Example #1
    def put(self, job_id):
        # we use HTTP/HTTPS PUT method to redo a job. Regularly PUT method
        # requires a request body, but considering the job redo operation
        # doesn't need more information other than job id, we will issue
        # this request without a request body.
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_JOB_REDO):
            return utils.format_api_error(403, _('Unauthorized to redo a job'))

            db_api.get_job_from_log(context, job_id)
            return utils.format_api_error(
                _('Job %(job_id)s is from job log') % {'job_id': job_id})
        except Exception:
                job = db_api.get_job(context, job_id)
            except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    _('Job %(job_id)s not found') % {'job_id': job_id})

            # if status = RUNNING, notify user this new one and then exit
            if job['status'] == constants.JS_Running:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    400, (_("Can't redo job %(job_id)s which is running") % {
                        'job_id': job['id']
            # if status = SUCCESS, notify user this new one and then exit
            elif job['status'] == constants.JS_Success:
                msg = (
                    _("Can't redo job %(job_id)s which had run successfully") %
                        'job_id': job['id']
                return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)
            # if job status =  FAIL or job status = NEW, redo it immediately
            self.xjob_handler.invoke_method(context, job['project_id'],
                                            job['type'], job['resource_id'])
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.exception('Failed to redo the job: '
                          '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(500, _('Failed to redo the job'))
Example #2
    def delete(self, job_id):
        # delete a job from the database. If the job is running, the delete
        # operation will fail. In other cases, job will be deleted directly.
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_JOB_DELETE):
            return utils.format_api_error(403,
                                          _('Unauthorized to delete a job'))

            db_api.get_job_from_log(context, job_id)
            return utils.format_api_error(
                _('Job %(job_id)s is from job log') % {'job_id': job_id})
        except Exception:
                job = db_api.get_job(context, job_id)
            except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    _('Job %(job_id)s not found') % {'job_id': job_id})
            # if job status = RUNNING, notify user this new one, delete
            # operation fails.
            if job['status'] == constants.JS_Running:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    400, (_('Failed to delete the running job %(job_id)s') % {
                        "job_id": job_id
            # if job status = SUCCESS, move the job entry to job log table,
            # then delete it from job table.
            elif job['status'] == constants.JS_Success:
                db_api.finish_job(context, job_id, True, timeutils.utcnow())
                pecan.response.status = 200
                return {}

            db_api.delete_job(context, job_id)
            pecan.response.status = 200
            return {}
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.exception('Failed to delete the job: '
                          '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(500, _('Failed to delete the job'))
Example #3
    def put(self, job_id):
        # we use HTTP/HTTPS PUT method to redo a job. Regularly PUT method
        # requires a request body, but considering the job redo operation
        # doesn't need more information other than job id, we will issue
        # this request without a request body.
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_JOB_REDO):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to redo a job'))

            db_api.get_job_from_log(context, job_id)
            return utils.format_api_error(
                400, _('Job %(job_id)s is from job log') % {'job_id': job_id})
        except Exception:
                job = db_api.get_job(context, job_id)
            except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    404, _('Job %(job_id)s not found') % {'job_id': job_id})

            # if status = RUNNING, notify user this new one and then exit
            if job['status'] == constants.JS_Running:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    400, (_("Can't redo job %(job_id)s which is running") %
                          {'job_id': job['id']}))
            # if status = SUCCESS, notify user this new one and then exit
            elif job['status'] == constants.JS_Success:
                msg = (_("Can't redo job %(job_id)s which had run successfully"
                         ) % {'job_id': job['id']})
                return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)
            # if job status =  FAIL or job status = NEW, redo it immediately
            self.xjob_handler.invoke_method(context, job['project_id'],
                                            job['type'], job['resource_id'])
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.exception('Failed to redo the job: '
                          '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(
                500, _('Failed to redo the job'))
Example #4
    def get_one(self, id, **kwargs):
        """the return value may vary according to the value of id

