def _bind_mc(self, filespace, highlevel, lowlevel): """ The dsmBindMC function call associates, or binds, a management class to the passed object. The object is passed through the Include-Exclude list that is pointed to in the options file. If a match is not found in the Include list for a specific management class, the default management class is assigned. The Exclude list can prevent objects from a backup but not from an archive. :param filespace: The filespace name associated for this object :param highlevel: The highlevel name associated for this object :param lowlevel: The lowlevel name associated for this object """ assert filespace is not None assert highlevel is not None assert lowlevel is not None dsm_obj_name = dsmObjName() dsm_obj_name.fs = str_to_bytes(filespace) dsm_obj_name.hl = str_to_bytes(highlevel) dsm_obj_name.ll = str_to_bytes(lowlevel) dsm_obj_name.objType = DSM_OBJ_FILE mc_bind_key = mcBindKey() mc_bind_key.stVersion = mcBindKeyVersion self.method_proxy.dsmBindMC.errcheck = self.log_dsm_rc_msg() rc = self.method_proxy.dsmBindMC(self.dsm_handle, ctypes.byref(dsm_obj_name), dsmSendTypeEnum.stArchive, ctypes.byref(mc_bind_key)) self._raise_err_on_rc(rc) return dsm_obj_name
def _register_fs(self, fs_name, fs_type, fs_info): """ The dsmRegisterFS function call registers a new file space with the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Register a file space first before you can back up any data to it. :param fs_name: Filespace name to create :param fs_type: Filespace type: eg. UNIX :param fs_info: Descriptive info data """ assert fs_name is not None assert fs_type is not None assert fs_info is not None dsm_reg_fs_data = regFSData() dsm_reg_fs_data.stVersion = regFSDataVersion dsm_reg_fs_data.fsName = str_to_bytes(fs_name) dsm_reg_fs_data.fsType = str_to_bytes(fs_type) dsm_reg_fs_data.fsAttr.unixFSAttr.fsInfo = str_to_bytes(fs_info) dsm_reg_fs_data.fsAttr.unixFSAttr.fsInfoLength = len( dsm_reg_fs_data.fsAttr.unixFSAttr.fsInfo) self.method_proxy.dsmRegisterFS.errcheck = self.log_dsm_rc_msg() rc = self.method_proxy.dsmRegisterFS(self.dsm_handle, dsm_reg_fs_data) if rc == DSM_RC_FS_ALREADY_REGED:'filespace: {0} is already registered'.format(fs_name)) else: self._raise_err_on_rc(rc)
def log(self, msg: str, app_msg_id: str = '', app_name: str = '', severity: int = dsmLogSeverityEnum.logSevInfo, log_type: int = dsmLogTypeEnum.logServer): """ The dsmLogEventEx function call logs a user message to the server log file, to the local error log, or to both. This call must be performed while at InSession state inside a session. Do not perform it within a send, get, or query. See Figure 20. The severity determines the Tivoli Storage Manager message number. To view messages that are logged on the server, use the query actlog command through the Administrative Client. Use the Tivoli Storage Manager client option, errorlogretention, to prune the client error log file if the application generates numerous client messages written to the client log (dsmLogType either logLocal or logBoth). Refer to the Tivoli Storage Manager Administrator's Reference for more information. :param msg: This parameter is the text of the event message to log. This must be a null-ended string. The maximum length is DSM_MAX_RC_MSG_LENGTH :param app_msg_id: This parameter is a string to identify the specific application message. The format we recommend is three characters that are followed by four numbers. For example DSM0250 :param app_name: :param severity: This parameter is the event severity. The possible values are: logSevInfo, /* information ANE4990 */ logSevWarning, /* warning ANE4991 */ logSevError, /* Error ANE4992 */ logSevSevere /* severe ANE4993 */ :param log_type: This parameter specifies where to direct the event. The possible values include: logServer, logLocal, or logBoth. :return: """ assert msg is not None self.connect() dsm_log_ex_in = dsmLogExIn_t() dsm_log_ex_in.stVersion = dsmLogExInVersion dsm_log_ex_in.severity = severity dsm_log_ex_in.appMsgID = str_to_bytes(app_msg_id) dsm_log_ex_in.logType = log_type dsm_log_ex_in.appName = str_to_bytes(app_name) dsm_log_ex_in.message = str_to_bytes(msg) dsm_log_ex_out = dsmLogExOut_t() rc = self.method_proxy.dsmLogEventEx(self.dsm_handle, ctypes.byref(dsm_log_ex_in), ctypes.byref(dsm_log_ex_out)) self._raise_err_on_rc(rc)
def _begin_query(self, filespace, highlevel, lowlevel): """ The dsmBeginQuery function call starts a query request to the server for information about one of the following items: Archived data Backed-up data Active backed-up data File spaces Management classes. :param filespace: The filespace name associated for this object :param highlevel: The highlevel name associated for this object :param lowlevel: The lowlevel name associated for this object """ assert filespace is not None assert highlevel is not None assert lowlevel is not None obj_name = dsmObjName() obj_name.fs = str_to_bytes(filespace) obj_name.hl = str_to_bytes(highlevel) obj_name.ll = str_to_bytes(lowlevel) obj_name.objType = DSM_OBJ_FILE archive_data = qryArchiveData() archive_data.stVersion = qryArchiveDataVersion archive_data.objName = ctypes.pointer(obj_name) archive_data.insDateLowerBound.year = DATE_MINUS_INFINITE archive_data.insDateUpperBound.year = DATE_PLUS_INFINITE archive_data.expDateLowerBound.year = DATE_MINUS_INFINITE archive_data.expDateUpperBound.year = DATE_PLUS_INFINITE archive_data_p = ctypes.pointer(archive_data) 'querying for DSM_OBJ_FILE, DATE_MINUS_INFINITE - DATE_PLUS_INFINITE: fs={0}, hl={1}, ' 'll={2}...'.format(filespace, highlevel, lowlevel)) self.method_proxy.dsmBeginQuery.errcheck = self.log_dsm_rc_msg() rc = self.method_proxy.dsmBeginQuery(self.dsm_handle, dsmQueryTypeEnum.qtArchive, archive_data_p) self._raise_err_on_rc(rc)
def _init_session(self): """ Starts an API session using the additional parameters that permit extended verification. """ api_appl_ver = dsmApiVersionEx() api_appl_ver.stVersion = apiVersionExVer api_appl_ver.version = DSM_API_VERSION api_appl_ver.release = DSM_API_RELEASE api_appl_ver.level = DSM_API_LEVEL api_appl_ver.subLevel = DSM_API_SUBLEVEL api_appl_ver_p = ctypes.pointer(api_appl_ver) app_ver = dsmAppVersion() app_ver.applicationVersion = DSM_API_VERSION app_ver.applicationRelease = DSM_API_RELEASE app_ver.applicationLevel = DSM_API_LEVEL app_ver.applicationSubLevel = DSM_API_SUBLEVEL init_in = dsmInitExIn_t() init_in.stVersion = dsmInitExInVersion init_in.apiVersionExP = api_appl_ver_p # Es wird die dsm.sys verwendet, gesetzt durch env variablen DSM_DIR usw. # initIn.clientNodeNameP = '' # initIn.clientOwnerNameP = '' # initIn.clientPasswordP = '' init_in.applicationTypeP = str_to_bytes(self.filespace_type) # init_in.configfile = '' # initIn.options = '' # initIn.userNameP = '' # initIn.userPasswordP = '' # initIn.dirDelimiter = '\0' # initIn.useUnicode = dsmFalse # initIn.bEncryptKeyEnabled = dsmFalse # initIn.encryptionPasswordP = '' # initIn.appVersionP = appVer initout = dsmInitExOut_t() initout.stVersion = dsmInitExOutVersion local_handle = dsUint32_t() self.method_proxy.dsmInitEx.errcheck = self.log_dsm_rc_msg() rc = self.method_proxy.dsmInitEx(ctypes.byref(local_handle), ctypes.byref(init_in), ctypes.byref(initout)) self._raise_err_on_rc(rc)'dsmInitEx') 'Connected to server: {server}, ver/rel/lev {ver}/{rel}/{lev}'. format(server=initout.adsmServerName, ver=initout.serverVer, rel=initout.serverRel, lev=initout.serverLev)) return local_handle
def _begin_query(self, filespace, highlevel, lowlevel): """ The dsmBeginQuery function call starts a query request to the server for information about one of the following items: Archived data Backed-up data Active backed-up data File spaces Management classes. :param filespace: The filespace name associated for this object :param highlevel: The highlevel name associated for this object :param lowlevel: The lowlevel name associated for this object """ assert filespace is not None assert highlevel is not None assert lowlevel is not None obj_name = dsmObjName() obj_name.fs = str_to_bytes(filespace) obj_name.hl = str_to_bytes(highlevel) obj_name.ll = str_to_bytes(lowlevel) obj_name.objType = DSM_OBJ_FILE archive_data = qryArchiveData() archive_data.stVersion = qryArchiveDataVersion archive_data.objName = ctypes.pointer(obj_name) archive_data.insDateLowerBound.year = DATE_MINUS_INFINITE archive_data.insDateUpperBound.year = DATE_PLUS_INFINITE archive_data.expDateLowerBound.year = DATE_MINUS_INFINITE archive_data.expDateUpperBound.year = DATE_PLUS_INFINITE archive_data_p = ctypes.pointer(archive_data)'querying for DSM_OBJ_FILE, DATE_MINUS_INFINITE - DATE_PLUS_INFINITE: fs={0}, hl={1}, ' 'll={2}...'.format(filespace, highlevel, lowlevel)) self.method_proxy.dsmBeginQuery.errcheck = self.log_dsm_rc_msg() rc = self.method_proxy.dsmBeginQuery(self.dsm_handle, dsmQueryTypeEnum.qtArchive, archive_data_p) self._raise_err_on_rc(rc)
