Example #1
def telescope(command, data, group, cdata):
    Adds telescope information to slots.

    Interactive usage::

      telescope slots telescope observatory longitude latitude height


      slots : string
           slot, slot range or group which will be processed.

      telescope : string
           telescope name. Enter ?? for by-number interactive
           selection from pre-stored data

    observatory : string
           observatory name

    longitude : float
           geodetic longitude, degrees.

    latitude : float
           geodetic latitude, degrees

    height : float
           height above sea level, metres

    # generate arguments
    inpt = inp.Input(DINT_ENV, DINT_DEF, inp.clist(command))

    # register parameters
    inpt.register('slots',       inp.Input.LOCAL,  inp.Input.PROMPT)
    inpt.register('telescope',   inp.Input.LOCAL,  inp.Input.PROMPT)
    inpt.register('observatory', inp.Input.LOCAL,  inp.Input.PROMPT)
    inpt.register('longitude',   inp.Input.LOCAL,  inp.Input.PROMPT)
    inpt.register('latitude',    inp.Input.LOCAL,  inp.Input.PROMPT)
    inpt.register('height',      inp.Input.LOCAL,  inp.Input.PROMPT)

    # get inputs
    slots       = inpt.get_value('slots', 'slots to mask', '1-1000')
    slist       = interp_slots(slots, True, data, group)
    telescope   = inpt.get_value('telescope',
                                 'name of telescope, ?? for a list', '??')
    if telescope == '??':
            telescope,observatory,longitude,latitude,height = subs.observatory()
        except subs.SubsError, err:
            raise DintError('no observatory data set, ' + str(err))
        inpt.set_default('telescope',   telescope)
        inpt.set_default('observatory', observatory)
        inpt.set_default('longitude',   longitude)
        inpt.set_default('latitude',    latitude)
        inpt.set_default('height',      height)
    'observational info: "name | start phase | end phase | exp time (secs) | window (mins) | start date | end date" for each star.'

# optional
                    help='Telescope name, e.g. WHT, VLT. Default = LT')

# parse them
args = parser.parse_args()

# Get observatory parameters
tel, obs, longit, latit, height = subs.observatory(args.telescope)

# Load position and ephemeris data
peinfo = {}
count = 0
nline = 0
name = None
for line in args.stardata:
    nline += 1
        if not line.startswith('#') and not line.isspace():
            count += 1
            if count == 1:
                name = line.strip()
            elif count == 2:
                ra, dec, system = subs.str2radec(line.strip())
Example #3
# add run name
targ.head['ULOG'] = (args.ulog, 'Name of ULTRACAM/ULTRASPEC log file')

title = args.name + ', ' + args.ulog

# add filter (if specified)
if args.filter is not None:
    targ.head['FILTER'] = (args.filter, 'Filter used')
    title += ', ' + args.filter

# add title for plots
targ.head['TITLE'] = (title, 'Title for plots')

# add positional data
targ.setpos(args.name, args.ra, args.dec)

# add observatory data
telescope,observatory,longitude,latitude,height = subs.observatory(args.tel)
targ.settel(telescope, observatory, longitude, latitude, height)

# convert times

# save
head = fits.Header()
head['comment'] = 'File generated from ULTRACAM log file by ulog2lc.py'

fout = args.output if args.output.endswith('.fits') else args.output + '.fits'
dnl.io.wfits(fout, targ, head, args.append, args.clobber)

Example #4
parser.add_argument('-p', dest='prefix', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
                    help='target name prefixes. These are placed before the left-hand list of target names to allow one to add e.g. priorities.')

parser.add_argument('-s', dest='switch', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=None,
                   help='switch targets data file. Each line should have the format:\nstar name | start switch time (e.g. 12:34) | dead time\nwhere the dead time is the time taken (in minutes) to make the switch. The line will be split on the pipe | characters which must therefore not appear in the star name. Use a star name = None as the final switch to terminate early. The times should increase monotonically, so use times > 24 if necessary.')

# parse them
args = parser.parse_args()

# Interpret date
year,month,day = subs.date2dmy(args.date)

# Get observatory parameters
tel,obs,longit,latit,height = subs.observatory(args.telescope)

# Load position and ephemeris data
peinfo = {}
count = 0
nline = 0
name  = None
for line in args.stardata:
    nline += 1
        if not line.startswith('#') and not line.isspace():
            count += 1
            if count == 1:
                arr  = line.split('|')
                name = arr[0].strip()
                lw   = 1 if len(arr) == 1 else int(arr[1])

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyfits
from scipy.optimize import leastsq, fmin
from trm import subs, sla

# Names of runs (names assumed to be of form 'run123.fits' -- you provide the numbers)
runs = (11, 12, 13, 15, 19)

# Star position
ra,dec,syst = subs.str2radec('06 30 32.79 +29 40 20.3')

# Observatory
tel,obs,longit,latit,height = subs.observatory('WHT')

# Target aperture to use
nap = 2

# Bin width in minutes
deltat = 1.

# Rejection threshold, RMS
thresh = 2.5

def linfit(p, x):
    return p[0]+p[1]*x

def chisq(p, x, y):
    return ((y-linfit(p,x))**2).sum()