def main(): # Arguments: assert len(sys.argv) > 1 f_in = sys.argv[1] with open("cuts.yaml") as f: known_cuts = yaml.load(f) cut_key = "pre" if len(sys.argv) > 2: if sys.argv[2] in known_cuts: cut_key = sys.argv[2] tcut = TCut(cut_key, known_cuts[cut_key]) cut = tcut.GetTitle() print "[..] Applying the following cut to {}:\n{}\n".format(f_in, cut) f_out = f_in.replace(".root", "_{}.root".format(cut_key)) # Apply the cut: rf = root.rfile(f_in) tts = rf.get_ttrees() tf_out = TFile(f_out, "RECREATE") for tt_name, tt in tts.items(): print "[..] Cutting {}.".format(tt.GetName()) tt_out = tt.CopyTree(cut) tf_out.WriteTObject(tt_out) tf_out.Close() return True
def main(): # Input: ## Anatuple: assert(len(sys.argv) >= 2) atuple = root.rfile(sys.argv[1]) tts = atuple.get_ttrees() ## Plots to make: with open("plotter_info.yaml", 'r') as f: plot_info = yaml.load(f) ## Cuts to make: cuts_dict = get_cuts() # Output: if len(sys.argv) >= 3: f_out = sys.argv[2] else: f_out ="anatuple", "plots") tf_out = TFile(f_out, "RECREATE") # Start: gROOT.SetBatch() # Write cuts: ## (I do this seperately so they appear first in the file list.) for key, tcut in cuts_dict.items(): tcut.Write() # Write histograms: for cut_key, tcut in cuts_dict.items(): print "[..] Making plots for {}, which is\n\t{}".format(cut_key, tcut.GetTitle()) # TH1s: for var_name, info in plot_info["th1"].items(): for tt in tts: tt_name = tt.GetName() print "\t[..] Plotting {} for {}.".format(info["var"], tt_name) th_name = "{}_{}_{}".format(tt_name, var_name, cut_key) # print tt_name, var tt.Draw("{}>>{}({}, {}, {})".format(info["var"], th_name, info["binning"][0], info["binning"][1], info["binning"][2]), tcut) th = gDirectory.Get(th_name) th.Write() # TH2s: for var_name, info in plot_info["th2"].items(): for tt in tts: tt_name = tt.GetName() print "\t[..] Plotting {} for {}.".format(info["var"], tt_name) th_name = "{}_{}_cut{}".format(tt_name, var_name, cut_key) # print tt_name, var tt.Draw("{}:{}>>{}({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})".format(info["var"][0], info["var"][1], th_name, info["binning"][0], info["binning"][1], info["binning"][2], info["binning"][3], info["binning"][4], info["binning"][5]), tcut) th = gDirectory.Get(th_name) th.Write() print "[OK] Plots sucessfully written to\n\t{}".format(f_out) return True
def main(): # Arguments: assert len(sys.argv) > 1 f_in = sys.argv[1] known_cuts = get_cuts() cut_key = "preselAndMasy" if len(sys.argv) > 2: if sys.argv[2] in known_cuts: cut_key = sys.argv[2] cut = known_cuts[cut_key].GetTitle() f_out = f_in.replace(".root", "_{}.root".format(cut_key)) # Apply the cut: rf = root.rfile(f_in) tts = rf.get_ttrees() tf_out = TFile(f_out, "RECREATE") for tt in tts: print "Cutting {} ...".format(tt.GetName()) tt_out = tt.CopyTree(cut) tf_out.WriteTObject(tt_out) tf_out.Close() return True