Example #1
    def get_rescaled_trees(self, treestr, branch_length_ratios, debug=False):
        Trees are generated with the mean branch length observed in data over the whole sequence, because we want to use topologically
        the same tree for the whole sequence. But we observe different branch lengths for each region, so we need to rescale the tree for
        v, d, and j
        rescaled_trees = {}
        if debug:
            print '      rescaling tree:'
        for region in utils.regions:
            # rescale the tree
            rescaled_trees[region] = treegenerator.rescale_tree(
                treestr, branch_length_ratios[region])
            if debug:
                print '         %s by %f (new depth %f): %s -> %s' % (
                    region, branch_length_ratios[region],
                        rescaled_trees[region])['t1'], treestr,

            # and then check it NOTE can remove this eventually
            initial_depths = {}
            for node, depth in treegenerator.get_leaf_node_depths(
                initial_depths[node] = depth
            for node, depth in treegenerator.get_leaf_node_depths(
                depth_ratio = depth / initial_depths[node]
                assert utils.is_normed(depth_ratio /
        return rescaled_trees
Example #2
    def add_mutants(self, reco_event, irandom):
        chosen_treeinfo = self.treeinfo[random.randint(0, len(self.treeinfo)-1)]
        chosen_tree = chosen_treeinfo.split(';')[0] + ';'
        branch_length_ratios = {}  # NOTE a.t.m (and probably permanently) the mean branch lengths for each region are the *same* for all the trees in the file, I just don't have a better place to put them while I'm passing from TreeGenerator to here than at the end of each line in the file
        for tmpstr in chosen_treeinfo.split(';')[1].split(','):  # looks like e.g.: (t2:0.003751736951,t1:0.003751736951):0.001248262937;v:0.98,d:1.8,j:0.87, where the newick trees has branch lengths corresponding to the whole sequence  (i.e. the weighted mean of v, d, and j)
            region = tmpstr.split(':')[0]
            assert region in utils.regions
            ratio = float(tmpstr.split(':')[1])
            if self.args.branch_length_multiplier != None:  # multiply the branch lengths by some factor
                # if self.args.debug:
                # print '    adding branch length factor %f ' % self.args.branch_length_multiplier
                ratio *= self.args.branch_length_multiplier
            branch_length_ratios[region] = ratio

        if self.args.debug:  # NOTE should be the same for t[0-9]... but I guess I should check at some point
            print '  using tree with total depth %f' % treegenerator.get_leaf_node_depths(chosen_tree)['t1']  # kind of hackey to just look at t1, but they're all the same anyway and it's just for printing purposes...
            Phylo.draw_ascii(Phylo.read(StringIO(chosen_tree), 'newick'))
            print '    with branch length ratios ', ', '.join([ '%s %f' % (region, branch_length_ratios[region]) for region in utils.regions])

        scaled_trees = self.get_rescaled_trees(chosen_tree, branch_length_ratios)
        # NOTE would be nice to parallelize this
        mutes = {}
        for region in utils.regions:
            mutes[region] = self.run_bppseqgen(reco_event.eroded_seqs[region], scaled_trees[region], reco_event.genes[region], reco_event, seed=irandom, is_insertion=False)
        mutes['vd'] = self.run_bppseqgen(reco_event.insertions['vd'], scaled_trees['v'], 'vd_insert', reco_event, seed=irandom, is_insertion=True)  # NOTE would be nice to use a better mutation model for the insertions
        mutes['dj'] = self.run_bppseqgen(reco_event.insertions['dj'], scaled_trees['j'], 'dj_insert', reco_event, seed=irandom, is_insertion=True)

        assert len(reco_event.final_seqs) == 0
        for iseq in range(len(mutes['v'])):
            seq = mutes['v'][iseq] + mutes['vd'][iseq] + mutes['d'][iseq] + mutes['dj'][iseq] + mutes['j'][iseq]  # build final sequence
            seq = reco_event.revert_conserved_codons(seq)  # if mutation screwed up the conserved codons, just switch 'em back to what they were to start with
            reco_event.final_seqs.append(seq)  # set final sequnce in reco_event

