Example #1
def find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A): 
    input: An upper triangular Mat, A, with nonzero diagonal elements
    output: Inverse of A
    >>> A = listlist2mat([[1, .5, .2, 4],[0, 1, .3, .9],[0,0,1,.1],[0,0,0,1]])
    >>> find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A) == Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): -0.5, (1, 2): -0.3, (3, 2): 0.0, (0, 0): 1.0, (3, 3): 1.0, (3, 0): 0.0, (3, 1): 0.0, (2, 1): 0.0, (0, 2): -0.05000000000000002, (2, 0): 0.0, (1, 3): -0.87, (2, 3): -0.1, (2, 2): 1.0, (1, 0): 0.0, (0, 3): -3.545, (1, 1): 1.0})
    for i in range(l) :
        b = l * [0]
        b[i] = 1
        m[i] = triangular_solve_n(rl, b)
    return coldict2mat(m)
Example #2
def find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A): 
    input: An upper triangular Mat, A, with nonzero diagonal elements
    output: Inverse of A
    >>> A = listlist2mat([[1, .5, .2, 4],[0, 1, .3, .9],[0,0,1,.1],[0,0,0,1]])
    >>> find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A) == Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): -0.5, (1, 2): -0.3, (3, 2): 0.0, (0, 0): 1.0, (3, 3): 1.0, (3, 0): 0.0, (3, 1): 0.0, (2, 1): 0.0, (0, 2): -0.05000000000000002, (2, 0): 0.0, (1, 3): -0.87, (2, 3): -0.1, (2, 2): 1.0, (1, 0): 0.0, (0, 3): -3.545, (1, 1): 1.0})
    B = {}
    rows = mat2rowdict(A)
    for i in A.D[1]:
        v = Vec(A.D[0], {i:1})
        u = triangular_solve_n (rows, v)
        B[i] = u
    return coldict2mat(B)
def find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A): 
    input: An upper triangular Mat, A, with nonzero diagonal elements
    output: Inverse of A
    >>> A = listlist2mat([[1, .5, .2, 4],[0, 1, .3, .9],[0,0,1,.1],[0,0,0,1]])
    >>> find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A) == Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): -0.5, (1, 2): -0.3, (3, 2): 0.0, (0, 0): 1.0, (3, 3): 1.0, (3, 0): 0.0, (3, 1): 0.0, (2, 1): 0.0, (0, 2): -0.05000000000000002, (2, 0): 0.0, (1, 3): -0.87, (2, 3): -0.1, (2, 2): 1.0, (1, 0): 0.0, (0, 3): -3.545, (1, 1): 1.0})
    A_as_list = list(mat2rowdict(A).values())  
    col_vectors = []
    for i in range(len(list(mat2coldict(A).values()))):
        v = Vec(A.D[0],{})
        v[i] = 1
    return coldict2mat(col_vectors)

def find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A):
    Supporting GF2 is not required.

        - A: an upper triangular Mat with nonzero diagonal elements
        - Mat that is the inverse of A
        >>> A = listlist2mat([[1, .5, .2, 4],[0, 1, .3, .9],[0,0,1,.1],[0,0,0,1]])
        >>> find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A) == Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): -0.5, (1, 2): -0.3, (3, 2): 0.0, (0, 0): 1.0, (3, 3): 1.0, (3, 0): 0.0, (3, 1): 0.0, (2, 1): 0.0, (0, 2): -0.05000000000000002, (2, 0): 0.0, (1, 3): -0.87, (2, 3): -0.1, (2, 2): 1.0, (1, 0): 0.0, (0, 3): -3.545, (1, 1): 1.0})
    rows = mat2rowdict(A)
    cols = mat2coldict(identity(A.D[0], 1))
    B = coldict2mat({x:triangular_solve_n(rows, cols[x]) for x in cols})
    return B
Example #5
def find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A):
    Supporting GF2 is not required.