        :param id: 1) if id = 'schemas', return job schemas
                   2) if id = 'detail', return all jobs
                   3) if id = $job_id, return detailed single job info
        :return: return value is decided by id parameter
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()
        job_resource_map = constants.job_resource_map

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_JOB_SCHEMA_LIST):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to show job information'))

        if id == 'schemas':
            job_schemas = []
            for job_type in job_resource_map.keys():
                job = {}
                resource = []
                for resource_type, resource_id in job_resource_map[job_type]:

                job['resource'] = resource
                job['type'] = job_type

            return {'schemas': job_schemas}

        if id == 'detail':
            return self.get_all(**kwargs)

            job = db_api.get_job(context, id)
            return {'job': self._get_more_readable_job(job)}
        except Exception:
                job = db_api.get_job_from_log(context, id)
                return {'job': self._get_more_readable_job(job)}
            except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    404, _('Resource not found'))
Example #5
    def delete(self, job_id):
        # delete a job from the database. If the job is running, the delete
        # operation will fail. In other cases, job will be deleted directly.
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_JOB_DELETE):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to delete a job'))

            db_api.get_job_from_log(context, job_id)
            return utils.format_api_error(
                400, _('Job %(job_id)s is from job log') % {'job_id': job_id})
        except Exception:
                job = db_api.get_job(context, job_id)
            except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    404, _('Job %(job_id)s not found') % {'job_id': job_id})
            # if job status = RUNNING, notify user this new one, delete
            # operation fails.
            if job['status'] == constants.JS_Running:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    400, (_('Failed to delete the running job %(job_id)s') %
                          {"job_id": job_id}))
            # if job status = SUCCESS, move the job entry to job log table,
            # then delete it from job table.
            elif job['status'] == constants.JS_Success:
                db_api.finish_job(context, job_id, True, timeutils.utcnow())
                pecan.response.status = 200
                return {}

            db_api.delete_job(context, job_id)
            pecan.response.status = 200
            return {}
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.exception('Failed to delete the job: '
                          '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(
                500, _('Failed to delete the job'))
Example #6
    def get_all(self, **kwargs):
        """Get all the jobs. Using filters, only get a subset of jobs.

        :param kwargs: job filters
        :return: a list of jobs
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_JOB_LIST):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to show all jobs'))

        # check limit and marker, default value -1 means no pagination
        _limit = kwargs.pop('limit', -1)

            limit = int(_limit)
            limit = utils.get_pagination_limit(limit)
        except ValueError as e:
            LOG.exception('Failed to convert pagination limit to an integer: '
                          '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            msg = (_("Limit should be an integer or a valid literal "
                     "for int() rather than '%s'") % _limit)
            return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)

        marker = kwargs.pop('marker', None)

        sorts = [('timestamp', 'desc'), ('id', 'desc')]
        is_valid_filter, filters = self._get_filters(kwargs)

        if not is_valid_filter:
            msg = (_('Unsupported filter type: %(filters)s') % {
                'filters': ', '.join(
                    [filter_name for filter_name in filters])
            return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)

        # project ID from client should be equal to the one from
        # context, since only the project ID in which the user
        # is authorized will be used as the filter.
        filters['project_id'] = context.project_id
        filters = [{'key': key, 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': value}
                   for key, value in six.iteritems(filters)]

            if marker is not None:
                    # verify whether the marker is effective
                    db_api.get_job(context, marker)
                    jobs = db_api.list_jobs(context, filters,
                                            sorts, limit, marker)
                    jobs_from_log = []
                    if len(jobs) < limit:
                        jobs_from_log = db_api.list_jobs_from_log(
                            context, filters, sorts, limit - len(jobs), None)
                    job_collection = jobs + jobs_from_log
                except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
                        db_api.get_job_from_log(context, marker)
                        jobs_from_log = db_api.list_jobs_from_log(
                            context, filters, sorts, limit, marker)
                        job_collection = jobs_from_log
                    except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
                        msg = (_('Invalid marker: %(marker)s')
                               % {'marker': marker})
                        return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)
                jobs = db_api.list_jobs(context, filters,
                                        sorts, limit, marker)
                jobs_from_log = []
                if len(jobs) < limit:
                    jobs_from_log = db_api.list_jobs_from_log(
                        context, filters, sorts, limit - len(jobs), None)
                job_collection = jobs + jobs_from_log
            # add link
            links = []
            if len(job_collection) >= limit:
                marker = job_collection[-1]['id']
                base = constants.JOB_PATH
                link = "%s?limit=%s&marker=%s" % (base, limit, marker)
                links.append({"rel": "next",
                              "href": link})

