def create_document_structure(self): self.document = HTMLgen.SimpleDocument( title='trendMANAGER', stylesheet='/omega/trendmanager/styles.css', script=[HTMLgen.Script(src="/webapi/js/ColorPicker2.js"), HTMLgen.Script(code=""" window.ColorPicker_targetButton = null; function pickColor(color) { ColorPicker_targetInput.value = color; = color; return; } var cp = new ColorPicker('window'); function open_color_selector(input_id, button_id) { var input = document.getElementById(input_id); var button = document.getElementById(button_id); window.ColorPicker_targetButton = button;, input_id); return; } function change_button_color(input_id, button_id) { var input = document.getElementById(input_id); var button = document.getElementById(button_id); var color = input.value; = color; return; } """) ] ) # Hack-around to set the class on the BODY for HTMLGen self.document.append( HTMLgen.Script(code=""" document.body.className = 'manager'; """) ) page_heading = HTMLgen.Heading(2, "Trend Preferences", id="editorlabel") self.document.append(page_heading) section = HTMLgen.Div(**{'class':'section'}) form = CustomForm('/trendmanager') # # Also, create methods in request handler to extract the values # to make changing the form easier. # self.generalpreferencescontainer = HTMLgen.Div( **{'id':'generalpreferencescontainer'} ) form.append(self.generalpreferencescontainer) self.pointpreferencescontainer = HTMLgen.Div( **{'id':'pointpreferencescontainer'} ) form.append(self.pointpreferencescontainer) self.axespreferencescontainer = HTMLgen.Div( **{'id':'axespreferencescontainer'} ) form.append(self.axespreferencescontainer) form.submit = HTMLgen.Span(**{"class":"savespan"}) form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='hidden', name='trend', value=self.encoded_name) ) form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='commitpreferences', value='Commit') ) form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='cancelpreferences', value='Cancel') ) form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='reloadpreferences', value='Reload') ) section.append(form) self.document.append(section) return
def render(self): # @todo Restructure like preferences, point_form -> form... self.trend_configuration = self.trend.configuration() document = HTMLgen.SimpleDocument( title='trendMANAGER', stylesheet='/omega/trendmanager/styles.css', script=[HTMLgen.Script(code=nodeselectscript), HTMLgen.Script(code=updatenamescript),] ) # Hack-around to set the class on the BODY for HTMLGen document.append( HTMLgen.Script(code=""" document.body.className = 'manager'; """) ) page_heading = HTMLgen.Heading(2, "Trend Point Configuration", id="editorlabel") document.append(page_heading) section = HTMLgen.Div(**{'class':'section'}) point_form = CustomForm('/trendmanager') self.globalsettingscontainer = HTMLgen.Div( **{'id':'globalsettingscontainer'} ) point_form.append(self.globalsettingscontainer) self.add_global_settings() point_section = HTMLgen.Div(**{'class':'section'}) point_table = HTMLgen.TableLite(**{'class':'nodeEditTable'}) point_header = HTMLgen.TR(**{'class':'trend_table_headers'}) for header in ['Point Name', 'Node Path']: header_id = "%sheader" % header.replace(' ','').lower() headcell = HTMLgen.TH(header, scope="col", abbr=header, id=header_id) point_header.append(headcell) point_table.append(point_header) rowclasses = ['light', 'dark'] cd_points = self.trend_configuration['points'] for point_position in xrange(1,10): point_row = HTMLgen.TR(**{'class':rowclasses[point_position % 2]}) point_name_value = "" point_node_value = "" if len(cd_points) >= point_position: point_cfg = cd_points[point_position-1] point_name_value = point_cfg['name'] point_node_value = point_cfg['node'] point_name_id = "point%d" % point_position name_input = DojoInput(**{ 'value':point_name_value, 'name':point_name_id, 'id':point_name_id, }) name_column = HTMLgen.TD(**{"nowrap":True}) name_column.append(name_input) point_row.append(name_column) point_node_id = "node%d" % point_position node_input = DojoInput(**{ 'value':point_node_value, 'name':point_node_id, 'id':point_node_id, }) # @fixme Cool idea, need to swap order of node and name and # adding +/- capability would be extremely helpful in # user experience. #node_input.onChange = "update_point_name('%s','%s');" % ( # point_node_id, # point_name_id # ) node_column = HTMLgen.TD(**{"class":"configuration", "nowrap":True}) node_column.append(node_input) browse_node_id = "browse%d" % point_position node_browse = CustomInput(**{ 'type':'button', 'name':browse_node_id, 'value':'...', }) node_browse.onClick = "open_node_selector('%s');" % point_node_id button_column = HTMLgen.TD(**{"nowrap":True}) button_column.append(node_browse) point_row.append(node_column) point_row.append(button_column) point_table.append(point_row) point_table.append( CustomInput(type='hidden', name='commitpoints', value='Commit') ) point_form.append(point_table) point_form.submit = HTMLgen.Span(**{"class":"savespan"}) point_form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='hidden', name='trend', value=self.encoded_name) ) point_form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='commitpoints', value='Commit') ) point_form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='cancelpoints', value='Cancel') ) point_form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='reloadpoints', value='Reload') ) section.append(point_form) document.append(section) return str(document)
def __render_trend_row(self, request_path, display_name, trend_map, count): trend = trend_map[display_name] if trend is None: return None rowclasses = ['light', 'dark'] row = HTMLgen.TR(**{'class':rowclasses[count % 2]}) span = HTMLgen.Span(display_name, **{'style': 'white-space: pre;'}) row.append(HTMLgen.TH(span)) try: if not trend.get_points(): domish(row).setAttribute('class', 'nopoints') actioncell = HTMLgen.TD(**{"nowrap":True}) last_action = actioncell encoded_name = urllib.quote_plus( # @note Using display text as URL is a bad idea... # @note More of a combo box approach would be better. # @note I don't think all the forms and hidden inputs are needed. # either use a single form and the input name, or use # multiple forms with encoded request paths... Or? actions = ['view trend', 'configure points', 'trend preferences', ' - '] for action in actions: form_id = action.lstrip().rstrip() + cgi.escape( if action == 'view trend': actionform = CustomForm(request_path) actionname = 'reload' elif action == 'trend preferences': actionform = CustomForm(request_path, targetType='ignore') if (trend.klass == 'log') and (len(trend.get_points()) > 9): actionform.submit.onClick = ( "(alert('This trend is configured via /services/logger and has more than 9 points. Viewing/configuring points for this trend is currently not supported.'));return false;" ) else: = ("%sbutton")%encoded_name actionform.submit.onClick = ("getTrendPreferences('%s', '%s');"%(encoded_name, elif action == ' - ': actionform = CustomForm(request_path, targetID='trend-config-table', id=form_id) actionname = action.replace(' ', '').lower() else: actionform = CustomForm(request_path, targetType='dialog') actionname = action.replace(' ', '').lower() = action.title() actioninput = CustomInput( name=actionname, value=encoded_name, type='hidden') if trend.klass == 'log': if action in ['configure points', '-']: actionform.submit.disabled = True actioninput.disabled = True else: if action == ' - ': = 'Remove Trend' actionform.submit.onClick = ( "return (confirmDialog('"+ form_id +"', 'Delete trend <b>%s</b> and its" " configuration?', false));" % ) actionform.klass = 'manual' if action == 'view trend': if (trend.klass == 'log') and (len(trend.get_points()) > 9): actionform.submit.onClick = ( "(alert('This trend is configured via /services/logger and has more than 9 points. Viewing/configuring points for this trend is currently not supported.'));return false;" ) else: actionform.klass = 'manual' preferences = trend.get_preferences() window_width = preferences['width'] window_height = preferences['height'] window_title = preferences['title'] #actionform.cgi=None actionform.submit.onClick = ( "openWindow('%s?viewtrend=%s','%s'); return false;" % (request_path, encoded_name,' ', '_').replace('.', '_')) ) if not trend.get_points(): # No point in viewing graph with no points. actionform.submit.disabled = True #actioninput.disabled=True actionform.append(actioninput) actionform.submit.value = action externally_managed = getattr(trend,'externally_managed',False) if externally_managed and action != 'view trend': actionform.submit.disabled = True actioncell.append(actionform) # Add row row.append(actioncell) except Exception, e: cell = HTMLgen.TD("Invalid configuration: Please validate the configuration using ConfigTool.") rowid='row%s'%count dots="[+]" js = "var element = document.getElementById('%s'); if(element.innerHTML == '%s'){element.innerHTML='[-]<BR>%s'}else{element.innerHTML='%s'}" % (rowid,dots, str(e).replace('\"', '').replace("\'", ""),dots); invalid_label=CustomLabel(id=rowid,onclick=js,style='color:red;text-decoration:underline;cursor: pointer') invalid_label.append(dots) cell.append(invalid_label) row.append(cell) msglog.exception() msg = ("Failed create row for: %s" % display_name) msglog.log('trendmanager', msglog.types.ERR, msg)
