def generic_addvar_reader(fname, vname): ''' Reads the time stack of additional variables. Parameters ---------- fname : str filename of data file vname : str variable name (variable should be contained in file) Returns -------- dset : dict dataset dictionary containing georef and add data. ''' dset = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(fname, [ vname, ], itime=None) geo = ncio.read_icon_georef(fname) geo['x'], geo['y'] = gi.ll2xyc(geo['lon'], geo['lat']) dset.update(geo) return dset
def read_iconvar_vector( fname, vlist ): ''' Input of ICON variable vector (given at original ICON grid and with applied zenith angle mask). Parameters ---------- fname : str name of ICON file (should be netcdf file) vname : list of str list of variable names Returns ------- outset : dict of numpy arrays set of synsat and georef vectors ''' # check if vlist is list # ==================== if not type(vlist) == type([]): vlist = [vlist,] # read variables # ============================= print(('... read data from ', fname)) dset = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(fname, vlist, itime = None) # read georeference # ================== subdir = subdir_from_fname( fname ) geo = read_georef( subdir, mask_with_zen = False ) # get zenith angle mask # ===================== mask = get_zen_mask( subdir, geo = geo ) # prepare dict output # ==================== outset = dset.copy() outset.update( geo ) for vname in list(outset.keys()): outset[vname] = outset[vname].squeeze()[mask] return outset
def read_data_field(fname, time, varname, region='full_region'): ''' Reads "level2" data for analysis and plotting. Parameters ---------- fname : str input data file name time : int or datetime object time index OR datetime object for which data is read varname : str name of the product read region : str, optional, default = 'full_region' region for which mask is input Returns -------- dset : dict dataset dictionary ''' # read bt variables # dset = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(fname, [varname], itime = itime) xset = xr.open_dataset(fname) # time is given as index if type(time) == type(10): itime = time var =[varname].data) time_obj = ncio.read_icon_time(fname, itime=itime) # time is given as datetime object elif type(time) == datetime.datetime: tfloat = convert_time(time) var = xset.sel(time=tfloat, method='nearest')[varname].data) time_obj = time dset = {varname: var} # read geo-ref geo = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(fname, ['lon', 'lat'], itime=None) dset.update(geo) # also get mask dset.update(read_mask(region=region)) dset['time_obj'] = time_obj dset['time_str'] = dset['time_obj'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC') return dset
def read_hdcp2_data(fname): ''' Reads BT10.8 data from files generated by the HDCP2 O module. Parameters ---------- fname : str file name Returns -------- dset : dict dictionary of datasets ''' # data fields ---------------------------------------------------- vlist = ['tb108', 'lon', 'lat', 'time'] dset = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(fname, vlist, itime=None) b3d = dset.pop('tb108') b3d =, 100.) # ================================================================ # geo ref -------------------------------------------------------- lon, lat = dset['lon'], dset['lat'] x, y = gi.ll2xyc(lon, lat, lon0=10, lat0=50) area = np.abs(gi.simple_pixel_area(lon, lat)) # ================================================================ # time conversions ----------------------------------------------- abs_time = dset['time'] / (3600. * 24) rel_time = np.mod(abs_time, 1) * 24. ntime = len(rel_time) index_time = np.arange(ntime) # ================================================================ # prepare output ................................................. vnames = ['x', 'y', 'area', 'rel_time', 'abs_time', 'index_time'] vvec = [x, y, area, rel_time, abs_time, index_time] for i, vname in enumerate(vnames): dset[vname] = vvec[i] dset['bt108'] = b3d dset['lsm'] = np.ones_like(x) dset['input_dir'] = os.path.dirname(fname) # ================================================================ return dset