        assert not utils.are_conserved_codons_screwed_up(reco_event)
Example #3
 def get_rescaled_trees(self, treestr, branch_length_ratios):
     Trees are generated with the mean branch length observed in data over the whole sequence, because we want to use topologically
     the same tree for the whole sequence. But we observe different branch lengths for each region, so we need to rescale the tree for 
     v, d, and j
     rescaled_trees = {}
     for region in utils.regions:
         # rescale the tree
         rescaled_trees[region] = treegenerator.rescale_tree(treestr, branch_length_ratios[region])
         # print 'rescaled %s by %f: %s -> %s' % (region, branch_length_ratios[region], treestr, rescaled_trees[region])
         # and then check it NOTE can remove this eventually
         initial_depths = {}
         for node, depth in treegenerator.get_leaf_node_depths(treestr).items():
             initial_depths[node] = depth
         for node, depth in treegenerator.get_leaf_node_depths(rescaled_trees[region]).items():
             depth_ratio = depth / initial_depths[node]
             assert utils.is_normed(depth_ratio / branch_length_ratios[region], this_eps=1e-6)
     return rescaled_trees
Example #4
    def add_mutants(self, reco_event, irandom):
        chosen_treeinfo = self.treeinfo[random.randint(0, len(self.treeinfo)-1)]
        chosen_tree = chosen_treeinfo.split(';')[0] + ';'
        branch_length_ratios = {}  # NOTE a.t.m (and probably permanently) the mean branch lengths for each region are the *same* for all the trees in the file, I just don't have a better place to put them while I'm passing from TreeGenerator to here than at the end of each line in the file
        for tmpstr in chosen_treeinfo.split(';')[1].split(','):  # looks like e.g.: (t2:0.003751736951,t1:0.003751736951):0.001248262937;v:0.98,d:1.8,j:0.87, where the newick trees has branch lengths corresponding to the whole sequence  (i.e. the weighted mean of v, d, and j)
            region = tmpstr.split(':')[0]
            assert region in utils.regions
            ratio = float(tmpstr.split(':')[1])
            if self.args.mutation_multiplier is not None:  # multiply the branch lengths by some factor
                # if self.args.debug:
                # print '    adding branch length factor %f ' % self.args.mutation_multiplier
                ratio *= self.args.mutation_multiplier
            branch_length_ratios[region] = ratio

        if self.args.debug:  # NOTE should be the same for t[0-9]... but I guess I should check at some point
            print '  using tree with total depth %f' % treegenerator.get_leaf_node_depths(chosen_tree)['t1']  # kind of hackey to just look at t1, but they're all the same anyway and it's just for printing purposes...
            if len(re.findall('t', chosen_tree)) > 1:  # if more than one leaf
                Phylo.draw_ascii(Phylo.read(StringIO(chosen_tree), 'newick'))
                print '    one leaf'
            print '    with branch length ratios ', ', '.join(['%s %f' % (region, branch_length_ratios[region]) for region in utils.regions])

        scaled_trees = self.get_rescaled_trees(chosen_tree, branch_length_ratios)
        treg = re.compile('t[0-9][0-9]*')
        n_leaf_nodes = len(treg.findall(chosen_tree))
        cmdfos = []
        for region in utils.regions:
            simstr = reco_event.eroded_seqs[region]
            if region == 'd':
                simstr = reco_event.insertions['vd'] + simstr + reco_event.insertions['dj']
            cmdfos.append(self.prepare_bppseqgen(simstr, scaled_trees[region], n_leaf_nodes, reco_event.genes[region], reco_event, seed=irandom))

        utils.run_cmds([cfo for cfo in cmdfos if cfo is not None], sleep=False)  # shenanigan is to handle zero-length regional seqs

        mseqs = {}
        for ireg in range(len(utils.regions)):
            if cmdfos[ireg] is None:
                mseqs[utils.regions[ireg]] = ['' for _ in range(n_leaf_nodes)]  # return an empty string for each leaf node
                mseqs[utils.regions[ireg]] = self.read_bppseqgen_output(cmdfos[ireg], n_leaf_nodes)

        assert len(reco_event.final_seqs) == 0
        for iseq in range(n_leaf_nodes):
            seq = mseqs['v'][iseq] + mseqs['d'][iseq] + mseqs['j'][iseq]
            seq = reco_event.revert_conserved_codons(seq)  # if mutation screwed up the conserved codons, just switch 'em back to what they were to start with
            reco_event.final_seqs.append(seq)  # set final sequnce in reco_event

    def add_mutants(self, reco_event, irandom):
        chosen_treeinfo = self.treeinfo[random.randint(0, len(self.treeinfo)-1)]
        chosen_tree = chosen_treeinfo.split(';')[0] + ';'
        branch_length_ratios = {}  # NOTE a.t.m (and probably permanently) the mean branch lengths for each region are the *same* for all the trees in the file, I just don't have a better place to put them while I'm passing from TreeGenerator to here than at the end of each line in the file
        for tmpstr in chosen_treeinfo.split(';')[1].split(','):  # looks like e.g.: (t2:0.003751736951,t1:0.003751736951):0.001248262937;v:0.98,d:1.8,j:0.87, where the newick trees has branch lengths corresponding to the whole sequence  (i.e. the weighted mean of v, d, and j)
            region = tmpstr.split(':')[0]
            assert region in utils.regions
            ratio = float(tmpstr.split(':')[1])
            if self.args.mutation_multiplier is not None:  # multiply the branch lengths by some factor
                # if self.args.debug:
                # print '    adding branch length factor %f ' % self.args.mutation_multiplier
                ratio *= self.args.mutation_multiplier
            branch_length_ratios[region] = ratio

        if self.args.debug:  # NOTE should be the same for t[0-9]... but I guess I should check at some point
            print '  using tree with total depth %f' % treegenerator.get_leaf_node_depths(chosen_tree)['t1']  # kind of hackey to just look at t1, but they're all the same anyway and it's just for printing purposes...
            if len(re.findall('t', chosen_tree)) > 1:  # if more than one leaf
                Phylo.draw_ascii(Phylo.read(StringIO(chosen_tree), 'newick'))
                print '    one leaf'
            print '    with branch length ratios ', ', '.join(['%s %f' % (region, branch_length_ratios[region]) for region in utils.regions])

