Example #1
def test_estimate_tree(num_edges):
    E = num_edges
    V = 1 + E
    grid = make_complete_graph(V)
    K = grid.shape[1]
    edge_logits = np.random.random([K]) - 0.5
    edges = estimate_tree(grid, edge_logits)

    # Check size.
    assert len(edges) == E
    for v in range(V):
        assert any(v in edge for edge in edges)

    # Check optimality.
    edges = tuple(edges)
    if V < len(TREE_GENERATORS):
        all_trees = get_spanning_trees(V)
        assert edges in all_trees
        all_trees = list(all_trees)
        logits = []
        for tree in all_trees:
                sum(edge_logits[find_complete_edge(u, v)] for (u, v) in tree))
        expected = all_trees[np.argmax(logits)]
        assert edges == expected
Example #2
def plot_feature_overlap(df, cmap='binary', method='cluster'):
    """Plot feature-feature presence overlap of a pandas dataframe.

        df: A pandas dataframe.
        cmap: A matplotlib colormap.
        method: Method of clustering, one of 'cluster' or 'tree'.
    V = len(df.columns)
    present = (df == df).as_matrix().astype(np.float32)
    overlap = np.dot(present.T, present)
    assert overlap.shape == (V, V)

    # Sort features to make blocks contiguous.
    if method == 'tree':
        # TODO(fritzo) Fix this to not look awful.
        grid = make_complete_graph(V)
        weights = np.empty(grid.shape[1], dtype=np.float32)
        for k, v1, v2 in grid.T:
            weights[k] = overlap[v1, v2]
        edges = estimate_tree(grid, weights)
        order, order_inv = order_vertices(edges)
    elif method == 'cluster':
        distance = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(overlap)
        clustering = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.complete(distance)
        order_inv = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.leaves_list(clustering)
        raise ValueError(method)
    overlap = overlap[order_inv, :]
    overlap = overlap[:, order_inv]
    assert overlap.shape == (V, V)

    pyplot.imshow(overlap**0.5, cmap=cmap)
Example #3
    def __init__(self, model):
        """Create a TreeCat server.

            model: A dict with fields:
                tree: A TreeStructure.
                suffstats: A dict of sufficient statistics.
                edge_logits: A K-sized array of nonnormalized edge
                config: A global config dict.
        tree = model['tree']
        suffstats = model['suffstats']
        config = model['config']
        logger.info('TreeCatServer with %d features', tree.num_vertices)
        assert isinstance(tree, TreeStructure)
        ragged_index = suffstats['ragged_index']
        ServerBase.__init__(self, ragged_index)
        self._tree = tree
        self._config = config
        self._program = make_propagation_program(tree.tree_grid)

        # These are useful dimensions to import into locals().
        V = self._tree.num_vertices
        E = V - 1  # Number of edges in the tree.
        M = self._config['model_num_clusters']  # Number of latent clusters.
        R = ragged_index[-1]  # Size of ragged data.
        self._VEMR = (V, E, M, R)

        # Use Jeffreys priors.
        vert_prior = 0.5
        edge_prior = 0.5 / M
        feat_prior = 0.5 / M

        # These are posterior marginals for vertices and pairs of vertices.
        self._vert_probs = suffstats['vert_ss'].astype(np.float32) + vert_prior
        self._vert_probs /= self._vert_probs.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
        self._edge_probs = suffstats['edge_ss'].astype(np.float32) + edge_prior
        self._edge_probs /= self._edge_probs.sum(axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)

        # This represents information in the pairwise joint posterior minus
        # information in the individual factors.
        self._edge_trans = self._edge_probs.copy()
        for e, v1, v2 in tree.tree_grid.T:
            self._edge_trans[e, :, :] /= self._vert_probs[v1, :, np.newaxis]
            self._edge_trans[e, :, :] /= self._vert_probs[v2, np.newaxis, :]

        # This is the conditional distribution of features given latent.
        self._feat_cond = suffstats['feat_ss'].astype(np.float32) + feat_prior
        for v in range(V):
            beg, end = ragged_index[v:v + 2]
            feat_block = self._feat_cond[beg:end, :]
            feat_block /= feat_block.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True)

        # These are used to inspect and visualize latent structure.
        self._edge_logits = model['edge_logits']
        self._estimated_tree = tuple(
            estimate_tree(self._tree.complete_grid, self._edge_logits))
Example #4
    def __init__(self, ensemble):
        logger.info('EnsembleServer of size %d', len(ensemble))
        assert ensemble
        ServerBase.__init__(self, ensemble[0]['suffstats']['ragged_index'])
        self._ensemble = [TreeCatServer(model) for model in ensemble]

        # These are used to inspect and visualize latent structure.
        self._edge_logits = self._ensemble[0].edge_logits.copy()
        for server in self._ensemble[1:]:
            self._edge_logits += server.edge_logits
        self._edge_logits /= len(self._ensemble)
        grid = self._ensemble[0]._tree.complete_grid
        self._estimated_tree = tuple(estimate_tree(grid, self._edge_logits))
Example #5
    def estimate_tree(self):
        """Compute a maximum likelihood tree.

            A pair (edges, edge_logits), where:
                edges: A list of (vertex, vertex) pairs.
                edge_logits: A [K]-shaped numpy array of edge logits.
        logger.info('TreeCatTrainer.estimate_tree given %d rows',
        complete_grid = self._tree.complete_grid
        edge_logits = self.compute_edge_logits()
        edges = estimate_tree(complete_grid, edge_logits)
        return edges, edge_logits
Example #6
def test_recover_structure(V, C):
    set_random_seed(V + C * 10)
    N = 200
    M = 2 * C
    K = V * (V - 1) // 2
    tree_prior = np.zeros(K, np.float32)
    tree = generate_tree(num_cols=V)
    table = generate_clean_dataset(tree, num_rows=N, num_cats=C)['table']
    config = make_config(model_num_clusters=M)
    model = train_model(table, tree_prior, config)

    # Compute three types of edges.
    expected_edges = tree.get_edges()
    optimal_edges = estimate_tree(tree.complete_grid, model['edge_logits'])
    actual_edges = model['tree'].get_edges()

    # Print debugging information.
    feature_names = [str(v) for v in range(V)]
    root = '0'
    readable_data = np.zeros([N, V], np.int8)
    for v in range(V):
        beg, end = table.ragged_index[v:v + 2]
        readable_data[:, v] = table.data[:, beg:end].argmax(axis=1)
    with np_printoptions(precision=2, threshold=100, edgeitems=5):
        print(print_tree(expected_edges, feature_names, root))
        print(print_tree(optimal_edges, feature_names, root))
        print(print_tree(actual_edges, feature_names, root))
        print('Edge logits:')
        print(triangular_to_square(tree.complete_grid, model['edge_logits']))
        print('Feature Sufficient Statistics:')
        print('Edge Sufficient Statistics:')

    # Check agreement.
    assert actual_edges == optimal_edges, 'Error in sample_tree'
    assert actual_edges == expected_edges, 'Error in likelihood'