def read_georef( expname, mask_with_zen = True, zen_max = 75. ): ''' Reads geo reference of simulation. Parameters ---------- expname : str this is the experiment name which should be equal to the subdirectory it is allowed to also pass the georef filename directly through this agrument mask_with_zen : bool, optional, default = True if zen mask should be applied zen_max : float, optional, default = 75 maximum in satellite zenith angle (if mask_with_zen = True) Returns ------- geo : dict of numpy arrays ''' # get gridfile name if os.path.isfile( expname ): gridfile = expname else: gridfile = get_grid_filename( expname ) # lon/lat input geo = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(gridfile, ['clon', 'clat'], itime = None) # calculate zenith angle clon, clat = geo['clon'], geo['clat'] clon, clat = np.rad2deg( clon ), np.rad2deg( clat ) geo['lon'], geo['lat'] = clon, clat geo['azi'], geo['zen'] = lonlat2azizen(clon, clat) # do masking with satellite zenith angle if mask_with_zen: mask = (geo['zen'] <= zen_max) for vname in list(geo.keys()): geo[vname] = geo[vname][mask] return geo
def read_nc(self, time): ''' Reads Radolan data from HDCP2 project. ''' # get name of radolan file fname = radoname_from_time(time, rproduct = 'rx_hdcp2') # determine itime from time object # TODO: SIMPLE METHOD TO BE IMPROVED itime = 12 * time.hour + time.minute / 5 vname = 'dbz' d = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(fname, [vname], itime = itime)[vname] d = d ) = d, 92)
def read_cluster(fname, cname='iclust'): ''' Reads Cluster Data from netcdf files. Parameters ---------- fname : str file name cname : str, optional, default = 'iclust' name of cluster index variable Returns -------- c : numpy array, int cluster index field ''' c = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(fname, cname, itime=None)[cname] return c.astype(
def read_radiation_flux_tstack(date, fdir = gerb_like_dir, georef_file = None, ntimes = 24, do_cutout = True): ''' Reads and scales radiation flux data based on GERB-like SEVIRI retrievals. Parameters ---------- date : string date string as %Y%m%d fdir : str, optional, default = gerb_like_dir file directory name georef_file : str, optional, default = None filename where lon and lat can be found ntimes : int, optional, default = 24 number of time step included (starting at mid-night) do_cutout : bool, optional, default = True if SEVIRI cutout is applied Returns ------- dset : dict of numpy arrays, 3dim set of fields incl. long- and short-wave radiaton ''' # set time ranges t1 = datetime.datetime.strptime( date, '%Y%m%d') t2 = t1 + datetime.timedelta( hours = ntimes - 1 ) dt = datetime.timedelta( hours = 1 ) # stack data in time loop dset = dict( time = [] ) t = copy.copy(t1) n = 0 while t <= t2: lwf, swf_net, swf_up = read_radiation_fluxes(t, fdir = fdir, do_cutout = do_cutout) # initialize ------------------------------------------------- if n == 0: nrows, ncols = lwf.shape lwf_stack = (ntimes, nrows, ncols) ) swf_net_stack = (ntimes, nrows, ncols) ) swf_up_stack = (ntimes, nrows, ncols) ) # ============================================================ lwf_stack[n] = lwf[:] swf_net_stack[n] = swf_net[:] swf_up_stack[n] = swf_up[:] dset['time'] += [ copy.copy( t ) ] t += dt n += 1 dset['lwf'] = lwf_stack dset['swf_net'] = swf_net_stack dset['swf_up'] = swf_up_stack # ================================================================ # read georef ---------------------------------------------------- if georef_file is None: # hope that meteosat file is there georef_file = meteosat_georef_file georef = ncio.read_icon_4d_data( georef_file, ['lon', 'lat'], itime = None) dset.update( georef ) # ================================================================ return dset
except: pvec = np.nan * np.ones(nperc) pc.append(pvec) return pc ###################################################################### ###################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': # input test field fname = '/vols/talos/home/fabian/data/icon/narval/' b = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(fname, ['bt108'], itime=None)['bt108'] geo = ncio.read_icon_georef(fname) itime = 15 ns = 2 da, bperc = get_area_rate(geo['clon'], geo['clat'], -b[itime - 1], -b[itime], -230, vmin=-260, vmax=-180, cluster_method='watershed_merge', ctype=4, filter_method='curve', marker_field='dist',
