def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): contour = self._targetContour if contour is None: return # we don't make any check here, mousePressEvent did it for us pos = event.localPos() # selected point pt = contour[-1] if not pt_ = contour[0] if pt_.selected: pt = pt_ if pt.segmentType and not self._shouldMoveOnCurve: # don't make a curve until enough distance is reached widget = self.parent() rect = QRectF(self._origin, pos) widgetRect = widget.mapRectFromCanvas(rect) if (widgetRect.bottomRight() - widgetRect.topLeft( )).manhattanLength() < 10: return # go pt.selected = False pt.smooth = not event.modifiers() & Qt.AltModifier contour.holdNotifications() if pt.segmentType == "line": self._coerceSegmentToCurve(contour, pt, pos) # TODO: defer this if Alt is pressed elif pt.smooth and # if there's a curve segment behind, we need to update the # offCurve's position to inverse if len(contour) > 1: onCurveBefore = contour[-2] onCurveBefore.x = 2 * pt.x - pos.x() onCurveBefore.y = 2 * pt.y - pos.y() if contour.addPoint((pos.x(), pos.y())) contour[-1].selected = True contour.postNotification( notification="Contour.SelectionChanged") contour.releaseHeldNotifications() else: if pt.segmentType: onCurve = pt elif onCurve = contour[-2] else: onCurve = contour[0] if event.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier: pos = self.clampToOrigin( pos, QPointF(onCurve.x, onCurve.y)) if self._shouldMoveOnCurve: dx = pos.x() - pt.x dy = pos.y() - pt.y moveUIPoint(contour, onCurve, (dx, dy)) else: pt.x = pos.x() pt.y = pos.y() if and len(contour) >= 3 and onCurve.smooth: if onCurve.segmentType == "line": self._coerceSegmentToCurve(contour, onCurve, pos) otherSidePoint = contour[-3] otherSidePoint.x = 2 * onCurve.x - pos.x() otherSidePoint.y = 2 * onCurve.y - pos.y() contour.dirty = True
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if not event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton: super().mouseMoveEvent(event) return contour = self._targetContour if contour is None: return # we don't make any check here, mousePressEvent did it for us pos = event.pos() # selected point pt = contour[-1] if not pt_ = contour[0] if pt_.selected: pt = pt_ if pt.segmentType and not self._shouldMoveOnCurve: # don't make a curve until enough distance is reached widget = self.parent() rect = QRectF(self._origin, event.localPos()) widgetRect = widget.mapRectFromCanvas(rect) if (widgetRect.bottomRight() - widgetRect.topLeft()).manhattanLength() < 10: return # go onSmooth = not event.modifiers() & Qt.AltModifier pt.selected = False pt.smooth = len(contour) > 1 and onSmooth contour.holdNotifications() if pt.segmentType == "line" and onSmooth: self._coerceSegmentToCurve(contour, pt, pos) elif pt.smooth and # if there's a curve segment behind, we need to update the # offCurve's position to inverse if len(contour) > 1: onCurveBefore = contour[-2] onCurveBefore.x = 2 * pt.x - pos.x() onCurveBefore.y = 2 * pt.y - pos.y() if contour.addPoint((pos.x(), pos.y())) contour[-1].selected = True contour.postNotification(notification="Contour.SelectionChanged") contour.releaseHeldNotifications() else: if pt.segmentType: onCurve = pt elif onCurve = contour[-2] else: onCurve = contour[0] if event.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier: pos = self.clampToOrigin( event.localPos(), QPointF(onCurve.x, onCurve.y) ).toPoint() if self._shouldMoveOnCurve: dx = pos.x() - pt.x dy = pos.y() - pt.y moveUIPoint(contour, onCurve, (dx, dy)) else: pt.x = pos.x() pt.y = pos.y() if and len(contour) >= 3 and onCurve.smooth: if onCurve.segmentType == "line": self._coerceSegmentToCurve(contour, onCurve, pos) otherSidePoint = contour[-3] otherSidePoint.x = 2 * onCurve.x - pos.x() otherSidePoint.y = 2 * onCurve.y - pos.y() contour.dirty = True
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): contour = self._targetContour if contour is None: return # we don't make any check here, mousePressEvent did it for us pos = event.localPos() pt = contour[-1] if pt.segmentType and not self._shouldMoveOnCurve: # don't make a curve until enough distance is reached widget = self.parent() rect = QRectF(self._origin, pos) widgetRect = widget.mapRectFromCanvas(rect) if (widgetRect.bottomRight() - widgetRect.topLeft( )).manhattanLength() < 10: return # go pt.selected = False pt.smooth = not event.modifiers() & Qt.AltModifier contour.holdNotifications() # TODO: defer this if Alt is pressed if not # pt is the last point before contour start if pt.segmentType: contour.addPoint((pt.x, pt.y)) startPt = contour[0] startPt.segmentType = "curve" elif pt.segmentType == "line": # remove the onCurve contour.removePoint(pt) # add the first of two offCurves otherPt = contour[-1] contour.addPoint((otherPt.x, otherPt.y)) # add an offCurve before pt inverseX = 2 * pt.x - pos.x() inverseY = 2 * pt.y - pos.y() contour.addPoint((inverseX, inverseY)) # now add pt back as curve point pt.segmentType = "curve" contour.insertPoint(len(self._targetContour), pt) else: # if there's a curve segment behind, we need to update the # offCurve's position to inverse if len(contour) > 1: onCurveBefore = contour[-2] onCurveBefore.x = 2 * pt.x - pos.x() onCurveBefore.y = 2 * pt.y - pos.y() contour.addPoint((pos.x(), pos.y())) contour[-1].selected = True contour.releaseHeldNotifications() else: if pt.segmentType: onCurve = pt elif onCurve = contour[-2] else: onCurve = contour[0] if event.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier: pos = self.clampToOrigin( pos, QPointF(onCurve.x, onCurve.y)) if self._shouldMoveOnCurve: dx = pos.x() - pt.x dy = pos.y() - pt.y moveUIPoint(contour, onCurve, (dx, dy)) else: pt.x = pos.x() pt.y = pos.y() if and len(contour) >= 3 and onCurve.smooth: otherSidePoint = contour[-3] otherSidePoint.x = 2 * onCurve.x - pos.x() otherSidePoint.y = 2 * onCurve.y - pos.y() contour.dirty = True