            result = {'jobs': [self._get_more_readable_job(job)
                               for job in job_collection]}
            if links:
                result['jobs_links'] = links
            return result
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.exception('Failed to show all asynchronous jobs: '
                          '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(
                500, _('Failed to show all asynchronous jobs'))
Example #7
    def test_redo_job(self):

        for job_type in self.all_job_types:
            job = self._prepare_job_element(job_type)

            jobs = [
                # create an entirely new job
                    "job": job,
                    "expected_error": 200


        response = self.app.get('/v1.0/jobs')
        return_job = response.json

        jobs = return_job['jobs']

        # redo a new job
        for job in jobs:
            response_1 = self.app.put('/v1.0/jobs/%(id)s' % {'id': job['id']},

            self.assertEqual(response_1.status_int, 200)

        response_2 = self.app.put('/v1.0/jobs/123', expect_errors=True)
        self.assertEqual(response_2.status_int, 404)

        # redo a running job
        job_type_3 = constants.JT_NETWORK_UPDATE
        job_3 = self._prepare_job_element(job_type_3)
        resource_id_3 = '#'.join([job_3['resource'][resource_id]
                                  for resource_type, resource_id
                                  in self.job_resource_map[job_type_3]])
        job_running_3 = db_api.register_job(self.context,

        self.assertEqual(constants.JS_Running, job_running_3['status'])
        response_3 = self.app.put('/v1.0/jobs/%(id)s' % {
            'id': job_running_3['id']}, expect_errors=True)

        self.assertEqual(response_3.status_int, 400)

        # redo a failed job
        job_type_4 = constants.JT_NETWORK_UPDATE
        job_4 = self._prepare_job_element(job_type_4)

        job_dict_4 = {
            "job": job_4,
            "expected_error": 200

        response_4 = self.app.post_json('/v1.0/jobs',
        return_job_4 = response_4.json

        self.assertEqual(response_4.status_int, 200)

                          False, timeutils.utcnow())

        job_fail_4 = db_api.get_job(self.context, return_job_4['job']['id'])
        self.assertEqual(constants.JS_Fail, job_fail_4['status'])
        response_5 = self.app.put('/v1.0/jobs/%(id)s' % {
            'id': return_job_4['job']['id']}, expect_errors=True)

        self.assertEqual(response_5.status_int, 200)

        # redo a successful job
        job_type_6 = constants.JT_NETWORK_UPDATE
        job_6 = self._prepare_job_element(job_type_6)

        job_dict_6 = {
            "job": job_6,
            "expected_error": 200

        response_6 = self.app.post_json('/v1.0/jobs',
        return_job_6 = response_6.json

        with self.context.session.begin():
            job_dict = {'status': constants.JS_Success,
                        'timestamp': timeutils.utcnow(),
                        'extra_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid()}
            core.update_resource(self.context, models.AsyncJob,
                                 return_job_6['job']['id'], job_dict)

        job_succ_6 = db_api.get_job(self.context, return_job_6['job']['id'])
        self.assertEqual(constants.JS_Success, job_succ_6['status'])
        response_7 = self.app.put('/v1.0/jobs/%(id)s' % {
            'id': return_job_6['job']['id']}, expect_errors=True)

        self.assertEqual(response_7.status_int, 400)
Example #8
    def test_post(self, mock_context):
        mock_context.return_value = self.context