def read_icon_lem_data(fname): ''' Reads BT10.8 data from files generated for ICON-LEM runs. Parameters ---------- fname : str file name Returns -------- dset : dict dictionary of datasets ''' # data fields ---------------------------------------------------- vlist = ['bt108', 'lon', 'lat', 'time'] dset = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(fname, vlist, itime=None) b3d = dset.pop('bt108') b3d =, 100.) # ================================================================ # geo ref -------------------------------------------------------- lon, lat = dset['lon'], dset['lat'] x, y = gi.ll2xyc(lon, lat, lon0=10, lat0=50) area = np.abs(gi.simple_pixel_area(lon, lat)) # ================================================================ # time conversions ----------------------------------------------- rel_time = 24 * (dset['time'] - dset['time'][0]) ntime = len(rel_time) index_time = np.arange(ntime) t0 = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) abs_time = [] for t in dset['time']: day = str(int(t)) subday = np.mod(t, 1) tobj = datetime.datetime.strptime(day, '%Y%m%d') tobj += datetime.timedelta(days=subday) dt = (tobj - t0).total_seconds() abs_time.append(dt / (24. * 3600.)) abs_time = np.array(abs_time) # ================================================================ # prepare output ................................................. vnames = ['x', 'y', 'area', 'rel_time', 'abs_time', 'index_time'] vvec = [x, y, area, rel_time, abs_time, index_time] for i, vname in enumerate(vnames): dset[vname] = vvec[i] dset['bt108'] = b3d dset['lsm'] = np.ones_like(x) dset['input_dir'] = os.path.dirname(fname) # ================================================================ return dset
def read_narval_addvars(fname, vname, domain_center=None, region_slice=None): ''' Reads the time stack of Narval data, either meteoat or synsat. Parameters ---------- fname : str filename of data file vname : str variable name (variable should be contained in file) domain_center : tuple of floats, optional, default = None setting the projection center to (clon, clat) if None: not used region_slice : tuple of floats, optional, default = None cutout of fields for form ((irow1, irow2), (icol1, icol2)) if None: not used Returns -------- dset : dict dataset dictionary containing georef and bt108 data. ''' # read land sea data --------------------------------------------- narval_dir = '%s/icon/narval' % local_data_path lsm_name = '%s/aux/narval_landsea_coast_mask.h5' % narval_dir print '... read land-sea-mask from %s' % lsm_name dset = hio.read_dict_from_hdf(lsm_name) lsm = dset['mask50'] # ================================================================ # read bt108 ----------------------------------------------------- print '... read %s from %s' % (vname, fname) basename, file_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname)) date = basename.split('_')[-1] t0 = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d') b3d = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(fname, [ vname, ], itime=None)[vname] b3d = ntime, nrow, ncol = b3d.shape # ================================================================ # prepare time vector -------------------------------------------- rel_time = np.arange(1, ntime + 1) index_time = np.arange(ntime) day_shift = t0 - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) day_shift = day_shift.total_seconds() / (24. * 3600) abs_time = day_shift + rel_time / 24. # ================================================================ # get georef ..................................................... gfile = '%s/aux/target_grid_geo_reference_narval.h5' % narval_dir geo = hio.read_dict_from_hdf(gfile) lon, lat = geo['lon'], geo['lat'] if domain_center is not None: mlon, mlat = domain_center else: mlon, mlat = None, None x, y = gi.ll2xyc(lon, lat, mlon=mlon, mlat=mlat) area = np.abs(gi.simple_pixel_area(x, y, xy=True)) # ================================================================ # prepare output ................................................. dset = {} dset[vname] = b3d addnames = [ 'x', 'y', 'lon', 'lat', 'lsm', 'area', 'rel_time', 'abs_time', 'index_time' ] vvec = [x, y, lon, lat, lsm, area, rel_time, abs_time, index_time] for i, aname in enumerate(addnames): dset[aname] = vvec[i] dset['input_dir'] = os.path.dirname(fname) # ================================================================ # do cutout if wanted -------------------------------------------- field_names = ['x', 'y', 'lon', 'lat', 'lsm', 'area', vname] if region_slice is not None: for name in field_names: dset[name] = gi.cutout_fields(dset[name], region_slice, vaxis=0) # ================================================================ return dset
