def whisker_frames(self, curvature, base_pos, base_rot): """ Creates a list of frames that define the whisker. """ if curvature is None: ref_angles = np.zeros(self.num_links) else: ref_angles = get_angles_from_curvature(self.lengths, curvature) frames = [] for j in reversed(range(1, self.num_links)): frames = [tx(self.lengths[j], name='Link-%d' %j), frames] frames = [rz('theta-%d_z' %j), frames] frames = [ry('theta-%d_y' %j), frames] #frames = [rx('theta-%d_x' %j), frames] frames = [rz(-ref_angles[j]), frames] frames = [tx(self.lengths[0], name='Link-0'), frames] frames = [rz('theta-0_z', name='Moving Base Point'), frames] frames = [ry('theta-0_y'), frames] frames = [rx('theta-0_x'), frames] frames = [tz('z'), [ty('y'), [tx('x'), frames]]] (X, Y, Z) = base_pos (theta, phi, zeta) = base_rot # Rotate to the correct position. frames = [rz(theta), [ry(phi), [rx(zeta), frames]]] # Place the whisker at the correct spot on the mystacial pad and add an angle # that drives the whisking motion. frames = [tx(X), [ty(Y),[ tz(Z, name='Base Point'), [rz('Driving Angle', name="Driving Angle"), frames]]]] frames = [ rz(0.0, name='Head'), frames] return frames
def make_skeleton(dimensions={}, joints={}): dim = fill_dimensions(dimensions) joints = fill_joints(joints) frames = [ tx(joints['torso_tx']), [ty(joints['torso_ty']), [tz(joints['torso_tz']), [ rz(joints['torso_rz']), [ ry(joints['torso_ry']), [ rx(joints['torso_rx'], name='pelvis', mass=dim['pelvis_mass']), [ tx(-dim['lhip_width'], name='lhip'), [ rz(joints['lhip_rz']), [ry(joints['lhip_ry']), [rx(joints['lhip_rx'], name='lfemur'), [ tz(-dim['lfemur_length']/2, name='lfemur_mass', mass=dim['femur_mass']), tz(-dim['lfemur_length'], name='lfemur_end'), [ rx(joints['lknee_rx'], name='ltibia'), [ tz(-dim['ltibia_length']/2, name='ltibia_mass', mass=dim['tibia_mass']), tz(-dim['ltibia_length'], name='ltibia_end'), [ rz(joints['lfoot_rz']), [ry(joints['lfoot_ry']), [ rx(joints['lfoot_rx'], name='lfoot'), [ ty(dim['lfoot_length'], name='lfoot_end')]]]]]]]]]], tx(dim['rhip_width'], name='rhip'), [ rz(joints['rhip_rz']), [ry(joints['rhip_ry']), [rx(joints['rhip_rx'], name='rfemur'), [ tz(-dim['rfemur_length']/2, name='rfemur_mass', mass=dim['femur_mass']), tz(-dim['rfemur_length'], name='rfemur_end'), [ rx(joints['rknee_rx'], name='rtibia'), [ tz(-dim['rtibia_length']/2, name='rtibia_mass', mass=dim['tibia_mass']), tz(-dim['rtibia_length'], name='rtibia_end'), [ rz(joints['rfoot_rz']), [ry(joints['rfoot_ry']), [ rx(joints['rfoot_rx'], name='rfoot'), [ ty(dim['rfoot_length'], name='rfoot_end')]]]]]]]]]], tz(dim['upper_torso_length'], name='spine_top'), [ tz(dim['neck_length'], name='neck'), [ rz(joints['neck_rz']), [ry(joints['neck_ry']), [ rx(joints['neck_rz'], name='neck_joint'), [ tz(dim['lower_head_length'], name='head'), [ tz(dim['upper_head_length'], name='head_center', mass=dim['head_mass']), [ tz(dim['final_head_length'], name='head_end')]]]]]], tx(-dim['lshoulder_width'], name='lshoulder'), [ rz(joints['lshoulder_rz']), [ry(joints['lshoulder_ry']), [ rx(joints['lshoulder_rx'], name='lhumerus'), [ tz(-dim['lhumerus_length']/2, name='lhumerus_mass', mass=dim['humerus_mass']), tz(-dim['lhumerus_length'], name='lhumerus_end'), [ rx(joints['lelbow_rx'], name='lradius'), [ tz(-dim['lradius_length']/2, name='lradius_mass', mass=dim['radius_mass']), tz(-dim['lradius_length'], name='lradius_end'), [ rz(joints['lhand_rz']), [ry(joints['lhand_ry']), [ rx(joints['lhand_rx'], name='lhand'), [ tz(-dim['lhand_length'], name='lhand_end')]]]]]]]]]], tx(dim['rshoulder_width'], name='rshoulder'), [ rz(joints['rshoulder_rz']), [ry(joints['rshoulder_ry']), [ rx(joints['rshoulder_rx'], name='rhumerus'), [ tz(-dim['rhumerus_length']/2, name='rhumerus_mass', mass=dim['humerus_mass']), tz(-dim['rhumerus_length'], name='rhumerus_end'), [ rx(joints['relbow_rx'], name='rradius'), [ tz(-dim['rradius_length']/2, name='rradius_mass', mass=dim['radius_mass']), tz(-dim['rradius_length'], name='rradius_end'), [ rz(joints['rhand_rz']), [ry(joints['rhand_ry']), [ rx(joints['rhand_rx'], name='rhand'), [ tz(-dim['rhand_length'], name='rhand_end')]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]] return frames
def whisker_frames(self): """Creates a list of frames that define the whisker.""" x0, y0, z0, th_x0, th_y0, th_z0 = extract_angles(self._ref) L = self._link_length frames = [] for j in reversed(range(1, self.num_links)): frames = [tx(L, name='Link-%d' %j), frames] frames = [rz('theta_z-%d' %j), [ry('theta_y-%d' %j), frames]] frames = [rz(th_z0[j]),[ry(th_y0[j]),frames]] frames = [tx(L, name='Link-0'), frames] frames = [tx('xb'), [ty('yb'), [tz('zb', name='Rotated_Base_Point'), frames]]] frames = [rz('theta_z-0'), [ry('theta_y-0'), [rx('theta_x-0'), frames]]] frames = [rz(th_z0[0]),[ry(th_y0[0]), [rx(th_x0[0]), frames]]] frames = [tx(x0), [ty(y0), [tz(z0, name='Base_Point'), frames]]] return frames
def whisker_frames(self, curvature, base_pos, base_rot): """ Creates a list of frames that define the whisker. """ if curvature is None: ref_angles = np.zeros(self.num_links) else: ref_angles = get_angles_from_curvature(self.lengths, curvature) frames = [] for j in reversed(range(1, self.num_links)): frames = [tx(self.lengths[j], name='Link-%d' % j), frames] frames = [rz('theta-%d_z' % j), frames] frames = [ry('theta-%d_y' % j), frames] #frames = [rx('theta-%d_x' %j), frames] frames = [rz(-ref_angles[j]), frames] frames = [tx(self.lengths[0], name='Link-0'), frames] frames = [rz('theta-0_z', name='Moving Base Point'), frames] frames = [ry('theta-0_y'), frames] frames = [rx('theta-0_x'), frames] frames = [tz('z'), [ty('y'), [tx('x'), frames]]] (X, Y, Z) = base_pos (theta, phi, zeta) = base_rot # Rotate to the correct position. frames = [rz(theta), [ry(phi), [rx(zeta), frames]]] # Place the whisker at the correct spot on the mystacial pad and add an angle # that drives the whisking motion. frames = [ tx(X), [ ty(Y), [ tz(Z, name='Base Point'), [rz('Driving Angle', name="Driving Angle"), frames] ] ] ] frames = [rz(0.0, name='Head'), frames] return frames
def build_system(torque_force=False): sys = trep.System() frames = [ tx('xs', name=XCARTFRAME, kinematic=True), [ ty('yc',name=CARTFRAME, mass=M,kinematic=True), [ rx('theta', name="Shoulder1"), [ ry('phi',name="shoulder2"),[ tz(L, name=MASSFRAME, mass=M)]]]]] sys.import_frames(frames) trep.potentials.Gravity(sys, (0,0,-g)) trep.forces.Damping(sys, B) if torque_force: trep.forces.ConfigForce(sys, 'theta', 'theta-force') return sys
import trep from trep import tx,ty,tz,rx,ry,rz system = trep.System() system.import_frames([ ry("theta"), [ tz(2, mass=1) ]]) trep.potentials.ConfigSpring(system, 'theta', k=20, q0=0.7)
