Example #1
def compute_curvature(FV, VertexNormals, FaceNormals, Avertex, Acorner, up,
    CalcFaceCurvature recives a list of vertices and faces in FV structure
    and the normal at each vertex and calculates the second fundemental
    matrix and the curvature using least squares
    :param FV: face-vertex data structure containing a list of vertices and a
    list of faces
    :param VertexNormals: n*3 matrix ( n = number of vertices ) containing the
    normal at each vertex
    :param FaceNormals: m*3 matrix ( m = number of faces ) containing the
    normal of each face
    :param Avertex:
    :param Acorner:
    :param up:
    :param vp:
    FaceSFM - an m*1 cell matrix second fundemental
    VertexSFM - an n*w cell matrix second fundementel
    wfp - corner voronoi weights
    print("Calculating curvature tensors ... Please wait")
    "Matrix of each face at each cell"
    FaceSFM, VertexSFM = list(), list()
    for i in range(FV.faces.shape[0]):
        FaceSFM.append([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
    for i in range(FV.vertices.shape[0]):
        VertexSFM.append([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
    Kn = np.zeros((1, FV.faces.shape[0]))

    " Get all the edge vectors "
    e0 = FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 2], :] - FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 1], :]
    e1 = FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 0], :] - FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 2], :]
    e2 = FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 1], :] - FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 0], :]

    " Normalize edge vectors "
    e0_norm = tut.unitize(e0)
    # e1_norm = normr(e1)
    # e2_norm = normr(e2)

    wfp = np.array(np.zeros((FV.faces.shape[0], 3)))
    for i in range(FV.faces.shape[0]):
        "Calculate Curvature Per Face"
        "set face coordinate frame"
        nf = FaceNormals[i, :]
        t = e0_norm[i, :]
        B = np.cross(nf, t)
        B = B / (np.linalg.norm(B))

        "extract relevant normals in face vertices"
        n0 = VertexNormals[FV.faces[i][0], :]
        n1 = VertexNormals[FV.faces[i][1], :]
        n2 = VertexNormals[FV.faces[i][2], :]

        " solve least squares problem of th form Ax=b "
        A = np.array([[np.dot(e0[i, :], t),
                       np.dot(e0[i, :], B), 0],
                      [0, np.dot(e0[i, :], t),
                       np.dot(e0[i, :], B)],
                      [np.dot(e1[i, :], t),
                       np.dot(e1[i, :], B), 0],
                      [0, np.dot(e1[i, :], t),
                       np.dot(e1[i, :], B)],
                      [np.dot(e2[i, :], t),
                       np.dot(e2[i, :], B), 0],
                      [0, np.dot(e2[i, :], t),
                       np.dot(e2[i, :], B)]])

        b = np.array([
            np.dot(n2 - n1, t),
            np.dot(n2 - n1, B),
            np.dot(n0 - n2, t),
            np.dot(n0 - n2, B),
            np.dot(n1 - n0, t),
            np.dot(n1 - n0, B)

        "Resolving by least mean square method because "
        "A is not a square matrix"

        x = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, None)

        FaceSFM[i] = np.array([[x[0][0], x[0][1]], [x[0][1], x[0][2]]])
        Kn[0][i] = np.dot(np.array([1, 0]),
                          np.dot(FaceSFM[i], np.array([[1.], [0.]])))
        Calculate curvature per vertex
        Calculate voronoi weights
        wfp[i][0] = Acorner[i][0] / Avertex[FV.faces[i][0]]
        wfp[i][1] = Acorner[i][1] / Avertex[FV.faces[i][1]]
        wfp[i][2] = Acorner[i][2] / Avertex[FV.faces[i][2]]

        "Calculate new coordinate system and project the tensor"

        for j in range(3):
            new_ku, new_kuv, new_kv = \
                project_curvature_tensor(t, B, nf, x[0][0], x[0][1], x[0][2],
                                         up[FV.faces[i][j], :],
                                         vp[FV.faces[i][j], :])
            VertexSFM[FV.faces[i][j]] += np.dot(
                wfp[i][j], np.array([[new_ku, new_kuv], [new_kuv, new_kv]]))

    print('Finished Calculating curvature tensors')

    return FaceSFM, VertexSFM, wfp
Example #2
    def on_mouse_double_click(self, x, y):
        res = self._scene.camera.resolution
        fov_y = np.radians(self._scene.camera.fov[1] / 2.0)
        fov_x = fov_y * (res[0] / float(res[1]))
        half_fov = np.stack([fov_x, fov_y])