def read_narval_data(fname): ''' Reads the time stack of Narval data, either meteoat or synsat. Parameters ---------- fname : str filename of data file Returns -------- dset : dict dataset dictionary containing georef and bt108 data. ''' # read land sea data --------------------------------------------- narval_dir = '%s/icon/narval' % local_data_path lsm_name = '%s/aux/narval_landsea_coast_mask.h5' % narval_dir print '... read land-sea-mask from %s' % lsm_name dset = hio.read_dict_from_hdf(lsm_name) lsm = dset['mask50'] # ================================================================ # read bt108 ----------------------------------------------------- print '... read BT10.8 from %s' % fname basename, file_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname)) date = basename.split('_')[-1] t0 = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d') # check if its is obs or sim? ftype = basename.split('_')[0] if ftype in ['msevi', 'trans']: subpath = None elif ftype == 'synsat': subpath = 'synsat_oper' # read bt108 from hdf if file_ext == '.h5': b3d = hio.read_var_from_hdf(fname, 'IR_108', subpath=subpath) / 100. elif file_ext == '.nc': vname = 'bt108' b3d = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(fname, vname, itime=None)[vname] b3d = b3d =, 100.) ntime, nrow, ncol = b3d.shape # ================================================================ # prepare time vector -------------------------------------------- rel_time = np.arange(1, ntime + 1) index_time = np.arange(ntime) day_shift = t0 - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) day_shift = day_shift.total_seconds() / (24. * 3600) abs_time = day_shift + rel_time / 24. # ================================================================ # get georef ..................................................... gfile = '%s/aux/target_grid_geo_reference_narval.h5' % narval_dir geo = hio.read_dict_from_hdf(gfile) lon, lat = geo['lon'], geo['lat'] # centered sinusoidal x, y = gi.ll2xyc(lon, lat) area = np.abs(gi.simple_pixel_area(lon, lat)) # ================================================================ # prepare output ................................................. dset = {} vnames = [ 'x', 'y', 'lon', 'lat', 'lsm', 'area', 'rel_time', 'abs_time', 'index_time' ] vvec = [x, y, lon, lat, lsm, area, rel_time, abs_time, index_time] for i, vname in enumerate(vnames): dset[vname] = vvec[i] dset['bt108'] = b3d dset['input_dir'] = narval_dir # ================================================================ return dset
def get_highres_cma(t, region='de', scan_type='rss', arch="none"): ''' Reads product of High-Res Cloud Mask product (Bley et al., 2013) for a given date. Parameters ---------- t : datetime object day and time of MSG time slot region : str, optional, default = 'de' string that defines regional cutout scan_type : str, optional, default = 'rss' arch : str, optional, default = "none" archive directory where NWC-SAF files are saved (OPTIONAL) Returns -------- var : numpy array Cma product as field ''' # set date and time strings -------------------------------------- date_string = t.strftime('%Y/%m/%d') tstr = t.strftime('%Y%m%dt%H%Mz') time_string = tstr # ================================================================ # check scan_type ................................................ scan = scan_type.lower() if not scan in ('rss', 'pzs'): print('ERROR: scan_type %s not available') print(' use either "rss" or "pzs"') return None # ================================================================ # set archive directory ------------------------------------------ base_dir = "/vols/altair/datasets/eumcst/" if arch == 'none': arch_dir = "%s/msevi_%s/l2_hrv_products/%s/%s" % (base_dir, scan, region, date_string) else: arch_dir = arch # ================================================================ # set file name -------------------------------------------------- prod_file = arch_dir + "/msg?" % ( time_string, scan, region) # get filename while MSG number is unspecified ................... pfile_list = glob.glob(prod_file) if pfile_list: prod_file = pfile_list[0] else: raise Exception('ERROR: ', prod_file, ' does not exist!') # ================================================================ # read variable -------------------------------------------------- # TODO function call should updated !!! prod = 'clm' var = ncio.read_icon_4d_data(prod_file, prod, itime=None) # ================================================================ return var[prod]