def create_companypermit_rows(request): # --- create list of all userpermits of this company PR2021-10-02 logging_on = False # s.LOGGING_ON if logging_on: logger.debug(' ') logger.debug(' ----- create_companypermit_rows -----') sql_keys = {'comp_pk':} sql_list = [ "SELECT, CONCAT('companypermit', AS mapid, cp.company_id,", ", pa.action, cp.usergroups,", "cp.modifiedat AS modat, COALESCE(SUBSTRING (au.username, 7), '') AS modby_usr", "FROM accounts_companypermit AS cp", "INNER JOIN accounts_permitaction AS pa ON ( = cp.permitaction_id)", "LEFT JOIN accounts_user AS au ON ( = cp.modifiedby_id)", "WHERE cp.company_id = %(comp_pk)s::INT", "ORDER BY" ] sql = ' '.join(sql_list) if logging_on: logger.debug('sql: ' + str(sql)) logger.debug('connection.queries: ' + str(connection.queries)) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, sql_keys) companypermit_rows = f.dictfetchall(cursor) if logging_on: for row in companypermit_rows: logger.debug('companypermit_row: ' + str(row)) return companypermit_rows
def create_usergroup_rows(user_lang, request): # --- create list of all usergroups of this company PR2021-09-22 logging_on = False # s.LOGGING_ON if logging_on: logger.debug(' ') logger.debug(' ----- create_usergroup_rows -----') code_lang = 'en' if user_lang == 'en' else 'nl' sql_keys = {'comp_pk':, 'lang': user_lang} sql_list = [ "SELECT, ug.company_id, CONCAT('usergroup_', AS mapid,", "ug.code_" + code_lang + " AS code, ug.isdefault, ug.isdefault, ug.issysadmin, ug.inactive," "ug.modifiedat AS modat, COALESCE(SUBSTRING (au.username, 7), '') AS modby_usr", "FROM accounts_usergroup AS ug", "LEFT JOIN accounts_user AS au ON ( = ug.modifiedby_id)", "WHERE ug.company_id = %(comp_pk)s::INT", "ORDER BY" ] sql = ' '.join(sql_list) if logging_on: logger.debug('sql: ' + str(sql)) logger.debug('connection.queries: ' + str(connection.queries)) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, sql_keys) usergroup_rows = f.dictfetchall(cursor) if logging_on: for row in usergroup_rows: logger.debug('row: ' + str(row)) return usergroup_rows
def create_user_rows(request, user_pk=None): # --- create list of all users of this company, or 1 user with user_pk PR2020-07-31 PR2021-09-24 #logger.debug(' =============== create_user_rows ============= ') # PR2018-05-27 list of users in UserListView: # - show only users of this company # - only when permit is sysadmin if and request.user.is_perm_sysadmin: company_pk = sql_keys = {'compid': company_pk, 'userid': user_pk} sql_list = [ "SELECT, au.company_id, CONCAT('user_', AS mapid, 'user' AS table,", "SUBSTRING(au.username, 7) AS username,", "au.last_name,, au.role, au.permits, au.usergroups, au.allowed_customers, au.allowed_orders,", "(TRUNC(au.permits / 64) = 1) AS perm64_sysadmin, ", "(TRUNC( MOD(au.permits, 64) / 32) = 1) AS perm32_accman, ", "(TRUNC( MOD(au.permits, 32) / 16) = 1) AS perm16_hrman, ", "(TRUNC( MOD(au.permits, 16) / 8) = 1) AS perm08_planner, ", "(TRUNC( MOD(au.permits, 8) / 4) = 1) AS perm04_supervisor, ", "(TRUNC( MOD(au.permits, 4) / 2) = 1) AS perm02_employee, ", "(MOD(au.permits, 2) = 1) AS perm01_readonly, ", "au.activated, au.activatedat, au.is_active, au.last_login, au.date_joined,", "au.employee_id, e.code AS employee_code, au.lang, au.modifiedby_id, au.modifiedat", "FROM accounts_user AS au", "LEFT JOIN companies_employee AS e ON ( = au.employee_id)", "WHERE ( au.company_id = %(compid)s::INT )", "AND ( = %(userid)s::INT OR %(userid)s IS NULL )", "ORDER BY" ] sql = ' '.join(sql_list) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, sql_keys) user_rows = f.dictfetchall(cursor) return user_rows
