Example #1
class ValidateConfig(Validator):
    """Given a parsed config file (should be only basic literals and
    containers), return an immutable, fully populated series of namedtuples and
    FrozenDicts with all defaults filled in, all valid values, and no unused
    values. Throws a ConfigError if any part of the input dict is invalid.
    config_class =              TronConfig
    defaults = {
        'action_runner':        {},
        'output_stream_dir':    None,
        'command_context':      {},
        'ssh_options':          ValidateSSHOptions.defaults,
        'notification_options': None,
        'time_zone':            None,
        'state_persistence':    DEFAULT_STATE_PERSISTENCE,
        'nodes':                {'localhost': DEFAULT_NODE},
        'node_pools':           {},
        'jobs':                 (),
        'services':             (),
    node_pools  = build_dict_name_validator(valid_node_pool, allow_empty=True)
    nodes       = build_dict_name_validator(valid_node, allow_empty=True)
    validators = {
        'action_runner':        ValidateActionRunner(),
        'output_stream_dir':    valid_output_stream_dir,
        'command_context':      valid_command_context,
        'ssh_options':          valid_ssh_options,
        'notification_options': valid_notification_options,
        'time_zone':            valid_time_zone,
        'state_persistence':    valid_state_persistence,
        'nodes':                nodes,
        'node_pools':           node_pools,
    optional = False

    def validate_node_pool_nodes(self, config):
        """Validate that each node in a node_pool is in fact a node, and not
        another pool.
        all_node_names = set(config['nodes'])
        for node_pool in config['node_pools'].itervalues():
            invalid_names = set(node_pool.nodes) - all_node_names
            if invalid_names:
                msg = "NodePool %s contains other NodePools: " % node_pool.name
                raise ConfigError(msg + ",".join(invalid_names))

    def post_validation(self, config, _):
        """Validate a non-named config."""
        node_names = config_utils.unique_names(
            'Node and NodePool names must be unique %s',
            config['nodes'], config.get('node_pools', []))

        if config.get('node_pools'):

        config_context = ConfigContext('config', node_names,
            config.get('command_context'), MASTER_NAMESPACE)
        validate_jobs_and_services(config, config_context)
Example #2
def validate_jobs_and_services(config, config_context):
    """Validate jobs and services."""
    valid_jobs = build_dict_name_validator(valid_job, allow_empty=True)
    valid_services = build_dict_name_validator(valid_service, allow_empty=True)
    validation = [('jobs', valid_jobs), ('services', valid_services)]

    for config_name, valid in validation:
        child_context = config_context.build_child_context(config_name)
        config[config_name] = valid(config.get(config_name, []), child_context)

    fmt_string = 'Job and Service names must be unique %s'
    config_utils.unique_names(fmt_string, config['jobs'], config['services'])
Example #3
def validate_jobs_and_services(config, config_context):
    """Validate jobs and services."""
    valid_jobs      = build_dict_name_validator(valid_job, allow_empty=True)
    valid_services  = build_dict_name_validator(valid_service, allow_empty=True)
    validation      = [('jobs', valid_jobs), ('services', valid_services)]

    for config_name, valid in validation:
        child_context = config_context.build_child_context(config_name)
        config[config_name] = valid(config.get(config_name, []), child_context)

    fmt_string = 'Job and Service names must be unique %s'
    config_utils.unique_names(fmt_string, config['jobs'], config['services'])
Example #4
class ValidateJob(Validator):
    """Validate jobs."""
    config_class = ConfigJob
    defaults = {
        'run_limit': 50,
        'all_nodes': False,
        'cleanup_action': None,
        'enabled': True,
        'queueing': True,
        'allow_overlap': False,
        'max_runtime': None,

    validators = {
        'name': valid_name_identifier,
        'schedule': valid_schedule,
        'run_limit': valid_int,
        'all_nodes': valid_bool,
        'actions': build_dict_name_validator(valid_action),
        'cleanup_action': valid_cleanup_action,
        'node': valid_node_name,
        'queueing': valid_bool,
        'enabled': valid_bool,
        'allow_overlap': valid_bool,
        'max_runtime': config_utils.valid_time_delta,

    def cast(self, in_dict, config_context):
        in_dict['namespace'] = config_context.namespace
        return in_dict