        # cover all job types
        for job_type in self.job_resource_map.keys():
            job = self._prepare_job_element(job_type)

            kw_job = {'job': job}

            # failure case, only admin can create the job
            self.context.is_admin = False
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 403)

            self.context.is_admin = True

            # failure case, request body not found
            kw_job_1 = {'job_1': job}
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job_1)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            # failure case, wrong job type parameter
            job_type_backup = job.pop('type')
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['type'] = ''
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['type'] = job_type_backup + '_1'
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['type'] = job_type_backup

            # failure case, wrong resource parameter
            job_resource_backup = job.pop('resource')
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['resource'] = copy.deepcopy(job_resource_backup)
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            fake_resource = 'fake_resource'
            job['resource'][fake_resource] = fake_resource
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['resource'] = job_resource_backup

            # failure case, wrong project id parameter
            project_id_backup = job.pop('project_id')
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['project_id'] = ''
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['project_id'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['project_id'] = project_id_backup

            # successful case, create an entirely new job. Because the job
            # status returned from controller has been formatted, so we not
            # only validate the database records, but also validate the return
            # value of the controller.
            job_1 = self.controller.post(**kw_job)['job']
            job_in_db_1 = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_1['id'])
            self.assertEqual(job_type, job_in_db_1['type'])
            self.assertEqual(job['project_id'], job_in_db_1['project_id'])
            self.assertEqual(constants.JS_New, job_in_db_1['status'])

            self.assertEqual('NEW', job_1['status'])
            self.assertFalse('resource_id' in job_1)
            self.assertFalse('extra_id' in job_1)
            db_api.delete_job(self.context, job_1['id'])

            # successful case, target job already exists in the job table
            # and its status is NEW, then this newer job will be picked by
            # job handler.
            job_2 = self.controller.post(**kw_job)['job']
            job_in_db_2 = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_2['id'])
            job_3 = self.controller.post(**kw_job)['job']
            job_in_db_3 = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_3['id'])

            self.assertEqual(job_type, job_in_db_2['type'])
            self.assertEqual(job['project_id'], job_in_db_2['project_id'])
            self.assertEqual(constants.JS_New, job_in_db_2['status'])

            self.assertEqual('NEW', job_2['status'])
            self.assertFalse('resource_id' in job_2)
            self.assertFalse('extra_id' in job_2)

            self.assertEqual(job_type, job_in_db_3['type'])
            self.assertEqual(job['project_id'], job_in_db_3['project_id'])
            self.assertEqual(constants.JS_New, job_in_db_3['status'])

            self.assertEqual('NEW', job_3['status'])
            self.assertFalse('resource_id' in job_3)
            self.assertFalse('extra_id' in job_3)

            db_api.finish_job(self.context, job_3['id'], False,
            db_api.delete_job(self.context, job_3['id'])
Example #9
    def test_delete(self, mock_context):
        mock_context.return_value = self.context

        # cover all job types.
        # each 'for' loop adds one item in job log table, we set count variable
        # to record dynamic total job entries in job log table.
        count = 1
        for job_type in self.job_resource_map.keys():
            job = self._prepare_job_element(job_type)

            resource_id = '#'.join([
                job['resource'][resource_id] for resource_type, resource_id in

            # failure case, only admin can delete the job
            job_1 = db_api.new_job(self.context, job['project_id'], job_type,
            self.context.is_admin = False
            res = self.controller.delete(job_1['id'])
            self._validate_error_code(res, 403)

            self.context.is_admin = True
            db_api.delete_job(self.context, job_1['id'])

            # failure case, job not found
            res = self.controller.delete(-123)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 404)

            # failure case, delete a running job
            job_2 = db_api.register_job(self.context, job['project_id'],
                                        job_type, resource_id)
            job = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_2['id'])
            res = self.controller.delete(job_2['id'])
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            # finish the job and delete it
            db_api.finish_job(self.context, job_2['id'], False,
            db_api.delete_job(self.context, job_2['id'])