def create_billing_detail_list(period_dict, request): #logger.debug(' ============= create_billing_detail_list ============= ') period_datefirst, period_datelast, order_pk, customer_pk = None, None, None, None if period_dict: period_datefirst = period_dict.get('period_datefirst') period_datelast = period_dict.get('period_datelast') order_pk = period_dict.get('order_pk') order_pk = order_pk if order_pk else None # this changes '0' into 'None' if order_pk is None: customer_pk = period_dict.get('customer_pk') customer_pk = customer_pk if customer_pk else None # this changes '0' into 'None' sql_keys = {'compid': request.user.company_id} sql_list = [ "SELECT AS oh_id, AS o_id, ", "ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT eh.employeecode ORDER BY eh.employeecode) AS e_code,", "oh.rosterdate AS oh_rosterdate,", "CONCAT(oh.customercode, ' - ', oh.ordercode) AS c_o_code,", "oh.shiftcode AS oh_shiftcode,", "SUM(eh.plannedduration) AS eh_plandur, ", "SUM(eh.timeduration) AS eh_timedur, ", "SUM(eh.billingduration) AS eh_billdur,", "ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT eh.pricerate ORDER BY eh.pricerate) AS eh_pricerate_arr,", "ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT oh.additionrate ORDER BY oh.additionrate) AS oh_additionrate_arr,", "ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT oh.taxrate ORDER BY oh.taxrate) AS oh_taxrate_arr,", "SUM(eh.amount) AS eh_amount_sum, SUM(eh.addition) AS eh_add_sum,", "SUM(eh.amount) + SUM(eh.addition) AS eh_total_sum, SUM( AS eh_tax_sum,", "SUM(oh.isbillable::int) AS is_billable,", "SUM((NOT oh.isbillable)::int) AS not_billable,", "SUM(oh.nobill::int) AS is_nobill,", "SUM((NOT oh.nobill)::int) AS not_nobill", "FROM companies_emplhour AS eh", "INNER JOIN companies_orderhour AS oh ON ( = eh.orderhour_id)", "INNER JOIN companies_order AS o ON ( = oh.order_id)", "INNER JOIN companies_customer AS c ON ( = o.customer_id)", "WHERE c.company_id = %(compid)s AND NOT c.isabsence AND NOT oh.isrestshift" ] if period_datefirst: sql_keys['df'] = period_datefirst sql_list.append("AND eh.rosterdate >= %(df)s::DATE") if period_datelast: sql_keys['dl'] = period_datelast sql_list.append("AND eh.rosterdate <= %(dl)s::DATE") if order_pk: sql_keys['oid'] = order_pk sql_list.append("AND = %(oid)s::INT") if customer_pk: sql_keys['cid'] = customer_pk sql_list.append("AND = %(cid)s::INT") sql_list.append("GROUP BY,,, oh.rosterdate, oh.shiftcode") sql_list.append("ORDER BY LOWER(oh.customercode), LOWER(oh.ordercode), oh.rosterdate, LOWER(oh.shiftcode)") sql = ' '.join(sql_list) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, sql_keys) billing_detail_list = f.dictfetchall(cursor) return billing_detail_list
def create_billing_agg_list(period_dict, request): #logger.debug(' ============= create_billing_agg_list ============= ') # create crosstab list of worked- and absence hours, of 1 paydateitem, grouped by employee PR2020-06-24 # see # see #logger.debug('period_dict: ' + str(period_dict)) period_datefirst, period_datelast, order_pk, customer_pk = None, None, None, None if period_dict: period_datefirst = period_dict.get('period_datefirst') period_datelast = period_dict.get('period_datelast') order_pk = period_dict.get('order_pk') order_pk = order_pk if order_pk else None # this changes '0' into 'None' if order_pk is None: customer_pk = period_dict.get('customer_pk') customer_pk = customer_pk if customer_pk else None # this changes '0' into 'None' #logger.debug('period_datefirst: ' + str(period_datefirst)) #logger.debug('period_datelast: ' + str(period_datelast)) #logger.debug('order_pk: ' + str(order_pk)) sql_keys = {'compid': request.user.company_id} sql_list = ["SELECT AS o_id, COALESCE(oh.customercode,'-') AS c_code, COALESCE(oh.ordercode,'-') AS o_code,", "SUM(eh.plannedduration) AS eh_plandur, SUM(eh.timeduration) AS eh_timedur, SUM(eh.billingduration) AS