def create_document_structure(self): self.document = HTMLgen.SimpleDocument( title='trendMANAGER', stylesheet='/omega/trendmanager/styles.css', script=[ HTMLgen.Script(src="/webapi/js/ColorPicker2.js"), HTMLgen.Script(code=""" window.ColorPicker_targetButton = null; function pickColor(color) { ColorPicker_targetInput.value = color; = color; return; } var cp = new ColorPicker('window'); function open_color_selector(input_id, button_id) { var input = document.getElementById(input_id); var button = document.getElementById(button_id); window.ColorPicker_targetButton = button;, input_id); return; } function change_button_color(input_id, button_id) { var input = document.getElementById(input_id); var button = document.getElementById(button_id); var color = input.value; = color; return; } """) ]) # Hack-around to set the class on the BODY for HTMLGen self.document.append( HTMLgen.Script(code=""" document.body.className = 'manager'; """)) page_heading = HTMLgen.Heading(2, "Trend Preferences", id="editorlabel") self.document.append(page_heading) section = HTMLgen.Div(**{'class': 'section'}) form = CustomForm('/trendmanager') # # Also, create methods in request handler to extract the values # to make changing the form easier. # self.generalpreferencescontainer = HTMLgen.Div( **{'id': 'generalpreferencescontainer'}) form.append(self.generalpreferencescontainer) self.pointpreferencescontainer = HTMLgen.Div( **{'id': 'pointpreferencescontainer'}) form.append(self.pointpreferencescontainer) self.axespreferencescontainer = HTMLgen.Div( **{'id': 'axespreferencescontainer'}) form.append(self.axespreferencescontainer) form.submit = HTMLgen.Span(**{"class": "savespan"}) form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='hidden', name='trend', value=self.encoded_name)) form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='commitpreferences', value='Commit')) form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='cancelpreferences', value='Cancel')) form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='reloadpreferences', value='Reload')) section.append(form) self.document.append(section) return
def render(self): # @todo Restructure like preferences, point_form -> form... self.trend_configuration = self.trend.configuration() document = HTMLgen.SimpleDocument( title='trendMANAGER', stylesheet='/omega/trendmanager/styles.css', script=[ HTMLgen.Script(code=nodeselectscript), HTMLgen.Script(code=updatenamescript), ]) # Hack-around to set the class on the BODY for HTMLGen document.append( HTMLgen.Script(code=""" document.body.className = 'manager'; """)) page_heading = HTMLgen.Heading(2, "Trend Point Configuration", id="editorlabel") document.append(page_heading) section = HTMLgen.Div(**{'class': 'section'}) point_form = CustomForm('/trendmanager') self.globalsettingscontainer = HTMLgen.Div( **{'id': 'globalsettingscontainer'}) point_form.append(self.globalsettingscontainer) self.add_global_settings() point_section = HTMLgen.Div(**{'class': 'section'}) point_table = HTMLgen.TableLite(**{'class': 'nodeEditTable'}) point_header = HTMLgen.TR(**{'class': 'trend_table_headers'}) for header in ['Point Name', 'Node Path']: header_id = "%sheader" % header.replace(' ', '').lower() headcell = HTMLgen.TH(header, scope="col", abbr=header, id=header_id) point_header.append(headcell) point_table.append(point_header) rowclasses = ['light', 'dark'] cd_points = self.trend_configuration['points'] for point_position in xrange(1, 10): point_row = HTMLgen.TR(**{'class': rowclasses[point_position % 2]}) point_name_value = "" point_node_value = "" if len(cd_points) >= point_position: point_cfg = cd_points[point_position - 1] point_name_value = point_cfg['name'] point_node_value = point_cfg['node'] point_name_id = "point%d" % point_position name_input = DojoInput( **{ 'value': point_name_value, 'name': point_name_id, 'id': point_name_id, }) name_column = HTMLgen.TD(**{"nowrap": True}) name_column.append(name_input) point_row.append(name_column) point_node_id = "node%d" % point_position node_input = DojoInput( **{ 'value': point_node_value, 'name': point_node_id, 'id': point_node_id, }) # @fixme Cool idea, need to swap order of node and name and # adding +/- capability would be extremely helpful in # user experience. #node_input.onChange = "update_point_name('%s','%s');" % ( # point_node_id, # point_name_id # ) node_column = HTMLgen.TD(**{ "class": "configuration", "nowrap": True }) node_column.append(node_input) browse_node_id = "browse%d" % point_position node_browse = CustomInput(**{ 'type': 'button', 'name': browse_node_id, 'value': '...', }) node_browse.onClick = "open_node_selector('%s');" % point_node_id button_column = HTMLgen.TD(**{"nowrap": True}) button_column.append(node_browse) point_row.append(node_column) point_row.append(button_column) point_table.append(point_row) point_table.append( CustomInput(type='hidden', name='commitpoints', value='Commit')) point_form.append(point_table) point_form.submit = HTMLgen.Span(**{"class": "savespan"}) point_form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='hidden', name='trend', value=self.encoded_name)) point_form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='commitpoints', value='Commit')) point_form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='cancelpoints', value='Cancel')) point_form.submit.append( CustomInput(type='submit', name='reloadpoints', value='Reload')) section.append(point_form) document.append(section) return str(document)
def __render_trend_row(self, request_path, display_name, trend_map, count): trend = trend_map[display_name] if trend is None: return None rowclasses = ['light', 'dark'] row = HTMLgen.TR(**{'class': rowclasses[count % 2]}) span = HTMLgen.Span(display_name, **{'style': 'white-space: pre;'}) row.append(HTMLgen.TH(span)) try: if not trend.get_points(): domish(row).setAttribute('class', 'nopoints') actioncell = HTMLgen.TD(**{"nowrap": True}) last_action = actioncell encoded_name = urllib.quote_plus( # @note Using display text as URL is a bad idea... # @note More of a combo box approach would be better. # @note I don't think all the forms and hidden inputs are needed. # either use a single form and the input name, or use # multiple forms with encoded request paths... Or? actions = [ 'view trend', 'configure points', 'trend preferences', ' - ' ] for action in actions: form_id = action.lstrip().rstrip() + cgi.escape( if action == 'view trend': actionform = CustomForm(request_path) actionname = 'reload' elif action == 'trend preferences': actionform = CustomForm(request_path, targetType='ignore') if (trend.klass == 'log') and (len(trend.get_points()) > 9): actionform.submit.onClick = ( "(alert('This trend is configured via /services/logger and has more than 9 points. Viewing/configuring points for this trend is currently not supported.'));return false;" ) else: = ("%sbutton") % encoded_name actionform.submit.onClick = ( "getTrendPreferences('%s', '%s');" % (encoded_name, elif action == ' - ': actionform = CustomForm(request_path, targetID='trend-config-table', id=form_id) actionname = action.replace(' ', '').lower() else: actionform = CustomForm(request_path, targetType='dialog') actionname = action.replace(' ', '').lower() = action.title() actioninput = CustomInput(name=actionname, value=encoded_name, type='hidden') if trend.klass == 'log': if action in ['configure points', '-']: actionform.submit.disabled = True actioninput.disabled = True else: if action == ' - ': = 'Remove Trend' actionform.submit.onClick = ( "return (confirmDialog('" + form_id + "', 'Delete trend <b>%s</b> and its" " configuration?', false));" % actionform.klass = 'manual' if action == 'view trend': if (trend.klass == 'log') and (len(trend.get_points()) > 9): actionform.submit.onClick = ( "(alert('This trend is configured via /services/logger and has more than 9 points. Viewing/configuring points for this trend is currently not supported.'));return false;" ) else: actionform.klass = 'manual' preferences = trend.get_preferences() window_width = preferences['width'] window_height = preferences['height'] window_title = preferences['title'] #actionform.cgi=None actionform.submit.onClick = ( "openWindow('%s?viewtrend=%s','%s'); return false;" % (request_path, encoded_name,' ', '_').replace('.', '_'))) if not trend.get_points(): # No point in viewing graph with no points. actionform.submit.disabled = True #actioninput.disabled=True actionform.append(actioninput) actionform.submit.value = action externally_managed = getattr(trend, 'externally_managed', False) if externally_managed and action != 'view trend': actionform.submit.disabled = True actioncell.append(actionform) # Add row row.append(actioncell) except Exception, e: cell = HTMLgen.TD( "Invalid configuration: Please validate the configuration using ConfigTool." ) rowid = 'row%s' % count dots = "[+]" js = "var element = document.getElementById('%s'); if(element.innerHTML == '%s'){element.innerHTML='[-]<BR>%s'}else{element.innerHTML='%s'}" % ( rowid, dots, str(e).replace('\"', '').replace("\'", ""), dots) invalid_label = CustomLabel( id=rowid, onclick=js, style='color:red;text-decoration:underline;cursor: pointer') invalid_label.append(dots) cell.append(invalid_label) row.append(cell) msglog.exception() msg = ("Failed create row for: %s" % display_name) msglog.log('trendmanager', msglog.types.ERR, msg)