            # successful case, delete a successful job. successful job from
            # job log can't be deleted, here this successful job is from
            # job table.
            job_3 = self._prepare_job_element(job_type)
            resource_id_3 = '#'.join([
                job_3['resource'][resource_id_3] for resource_type_3,
                resource_id_3 in self.job_resource_map[job_type]

            job_4 = db_api.new_job(self.context, job_3['project_id'], job_type,

            with self.context.session.begin():
                job_dict = {
                    'status': constants.JS_Success,
                    'timestamp': timeutils.utcnow(),
                    'extra_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid()
                core.update_resource(self.context, models.AsyncJob,
                                     job_4['id'], job_dict)

            job_4_succ = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_4['id'])

            filters_job_4 = [{
                'key': 'type',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_4_succ['type']
            }, {
                'key': 'status',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_4_succ['status']
            }, {
                'key': 'resource_id',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_4_succ['resource_id']
            }, {
                'key': 'extra_id',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_4_succ['extra_id']
                0, len(db_api.list_jobs(self.context, filters_job_4)))
            count = count + 1

            # successful case, delete a new job
            job_5 = db_api.new_job(self.context, job['project_id'], job_type,

            filters_job_5 = [{
                'key': 'type',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_5['type']
            }, {
                'key': 'status',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_5['status']
            }, {
                'key': 'resource_id',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_5['resource_id']
            }, {
                'key': 'extra_id',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_5['extra_id']
                0, len(db_api.list_jobs(self.context, filters_job_5)))

            # successful case, delete a failed job
            job_6 = db_api.new_job(self.context, job['project_id'], job_type,
            db_api.finish_job(self.context, job_6['id'], False,
            job_6_failed = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_6['id'])
            filters_job_6 = [{
                'key': 'type',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_6_failed['type']
            }, {
                'key': 'status',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_6_failed['status']
            }, {
                'key': 'resource_id',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_6_failed['resource_id']
            }, {
                'key': 'extra_id',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': job_6_failed['extra_id']
                0, len(db_api.list_jobs(self.context, filters_job_6)))
Example #10
    def test_post(self, mock_context):
        mock_context.return_value = self.context

        # cover all job types
        for job_type in self.job_resource_map.keys():
            job = self._prepare_job_element(job_type)

            kw_job = {'job': job}

            # failure case, only admin can create the job
            self.context.is_admin = False
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 403)

            self.context.is_admin = True

            # failure case, request body not found
            kw_job_1 = {'job_1': job}
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job_1)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            # failure case, wrong job type parameter
            job_type_backup = job.pop('type')
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['type'] = ''
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['type'] = job_type_backup + '_1'
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['type'] = job_type_backup

            # failure case, wrong resource parameter
            job_resource_backup = job.pop('resource')
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['resource'] = copy.deepcopy(job_resource_backup)
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            fake_resource = 'fake_resource'
            job['resource'][fake_resource] = fake_resource
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['resource'] = job_resource_backup

            # failure case, wrong project id parameter
            project_id_backup = job.pop('project_id')
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['project_id'] = ''
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['project_id'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
            res = self.controller.post(**kw_job)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            job['project_id'] = project_id_backup

            # successful case, create an entirely new job. Because the job
            # status returned from controller has been formatted, so we not
            # only validate the database records, but also validate the return
            # value of the controller.
            job_1 = self.controller.post(**kw_job)['job']
            job_in_db_1 = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_1['id'])
            self.assertEqual(job_type, job_in_db_1['type'])
            self.assertEqual(job['project_id'], job_in_db_1['project_id'])
            self.assertEqual(constants.JS_New, job_in_db_1['status'])

            self.assertEqual('NEW', job_1['status'])
            self.assertFalse('resource_id' in job_1)
            self.assertFalse('extra_id' in job_1)
            db_api.delete_job(self.context, job_1['id'])