        right_top = np.tan(half_fov)
        right_top *= 1 - (1.0 / res)
        left_bottom = -right_top

        right, top = right_top
        left, bottom = left_bottom

        xy_vec = tu.grid_linspace(bounds=[[left, top], [right, bottom]], count=res).astype(np.float64)
        pixels = tu.grid_linspace(bounds=[[0, 0], [res[0] - 1, res[1] - 1]], count=res).astype(np.int64)
        assert xy_vec.shape == pixels.shape

        transform = self._scene.camera_transform
        vectors = tu.unitize(np.column_stack((xy_vec, -np.ones_like(xy_vec[:, :1]))))
        vectors = tf.transform_points(vectors, transform, translate=False)
        origins = (np.ones_like(vectors) * tf.translation_from_matrix(transform))

        indices = np.where(np.all(pixels == np.array([x, y]), axis=1))
        if len(indices) > 0 and len(indices[0]) > 0:
            pixel_id = indices[0][0]
            ray_origin = np.expand_dims(origins[pixel_id], 0)
            ray_direction = np.expand_dims(vectors[pixel_id], 0)
            # print(x, y, pixel_id, ray_origin, ray_direction)

            mesh = self._scene.geometry['geometry_0']

            locations, index_ray, index_tri = mesh.ray.intersects_location(

            if locations.size == 0:

            ray_origins = np.tile(ray_origin, [locations.shape[0], 1])
            distances = np.linalg.norm(locations - ray_origins, axis=1)
            idx = np.argsort(distances)  # sort by disctances

            # color closest hit
            tri_color = mesh.visual.face_colors[index_tri[idx[0]]]
            if not np.alltrue(tri_color == [255, 0, 0, 255]):
                tri_color = [255, 0, 0, 255]
                # unselect triangle
                tri_color = [200, 200, 200, 255]

            mesh.visual.face_colors[index_tri[idx[0]]] = tri_color

            # collect clicked triangle ids
            tri_ids = np.where(np.all(mesh.visual.face_colors == [255, 0, 0, 255], axis=-1))[0]

            if len(tri_ids) >= self._settings_loader.min_triangles:
                # get center of triangles
                barycentric = mesh.triangles_center[tri_ids]
                joint_x = np.mean(barycentric[:, 0])
                joint_y = np.mean(barycentric[:, 1])
                joint_z = np.mean(barycentric[:, 2])
                joint = np.stack([joint_x, joint_y, joint_z])

                if 'joint_0' in self._scene.geometry:

                joint = np.expand_dims(joint, 0)
                joint = PointCloud(joint, process=False)
                self._scene.add_geometry(joint, geom_name='joint_0')

            if self.view['rays']:
                from trimesh import load_path
                ray_visualize = load_path(np.hstack((ray_origin, ray_origin + ray_direction)).reshape(-1, 2, 3))
                self._scene.add_geometry(ray_visualize, geom_name='cam_rays')

                # draw path where camera ray hits with mesh (only take 2 closest hits)
                path = np.hstack(locations[:2]).reshape(-1, 2, 3)
                ray_visualize = load_path(path)
                self._scene.add_geometry(ray_visualize, geom_name='cam_rays_hits')
Example #3
def calcvertex_normals(FV, N):
    CalcVertexNormals calculates the normals and voronoi areas at each vertex
    FV - triangle mesh in face vertex structure
    N - face normals
    OUTPUT -
    VertexNormals - [Nv X 3] matrix of normals at each vertex
    Avertex - [NvX1] voronoi area at each vertex
    Acorner - [NfX3] slice of the voronoi area at each face corner

    print("Calculating vertex normals .... Please wait")

    "Get all the edge vectors"
    e0 = np.array(FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 2], :] -
                  FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 1], :])
    e1 = np.array(FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 0], :] -
                  FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 2], :])
    e2 = np.array(FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 1], :] -
                  FV.vertices[FV.faces[:, 0], :])

    "Normalize edge vectors "
    e0_norm = tut.unitize(e0)
    e1_norm = tut.unitize(e1)
    e2_norm = tut.unitize(e2)

    de0 = np.sqrt((e0[:, 0])**2 + (e0[:, 1])**2 + (e0[:, 2])**2)
    de1 = np.sqrt((e1[:, 0])**2 + (e1[:, 1])**2 + (e1[:, 2])**2)
    de2 = np.sqrt((e2[:, 0])**2 + (e2[:, 1])**2 + (e2[:, 2])**2)
    l2 = np.array([de0**2, de1**2, de2**2])
    l2 = np.transpose(l2)
    using ew to compute the cot of the angles for the voronoi area calculation
    ew is the triangle barycenter.
    We check later if it's inside or outside the triangle
    ew = np.array([
        l2[:, 0] * (l2[:, 1] + l2[:, 2] - l2[:, 0]),
        l2[:, 1] * (l2[:, 2] + l2[:, 0] - l2[:, 1]),
        l2[:, 2] * (l2[:, 0] + l2[:, 1] - l2[:, 2])
    s = (de0 + de1 + de2) / 2