        - A: an upper triangular Mat with nonzero diagonal elements
        - Mat that is the inverse of A
        >>> A = listlist2mat([[1, .5, .2, 4],[0, 1, .3, .9],[0,0,1,.1],[0,0,0,1]])
        >>> find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A) == Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): -0.5, (1, 2): -0.3, (3, 2): 0.0, (0, 0): 1.0, (3, 3): 1.0, (3, 0): 0.0, (3, 1): 0.0, (2, 1): 0.0, (0, 2): -0.05000000000000002, (2, 0): 0.0, (1, 3): -0.87, (2, 3): -0.1, (2, 2): 1.0, (1, 0): 0.0, (0, 3): -3.545, (1, 1): 1.0})
    rows = mat2rowdict(A)
    cols = mat2coldict(identity(A.D[0], 1))
    B = coldict2mat({x: triangular_solve_n(rows, cols[x]) for x in cols})
    return B
Example #6
def QR_solve(A, b):
        - A: a Mat
        - b: a Vec
        - vector x that minimizes norm(b - A*x)
        >>> domain = ({'a','b','c'},{'A','B'})
        >>> A = Mat(domain,{('a','A'):-1, ('a','B'):2,('b','A'):5, ('b','B'):3,('c','A'):1,('c','B'):-2})
        >>> Q, R = QR.factor(A)
        >>> b = Vec(domain[0], {'a': 1, 'b': -1})
        >>> x = QR_solve(A, b)
        >>> result = A.transpose()*(b-A*x)
        >>> result * result < 1E-10
    Q,R = factor(A)
    return triangular_solve_n(mat2rowdict(R),Q.transpose()*b)
Example #7
def find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A): 
    input: An upper triangular Mat, A, with nonzero diagonal elements
    output: Inverse of A
    >>> A = listlist2mat([[1, .5, .2, 4],[0, 1, .3, .9],[0,0,1,.1],[0,0,0,1]])
    >>> find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A) == Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): -0.5, (1, 2): -0.3, (3, 2): 0.0, (0, 0): 1.0, (3, 3): 1.0, (3, 0): 0.0, (3, 1): 0.0, (2, 1): 0.0, (0, 2): -0.05000000000000002, (2, 0): 0.0, (1, 3): -0.87, (2, 3): -0.1, (2, 2): 1.0, (1, 0): 0.0, (0, 3): -3.545, (1, 1): 1.0})
    from matutil import identity,mat2coldict,mat2rowdict
    from triangular import triangular_solve_n
    identity_matrix = identity(A.D[0],one)
    identity_dict = mat2coldict(identity_matrix)
    rowsdict = mat2rowdict(A)
    rowslist = [ rowsdict[i] for i in rowsdict.keys() ]
    return coldict2mat([ triangular_solve_n(rowslist,identity_dict[i]) for i in identity_dict.keys() ])
Example #8
def QR_solve(A, b):
        - A: a Mat
        - b: a Vec
        - vector x that minimizes norm(b - A*x)
        >>> domain = ({'a','b','c'},{'A','B'})
        >>> A = Mat(domain,{('a','A'):-1, ('a','B'):2,('b','A'):5, ('b','B'):3,('c','A'):1,('c','B'):-2})
        >>> Q, R = QR.factor(A)
        >>> b = Vec(domain[0], {'a': 1, 'b': -1})
        >>> x = QR_solve(A, b)
        >>> result = A.transpose()*(b-A*x)
        >>> result * result < 1E-10
    import QR
    Q, R = QR.factor(A)
    c = transpose(Q) * b
    x = triangular_solve_n(mat2rowdict(R), c)
    return x
Example #9
def find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A):
    Supporting GF2 is not required.

        - A: an upper triangular Mat with nonzero diagonal elements
        - Mat that is the inverse of A
        >>> A = listlist2mat([[1, .5, .2, 4],[0, 1, .3, .9],[0,0,1,.1],[0,0,0,1]])
        >>> find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A) == Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): -0.5, (1, 2): -0.3, (3, 2): 0.0, (0, 0): 1.0, (3, 3): 1.0, (3, 0): 0.0, (3, 1): 0.0, (2, 1): 0.0, (0, 2): -0.05000000000000002, (2, 0): 0.0, (1, 3): -0.87, (2, 3): -0.1, (2, 2): 1.0, (1, 0): 0.0, (0, 3): -3.545, (1, 1): 1.0})
    rows = len(A.D[0])

    I=[[1 if i == j else 0 for j in range(rows)] for i in range(rows)]
    B = list(mu.mat2rowdict(A).values())

    C =[tr.triangular_solve_n(B, i) for i in I]
    D = mu.coldict2mat(C)
    return D
Example #10
def find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A):
    input: An upper triangular Mat, A, with nonzero diagonal elements
    output: Inverse of A
    >>> A = listlist2mat([[1, .5, .2, 4],[0, 1, .3, .9],[0,0,1,.1],[0,0,0,1]])
    >>> find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A) == Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): -0.5, (1, 2): -0.3, (3, 2): 0.0, (0, 0): 1.0, (3, 3): 1.0, (3, 0): 0.0, (3, 1): 0.0, (2, 1): 0.0, (0, 2): -0.05000000000000002, (2, 0): 0.0, (1, 3): -0.87, (2, 3): -0.1, (2, 2): 1.0, (1, 0): 0.0, (0, 3): -3.545, (1, 1): 1.0})

    from matutil import identity, mat2coldict, mat2rowdict
    from triangular import triangular_solve_n

    identity_matrix = identity(A.D[0], one)
    identity_dict = mat2coldict(identity_matrix)

    rowsdict = mat2rowdict(A)
    rowslist = [rowsdict[i] for i in rowsdict.keys()]

    return coldict2mat([
        triangular_solve_n(rowslist, identity_dict[i])
        for i in identity_dict.keys()
Example #11
def solve8(A, Q, R, b):
    c = transpose(Q) * b
    x = triangular_solve_n(mat2rowdict(R), c)
    return x
Example #12
## Problem 7
# Write your solution for this problem in orthonormalization.py.