            # successful case, target job already exists in the job table
            # and its status is NEW, then this newer job will be picked by
            # job handler.
            job_2 = self.controller.post(**kw_job)['job']
            job_in_db_2 = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_2['id'])
            job_3 = self.controller.post(**kw_job)['job']
            job_in_db_3 = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_3['id'])

            self.assertEqual(job_type, job_in_db_2['type'])
            self.assertEqual(job['project_id'], job_in_db_2['project_id'])
            self.assertEqual(constants.JS_New, job_in_db_2['status'])

            self.assertEqual('NEW', job_2['status'])
            self.assertFalse('resource_id' in job_2)
            self.assertFalse('extra_id' in job_2)

            self.assertEqual(job_type, job_in_db_3['type'])
            self.assertEqual(job['project_id'], job_in_db_3['project_id'])
            self.assertEqual(constants.JS_New, job_in_db_3['status'])

            self.assertEqual('NEW', job_3['status'])
            self.assertFalse('resource_id' in job_3)
            self.assertFalse('extra_id' in job_3)

            db_api.finish_job(self.context, job_3['id'], False,
            db_api.delete_job(self.context, job_3['id'])
Example #11
    def test_delete(self, mock_context):
        mock_context.return_value = self.context

        # cover all job types.
        # each 'for' loop adds one item in job log table, we set count variable
        # to record dynamic total job entries in job log table.
        count = 1
        for job_type in self.job_resource_map.keys():
            job = self._prepare_job_element(job_type)

            resource_id = '#'.join([job['resource'][resource_id]
                                    for resource_type, resource_id
                                    in self.job_resource_map[job_type]])

            # failure case, only admin can delete the job
            job_1 = db_api.new_job(self.context, job['project_id'],
            self.context.is_admin = False
            res = self.controller.delete(job_1['id'])
            self._validate_error_code(res, 403)

            self.context.is_admin = True
            db_api.delete_job(self.context, job_1['id'])

            # failure case, job not found
            res = self.controller.delete(-123)
            self._validate_error_code(res, 404)

            # failure case, delete a running job
            job_2 = db_api.register_job(self.context,
                                        job_type, resource_id)
            job = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_2['id'])
            res = self.controller.delete(job_2['id'])
            self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

            # finish the job and delete it
            db_api.finish_job(self.context, job_2['id'], False,
            db_api.delete_job(self.context, job_2['id'])

            # successful case, delete a successful job. successful job from
            # job log can't be deleted, here this successful job is from
            # job table.
            job_3 = self._prepare_job_element(job_type)
            resource_id_3 = '#'.join([job_3['resource'][resource_id_3]
                                      for resource_type_3, resource_id_3
                                      in self.job_resource_map[job_type]])

            job_4 = db_api.new_job(self.context,
                                   job_type, resource_id_3)

            with self.context.session.begin():
                job_dict = {'status': constants.JS_Success,
                            'timestamp': timeutils.utcnow(),
                            'extra_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid()}
                core.update_resource(self.context, models.AsyncJob,
                                     job_4['id'], job_dict)

            job_4_succ = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_4['id'])

            filters_job_4 = [
                {'key': 'type', 'comparator': 'eq',
                 'value': job_4_succ['type']},
                {'key': 'status', 'comparator': 'eq',
                 'value': job_4_succ['status']},
                {'key': 'resource_id', 'comparator': 'eq',
                 'value': job_4_succ['resource_id']},
                {'key': 'extra_id', 'comparator': 'eq',
                 'value': job_4_succ['extra_id']}]
            self.assertEqual(0, len(db_api.list_jobs(self.context,
            count = count + 1

            # successful case, delete a new job
            job_5 = db_api.new_job(self.context,
                                   job['project_id'], job_type,

            filters_job_5 = [
                {'key': 'type', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': job_5['type']},
                {'key': 'status', 'comparator': 'eq',
                 'value': job_5['status']},
                {'key': 'resource_id', 'comparator': 'eq',
                 'value': job_5['resource_id']},
                {'key': 'extra_id', 'comparator': 'eq',
                 'value': job_5['extra_id']}]
            self.assertEqual(0, len(db_api.list_jobs(self.context,