    "Af - face area vector"
    Af = np.sqrt(s * (s - de0) * (s - de1) * (s - de2))

    "herons formula for triangle area, "
    "could have also used  0.5 * norm(cross(e0,e1)) "
    "Calc weights"
    Acorner = np.zeros((np.shape(FV.faces)[0], 3))
    Avertex = np.zeros((np.shape(FV.vertices)[0], 1))

    "Compute vertex normals"
    VertexNormals, up, vp = \
        np.zeros((np.shape(FV.vertices)[0], 3)),\
        np.zeros((np.shape(FV.vertices)[0], 3)),\
        np.zeros((np.shape(FV.vertices)[0], 3))

    for i in range(np.shape(FV.faces)[0]):
        wfv1 = Af[i] / ((de1[i]**2) * (de2[i]**2))
        wfv2 = Af[i] / ((de0[i]**2) * (de2[i]**2))
        wfv3 = Af[i] / ((de1[i]**2) * (de0[i]**2))

        VertexNormals[FV.faces[i][0], :] += wfv1 * N[i, :]
        VertexNormals[FV.faces[i][1], :] += wfv2 * N[i, :]
        VertexNormals[FV.faces[i][2], :] += wfv3 * N[i, :]
        Calculate areas for weights according to Mayar et al. [2002]
        Check if the triangle is obtuse, right or acute
        "Changed shape for ew"

        if ew[0][i] <= 0:
            Acorner[i][1] = -0.25 * l2[i][2] * Af[i] / \
                (np.dot(e0[i, :], np.transpose(e2[i, :])))
            Acorner[i][2] = -0.25 * l2[i][1] * Af[i] / \
                (np.dot(e0[i, :], np.transpose(e1[i, :])))
            Acorner[i][0] = Af[i] - Acorner[i][2] - Acorner[i][1]
        elif ew[1][i] <= 0:
            Acorner[i][2] = -0.25 * l2[i][0] * Af[i] / \
                (np.dot(e1[i, :], np.transpose(e0[i, :])))
            Acorner[i][0] = -0.25 * l2[i][2] * Af[i] / \
                (np.dot(e1[i, :], np.transpose(e2[i, :])))
            Acorner[i][1] = Af[i] - Acorner[i][2] - Acorner[i][0]
        elif ew[2][i] <= 0:
            Acorner[i][0] = -0.25 * l2[i][1] * Af[i] / \
                (np.dot(e2[i, :], np.transpose(e1[i, :])))
            Acorner[i][1] = -0.25 * l2[i][0] * Af[i] / \
                (np.dot(e2[i, :], np.transpose(e0[i, :])))
            Acorner[i][2] = Af[i] - Acorner[i][1] - Acorner[i][0]
            ewscale = 0.5 * Af[i] / (ew[0][i] + ew[1][i] + ew[2][i])
            Acorner[i][0] = ewscale * (ew[1][i] + ew[2][i])
            Acorner[i][1] = ewscale * (ew[0][i] + ew[2][i])
            Acorner[i][2] = ewscale * (ew[1][i] + ew[0][i])

        Avertex[FV.faces[i][0]] += Acorner[i][0]
        Avertex[FV.faces[i][1]] += Acorner[i][1]
        Avertex[FV.faces[i][2]] += Acorner[i][2]

        " Calcul initial coordinate system "
        up[FV.faces[i][0], :] = e2_norm[i, :]
        up[FV.faces[i][1], :] = e0_norm[i, :]
        up[FV.faces[i][2], :] = e1_norm[i, :]

    VertexNormals = tut.unitize(VertexNormals)

    " Calcul initial vertex coordinate system"

    for i in range(np.shape(FV.vertices)[0]):
        up[i, :] = np.cross(up[i, :], VertexNormals[i, :])
        up[i, :] = up[i, :] / np.linalg.norm(up[i, :])
        vp[i, :] = np.cross(VertexNormals[i, :], up[i, :])

    print("Finished calculating vertex normals")
    return VertexNormals, Avertex, Acorner, up, vp