        scaled_trees = self.get_rescaled_trees(chosen_tree, branch_length_ratios)
        # NOTE would be nice to parallelize this
        mutes = {}
        for region in utils.regions:
            mutes[region] = self.run_bppseqgen(reco_event.eroded_seqs[region], scaled_trees[region], reco_event.genes[region], reco_event, seed=irandom, is_insertion=False)
        mutes['vd'] = self.run_bppseqgen(reco_event.insertions['vd'], scaled_trees['v'], 'vd_insert', reco_event, seed=irandom, is_insertion=True)  # NOTE would be nice to use a better mutation model for the insertions
        mutes['dj'] = self.run_bppseqgen(reco_event.insertions['dj'], scaled_trees['j'], 'dj_insert', reco_event, seed=irandom, is_insertion=True)

        assert len(reco_event.final_seqs) == 0
        for iseq in range(len(mutes['v'])):
            seq = mutes['v'][iseq] + mutes['vd'][iseq] + mutes['d'][iseq] + mutes['dj'][iseq] + mutes['j'][iseq]  # build final sequence
            seq = reco_event.revert_conserved_codons(seq)  # if mutation screwed up the conserved codons, just switch 'em back to what they were to start with
            reco_event.final_seqs.append(seq)  # set final sequnce in reco_event

        assert not utils.are_conserved_codons_screwed_up(reco_event)
Example #6
    def add_mutants(self, reco_event, irandom):
        if self.args.mutation_multiplier is not None and self.args.mutation_multiplier == 0.:  # some of the stuff below fails if mut mult is actually 0.
                reco_event.recombined_seq)  # set final sequnce in reco_event
            reco_event.indelfos = [
                for _ in range(len(reco_event.final_seqs))

        chosen_treeinfo = self.treeinfo[random.randint(0,
                                                       len(self.treeinfo) - 1)]
        chosen_tree = chosen_treeinfo.split(';')[0] + ';'
        branch_length_ratios = {
        }  # NOTE a.t.m (and probably permanently) the mean branch lengths for each region are the *same* for all the trees in the file, I just don't have a better place to put them while I'm passing from TreeGenerator to here than at the end of each line in the file
        for tmpstr in chosen_treeinfo.split(';')[1].split(
        ):  # looks like e.g.: (t2:0.003751736951,t1:0.003751736951):0.001248262937;v:0.98,d:1.8,j:0.87, where the newick trees has branch lengths corresponding to the whole sequence  (i.e. the weighted mean of v, d, and j)
            region = tmpstr.split(':')[0]
            assert region in utils.regions
            ratio = float(tmpstr.split(':')[1])
            if self.args.mutation_multiplier is not None:  # multiply the branch lengths by some factor
                # if self.args.debug:
                # print '    adding branch length factor %f ' % self.args.mutation_multiplier
                ratio *= self.args.mutation_multiplier
            branch_length_ratios[region] = ratio

        if self.args.debug:  # NOTE should be the same for t[0-9]... but I guess I should check at some point
            print '  using tree with total depth %f' % treegenerator.get_leaf_node_depths(
            )['t1']  # kind of hackey to just look at t1, but they're all the same anyway and it's just for printing purposes...
            if len(re.findall('t', chosen_tree)) > 1:  # if more than one leaf
                Phylo.draw_ascii(Phylo.read(StringIO(chosen_tree), 'newick'))
                print '    one leaf'
            print '    with branch length ratios ', ', '.join([
                '%s %f' % (region, branch_length_ratios[region])
                for region in utils.regions

        scaled_trees = self.get_rescaled_trees(chosen_tree,
        treg = re.compile('t[0-9][0-9]*')
        n_leaf_nodes = len(treg.findall(chosen_tree))
        cmdfos = []
        for region in utils.regions:
            simstr = reco_event.eroded_seqs[region]
            if region == 'd':
                simstr = reco_event.insertions[
                    'vd'] + simstr + reco_event.insertions['dj']

            [cfo for cfo in cmdfos if cfo is not None],
            sleep=False)  # shenanigan is to handle zero-length regional seqs

        mseqs = {}
        for ireg in range(len(utils.regions)):
            if cmdfos[ireg] is None:
                mseqs[utils.regions[ireg]] = [
                    '' for _ in range(n_leaf_nodes)
                ]  # return an empty string for each leaf node
                mseqs[utils.regions[ireg]] = self.read_bppseqgen_output(
                    cmdfos[ireg], n_leaf_nodes)

        assert len(reco_event.final_seqs) == 0
        for iseq in range(n_leaf_nodes):
            seq = mseqs['v'][iseq] + mseqs['d'][iseq] + mseqs['j'][iseq]
            seq = reco_event.revert_conserved_codons(
            )  # if mutation screwed up the conserved codons, just switch 'em back to what they were to start with
                seq)  # set final sequnce in reco_event