# This script shows different ways of initializing the GMVI # variational integrator import sys from math import sin import trep from trep import tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz tf = 10.0 dt = 0.01 # Define a simple 2 link pendulum with a force input on the middle joint system = trep.System() frames = [ tz(-1), # Provided as an angle reference ry("theta1"), [tz(-2, mass=1), [ry("theta2"), [tz(-2, mass=1)]]] ] system.import_frames(frames) trep.potentials.Gravity(system, (0, 0, -9.8)) trep.forces.Damping(system, 1.2) trep.forces.ConfigForce(system, 'theta2', 'theta2-torque') mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system) # Create the variational integrator # Define a function to run the simulation and return the result def simulate(mvi, u_func, dt, tf): q = [mvi.q2] p = [mvi.p2] t = [mvi.t2] while mvi.t1 < tf: mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt, u_func(mvi.t1))
# inputs. import sys import trep from trep import tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz import trep.visual as visual # Set the length of simulation and the time step. tf = 10.0 dt = 0.01 # Define the puppet's mechanical structure system = trep.System() frames = [ tx('TorsoX'), [ty('TorsoY'), [tz('TorsoZ'), [ rz('TorsoPsi'), [ry('TorsoTheta'), [rx('TorsoPhi',name='Torso'), [ tz(-1.5, mass=50), tx(-1.011), [tz(0.658, name='Right Torso Hook')], tx( 1.011), [tz(0.658, name= 'Left Torso Hook')], tz(0.9, name='Head'), [tz(0.5, mass=(10,1,1,1))], # Define the left arm tx(1.3), [tz(0.4), [ rz('LShoulderPsi'), [ry('LShoulderTheta'), [rx('LShoulderPhi', name='Left Shoulder'), [ tz(-0.95, name='Left Humerus', mass=(5,1,1,1)), tz(-1.9), [ rx('LElbowTheta', name='Left Elbow'), [ tz(-1, name='Left Radius', mass=(4,1,1,1)), tz(-2.001), [tx(0.14), [ty(-0.173, name='Left Finger')]]]]]]]]], # Define the right arm tx(-1.3), [tz(0.4), [ rz('RShoulderPsi'), [ry('RShoulderTheta'), [rx('RShoulderPhi', name='Right Shoulder'), [
# Define the length of the simulation and the time step. tf = 10.0 dt = 0.01 system = trep.System() frames = [ tx('TorsoX'), [ ty('TorsoY'), [ tz('TorsoZ'), [ rz('TorsoPsi'), [ ry('TorsoTheta'), [ rx('TorsoPhi', name='Torso'), [ tz(-1.5, mass=50), tx(-1.011), [tz(0.658, name='Right Torso Hook')], tx(1.011), [tz(0.658, name='Left Torso Hook')], tz(0.9, name='Head'), [tz(0.5, mass=(10, 1, 1, 1))], # Define the left arm tx(1.3), [ tz(0.4), [
m = 1.0; l = 1.0; g = 9.81; mc = 1.0; # define initial config and velocity q0 = np.array([0, np.pi]) # q = [x_cart, theta] dq0 = np.array([0, 0]) # dq = [xdot, thetadot] # define time parameters: dt = 0.0167 tf = 2.0 # create system system = trep.System() # define frames frames = [ trep.tx("x_cart", name="CartFrame", mass=mc), [ trep.ry("theta", name="PendulumBase"), [, name="Pendulum", mass=m)]]] # add frames to system system.import_frames(frames) # add gravity potential trep.potentials.Gravity(system, (0,0,-g)) # add a horizontal force on the cart trep.forces.ConfigForce(system, "x_cart", "cart_force") sacsys = sactrep.Sac(system) sacsys.T = 1.2 sacsys.lam = -5 sacsys.maxdt = 0.2 sacsys.ts = dt sacsys.usat = [[10, -10]]
def make_skeleton(dimensions={}, joints={}): dim = fill_dimensions(dimensions) joints = fill_joints(joints) frames = [ tx(joints['torso_tx']), [ ty(joints['torso_ty']), [ tz(joints['torso_tz']), [ rz(joints['torso_rz']), [ ry(joints['torso_ry']), [ rx(joints['torso_rx'], name='pelvis', mass=dim['pelvis_mass']), [ tx(-dim['lhip_width'], name='lhip'), [ rz(joints['lhip_rz']), [ ry(joints['lhip_ry']), [ rx(joints['lhip_rx'], name='lfemur'), [ tz(-dim['lfemur_length'] / 2, name='lfemur_mass', mass=dim['femur_mass']), tz(-dim['lfemur_length'], name='lfemur_end'), [ rx(joints['lknee_rx'], name='ltibia'), [ tz(-dim['ltibia_length'] / 2, name='ltibia_mass', mass=dim[ 'tibia_mass']), tz(-dim[ 'ltibia_length'], name='ltibia_end'), [ rz(joints[ 'lfoot_rz']), [ ry(joints[ 'lfoot_ry'] ), [ rx(joints[ 'lfoot_rx'], name= 'lfoot' ), [ ty(dim[ 'lfoot_length'], name= 'lfoot_end' ) ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], tx(dim['rhip_width'], name='rhip'), [ rz(joints['rhip_rz']), [ ry(joints['rhip_ry']), [ rx(joints['rhip_rx'], name='rfemur'), [ tz(-dim['rfemur_length'] / 2, name='rfemur_mass', mass=dim['femur_mass']), tz(-dim['rfemur_length'], name='rfemur_end'), [ rx(joints['rknee_rx'], name='rtibia'), [ tz(-dim['rtibia_length'] / 2, name='rtibia_mass', mass=dim[ 'tibia_mass']), tz(-dim[ 'rtibia_length'], name='rtibia_end'), [ rz(joints[ 'rfoot_rz']), [ ry(joints[ 'rfoot_ry'] ), [ rx(joints[ 'rfoot_rx'], name= 'r_foot' ), [ ty(dim[ 'rfoot_length'], name= 'rfoot_end' ) ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], tz(dim['upper_torso_length'], name='spine_top'), [ tz(dim['neck_length'], name='neck'), [ rz(joints['neck_rz']), [ ry(joints['neck_ry']), [ rx(joints['neck_rz'], name='neck_joint'), [ tz(dim[ 'lower_head_length'], name='head'), [ tz(dim[ 'upper_head_length'], name='head_center', mass=dim[ 'head_mass']), [ tz(dim[ 'final_head_length'], name='head_end') ] ] ] ] ] ], tx(-dim['lshoulder_width'], name='lshoulder'), [ rz(joints['lshoulder_rz']), [ ry(joints['lshoulder_ry']), [ rx(joints['lshoulder_rx'], name='lhumerus'), [ tz(-dim['lhumerus_length'] / 2, name='lhumerus_mass', mass=dim['humerus_mass'] ), tz(-dim['lhumerus_length'], name='lhumerus_end'), [ rx(joints['lelbow_rx'], name='lradius'), [ tz(-dim[ 'lradius_length'] / 2, name= 'lradius_mass', mass=dim[ 'radius_mass'] ), tz(-dim[ 'lradius_length'], name= 'lradius_end'), [ rz(joints[ 'lhand_rz'] ), [ ry(joints[ 'lhand_ry'] ), [ rx(joints[ 'lhand_rx'], name= 'lhand' ), [ tz(-dim[ 'lhand_length'], name ='lhand_end' ) ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], tx(dim['rshoulder_width'], name='rshoulder'), [ rz(joints['rshoulder_rz']), [ ry(joints['rshoulder_ry']), [ rx(joints['rshoulder_rx'], name='right_humerus'), [ tz(-dim['rhumerus_length'] / 2, name='rhumerus_mass', mass=dim['humerus_mass'] ), tz(-dim['rhumerus_length'], name='rhumerus_end'), [ rx(joints['relbow_rx'], name='rradius'), [ tz(-dim[ 'rradius_length'] / 2, name= 'rradius_mass', mass=dim[ 'radius_mass'] ), tz(-dim[ 'rradius_length'], name= 'rradius_end'), [ rz(joints[ 'rhand_rz'] ), [ ry(joints[ 'rhand_ry'] ), [ rx(joints[ 'rhand_rx'], name= 'right_hand' ), [ tz(-dim[ 'rhand_length'], name ='right_hand_end' ) ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] return frames
import trep from trep import tx,ty,tz,rx,ry,rz system = trep.System() system.import_frames([ ry('theta1'), [ tz(2, mass=1, name='pend1') ], tx(1), [ ry('theta2'), [ tz(2, mass=1, name='pend2') ]] ]) trep.potentials.LinearSpring(system, 'pend1', 'pend2', k=20, x0=0.9)
import trep from trep import tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz system = trep.System() system.import_frames([ry("theta"), [tz(2, mass=1)]]) trep.potentials.ConfigSpring(system, 'theta', k=20, q0=0.7)
# This script shows different ways of initializing the GMVI # variational integrator import sys from math import sin import trep from trep import tx,ty,tz,rx,ry,rz tf = 10.0 dt = 0.01 # Define a simple 2 link pendulum with a force input on the middle joint system = trep.System() frames = [ tz(-1), # Provided as an angle reference ry("theta1"), [ tz(-2, mass=1), [ ry("theta2"), [ tz(-2, mass=1)]]] ] system.import_frames(frames) trep.potentials.Gravity(system, (0, 0, -9.8)) trep.forces.Damping(system, 1.2) trep.forces.ConfigForce(system, 'theta2', 'theta2-torque') mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system) # Create the variational integrator # Define a function to run the simulation and return the result def simulate(mvi, u_func, dt, tf): q = [mvi.q2] p = [mvi.p2] t = [mvi.t2]