eh_billdur,", "ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT eh.pricerate ORDER BY eh.pricerate) AS eh_pricerate_arr,", "ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT oh.additionrate ORDER BY oh.additionrate) AS oh_additionrate_arr,", "ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT oh.taxrate ORDER BY oh.taxrate) AS oh_taxrate_arr,", "SUM(eh.amount) AS eh_amount_sum, SUM(eh.addition) AS eh_add_sum,", "SUM(eh.amount) + SUM(eh.addition) AS eh_total_sum, SUM( AS eh_tax_sum,", "SUM(oh.isbillable::int) AS is_billable,", "SUM((NOT oh.isbillable)::int) AS not_billable,", "SUM(oh.nobill::int) AS is_nobill,", "SUM((NOT oh.nobill)::int) AS not_nobill", "FROM companies_emplhour AS eh", "INNER JOIN companies_orderhour AS oh ON ( = eh.orderhour_id)", "INNER JOIN companies_order AS o ON ( = oh.order_id)", "INNER JOIN companies_customer AS c ON ( = o.customer_id)", "WHERE c.company_id = %(compid)s AND NOT c.isabsence AND NOT oh.isrestshift" ] if period_datefirst: sql_keys['df'] = period_datefirst sql_list.append("AND eh.rosterdate >= %(df)s::DATE") if period_datelast: sql_keys['dl'] = period_datelast sql_list.append("AND eh.rosterdate <= %(dl)s::DATE") if order_pk: sql_keys['oid'] = order_pk sql_list.append("AND = %(oid)s::INT") if customer_pk: sql_keys['cid'] = customer_pk sql_list.append("AND = %(cid)s::INT") sql_list.append("GROUP BY, oh.customercode, oh.ordercode") sql_list.append("ORDER BY LOWER(oh.customercode), LOWER(oh.ordercode)") sql = ' '.join(sql_list) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, sql_keys) billing_agg_list = f.dictfetchall(cursor) return billing_agg_list
def create_order_rowsXXX(request, is_absence, is_inactive=None, order_pk=None): # --- create list of all active absence categories of this company PR2019-06-25 # each absence category contains abscat_customer, abscat_order # abscat_order_rows is used in employee page, # PR2021-03-21 also used in page customer - to get orders # TODO in scheme page replace abscat_order_list by abscat_order_rows # Note: order_id must not have alias: 'id' is used in refresh_datamap #logger.debug('inactive: ' + str(inactive)) sql_keys = {'compid':} sql_list = ["SELECT, AS c_id, c.company_id AS comp_id,", "CONCAT(CASE WHEN c.isabsence THEN 'abscat_' ELSE 'order_' END, AS mapid,", "COALESCE(REPLACE (o.code, '~', ''),'') AS o_code_notilde, COALESCE(REPLACE (c.code, '~', ''),'') AS c_code_notilde,", "c.code AS c_code, AS c_name, c.identifier AS c_identifier, c.inactive AS c_inactive, c.isabsence AS c_isabsence,", "o.code AS o_code, AS o_name, o.identifier AS o_identifier, o.sequence AS o_sequence, o.inactive AS o_inactive,", "o.datefirst AS o_datefirst, o.datelast AS o_datelast,", "o.wagefactorcode_id AS wfc_onwd, o.wagefactoronsat_id AS wfc_onsat,", "o.wagefactoronsun_id AS wfc_onsun, o.wagefactoronph_id AS wfc_onph,", "wfc_onwd.code AS wfc_onwd_code, wfc_onsat.code AS wfc_onsat_code,", "wfc_onsun.code AS wfc_onsun_code, wfc_onph.code AS wfc_onph_code,", "wfc_onwd.wagerate AS wfc_onwd_rate, wfc_onsat.wagerate AS wfc_onsat_rate,", "wfc_onsun.wagerate AS wfc_onsun_rate, wfc_onph.wagerate AS wfc_onph_rate,", "o.nohoursonweekday AS o_nowd, o.nohoursonsaturday AS o_nosat,", "o.nohoursonsunday AS o_nosun, o.nohoursonpublicholiday AS o_noph", "FROM companies_order AS o", "INNER JOIN companies_customer AS c ON ( = o.customer_id)", "LEFT JOIN companies_wagecode AS wfc_onwd ON ( = o.wagefactorcode_id)", "LEFT JOIN companies_wagecode AS wfc_onsat ON ( = o.wagefactoronsat_id)", "LEFT JOIN companies_wagecode AS wfc_onsun ON ( = o.wagefactoronsun_id)", "LEFT JOIN companies_wagecode AS wfc_onph ON ( = o.wagefactoronph_id)", " WHERE c.company_id = %(compid)s::INT" ] if order_pk: sql_list.append('AND ( = %(oid)s)') sql_keys['oid'] = order_pk else: if is_absence: sql_list.append("AND c.isabsence") else: sql_list.append("AND NOT c.isabsence") if is_inactive is not None and not is_inactive: sql_list.append('AND NOT o.inactive') sql_list.append("ORDER BY LOWER(REPLACE (o.code, '~', ''))") sql = ' '.join(sql_list) newcursor = connection.cursor() newcursor.execute(sql, sql_keys) order_rows = f.dictfetchall(newcursor) return order_rows