def _init_session(self): """ Starts an API session using the additional parameters that permit extended verification. """ api_appl_ver = dsmApiVersionEx() api_appl_ver.stVersion = apiVersionExVer api_appl_ver.version = DSM_API_VERSION api_appl_ver.release = DSM_API_RELEASE api_appl_ver.level = DSM_API_LEVEL api_appl_ver.subLevel = DSM_API_SUBLEVEL api_appl_ver_p = ctypes.pointer(api_appl_ver) app_ver = dsmAppVersion() app_ver.applicationVersion = DSM_API_VERSION app_ver.applicationRelease = DSM_API_RELEASE app_ver.applicationLevel = DSM_API_LEVEL app_ver.applicationSubLevel = DSM_API_SUBLEVEL init_in = dsmInitExIn_t() init_in.stVersion = dsmInitExInVersion init_in.apiVersionExP = api_appl_ver_p # Es wird die dsm.sys verwendet, gesetzt durch env variablen DSM_DIR usw. # initIn.clientNodeNameP = '' # initIn.clientOwnerNameP = '' # initIn.clientPasswordP = '' init_in.applicationTypeP = str_to_bytes(self.filespace_type) # init_in.configfile = '' # initIn.options = '' # initIn.userNameP = '' # initIn.userPasswordP = '' # initIn.dirDelimiter = '\0' # initIn.useUnicode = dsmFalse # initIn.bEncryptKeyEnabled = dsmFalse # initIn.encryptionPasswordP = '' # initIn.appVersionP = appVer initout = dsmInitExOut_t() initout.stVersion = dsmInitExOutVersion local_handle = dsUint32_t() self.method_proxy.dsmInitEx.errcheck = self.log_dsm_rc_msg() rc = self.method_proxy.dsmInitEx(ctypes.byref(local_handle), ctypes.byref(init_in), ctypes.byref(initout)) self._raise_err_on_rc(rc)'dsmInitEx') 'Connected to server: {server}, ver/rel/lev {ver}/{rel}/{lev}'.format(server=initout.adsmServerName, ver=initout.serverVer, rel=initout.serverRel, lev=initout.serverLev)) return local_handle
def _register_fs(self, fs_name, fs_type, fs_info): """ The dsmRegisterFS function call registers a new file space with the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Register a file space first before you can back up any data to it. :param fs_name: Filespace name to create :param fs_type: Filespace type: eg. UNIX :param fs_info: Descriptive info data """ assert fs_name is not None assert fs_type is not None assert fs_info is not None dsm_reg_fs_data = regFSData() dsm_reg_fs_data.stVersion = regFSDataVersion dsm_reg_fs_data.fsName = str_to_bytes(fs_name) dsm_reg_fs_data.fsType = str_to_bytes(fs_type) dsm_reg_fs_data.fsAttr.unixFSAttr.fsInfo = str_to_bytes(fs_info) dsm_reg_fs_data.fsAttr.unixFSAttr.fsInfoLength = len(dsm_reg_fs_data.fsAttr.unixFSAttr.fsInfo) self.method_proxy.dsmRegisterFS.errcheck = self.log_dsm_rc_msg() rc = self.method_proxy.dsmRegisterFS(self.dsm_handle, dsm_reg_fs_data) if rc == DSM_RC_FS_ALREADY_REGED:'filespace: {0} is already registered'.format(fs_name)) else: self._raise_err_on_rc(rc)
def _send_obj(self, dsm_obj_name, filename): """ The dsmSendObj function call starts a request to send a single object to storage. +Multiple dsmSendObj calls and associated dsmSendData calls can be made within the bounds of a transaction for performance reasons. :param dsm_obj_name: Object returned from bind_mc function :param filename: The file to be sent """ assert dsm_obj_name is not None assert os.path.exists(filename) obj_attr = ObjAttr() obj_attr.stVersion = ObjAttrVersion size = os.path.getsize(filename) if size == 0: raise TSMError('size of: {0} is 0 bytes.'.format(filename), rc=None) hi, lo = convert_size_to_hi_lo(size)'obj size={0} => hi={1}, low={2}'.format(size, hi, lo)) obj_attr.sizeEstimate.hi = hi obj_attr.sizeEstimate.lo = lo obj_attr.objCompressed = dsmFalse obj_attr.objInfoLength = 17 # todo obj_attr.objInfo = str_to_bytes('test-api-objinfo') snd_arch_data = sndArchiveData() snd_arch_data.stVersion = sndArchiveDataVersion data_blk = DataBlk() data_blk.stVersion = DataBlkVersion self.method_proxy.dsmSendObj.errcheck = self.log_dsm_rc_msg() rc = self.method_proxy.dsmSendObj(self.dsm_handle, dsmSendTypeEnum.stArchive, ctypes.byref(snd_arch_data), ctypes.byref(dsm_obj_name), ctypes.byref(obj_attr), ctypes.byref(data_blk)) if rc == DSM_RC_WILL_ABORT: self._end_send_obj() self._end_tx() else: self._raise_err_on_rc(rc)