), ('X', 10)])
Example #14
 def test_values(self):
     ht = TreeMap()
     assert ht.values() == []
     ht.set('I', 1)
     assert ht.values() == [1]
     ht.set('V', 5)
     self.assertCountEqual(ht.values(), [1, 5])  # Ignore item order
     ht.set('X', 10)
     self.assertCountEqual(ht.values(), [1, 5, 10])  # Ignore item order
Example #15
 def test_keys(self):
     ht = TreeMap()
     assert ht.keys() == []
     ht.set('I', 1)
     assert ht.keys() == ['I']
     ht.set('V', 5)
     self.assertCountEqual(ht.keys(), ['I', 'V'])  # Ignore item order
     ht.set('X', 10)
     self.assertCountEqual(ht.keys(), ['I', 'V', 'X'])  # Ignore item order
Example #16
            if p._node._height == old._height:
                p = None
                p = self.parent(p)

    def _rebalance_insert(self, p):

    def _rabalance_delete(self, p):

    def _rebalance_access(self, p):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rand = random.choices(range(20), k=10)
    d = TreeMap()
    for n in rand:
        d[n] = n * n
    for key, value in d.items():
        print(key, value)
    print(f"min: {d.find_min()}")
    print(f"greater than or equal to 10: {d.find_ge(10)}")
    listed = d.list_by_depth()
    for depth in listed:
        for item in depth:
            print(item._key, item._value, end="     ")
    for key, value in d.find_range(1, 10):
        print(key, value)