    # TODO: extract common code to a util function
    def _validate_dependencies(self,
        """Check for circular or misspelled dependencies."""
        stack = stack or []
        current_action = current_action or base_action

        for dep in current_action.requires:
            if dep == base_action.name and len(stack) > 0:
                msg = 'Circular dependency in job.%s: %s'
                raise ConfigError(msg % (job['name'], ' -> '.join(stack)))
            if dep not in actions:
                raise ConfigError('Action jobs.%s.%s has a dependency "%s"'
                                  ' that is not in the same job!' %
                                  (job['name'], current_action.name, dep))
            self._validate_dependencies(job, actions, base_action,
                                        actions[dep], stack)


    def post_validation(self, job, config_context):
        """Validate actions for the job."""
        for action in job['actions'].itervalues():
            self._validate_dependencies(job, job['actions'], action)
Example #5
def validate_jobs_and_services(config, config_context):
    """Validate jobs and services."""
    if 'command_context' in config:
        sorted_context = [(key,config['command_context'][key]) for key in \
            sorted(config['command_context'], key=len, reverse=True)]
        for job in config['jobs']:
            tron_cmd = 'enable' if ('enabled' not in job or job['enabled']) \
                else 'disable'
            #namespace_job = '%s.%s' % (config_context.namespace,
            #    job['name'].replace(" ", "_"))
            #disable_pr = subprocess.Popen(['tronctl', tron_cmd,
            #    namespace_job], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
            #    stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
            if tron_cmd == 'disable':
                print '%s %sd' % (job['name'], tron_cmd)
            if 'report' in job:
                if job['report'] is True:
                    job['email'] = 'report-%s' % job['email']
                del job['report']
            if 'node' not in job:
                job['node'] = 'be-master'
            if 'actions' not in job:
                job['actions'] = [{}]
                job['actions'][0]['command'] = job['command']
                job['actions'][0]['name'] = job['email'] \
                    if 'email' in job else 'none'
            for var, repl_var in sorted_context:
                old_cmd = job['actions'][0]['command']
                if var in old_cmd:
                    job['actions'][0]['command'] = old_cmd.replace(
                        var, repl_var)
    valid_jobs = build_dict_name_validator(valid_job, allow_empty=True)
    valid_services = build_dict_name_validator(valid_service, allow_empty=True)
    validation = [('jobs', valid_jobs), ('services', valid_services)]

    for config_name, valid in validation:
        child_context = config_context.build_child_context(config_name)
        config[config_name] = valid(config.get(config_name, []), child_context)

    fmt_string = 'Job and Service names must be unique %s'
    config_utils.unique_names(fmt_string, config['jobs'], config['services'])
Example #6
def validate_jobs_and_services(config, config_context):
    """Validate jobs and services."""
    if 'command_context' in config:
        sorted_context = [(key,config['command_context'][key]) for key in \
            sorted(config['command_context'], key=len, reverse=True)]
        for job in config['jobs']:
            tron_cmd = 'enable' if ('enabled' not in job or job['enabled']) \
                else 'disable'
            #namespace_job = '%s.%s' % (config_context.namespace,
            #    job['name'].replace(" ", "_"))
            #disable_pr = subprocess.Popen(['tronctl', tron_cmd,
            #    namespace_job], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
            #    stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
            if tron_cmd == 'disable':
                print '%s %sd' % (job['name'], tron_cmd)
            if 'report' in job:
                if job['report'] is True:
                    job['email'] = 'report-%s' % job['email']
                del job['report']
            if 'node' not in job:
                job['node'] = 'be-master'
            if 'actions' not in job:
                job['actions'] = [{}]
                job['actions'][0]['command'] = job['command']
                job['actions'][0]['name'] = job['email'] \
                    if 'email' in job else 'none'
            for var, repl_var in sorted_context:
                old_cmd = job['actions'][0]['command']
                if var in old_cmd:
                    job['actions'][0]['command'] = old_cmd.replace(var, repl_var)
    valid_jobs      = build_dict_name_validator(valid_job, allow_empty=True)
    valid_services  = build_dict_name_validator(valid_service, allow_empty=True)
    validation      = [('jobs', valid_jobs), ('services', valid_services)]

    for config_name, valid in validation:
        child_context = config_context.build_child_context(config_name)
        config[config_name] = valid(config.get(config_name, []), child_context)

    fmt_string = 'Job and Service names must be unique %s'
    config_utils.unique_names(fmt_string, config['jobs'], config['services'])