Example #1
    def _normalize_branch_node(self, node):
        A branch node which is left with only a single non-blank item should be
        turned into either a leaf or extension node.
        iter_node = iter(node)
        if any(iter_node) and any(iter_node):
            return node

        if node[16]:
            return [compute_leaf_key([]), node[16]]

        sub_node_idx, sub_node_hash = next(
            (idx, v) for idx, v in enumerate(node[:16]) if v)
        sub_node = self.get_node(sub_node_hash)
        sub_node_type = get_node_type(sub_node)


        if sub_node_type in {NODE_TYPE_LEAF, NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION}:
            new_subnode_key = encode_nibbles(
            return [new_subnode_key, sub_node[1]]
        elif sub_node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
            subnode_hash = self._persist_node(sub_node)
            return [encode_nibbles([sub_node_idx]), subnode_hash]
            raise Exception("Invariant: this code block should be unreachable")
Example #2
    def _iter(self, node, key):
        node_type = get_node_type(node)
        if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BLANK:
            return None
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
            descend_key = extract_key(node)
            if descend_key > key:
                return descend_key
            return None
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
            scan_range = range(16)
            if len(key):
                sub_node = self.trie.get_node(node[key[0]])
                nibbles = self._iter(sub_node, key[1:])
                if nibbles is not None:
                    return (key[0],) + nibbles
                scan_range = range(key[0] + 1, 16)

            for i in scan_range:
                sub_node = self.trie.get_node(node[i])
                nibbles = self._get_next(sub_node)
                if nibbles is not None:
                    return (i,) + nibbles
            return None
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION:
            descend_key = extract_key(node)
            sub_node = self.trie.get_node(node[1])
            sub_key = key[len(descend_key):]
            if key_starts_with(key, descend_key):
                nibbles = self._iter(sub_node, sub_key)
                if nibbles is not None:
                    return descend_key + nibbles
            return None
Example #3
    def _get_proof(self, node, trie_key, proven_len=0, last_proof=tuple()):
        updated_proof = last_proof + (node, )
        unproven_key = trie_key[proven_len:]

        node_type = get_node_type(node)
        if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BLANK:
            return last_proof
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
            return updated_proof
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION:
            current_key = extract_key(node)
            if key_starts_with(unproven_key, current_key):
                next_node = self.get_node(node[1])
                new_proven_len = proven_len + len(current_key)
                return self._get_proof(next_node, trie_key, new_proven_len,
                return updated_proof
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
            if not unproven_key:
                return updated_proof
            next_node = self.get_node(node[unproven_key[0]])
            new_proven_len = proven_len + 1
            return self._get_proof(next_node, trie_key, new_proven_len,
            raise Exception("Invariant: This shouldn't ever happen")
Example #4
def _get_children(node, depth):
    node_type = get_node_type(node)
    references = []
    leaves = []

    if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BLANK:
    elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
    elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION:
        if isinstance(node[1], bytes) and len(node[1]) == 32:
            references.append((depth + 1, node[1]))
        elif isinstance(node[1], list):
            # the rlp encoding of the node is < 32 so rather than a 32-byte
            # reference, the actual rlp encoding of the node is inlined.
            sub_references, sub_leaves = _get_children(node[1], depth + 1)
            raise Exception("Invariant")
    elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
        for sub_node in node[:16]:
            if isinstance(sub_node, bytes) and len(sub_node) == 32:
                # this is a reference to another node.
                references.append((depth + 1, sub_node))
                sub_references, sub_leaves = _get_children(sub_node, depth)

        # The last item in a branch may contain a value.
        if not is_blank_node(node[16]):

    return references, leaves
Example #5
    def _get(self, node, trie_key):
        node_type = get_node_type(node)

        if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BLANK:
            return BLANK_NODE
        elif node_type in {NODE_TYPE_LEAF, NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION}:
            return self._get_kv_node(node, trie_key)
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
            return self._get_branch_node(node, trie_key)
            raise Exception("Invariant: This shouldn't ever happen")
Example #6
    def get_children(self, request):
        """Return all children of the node retrieved by the given request.