def create_order_rows(request, order_pk=None, is_absence=None, is_template=None): # PR2021-11-09 logging_on = False # s.LOGGING_ON if logging_on: logger.debug(' --- create_order_rows --- ') logger.debug('order_pk: ' + str(order_pk)) logger.debug('is_absence: ' + str(is_absence)) logger.debug('is_template: ' + str(is_template)) # date filter not in use (yet) period_datefirst, period_datelast = None, None company_pk = sql_keys = {'compid': company_pk} sql_list = ["SELECT, AS c_id, c.company_id AS comp_id,", "CONCAT(CASE WHEN c.isabsence THEN 'abscat_' ELSE 'order_' END, AS mapid,", "COALESCE(REPLACE (o.code, '~', ''),'') AS o_code_notilde, COALESCE(REPLACE (c.code, '~', ''),'') AS c_code_notilde,", "COALESCE(CONCAT(REPLACE (c.code, '~', ''), ' - ', REPLACE (o.code, '~', '')),'') AS c_o_code,", "c.code AS c_code, AS c_name, c.identifier AS c_identifier,", "c.isabsence AS c_isabsence, c.istemplate AS c_istemplate, c.inactive AS c_inactive,", "o.code AS o_code, AS o_name, o.identifier AS o_identifier, o.sequence AS o_sequence,", "o.datefirst AS o_datefirst, o.datelast AS o_datelast, o.inactive AS o_inactive,", "o.wagefactorcode_id AS wfc_onwd, o.wagefactoronsat_id AS wfc_onsat,", "o.wagefactoronsun_id AS wfc_onsun, o.wagefactoronph_id AS wfc_onph,", "wfc_onwd.code AS wfc_onwd_code, wfc_onsat.code AS wfc_onsat_code,", "wfc_onsun.code AS wfc_onsun_code, wfc_onph.code AS wfc_onph_code,", "wfc_onwd.wagerate AS wfc_onwd_rate, wfc_onsat.wagerate AS wfc_onsat_rate,", "wfc_onsun.wagerate AS wfc_onsun_rate, wfc_onph.wagerate AS wfc_onph_rate,", "o.nohoursonweekday AS o_nowd, o.nohoursonsaturday AS o_nosat,", "o.nohoursonsunday AS o_nosun, o.nohoursonpublicholiday AS o_noph,", "o.modifiedat AS modat, COALESCE(SUBSTRING (au.username, 7), '') AS modby_usr", "FROM companies_order AS o", "INNER JOIN companies_customer AS c ON ( = o.customer_id)", "LEFT JOIN companies_wagecode AS wfc_onwd ON ( = o.wagefactorcode_id)", "LEFT JOIN companies_wagecode AS wfc_onsat ON ( = o.wagefactoronsat_id)", "LEFT JOIN companies_wagecode AS wfc_onsun ON ( = o.wagefactoronsun_id)", "LEFT JOIN companies_wagecode AS wfc_onph ON ( = o.wagefactoronph_id)", "LEFT JOIN accounts_user AS au ON ( = o.modifiedby_id)", " WHERE c.company_id = %(compid)s::INT" ] # +++ filter allowed orders when user has 'allowed_customers' or 'allowed_orders' # <PERMITS> PR2020-11-02 # # show only customers in request.user.allowed_customers or request.user.allowed_orders, show all when empty allowed_customers_list = request.user.allowed_customers allowed_orders_list = request.user.allowed_orders if allowed_customers_list or allowed_orders_list: if allowed_customers_list: if allowed_orders_list: sql_list.append( "AND ( o.customer_id IN ( SELECT UNNEST( %(cid_arr)s::INT[])) OR IN ( SELECT UNNEST( %(oid_arr)s::INT[] )))") sql_keys['cid_arr'] = allowed_customers_list sql_keys['oid_arr'] = allowed_orders_list else: sql_list.append("AND o.customer_id IN ( SELECT UNNEST( %(cid_arr)s::INT[]))") sql_keys['cid_arr'] = allowed_customers_list else: if allowed_orders_list: sql_list.append("AND IN ( SELECT UNNEST( %(oid_arr)s::INT[]))") sql_keys['oid_arr'] = allowed_orders_list if order_pk: sql_list.append("AND ( = %(oid)s)") sql_keys['oid'] = order_pk else: if period_datefirst: sql_list.append("AND (o.datelast >= CAST(%(rdf)s AS DATE) OR