## Problem 8
# Please give each solution as a Vec
from triangular import triangular_solve_n

least_squares_A1 = listlist2mat([[8, 1], [6, 2], [0, 6]])
least_squares_Q1 = listlist2mat([[.8,-0.099],[.6, 0.132],[0,0.986]])
least_squares_R1 = listlist2mat([[10,2],[0,6.08]]) 
least_squares_b1 = list2vec([10, 8, 6])

x_hat_1 = triangular_solve_n([list2vec(v) for v in [[10,2],[0,6.08]]],

least_squares_A2 = listlist2mat([[3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1]])
least_squares_Q2 = listlist2mat([[.424, .808],[.566, .115],[.707, -.577]])
least_squares_R2 = listlist2mat([[7.07, 1.7],[0,.346]])
least_squares_b2 = list2vec([10,13,15])

x_hat_2 = triangular_solve_n([list2vec(v) for v in [[7.07, 1.7],[0,.346]]],

## Problem 9
def QR_solve(A, b):
Example #13

## Problem 7
# Write your solution for this problem in orthonormalization.py.

## Problem 8
# Please give each solution as a Vec

least_squares_A1 = listlist2mat([[8, 1], [6, 2], [0, 6]])
least_squares_Q1 = listlist2mat([[.8,-0.099],[.6, 0.132],[0,0.986]])
least_squares_R1 = listlist2mat([[10,2],[0,6.08]]) 
least_squares_b1 = list2vec([10, 8, 6])

x_hat_1 = triangular_solve_n(mat2rowdict(least_squares_R1),least_squares_Q1.transpose()*least_squares_b1)

least_squares_A2 = listlist2mat([[3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1]])
least_squares_Q2 = listlist2mat([[.424, .808],[.566, .115],[.707, -.577]])
least_squares_R2 = listlist2mat([[7.07, 1.7],[0,.346]])
least_squares_b2 = list2vec([10,13,15])

x_hat_2 = triangular_solve_n(mat2rowdict(least_squares_R2),least_squares_Q2.transpose()*least_squares_b2)

## Problem 9
def QR_solve(A, b):
Example #14
from vec import Vec
import triangular

def list2vec(L):
    return Vec(set(range(len(L))), {x: y for x, y in enumerate(L)})

print(list2vec([3, 2, 1]))

rowlist = [list2vec([2, 3, -4]), list2vec([0, 1, 2]), list2vec([0, 0, 5])]
b = [10, 3, 15]

x = triangular.triangular_solve_n(rowlist, b)
Example #15
## Problem 6
# Write your solution for this problem in orthonormalization.py.

## Problem 7
# Write your solution for this problem in orthonormalization.py.

## Problem 8
# Please give each solution as a Vec
from triangular import triangular_solve_n

least_squares_A1 = listlist2mat([[8, 1], [6, 2], [0, 6]])
least_squares_Q1 = listlist2mat([[.8, -0.099], [.6, 0.132], [0, 0.986]])
least_squares_R1 = listlist2mat([[10, 2], [0, 6.08]])
least_squares_b1 = list2vec([10, 8, 6])

x_hat_1 = triangular_solve_n([list2vec(v) for v in [[10, 2], [0, 6.08]]],
                             least_squares_b1 * least_squares_Q1)

least_squares_A2 = listlist2mat([[3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1]])
least_squares_Q2 = listlist2mat([[.424, .808], [.566, .115], [.707, -.577]])
least_squares_R2 = listlist2mat([[7.07, 1.7], [0, .346]])
least_squares_b2 = list2vec([10, 13, 15])

x_hat_2 = triangular_solve_n([list2vec(v) for v in [[7.07, 1.7], [0, .346]]],
                             least_squares_b2 * least_squares_Q2)

## Problem 9
def QR_solve(A, b):
        - A: a Mat
Example #16
File: hw7.py Project: varren/matrix
def solve8(A,Q,R,b):
    c =  transpose(Q) * b
    x = triangular_solve_n(mat2rowdict(R), c)
    return x