        :rtype: A two-tuple with one list containing the children that reference other nodes and
        another containing the leaf children.
        node = decode_node(request.data)
        node_type = get_node_type(node)
        references = []
        leaves = []
        if node_type == NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION:
            depth = request.depth + len(node[0])
            references.append((depth, node[1]))
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
            depth = request.depth + 1
            for item in node[:16]:
                if is_blank_node(item):

                # In a branch, the first 16 items are either a node whose RLP-encoded
                # representation is under 32 bytes or a reference to another node.
                if len(item) == 2:
                    if get_node_type(item) != NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
                        raise UnexpectedNodeType(
                            "Expected a node of type leaf, but got %s" % item)
                elif len(item) == 17:
                    # NOTE: This can happen only if the RLP representation of all branch items fit
                    # in less than 32 bytes, which means the keys/values are extremely short, so
                    # it's probably not worth supporting it.
                    raise RuntimeError("If you get this, see the NOTE above")
                    references.append((depth, item))

            # The last item in a branch may contain a value.
            if not is_blank_node(node[16]):

        return references, leaves
Example #7
    def _traverse_from(self, node: RawHexaryNode,
                       trie_key) -> Tuple[RawHexaryNode, Nibbles]:
        Traverse down the trie from the given node, using the trie_key to navigate.

        At each node, consume a prefix from the key, and navigate to its child. Repeat with that
        child node and so on, until:
        - there is no key remaining, or
        - the child node is a blank node, or
        - the child node is a leaf node

        :return: (the deepest child node, the unconsumed suffix of the key)
        :raises MissingTraversalNode: if a node body is missing from the database
        remaining_key = trie_key
        while remaining_key:
            node_type = get_node_type(node)

            if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BLANK:
                return BLANK_NODE, (
                )  # type: ignore # mypy thinks BLANK_NODE != b''
            elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
                leaf_key = extract_key(node)
                if key_starts_with(leaf_key, remaining_key):
                    return node, remaining_key
                    # The trie key and leaf node key branch away from each other, so there
                    # is no node at the specified key.
                    return BLANK_NODE, (
                    )  # type: ignore # mypy thinks BLANK_NODE != b''
            elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION:
                    next_node_pointer, remaining_key = self._traverse_extension(
                        node, remaining_key)
                except _PartialTraversal:
                    # could only descend part-way into an extension node
                    return node, remaining_key
            elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
                next_node_pointer = node[remaining_key[0]]
                remaining_key = remaining_key[1:]
                raise Exception("Invariant: This shouldn't ever happen")

                node = self.get_node(next_node_pointer)
            except KeyError as exc:
                used_key = trie_key[:len(trie_key) - len(remaining_key)]

                raise MissingTraversalNode(exc.args[0], used_key)

        # navigated down the full key
        return node, Nibbles(())
Example #8
    def _delete(self, node, trie_key):
        node_type = get_node_type(node)

        with self._prune_node(node):
            if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BLANK:
                # ignore attempt to delete key from empty node
                return BLANK_NODE
            elif node_type in {NODE_TYPE_LEAF, NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION}:
                return self._delete_kv_node(node, trie_key)
            elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
                return self._delete_branch_node(node, trie_key)
                raise Exception("Invariant: This shouldn't ever happen")
Example #9
    def _delete_kv_node(self, node, trie_key):
        current_key = extract_key(node)

        if not key_starts_with(trie_key, current_key):
            # key not present?....
            return node

        node_type = get_node_type(node)

        if node_type == NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
            if trie_key == current_key:
                return BLANK_NODE
                return node

        sub_node_key = trie_key[len(current_key):]
        sub_node = self.get_node(node[1])

        new_sub_node = self._delete(sub_node, sub_node_key)
        encoded_new_sub_node = self._persist_node(new_sub_node)

        if encoded_new_sub_node == node[1]:
            return node

        if new_sub_node == BLANK_NODE:
            return BLANK_NODE

        new_sub_node_type = get_node_type(new_sub_node)
        if new_sub_node_type in {NODE_TYPE_LEAF, NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION}:

            new_key = current_key + decode_nibbles(new_sub_node[0])
            return [encode_nibbles(new_key), new_sub_node[1]]

        if new_sub_node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
            return [encode_nibbles(current_key), encoded_new_sub_node]

        raise Exception("Invariant, this code path should not be reachable")
Example #10
    def _set(self, node, trie_key, value):
        node_type = get_node_type(node)

        if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BLANK:
            return [
        elif node_type in {NODE_TYPE_LEAF, NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION}:
            return self._set_kv_node(node, trie_key, value)
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
            return self._set_branch_node(node, trie_key, value)
            raise Exception("Invariant: This shouldn't ever happen")
Example #11
    def _get_kv_node(self, node, trie_key):
        current_key = extract_key(node)
        node_type = get_node_type(node)