            # successful case, delete a failed job
            job_6 = db_api.new_job(self.context,
                                   job['project_id'], job_type,
            db_api.finish_job(self.context, job_6['id'], False,
            job_6_failed = db_api.get_job(self.context, job_6['id'])
            filters_job_6 = [
                {'key': 'type', 'comparator': 'eq',
                 'value': job_6_failed['type']},
                {'key': 'status', 'comparator': 'eq',
                 'value': job_6_failed['status']},
                {'key': 'resource_id', 'comparator': 'eq',
                 'value': job_6_failed['resource_id']},
                {'key': 'extra_id', 'comparator': 'eq',
                 'value': job_6_failed['extra_id']}]
            self.assertEqual(0, len(db_api.list_jobs(self.context,
Example #12
    def test_redo_job(self):

        for job_type in self.all_job_types:
            job = self._prepare_job_element(job_type)

            jobs = [
                # create an entirely new job
                    "job": job,
                    "expected_error": 200


        response = self.app.get('/v1.0/jobs')
        return_job = response.json

        jobs = return_job['jobs']

        # redo a new job
        for job in jobs:
            response_1 = self.app.put('/v1.0/jobs/%(id)s' % {'id': job['id']},

            self.assertEqual(response_1.status_int, 200)

        response_2 = self.app.put('/v1.0/jobs/123', expect_errors=True)
        self.assertEqual(response_2.status_int, 404)

        # redo a running job
        job_type_3 = constants.JT_NETWORK_UPDATE
        job_3 = self._prepare_job_element(job_type_3)
        resource_id_3 = '#'.join([job_3['resource'][resource_id]
                                  for resource_type, resource_id
                                  in self.job_resource_map[job_type_3]])
        job_running_3 = db_api.register_job(self.context,

        self.assertEqual(constants.JS_Running, job_running_3['status'])
        response_3 = self.app.put('/v1.0/jobs/%(id)s' % {
            'id': job_running_3['id']}, expect_errors=True)

        self.assertEqual(response_3.status_int, 400)

        # redo a failed job
        job_type_4 = constants.JT_NETWORK_UPDATE
        job_4 = self._prepare_job_element(job_type_4)

        job_dict_4 = {
            "job": job_4,
            "expected_error": 200

        response_4 = self.app.post_json('/v1.0/jobs',
        return_job_4 = response_4.json

        self.assertEqual(response_4.status_int, 200)

                          False, timeutils.utcnow())

        job_fail_4 = db_api.get_job(self.context, return_job_4['job']['id'])
        self.assertEqual(constants.JS_Fail, job_fail_4['status'])
        response_5 = self.app.put('/v1.0/jobs/%(id)s' % {
            'id': return_job_4['job']['id']}, expect_errors=True)

        self.assertEqual(response_5.status_int, 200)

        # redo a successful job
        job_type_6 = constants.JT_NETWORK_UPDATE
        job_6 = self._prepare_job_element(job_type_6)

        job_dict_6 = {
            "job": job_6,
            "expected_error": 200

        response_6 = self.app.post_json('/v1.0/jobs',
        return_job_6 = response_6.json

        with self.context.session.begin():
            job_dict = {'status': constants.JS_Success,
                        'timestamp': timeutils.utcnow(),
                        'extra_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid()}
            core.update_resource(self.context, models.AsyncJob,
                                 return_job_6['job']['id'], job_dict)

        job_succ_6 = db_api.get_job(self.context, return_job_6['job']['id'])
        self.assertEqual(constants.JS_Success, job_succ_6['status'])
        response_7 = self.app.put('/v1.0/jobs/%(id)s' % {
            'id': return_job_6['job']['id']}, expect_errors=True)

        self.assertEqual(response_7.status_int, 400)