Example #1
def main():
    config.init(app.common_opts, sys.argv[1:])
    application = app.setup_app()

    host = CONF.bind_host
    port = CONF.bind_port
    workers = CONF.api_workers

    if workers < 1:
        LOG.warning(_LW("Wrong worker number, worker = %(workers)s"), workers)
        workers = 1

    LOG.info(_LI("Nova_APIGW on http://%(host)s:%(port)s with %(workers)s"), {
        'host': host,
        'port': port,
        'workers': workers

    service = wsgi.Server(CONF, 'Trio2o Nova_APIGW', application, host, port)
    restapp.serve(service, CONF, workers)

    CONF.log_opt_values(LOG, std_logging.INFO)

Example #2
File: api.py Project: zwxhnu/trio2o
 def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
     while True:
             return f(*args, **kwargs)
         except db_exc.DBDeadlock:
             LOG.warning(_LW("Deadlock detected when running "
                             "'%(func_name)s': Retrying..."),
             # Retry!
Example #3
def main():
    config.init(xservice.common_opts, sys.argv[1:])

    host = CONF.host
    workers = CONF.workers

    if workers < 1:
        LOG.warning(_LW("Wrong worker number, worker = %(workers)s"), workers)
        workers = 1

    LOG.info(_LI("XJob Server on http://%(host)s with %(workers)s"), {
        'host': host,
        'workers': workers

    xservice.serve(xservice.create_service(), workers)

    CONF.log_opt_values(LOG, std_logging.INFO)

Example #4
File: api.py Project: zwxhnu/trio2o
def quota_reserve(context, resources, quotas, deltas, expire,
                  until_refresh, max_age, project_id=None):
    elevated = context.elevated()
    with context.session.begin():
        if project_id is None:
            project_id = context.project_id

        # Get the current usages
        usages = _get_quota_usages(context, context.session, project_id)

        # Handle usage refresh
        refresh = False
        work = set(deltas.keys())
        while work:
            resource = work.pop()

            # Do we need to refresh the usage?
            if resource not in usages:
                usages[resource] = _quota_usage_create(elevated,
                                                       0, 0,
                                                       until_refresh or None,
                refresh = True
            elif usages[resource].in_use < 0:
                # Negative in_use count indicates a desync, so try to
                # heal from that...
                refresh = True
            elif usages[resource].until_refresh is not None:
                usages[resource].until_refresh -= 1
                if usages[resource].until_refresh <= 0:
                    refresh = True
            elif max_age and usages[resource].updated_at is not None and (
                (usages[resource].updated_at -
                    timeutils.utcnow()).seconds >= max_age):
                refresh = True

            if refresh:
                # no actural usage refresh here

                # refresh from the bottom pod
                usages[resource].until_refresh = until_refresh or None

                # Because more than one resource may be refreshed
                # by the call to the sync routine, and we don't
                # want to double-sync, we make sure all refreshed
                # resources are dropped from the work set.

                # NOTE(Vek): We make the assumption that the sync
                #            routine actually refreshes the
                #            resources that it is the sync routine
                #            for.  We don't check, because this is
                #            a best-effort mechanism.

        # Check for deltas that would go negative
        unders = [r for r, delta in deltas.items()
                  if delta < 0 and delta + usages[r].in_use < 0]

        # Now, let's check the quotas
        # NOTE(Vek): We're only concerned about positive increments.
        #            If a project has gone over quota, we want them to
        #            be able to reduce their usage without any
        #            problems.
        overs = [r for r, delta in deltas.items()
                 if quotas[r] >= 0 and delta >= 0 and
                 quotas[r] < delta + usages[r].in_use + usages[r].reserved]

        # NOTE(Vek): The quota check needs to be in the transaction,
        #            but the transaction doesn't fail just because
        #            we're over quota, so the OverQuota raise is
        #            outside the transaction.  If we did the raise
        #            here, our usage updates would be discarded, but
        #            they're not invalidated by being over-quota.

        # Create the reservations
        if not overs:
            reservations = []
            for resource, delta in deltas.items():
                reservation = _reservation_create(elevated,
                                                  resource, delta, expire,

                # Also update the reserved quantity
                # NOTE(Vek): Again, we are only concerned here about
                #            positive increments.  Here, though, we're
                #            worried about the following scenario:
                #            1) User initiates resize down.
                #            2) User allocates a new instance.
                #            3) Resize down fails or is reverted.
                #            4) User is now over quota.
                #            To prevent this, we only update the
                #            reserved value if the delta is positive.
                if delta > 0:
                    usages[resource].reserved += delta

    if unders:
        LOG.warning(_LW("Change will make usage less than 0 for the following "
                        "resources: %s"), unders)
    if overs:
        usages = {k: dict(in_use=v['in_use'], reserved=v['reserved'])
                  for k, v in usages.items()}
        raise exceptions.OverQuota(overs=sorted(overs), quotas=quotas,

    return reservations
Example #5
        def handle_args(*args, **kwargs):
            if IN_TEST:
                # NOTE(zhiyuan) job mechanism will cause some unpredictable
                # result in unit test so we would like to bypass it. However
                # we have problem mocking a decorator which decorates member
                # functions, that's why we use this label, not an elegant
                # way though.
                func(*args, **kwargs)
            ctx = args[1]
            payload = kwargs['payload']

            resource_id = payload[job_type]
            db_api.new_job(ctx, job_type, resource_id)
            start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

            while True:
                current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
                delta = current_time - start_time
                if delta.seconds >= CONF.worker_handle_timeout:
                    # quit when this handle is running for a long time
                time_new = db_api.get_latest_timestamp(ctx, constants.JS_New,
                                                       job_type, resource_id)
                time_success = db_api.get_latest_timestamp(
                    ctx, constants.JS_Success, job_type, resource_id)
                if time_success and time_success >= time_new:
                job = db_api.register_job(ctx, job_type, resource_id)
                if not job:
                    # fail to obtain the lock, let other worker handle the job
                    running_job = db_api.get_running_job(
                        ctx, job_type, resource_id)
                    if not running_job:
                        # there are two reasons that running_job is None. one
                        # is that the running job has just been finished, the
                        # other is that all workers fail to register the job
                        # due to deadlock exception. so we sleep and try again
                    job_time = running_job['timestamp']
                    current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
                    delta = current_time - job_time
                    if delta.seconds > CONF.job_run_expire:
                        # previous running job expires, we set its status to
                        # fail and try again to obtain the lock
                        db_api.finish_job(ctx, running_job['id'], False,
                            _LW('Job %(job)s of type %(job_type)s for '
                                'resource %(resource)s expires, set '
                                'its state to Fail'), {
                                    'job': running_job['id'],
                                    'job_type': job_type,
                                    'resource': resource_id
                        # previous running job is still valid, we just leave
                        # the job to the worker who holds the lock
                # successfully obtain the lock, start to execute handler
                    func(*args, **kwargs)
                except Exception:
                    db_api.finish_job(ctx, job['id'], False, time_new)
                        _LE('Job %(job)s of type %(job_type)s for '
                            'resource %(resource)s fails'), {
                                'job': job['id'],
                                'job_type': job_type,
                                'resource': resource_id
                db_api.finish_job(ctx, job['id'], True, time_new)