Example #1
#Instantiate a model
model = Model(config)

"""Session time"""
sess = tf.Session() #Depending on your use, do not forget to close the session
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("/home/kyle/dvlp/ml/LSTM/log_tb", sess.graph)  #writer for Tensorboard

step = 0
cost_train_ma = -np.log(1/float(num_classes)+1e-9)  #Moving average training cost
acc_train_ma = 0.0
  for i in range(max_iterations):
    X_batch, y_batch = sample_batch(X_train,y_train,batch_size)

    #Next line does the actual training
    cost_train, acc_train,_ = sess.run([model.cost,model.accuracy, model.train_op],feed_dict = {model.input: X_batch,model.labels: y_batch,model.keep_prob:dropout})
    cost_train_ma = cost_train_ma*0.99 + cost_train*0.01
    acc_train_ma = acc_train_ma*0.99 + acc_train*0.01
    if i%100 == 0:
      #Evaluate training performance
      perf_collect[0,step] = cost_train
      perf_collect[1,step] = acc_train

      #Evaluate validation performance
      X_batch, y_batch = sample_batch(X_val,y_val,batch_size)
      cost_val, summ,acc_val = sess.run([model.cost,model.merged,model.accuracy],feed_dict = {model.input: X_batch, model.labels: y_batch, model.keep_prob:1.0})
      perf_collect[1,step] = cost_val
      perf_collect[2,step] = acc_val
Example #2
model_datapath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "lstm_model")
model_name = 'ckp'
dic = {}
ans = []
for i in range(101):
    dic[i] = 0
best = 0
while time < 50:

    cost_train_ma = -np.log(
        1 / float(num_classes) + 1e-9)  #Moving average training cost
    acc_train_ma = 0.0

    for i in range(max_iterations):
        X_batch, y_batch = sample_batch(X_train, y_train, batch_size)

        #Next line does the actual training
        cost_train, acc_train, _ = sess.run(
            [model.cost, model.accuracy, model.train_op],
                model.input: X_batch,
                model.labels: y_batch,
                model.keep_prob: dropout
        cost_train_ma = cost_train_ma * 0.99 + cost_train * 0.01
        acc_train_ma = acc_train_ma * 0.99 + acc_train * 0.01
        if i % 100 == 1:
            #Evaluate validation performance
            #X_batch, y_batch = X_test, y_test
            #cost_val, summ,acc_val = sess.run([model.cost,model.merged,model.accuracy],feed_dict = {model.input: X_batch, model.labels: y_batch, model.keep_prob:1.0})
Example #3
epochs = np.floor(batch_size*max_iterations / N)
print('Train %.0f samples in approximately %d epochs' %(N,epochs))

#Instantiate a model
model = Model(config)

"""Session time"""
sess = tf.Session() #Depending on your use, do not forget to close the session
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(summaries_dir, sess.graph)  #writer for Tensorboard

cost_train_ma = -np.log(1/float(num_classes)+1e-9)  #Moving average training cost
acc_train_ma = 0.0
  for i in range(max_iterations):
    X_batch, y_batch = sample_batch(X_train,y_train,batch_size)

    #Next line does the actual training
    cost_train, acc_train,_ = sess.run([model.cost,model.accuracy, model.train_op],feed_dict = {model.input: X_batch,model.labels: y_batch,model.keep_prob:dropout})
    cost_train_ma = cost_train_ma*0.99 + cost_train*0.01
    acc_train_ma = acc_train_ma*0.99 + acc_train*0.01
    if i%100 == 1:
    #Evaluate validation performance
      X_batch, y_batch = sample_batch(X_val,y_val,batch_size)
      cost_val, summ,acc_val = sess.run([model.cost,model.merged,model.accuracy],feed_dict = {model.input: X_batch, model.labels: y_batch, model.keep_prob:1.0})
      print('At %5.0f/%5.0f: COST %5.3f/%5.3f(%5.3f) -- Acc %5.3f/%5.3f(%5.3f)' %(i,max_iterations,cost_train,cost_val,cost_train_ma,acc_train,acc_val,acc_train_ma))
      #Write information to TensorBoard
      writer.add_summary(summ, i)
except KeyboardInterrupt: