Example #1
    def _cs_request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        # Check that certain things are called correctly
        if method in ['GET', 'DELETE']:
            assert 'body' not in kwargs
        elif method == 'PUT':
            assert 'body' in kwargs

        if url is not None:
            # Call the method
            args = parse.parse_qsl(parse.urlparse(url)[4])
            munged_url = url.rsplit('?', 1)[0]
            munged_url = munged_url.strip('/').replace('/', '_')
            munged_url = munged_url.replace('.', '_')
            munged_url = munged_url.replace('-', '_')
            munged_url = munged_url.replace(' ', '_')
            callback = "%s_%s" % (method.lower(), munged_url)

        if not hasattr(self, callback):
            raise AssertionError('Called unknown API method: %s %s, '
                                 'expected fakes method name: %s' %
                                 (method, url, callback))

        # Note the call
        self.callstack.append((method, url, kwargs.get('body')))

        status, headers, body = getattr(self, callback)(**kwargs)
        r = utils.TestResponse({
            "status_code": status,
            "text": body,
            "headers": headers,
        return r, body
 def _test_from_response(self, body):
     data = {
         'status_code': 503,
         'headers': {
         'text': json.dumps(body)
     response = test_utils.TestResponse(data)
     fake_url = 'http://localhost:8779/v1.0/fake/instances'
     error = exceptions.from_response(response, 'GET', fake_url)
     self.assertIsInstance(error, exceptions.ServiceUnavailable)