        if node_type == NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
            if trie_key == current_key:
                return node[1]
                return BLANK_NODE
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION:
            if key_starts_with(trie_key, current_key):
                sub_node = self.get_node(node[1])
                return self._get(sub_node, trie_key[len(current_key):])
                return BLANK_NODE
            raise Exception("Invariant: unreachable code path")
Example #12
def traverse_node(db, path, nodehash, start: int):
    node_rlp, node = get_node(db, nodehash)
    node_type = get_node_type(node)
    if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
        yield Node('branch', node_rlp, path)
        yield from traverse_branch(db, path, node, start)
    elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
        rest = extract_key(node)
        # TODO: also traverse the state root?
        yield Node('leaf', node_rlp, path + rest)
    elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION:
        # TODO: decide whether to yield this node, does it still match {start}
        # TODO: test that we're building this path correctly
        rest = extract_key(node)
        full_path = path + rest
        yield Node('extension', node_rlp, full_path)
        yield from traverse_node(db, full_path, node[1], start[1:])
        raise Exception(f"don't know how to handle type {node_type}")
Example #13
def _get_children(node: Hash32,
                  depth: int) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[int, Hash32]], List[bytes]]:
    """Return all children of the node with the given hash.

    :rtype: A two-tuple with one list containing the children that reference other nodes and
    another containing the leaf children.
    node_type = get_node_type(node)
    references = []
    leaves = []

    if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BLANK:
    elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
    elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION:
        if isinstance(node[1], bytes) and len(node[1]) == 32:
            references.append((depth + 1, Hash32(node[1])))
        elif isinstance(node[1], list):
            # the rlp encoding of the node is < 32 so rather than a 32-byte
            # reference, the actual rlp encoding of the node is inlined.
            sub_references, sub_leaves = _get_children(node[1], depth + 1)
            raise Exception("Invariant")
    elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
        for sub_node in node[:16]:
            if isinstance(sub_node, bytes) and len(sub_node) == 32:
                # this is a reference to another node.
                references.append((depth + 1, sub_node))
                # TODO: Follow up on mypy confusion around `int`, `bytes` and `Hash32` here
                sub_references, sub_leaves = _get_children(
                    sub_node, depth)  # type: ignore
                leaves.extend(sub_leaves)  # type: ignore

        # The last item in a branch may contain a value.
        if not is_blank_node(node[16]):

    return references, leaves  # type: ignore
Example #14
    def regenerate_ref_count(self):
        new_ref_count = defaultdict(int)

        keys_to_count = [self.root_hash]
        while keys_to_count:
            key = keys_to_count.pop()
            if key == b'' or isinstance(key, list) or key == BLANK_NODE_HASH:
            new_ref_count[key] += 1

            node = self.get_node(key)
            node_type = get_node_type(node)

            if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BLANK:
            if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
            elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION:

        return new_ref_count
Example #15
 def _get_next(self, node):
     node_type = get_node_type(node)
     if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BLANK:
         return None
     elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
         curr_key = extract_key(node)
         return curr_key
     elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION:
         curr_key = extract_key(node)
         sub_node = self.trie.get_node(node[1])
         return curr_key + self._get_next(sub_node)
     elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
         if node[16]:
             return (16,)
         for i in range(16):
             sub_node = self.trie.get_node(node[i])
             nibbles = self._get_next(sub_node)
             if nibbles is not None:
                 return (i,) + nibbles
         raise Exception("Invariant: this means we have an empty branch node")
         raise Exception("Invariant: unknown node type {0}".format(node))
Example #16
    def _get(self, root_hash, trie_key):
        node, remaining_key = self._traverse(root_hash, trie_key)

        node_type = get_node_type(node)

        if node_type == NODE_TYPE_BLANK:
            return BLANK_NODE
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_LEAF:
            if remaining_key == extract_key(node):
                return node[1]
                # Any remaining key that isn't an exact match for the leaf node must
                #   be pointing to a value that doesn't exist.
                return BLANK_NODE
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION:
            if len(remaining_key) > 0:
                # Any remaining key should have traversed down into the extension's child.
                #   (or returned a blank node if the key didn't match the extension)
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Traverse should never return an extension node with remaining key, "
                    f"but returned node {node!r} with remaining key {remaining_key}."
                return BLANK_NODE
        elif node_type == NODE_TYPE_BRANCH:
            if len(remaining_key) > 0:
                # Any remaining key should have traversed down into the branch's child, even
                #   if the branch had an empty child, which would then return a BLANK_NODE.
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Traverse should never return a non-empty branch node with remaining key, "
                    f"but returned node {node!r} with remaining key {remaining_key}."
                return node[-1]
            raise Exception("Invariant: This shouldn't ever happen")