Example #1
    def test_report_6d(self):
        """0x6d - All-In-View Satellite Selection report"""

        while True:
            packet = self.gps.read()

            if packet.code == 0x6d:
                assert len(packet) == 6

                assert isinstance(packet[0], IntType)
                assert isinstance(packet[1], FloatType)
                assert isinstance(packet[2], FloatType)
                assert isinstance(packet[3], FloatType)
                assert isinstance(packet[4], FloatType)
                assert isinstance(packet[5], ListType)

                assert b012(packet[0]) in [3, 4]
                assert b3(packet[0]) in [0, 1]
                assert 0 <= b4567(packet[0]) <= 12
                assert len(packet[5]) == b4567(packet[0])

                for prn in packet[5]:
                    assert isinstance(prn, IntType)
                    assert 0 <= prn <= 40
                assert packet.dimension in [3, 4]
                assert packet.auto_manual in [0, 1]
                assert (packet.auto_manual == 0 and packet.is_auto is True) or (packet.auto_manual == 1 and packet.is_manual is True)
                assert (packet.auto_manual == 0 and packet.is_manual is False) or (packet.auto_manual == 1 and packet.is_auto is False)
                assert packet.nsv == len(packet[5])

Example #2
    def values(self):
        (byte0, pdop, hdop, vdop, tdop) = struct.unpack(self._format, self.data[0:17])

        #dimension = b012(byte0)
        #auto = b3(byte0)
        nsv = b4567(byte0)

        prn = []
        for i in xrange(0, nsv):
            prn.append(struct.unpack('>B', self.data[17+i])[0])

        return [byte0, pdop, hdop, vdop, tdop, prn]
Example #3
 def test_b4567(self):
     assert b4567(0b00000000) == 0
     assert b4567(0b00010000) == 1
     assert b4567(0b00100000) == 2
     assert b4567(0b00110000) == 3
     assert b4567(0b01000000) == 4
     assert b4567(0b01010000) == 5
     assert b4567(0b01100000) == 6
     assert b4567(0b01110000) == 7
     assert b4567(0b10000000) == 8
     assert b4567(0b10010000) == 9
     assert b4567(0b10100000) == 10
     assert b4567(0b10110000) == 11
     assert b4567(0b11000000) == 12
     assert b4567(0b11010000) == 13
     assert b4567(0b11100000) == 14
     assert b4567(0b11110000) == 15
     assert b4567(0b00001111) == 0