o.datelast IS NULL)") sql_keys['rdf'] = period_datefirst if period_datelast: sql_list.append("AND (o.datefirst <= CAST(%(rdl)s AS DATE) OR o.datefirst IS NULL)") sql_keys['rdl'] = period_datelast if is_absence is not None: if is_absence: sql_list.append("AND c.isabsence") else: sql_list.append("AND NOT c.isabsence") sql_keys['isabsence'] = is_absence if is_template is not None: if is_template: sql_list.append("AND c.istemplate") else: sql_list.append("AND NOT c.istemplate") sql_keys['istemplate'] = is_template sql_list.append("ORDER BY") sql = ' '.join(sql_list) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, sql_keys) order_rows = f.dictfetchall(cursor) if logging_on: for row in order_rows: logger.debug('order_rows: ' + str(row)) # if logging_on: #logger.debug(' ') #logger.debug('connection.queries:') #for query in connection.queries: # logger.debug(str(query)) return order_rows
def create_customer_rows(request, customer_pk=None, is_absence=None, is_template=None): # PR2021-03-21 PR2021-11-08 logging_on = False # s.LOGGING_ON if logging_on: logger.debug(' --- create_customer_rows --- ') logger.debug('customer_pk: ' + str(customer_pk)) logger.debug('is_absence: ' + str(is_absence)) logger.debug('is_template: ' + str(is_template)) sql_keys = {'compid':} sql_list = [ "SELECT, c.company_id AS comp_id,", "CONCAT('customer_', AS mapid,", "COALESCE(REPLACE (c.code, '~', ''),'') AS c_code_notilde,", "c.code,, c.identifier,", # "c.contactname, c.address, c.zipcode,,,, c.telephone,", "c.interval, c.invoicecode_id AS c_invc_id, ", "c.isabsence, c.istemplate, c.inactive,", "c.modifiedat AS modat, COALESCE(SUBSTRING (au.username, 7), '') AS modby_usr", "FROM companies_customer AS c", "LEFT JOIN accounts_user AS au ON ( = c.modifiedby_id)", "WHERE c.company_id = %(compid)s::INT", ] if customer_pk: sql_keys['cid'] = customer_pk sql_list.append('AND = %(cid)s::INT') else: if is_absence is not None: sql_keys['isabsence'] = is_absence if is_absence: sql_list.append('AND c.isabsence') else: sql_list.append('AND NOT c.isabsence') if is_template is not None: sql_keys['istemplate'] = is_template if is_template: sql_list.append('AND c.istemplate') else: sql_list.append('AND NOT c.istemplate') # +++ filter allowed customer when used has 'allowed_customers' # <PERMITS> PR2020-11-02 # show only customers in request.user.allowed_customers or request.user.allowed_orders, show all when empty # PR2020-11-03 debug: was: allowed_customers_list = request.user.allowed_customers # but adding pk's to allowed_customers_list also adds them to request.user.allowed_customers # this results in retrieving all orders from added customer_pk in create_order_rows # Solution: create new list of customer_pk's allowed_customers_list = [] if request.user.allowed_customers: for c_id in request.user.allowed_customers: allowed_customers_list.append(c_id) # no items are added to allowed_orders_list, therefore 'allowed_orders_list = request.user.allowed_orders' can be used allowed_orders_list = request.user.allowed_orders if allowed_customers_list or allowed_orders_list: # if allowed_orders exist: lookup their customers and add them to the list if allowed_orders_list: for order_pk in allowed_orders_list: order = m.Order.objects.get_or_none(pk=order_pk) if order: c_id = order.customer_id if c_id and c_id not in allowed_customers_list: allowed_customers_list.append(c_id) sql_list.append('AND IN ( SELECT UNNEST( %(cid_arr)s::INT[]))') sql_keys['cid_arr'] = allowed_customers_list sql_list.append('ORDER BY') sql = ' '.join(sql_list) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, sql_keys) customer_rows = f.dictfetchall(cursor) if logging_on: for row in customer_rows: logger.debug('customer_row: ' + str(row)) return customer_rows