Example #1
def example():    
    Treemap demo!
    This shows an example of creating a treemap  of nested tuples, random colours.
    Node size is sum of leaf elements.
    size_cache = {}
    def size(thing):
        """sum size of child nodes"""
        if isinstance(thing, int) or isinstance(thing, float):
            return thing
        if thing in size_cache:
            return size_cache[thing]
            size_cache[thing] = reduce(operator.add, [size(x) for x in thing])
            return size_cache[thing]
    def random_color(thing):
        """just return a random color"""
        return colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(random.random(), 0.5, 1)
    tree = ((5, (3, 5, 2, (0.1, 0.1, 0.6), 1)), 4, 
            (5, 2, (2, 3, (3, 2, (2, 5, 2), 2)), 
             (3, 3)), (3, 2, (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)))

    tm = Treemap(tree, size, random_color)    
Example #2
 def updateMap(self, directory, resetMap=True):
     '''Rebuild the Treemap at the specified directory and clear the map
     iff resetMap is True.'''
     # Clear the map if reset is True
     if resetMap:
     # Build a new Treemap
     self.__treemap = Treemap()
Example #3
def test_coverage():
    """Treemap visualisation of coverage information.
    This script will visually display a coverage file generated by Ned
    Batchelders statment coverage module, coverage.py (available from 
    http://www.nedbatchelder.com/code/modules/coverage.html).  Each node
    in the treemap is a python module with size is given by the number 
    of lines of code and colour of the by the coverage. Red is no coverage, 
    green is full coverage.  Mouse hovering will show the name of the file.
    The script automatically looks in the current directory for a 
    .coverage file to display.  Else you can specify a file using the first
    argument.  e.g.
        treemap_coverage /path/to/.coverage
    You can include or exclude modules using --include or --exclude.  For 
    example, to exclude all files in the treemap package:
        treemap_coverage --exclude treemap /path/to/.coverage
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:ve:v", ["help", "include=", "exclude="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print test_coverage.__doc__
    coverage_file = ".coverage"
    include = None
    exclude = "Test"
    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ("-h", "--help"):
            print test_coverage.__doc__
        if o in ("-i", "--include"):
            include = a
        if o in ("-e", "--exclude"):
            exclude = a    
    if len(args) > 0:
        coverage_file = args[0]
    if not os.path.exists(coverage_file):
        print "%s: file does not exist (try --help)" % coverage_file

    coverage.the_coverage.cache = coverage_file
        print "Error loading coverage, is %s a valid coverage file?" % coverage_file
    wanted = coverage.the_coverage.cexecuted.keys()
    if include:    
        wanted = [x for x in wanted if x.count(include)]
    if exclude:
        wanted = [x for x in wanted if not x.count(exclude)]
    wanted = [coverage.the_coverage.canonical_filename(x) for x in wanted]
    code = CoveredCode(wanted)
    root = code.root_module()
    Treemap( root,  code.size, code.color, iter_method=code.child_modules )